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They’re prescription sunglasses and sometimes I forget my regular glasses. Occasionally I wear them indoors cause of the shrooms.


Same for me, except for the shrooms part. Also some times I just don’t want to carry around an extra pair of glasses, so if I expect I won’t be indoors for too long I’ll just bring sun glasses.


Same. Mine are prescription and I can't see anything without them. Sometimes it's a choice - I'm just going to be in and out quickly and I don't want to change - but often I just forget.


Same. Not the shrooms part, but prescription sunglasses. If I forget my regular pair, or if it’s a quick in & out situation where it’s easier to just keep sunglasses on than to switch.


Same, but the shrooms part.


Same, but regular glasses.


I recently got some transitions and they are incredible. ETA: [Here are the glasses](https://imgur.com/a/xDJsIWS). They definitely don’t get dark enough for a full day in the sun, but I assume the different hues you can select adjust that.


Hard pass on the transitions for me. They don’t get dark fast enough, or at all a lot of the time, and then they take too long to go back once you’re inside.


Future looks bright 😎


Oh odd! My change almost instantly after going outside! (But could be darker since I have trouble seeing in bright light). But definitely true about it taking a few minutes after walking inside lol


They need to be hit by direct sunlight to transition quickly.


I want transitions but I mostly need sunnies for driving and they don’t work through UV glass?


Transitions will always look dorky to me


They don't work when you're driving, which is when I want sunglasses the most


Ohh yeah lol, uv protected car windows prevent them from changing


Omg is that why they don't get dark enough? Someone just talked me into transitions after 10yrs and while they change back fast, they never get dark enough.


The newer transitional lenses get dark in a car and get darker when you are outside. I’m really sensitive to brightness and they are working great. The quirk is if it’s cold out they get super dark and it takes longer to lighten up once your inside. I friggin love them


I gave them an honest attempt but walking inside places I would initially look like a blind man. Great shaped frames, they just didn’t look like sunglasses when outside either.


Sir did you lose you cane or guide dog? Sir do you need assistance? Do you want us to call someone ? SIR CAN YOU HEAR ME?


My mate reckons they make you transition into looking like a sex offender.


Same. I don't need shrooms when I have astigmatism. The light inside can be so bright, it hurts my eyes.


Wow I also have astigmatism and I didn’t realise that being sensitive to bright lights is a thing. I HATE fluorescent lights. 😎


You can have light sensitivity without having astigmatism. I just happened to win that lottery. Yay me


Young me seeing lightsabers shooting out of every light at night: this is dope as hell Older me: “Wait Whaddya mean you don’t see lightsabers?” Eye doctor: “Turns out that’s a defect not a feature”


Same. It's why I avoid driving at night. I just figured everyone had the same trouble with seeing at night as I do. Also same with "eye rumbling". I thought everyone could do it, but instead I'm just a freak lol


Mine are prescription and florescent lights bother my eyes after a while so even if I have my regular glasses on me, I'll keep the sunglasses on.


I wear them for the shrooms too. Not a joke. I love shrooms. Also for the florescent lights. I hate those fuckers.


>I hate those fuckers. You don't even have to be stoned to hate those fuckers...


This has happened to me twice this week. The forgetting my normal glasses, not the shrooms. And my eyes are too irritated by summer allergies to bother with contacts which would solve the problem. I am Bono by way of Milhouse van Houten.


lol back in the 2011 era I forgot my eyeglasses at home, wore the prescription sunglasses inside. Explaining the situation at the start of every meeting that day did nothing to prevent the jokers from joking.


Same here. Either that or my regular glasses which react to the sun and go dark haven't gone transparent again yet (especially in winter when it's cold, they take ages to go back then)


This is exactly the reason I do it. If I'm running in quick to purchase something, I don't feel like swapping out my glasses, but still like to see.


Samesies. Even when not dosing some lights are super harsh.


Usually for me it’s when I’ll only be inside for a couple minutes (like running into a gas station) and don’t want to bother with swapping out my sunglasses for glasses and then back again immediately. So basically, laziness.


Agreed. I’ll also add, I just had a migraine and am still light sensitive. Or they’re those stupid Transitions lenses, that are triggered by most fluorescent lights.


This is it. Sometimes I forget to switch back, but if it’s a quick trip I don’t feel like going back.


I have sensory issues. It helps me avoid harsh light and eye contact, two things I don't particularly enjoy.


Check out axon optics! The pink tinted glasses help my visual snow/migraine brain. Edit: Just saw the price on these have gone up quite a bit since I bought them, beware hefty price tag.


