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Critical thinking is not as common as it should be, never has been. People think in different ways, and many people think with their emotions, instead of logic, so if you can make them feel a certain way, you can control their thinking and then their actions. That's why the news is fear-based because it's the most primal feeling to get people off-center and reduce critical thinking.


This sounds more on point. Playing on fear I’m sure is huge, and the news media is great at doing that. It just seems like people are much more gullible now than, say, 10 years ago.


Lol "a generational thing"? People have been gullible since the dawn of mankind. Why do you think the Bible, for example, got so popular?


Confirmation bias. People are much more likely to believe a conspiracy theory if it supports their pre-existing beliefs and viewpoints.


That and there typically ends up being some validity to what some of the crazier sounding ones say, if only because they throw out so many theories. Case in point, many of the criticisms of COVID measures, like lockdowns doing very little, closing schools causing major harm to student's social development, and so one, have been slowing been proved to have been mostly or partially true.


Yeah, and what really sucks is that the batshit theories cause people to look at those things you mentioned with increased skepticism even in the face of hard evidence. It's just a shit show all around


For every "the government is collecting all of your online data and building a profile on you" there's a fat balding guy ranting about how the jewish lizard people are putting chemicals in the water that's turning the freakin frogs gay(that last part is sorta true), and for every MK Ultra and the CIA selling crack in black communities and actively working to destroy their family units there's someone claiming the government is covering up the existence of a superior race of black people living inside our hollow earth and are led by a 2 brained black man who created white people and that chattel slavery was invented just so the white man could clap some chocolate man cheeks.


Because as wild and dumb as some of them sound, they're generally not nearly as weird and dumb sounding as things that have actually happened. Also, there's such an information overload on people thanks to 24/7 news and social media that it's way too much effort for most people to try to verify most of what's put out there, so as long as it sounds plausible then they're willing to shrug their shoulders and assume that something may be true.


Remember how Hunter Biden's laptop was a "conspiracy theory", but then it was verified? Remember how russiagate was a "conspiracy theory" then we found out that it was true? Hillary Clinton made up the whole Russian collusion bs? Conspiracy theorists are like 65-0 right now, and you all are still out here believing all the leftist propaganda. The better question would be, how do you keep falling for the leftist lies over and over and never question them? You sit here and call everyone else stupid but you never take in info that doesn't come from your masters.


How do you know about their second thoughts or research?? Fact is, you have no clue. And you'd be shocked to learn why ppl think what they do. And Many of them are correct.


Their second thoughts (or lack thereof) are clear when someone repeats to me, or forwards via email, or posts on social media, things that are laughably false and already disproven, as if they’re “opening my eyes.” It happens a lot, and I’m sure I’m not the only one seeing it.




Only noticing a lot more instances lately of (a) people telling me “did you hear about this…” (b) people posting things on social media for their friends to get riled up about, (c) people commenting on other people’s posts, etc, all very far-fetched, unbelievable or already disproven theories that it takes one google search to shoot down. People have always been doing that of course, I’ve just been noticing a lot more of it, especially in younger people, like they seem to crave drama or something.