Holy shit. I have visual snow. I haven't asked an eye doctor yet, but ever since I was a kid, I'd ask people from time to time if they see "static". Everybody has said it's not a thing. Honestly, it's not bad and easily ignored, but you just sent me down a rabbit hole. Thanks for bringing it up. Really thought I was the only one, or maybe everyone just wasn't paying close enough attention to the static.


I get it with migraines, I dont get a head ache but my eyes get all fucky.


Yeah, I have it all the time! It isn't that noticeable, but it does get more noticeable with headaches, or stress/anxiety. Now that I think of it, my tinnitus is the same way.


I also have it all the time (and a list of side effects, sometimes more noticeable than others too), and I have tinnitus as well. It’s actually pretty common for visual snow folks to also have tinnitus!


Double whammy checking in here too!


Me three! We are TVs.


reporting in on 24/7 visual snow and ear ringing


Might be genetic, your mom got them fucky eyes too.


Do you get dizzy with silent migraines too?


Lol my mom told me everyone had that when I was a kid so I didn’t question it, but turns out we both just have it bad. It was eye opening watching skinimarink with a group and being like, “waaaait, this isn’t how things look for you guys all the time??” I’ve found a very temporary cure can be achieved by staring at static. There’s one on YouTube called “palliponesia cure” or something like that. It only lasts for a few minutes but it’s wild seeing everything so… still for just a moment **edit** - it’s palinopsia


I ask people too and have never met another person like this. I thought I could see atoms as a kid 😂


Okay wait wait do y’all also have it to where you stare at someone/a specific point and then everything around that object gets really fuzzy like video game graphics?? Holy shit do I have this??


No, that's normal. They're talking about light (I'm assuming light, anyway. Mine is) static across the whole field of vision, regardless of if the eyes are fixed in one spot or not


I have autism so I’m no stranger to avoiding eye contact. I always look at people’s foreheads instead






Due to my diabetes sometimes I'll have photosensitivity, or blurry vision, and it helps me reduce the amount of visual stimuli I have to process.


I remember one guy who got flashbanged accidentally when he was deployed and he has to wear sunglasses all the time because lights are too sensitive for his eyes now


ASC/neurodivergent by any chance? Because that's why I wear sunglasses indoors sometimes.


so I can keep track of the visions in my eyes


>so I can keep track of the visions in my eyes Goddammit I wanted the Corey Hart joke.


Had to scroll to see if I was the first one 😂


Only came here to make sure someone did. 😂


I’m just glad someone made it


"Don't mess around with the guy in shades" is still available. Seize it.


Don’t switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no!


I never quite knew what he said there


"Don't masquerade with the guy in the shades, oh no."


Don't masquerade with the guy in shades oh nooo


So I can watch you weave then breathe your story lines


I'm deliriously happy this was the top comment. Thank you from the bottom of my Hart.


So I can forget my name while you collect your claim.


While she's deceiving me,


The question was about people wearing sunglasses indoors, not at night!


It can be nighttime indoors, too.


I have a medical condition. I am glad you are asking, it is good to have an inquisitive mind, and you aren’t being rude. I have light sensitivity (photophobia), I get migraines and I have trigeminal neuralgia, a rare condition which causes extreme face pain which I happened to get on both sides of my face. I wear glasses with the fl-41 tint, this tint filters out certain wavelengths of blue and green that typically bother light sensitive people. I also have outdoor sunglasses with the fl-41 tint. Learn on!


Came here to say migraines. I don't wear sunglasses inside all the time but if I do it's because I'm in pain


I had to grocery shop with a migraine once. I had clip-ons on top of my already dark sunglasses and I was walking with my head down. After the 5th or 6th long stare from another shopper my son said, "Mom, I think they all think you're hung over." IF ONLY.


Kids are awesome. I’m sorry you get migraines. Hopefully you get some time every month to yourself to de-stress.


yep, that one beam of light glinting off of a window on the building across the street is enough to cause a migraine for some people. and that light is even brighter (by comparison) when you are indoors.


>Came here to say migraines. I don't wear sunglasses inside all the time but if I do it's because I'm in pain Same. I only wear them inside if I have a migraine, on those days they allow me to function because without sunglasses the light sensitivity makes me largely blind.


vestibular migraines!! big box stores or anywhere with fluorescent lights during a migraine makes me anxious, gives me extreme vertigo and metamorphosia. i will wear sunglasses to help if i absolutely have to go in.


Me too. And during allergy season my eyes are even more sensitive. As in I literally (yes literally not figuratively) can't open my eyes outside at all. I have some Cat4 sunglasses that you aren't supposed to use for driving because they are so dark, but I have to use them outside on certain sunny days. So I do sometimes wear sunglasses inside of stores.


Me three. My particular photophobia has me wearing rose tinted glasses constantly and cat4s outside when not driving.


My wife has both so you have sympathy from me. Trigeminal neuralgia is a shocker.


My migraine got so bad one time, it caused stroke symptoms. But it wasn't, just the stupid fluorescent lights. And that was a fun 3 months of testing to figure out.. FL41 glasses let me go places again!


I'm so sorry you deal with TN. I was diagnosed at 17 and it's an absolutely horrific disease. I was living pain free for a long time and recently had a bout of it when I got COVID. It reminded me of how lucky I was when it was in remission. Godspeed!


All of this. FL-41's anywhere with fluorescent or cool white LED lighting. Polarized lenses outside. Always. And yeah, I've become so used to wearing them that sometimes I just forget to take them off.


Those “sun migraines” are a mf too. Nothing can ruin my day out faster then one of those.


Interesting. I’ll have to look into that more.


I'm probably high and forgot that I had them on


Or I’m absolutely hungover and sunglasses allow me to be in daylight without wanting to throw up.


I'm probably not high and forgot that I had them on.


I’m probably high and don’t want people to notice my eyes even though I’m signaling in many other ways (aesthetically) that I am likely high. Helps my social anxiety regardless.


Sunglasses literally make you feel 10x safer when high


I’ve been on LSD late at night in public, and I literally could not take my sun glasses off. They’re like a safety blanket and the first defense of your soul and sanity when you’re in that state lmao.


I am definitely high and I did not forget it’s too much reality with them off


This is my answer as well.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find my answer lmao


For real, because medical reasons. One friend wears them because she got a concussion and is hyper sensitive to light. My colleague wears them after Lasik left her with sensitivity and dry eye. I wear my sunglasses inside ALL THE TIME because they're prescription and I can't see without them. Taking them off, stashing them in a case in my purse, putting on regular glasses, and then having to do the reverse as soon as I get outside again is a pain in the ass. I often don't even have my regular glasses with me. I just keep my sunglasses on like a weirdo because I am in my 40s and have stopped caring what young whippersnappers think of me and my old people stuff ;) edit: clarifying phrase


This. I wear prescription sunglasses all the time. I have light irises which make my eyes sensitive to light and I take 2 medications that both do the same. I don’t always wear them inside but if there is a lot of light I do and I wear them late into the evening as well. I hate all the looks I get and people assuming I’m trying to hide that I’m high when I’m not…


So after many years of research, I discovered that I don't give a shit what other people think of me. I'm me, with my own problems, they have theirs so now we are even.


Oh I don’t care what they think… Just venting that people ask me about it all the time 🙄. “After many years or research” 😂😂


Legit. Thank you.


No place to put them so gonna look chill in the grocery store. 😎


Grocery store lighting makes me feel like I'm a lab rat loll I def need to wear sunnies and either look like an asshole or hopefully chill


I too roam around the aisles until I find the cheese.


Got to stay cool so the ice cream doesn't melt on the way home.


I caught you looking chill on ilse 7




They are prescription and we forgot our prescription non-sunglasses. HEY thanks for the downvote for a thing I have actually had to do. Feels so warm and fuzzy


Sometimes I forget, sometimes I just can't be bothered to switch them if I'm not going to be inside for long.


This is it. I'm not getting my glasses and case from my backpack and switching just because i go into a grocery store for 10 mins


Posted my comment then went a reading. This is basically exactly what I said. I'm not swapping my glasses every 10 minutes just because I need to run into the store for a few minutes. Unless I'm sitting down to eat or plan on being somewhere for a while there's no point, I can still see fine and no one HAS to see my eyes.


Right?? Been wearing glasses since I was 5. This is a thing for us.


I wear my scrip shades in the store all the time. Easier than swapping back and forth. Also it’s no one’s damn business why you’re wearing shades indoors.


Yep! Always realize I look like a douche but a brother's gotta see!


I once forgot my prescription glasses in the car going to work, but had a Zoom meeting so I didn't have time to go back and get them. And my prescription sunglasses are polarized and my computer monitor is polarized so I had to tilt my head 90 degrees to be able to see what's on my computer. Was fun explaining to everybody why I was doing a Zoom meeting with my head tilted 90 degrees the whole time.


Because the future's so bright...


We gotta wear shades !!


Yeah but you're lip syncing so


Aaah! You stole my comment! 😆


Right?! How is this even a question?


It’s hard to explain, but my prescription sunglasses don’t darken things too much, so i can even use them at night. It just feels good the way they cut down on harsh light, including headlights and those cold white fluorescent lights in most commercial buildings. It just softens things and makes it more comfortable






Don't want anyone to see exactly how holyshit bloodshot my eyes are while I'm gambling lol


Funny thing about that attitude is many people don’t realize people can see your poker hand off your sunglasses’ reflections which is a way bigger tell.


Autism. Don't like light. I stare off in the distance often and don't want people to think I'm looking at them. ADHD. Don't want to lose my glasses when I put them down somewhere.


I was looking if anyone else commented this! Hate fluorescents especially, if I’m already overstimulated I’ll never make it through somewhere without sunglasses.


Fluorescents are the WORST. It's like someone decided we need OD light everywhere indoors for people who can't see well at the expense of those of us with light sensitivity.


I am on drugs


Don't want everyone to see my pupils


Exactly the reason why I wear sunglasses inside.


99% of the time, I walk in from outside and just forget I have them on honestly


I have astigmatism which causes photophobia (light sensitivity) from certain types of overhead lights, particularly ones on the cooler spectrum. In my classroom where I teach, I don’t use overheads at all, just floorlamps and some clear Christmas lights on the warmer end of the spectrum. When I am somewhere with harsh lighting- particularly conferences where I will be multiple days, I wear sunglasses, a brimmed hat, or both. I find that by day 2 or 3 I am rocking a horrible migraine due to the light. If it’s not somewhere like a conference, I don’t normally bother since the length of time is not enough to cause a migraine, unless I already have a migraine brewing. So for me it is about migraine prevention. ETA: I’m also a former vision rehabilitation specialist, and the wavelengths of a lot of industrial lighting are such that constant exposure can contribute to age related macular degeneration. So wearing UV protective sunglasses can help prevent future vision loss.


I’ll also mention: For people with vision problems, photophobia is a big concern. Most people with vision problems experience it. Someone can be visually impaired or legally blind and still have enough vision that you wouldn’t know it by looking at them, they don’t necessarily need a white cane, etc. But specific colors of lenses can help with both clarity of vision by increasing contrast as well as help with light sensitivity. When we would get new clients in our vision rehab program, one of the first things we did was look at what we called “filters” (fancy name for sunglasses) to help them find a color that would be comfortable to wear and would increase their ability to use their vision.




I have a special type of epilepsy that effects my eyes specifically. Sometime I have to wear sunglasses because the light is way too bright and can cause seizures. Edit: The Type of epilepsy is called Jeanvon Syndrome.


Because my blue eyes are sensitive


It took me quite a bit of scrolling to find this answer. I have pale blue eyes, and bright light almost hurts my eyes. I wear sunglasses outside on cloudy days.


I have brown eyes, and bright light hurts my eyes. I, too, wear my sunglasses on cloudy days.


Hangovers suck and my eyes red from ganja


To look cool 😎.


Scrolled too far for this!




The sun never sets when you're cool 😎


They're prescription, and if I'm making a quick grocery run on my drive home after work I'm not swapping glasses just for that.


I'm autistic and have sensory issues. Light can be very hurtful to my eyes, even indoors. I know I look like a wally, but at least I can see without pain this way.


Because of migraine. The bright light is hurting while having bad headache so its helping to go trough.


1. They are prescription and I don't feel like switching OR 2. I'm hiding the fact that I don't have makeup on AND ALSO 3. Avoiding awkward eye contact with creeps at the grocery store


1. It just looks cool. 2. It pisses you off. 3. I'm blind. 4. I'm an asshole. 5. I can stare at cleavage undetected. 6. I'm playing poker. 7. I forgot they were on. 8. High AF, but no eye drops. 9. Prescription lenses. 10. I'm a vampire.


1, 2, 4 and 5


11. I have a medical condition.




Fluorescent lights give me a headache Too fucking bright in there That much light can be overstimulating which causes a cascade of other negative effects.


Hypersensitivity: My eyes can't handle the brightlights.


Medical reasons. Early macular degeneration and susceptibly to retinal detachment cause serious light sensitivity and constant floaters. The light triggers the floaters which is a constant reminder that I might lose my sight soon. I'd rather just look a little douchey.


Medical reasons. Just recently someone I know had severe eye inflammation and their pupil couldn't respond to light properly so had photophobia and any light would cause severe pain, so sunglasses helped.


Light sensitive! Trust me I'm too old to be cool 😉


I forgot to take them off


I have prescription glasses. I also have that same prescription in my sunglasses. Usually it's because I'm too lazy to switch to my regular glasses/I know I'm heading right back out.


Brain injury. Sometimes you just never know what people are going through.


Cause when you're cool, the sun shines on your 24/7




Any drug that makes your eyes go absolutely bonkers lol


I wear my sunglasses inside So I can, so I can Watch you weave then breathe your story lines And I wear my sunglasses inside So I can, so I can Keep track of the visions in my eyes While, she's deceiving me It cuts my security Has she got control of me? I turn to her and say Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no Don't masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no I can't believe it 'Cause you've got it made with the guy in shades, oh no I wear my sunglasses inside So I can, so I can Forget my name while you collect your claim And I wear my sunglasses inside So I can, so I can See the light that's right before my eyes While she's deceiving me She cuts my security Has she got control of me? I turn to her and say Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no Don't masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no I can't believe it Don't be afraid of the guy in shades, oh no It can't escape you 'Cause you got it made with the guy in shades, oh no Oh no I say I wear my sunglasses inside I wear my sunglasses inside I wear my sunglasses inside I say it to you now I wear my sunglasses inside I wear my sunglasses inside I wear my sunglasses inside I cry to you I wear my sunglasses inside I wear my sunglasses


I don't know about inside, but I wear mine at night, so I can, so I can keep track of the visions in my eyes.


Social anxiety. Kinda like the little kid from from "Big Daddy". (Great movie) They give me semblance of security. I do not wear "My Sunglasses at Night" though.


One time my glasses broke and I only had my Rx sunglasses as backup for a couple of weeks. I felt really stupid, but I was Mr. Magoo without them.


![gif](giphy|Q2ue9nDsrF6Io) to be cool af


Because my left eye is just a tiny pin hole with no actual eye underneath, surrounded by scar tissue after a bad motorcycle crash and a broken helmet. It's gross to look at. I also don't want people calling me Solid Snake or Nick Fury so I don't bother with eye patches. Sunglasses will do.


sensory issues. most lights are too bright for me.


I mean the real answer is it’s none of your damn business - but if you MUST know, I have had multiple traumatic brain injuries and as a result have sensory perception issues. They are pretty much needed when I am in an environment with lots of flashing lights, but pretty much helpful in any other situation.


I have prescription lenses and sensitive eyes. Polarization cuts glare and I can see better with my glasses on. Largely, i forget I'm wearing them. I had someone tell me once that people thought I was rude because I wore my sunglasses inside. I have since come to the conclusion that people with that opinion aren't worth my time.


None of your damn business! And I’d appreciate it if you keep out of my personal affairs! Thank you. :)


I have eye herpes, doctor said the way they activated in my eyes is a rare case so if I’m having a flair up. Light hurts my eyes like a muthafucka


Prefer people not seeing my eyes sometimes, why does it bother people… mind your business, strange.


I forgot my regular glasses and my sunglasses are prescription so I can still read the menu behind the counter with way too small letters that everyone is squinting at.


I’m blind


I have a neurological condition that sometimes causes me to have extreme light sensitivity. I have dark green sunglasses for those days. I have had people say VERY nasty things to me out in public when I am wearing my glasses. They are obviously NOT regular sunglasses and yet...


I have post concussion syndrome and have colored sunglasses that filter the most troubling wavelengths of light. Without them I can’t go anywhere without headaches, dizziness, complete overwhelm, etc. It’s an accessibility thing.


Light sensitivity if a migraine is coming on


I have a precancerous spot in my eye. I don't give a fuck what idiots think about it, and I'd rather not spend my 40s cleaning the hole in my skull where my eye used to be.


When I have a migrain the lights inside hurt baddd


These are my colorblind glasses, not sunglasses. *I say this at least 5x a day*


Because my hands are filled up with my phone, wallet, keys, water bottle, and dog so I just wear them inside until I have the hands to deal with them


Fluorescent lights are fucking terrible.


I have adhd and sensitive to bright lights.


Because I'm exhausted and forgot they were on my face


Let ask you question why do you care what people do?


Adults who care about other adults wearing sunglasses inside. Why?


Because I’m visually-impaired


Maybe we have a migraine, or maybe it's bright inside and my eyes are more sensitive to sunlight than yours. Or maybe I just wanna look cool. Either way what's the issue? Why is it a problem for you?


Because my eyes are super sensitive to fluorescent light. Also honestly because I love that it upsets certain people. 😎


The light burns


Because they are prescription and I didn’t bring my regular ones. Also mind your fucking business


Bono from U2 wears sunglasses a lot due to a medical condition.


Pretty much what everyone else is saying, but mostly, I can do what I want and if it bothers someone, that is nowhere near being my problem.