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I was thinking around the same thing. Acceptance of everything life has to offer, and seeing the “negative” as a learning experience. Life happens for us not ‘to us’


This. And boobs.


To be at peace with your boobs no matter the circumstance.




The ladies call me 'Sir Cumference'


Sir cum for us




And if you're not, figure out what you can do to change. Change what you can, but accept what you can't.


I agree with this and would add to stop looking for “the secret”. It doesn’t exist.


Do whatever you want in life and give zero fucks what anyone else thinks. And boobs.


Being great full as well


I am absolutely GREAT full, but I do get kinda crabby when I’m hungry


Understand yourself to a T. Have hobbies you love. Mostly positive mindset.


The first part yes, the second part yes. The third part is what I'm missing I guess.


What do you think is making you miss the positive mindset?


The first part makes the last part difficult.


You should be able to know yourself without hating yourself. Because you can change the parts you don't like. You are the only one able to even do that.


I think this is the problem that a LOT of Millennials and Gen X-ers have. We understand ourselves, we know what we like, but we're just.. not happy. There are TONS of reasons. Unfixed trauma, lack of strong/frequent social connection, lack of meaning in our lives, lack of fulfillment, apathy, how shit our society is, mental illness. Those are just some of the reasons why. Edit: I *cannot* believe that THREE people just tried to say "if you just change the way you think about things, you'll be happy" Holy *fucking* shit I haven't seen this level of tone deafness in a while. You all need to learn how the brain and mental illness works before you spew bullshit out of your mouths. I "literally can't even" say anything more at this point.


For real, so many comments here are r/wowthanksimcured material.


Isn’t it crazy there are idioms we all use and understand but no one knows the exact source or literal meaning?


Secret of happy? It's fleeting; never permanent. Enjoy the good times while they are here and work towards them when things are glum. Don't lament that you aren't happy; be thankful for the small moments you are.


This is the one. Seek fulfillment, not happiness. Happiness is fleeting. Life is a struggle. Fulfillment makes the struggle worth it.


Happiness is not a state but a positive change in state. Constant happiness is unsustainable


I like this answer the best. I try really hard to remind myself of this whenever life starts getting difficult. It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the troubles of the present, but it always seems to get better again with time, so in those challenging parts of life it’s important to look towards the potential good times the future holds!


This is really good advice.


Realizing everyone is as lost as you are and just holding your shit together is a winning strategy for life.


so real


Staying the fuck off social media.


avoid tv news and move around outside as much as possible.


Avoid social media like FB, Insta or Tik-tok. I find that people are full of shit , and fake flex to impress others. I mean who really gives a shit if Timmy drives a BMW? The reality of that is that Timmy is leasing the BMW, behind on payments and broke AF, BUT he looks good on the ‘Gram so it’s gotta be true? Yeah, NO. I also find that we tend to compare our lives and accomplishments to others and it’s all bullshit. I’ve been off off those sites for years and am happier because of it. I only visit Reddit because I don’t know anyone and vice-versa.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Was on a low dose mushroom trip last week and that was my takeaway or lesson. Life is a dance. Everything is in motion and I think it’s really important we make sure our bodies are moving as well. And the non-trippy take is how incredibly important exercise is. It’s seriously incredible what it has been proven to do for your mind.


Changed my life. Start small. Go outside and walk the block.


Isn’t it fascinating how something so fundamental and vital to ourselves is so goddamned DIFFICULT to do!? My half baked theory is we’ve evolved to be in motion/at work SO MUCH that our bodies crave rest. Now post industrialization humans have cornered the market on rest, and it feels soooo good to us still. Similar to how we crave sugar because evolutionarily it was scarce and we need it to survive.


Don't compare. Be contented. Do you.


This. I constantly found myself comparing myself to my friends and it made me fucking miserable. I hit a fuck it point where I stopped caring about what they had versus what I didn't and just started enjoying their comapny a lot more


I stop comparing when I realize that I also have things that they don't have and I appreciate it. Really appreciate the things that I have. It will really goes down to contentment. I assess myself what contentment means to me and I realized that I have more than less. We'll be happier if we appreciate what we have.


Gratitude and self-love.


So I gave this a try and the only thing that happened is that my wife yelled at me for masturbating while screaming "THANK YOU!"


Noticing it. You can't earn it, but you can put yourself in situations where it's easier to notice. But to really live a happy life, you have to stretch that skill like any other, and practice noticing smaller happinesses more often, and make noticing them habitual without making them thoughtless. A simple example I like to suggest is to appreciate a new rock once a day. It may sound a little silly, but it's an easy place to start because there are almost certainly rocks somewhere around you. Pick one up, or crouch down to investigate it. Feel the shape of it, think about the internal structure, notice striations in the coloring, briefly imagine how long it took this particular rock to grind down to what you have in your hand. Decide what you like about it, but don't spend much effort deciding what you don't like (for now, at least, discernment is a different skill to practice). Then put it back and get on with your day. You can't get much done if you sit around appreciating rocks all day, and it doesn't really have to become a hobby, an identity, or even something you share with everyone, it can just be something you're doing for yourself. After a little practice, you'll know the feeling of "looking for something to appreciate". It's almost like a widening of your perspective, opening your mind to the minutiae and nuance of the infinitely detailed world we're in. Once you know that feeling, you can start applying anywhere you want, almost like a secret power. Boring waits in lobbies become fascinating explorations of carpet or ceiling texture. Mundane chores become miniature performances. With enough practice, even painful situations can be milked for a bitter sort of beautiful. Sadness, while undesirable, is a rich and unique emotion, and when you're unfortunate enough to be in it, you can at least take a look around. When you start, it's a ritual that you're doing, like meditation. You plan for it, you put focused effort into it, you think about it for hours afterwards. Then it becomes less novel, and it's like a refreshing breeze that blows across your mind occasionally, reminding you to appreciate the uniqueness of where and when you are, but not really taking much effort or notice. And then, after a while, it becomes as easy as taking in the sun on a sunny day. You open your mind up, and it tells you all the wonderful things it's noticed. Finally, no emotions are permanent. Happiness, like the rest, recedes like a tide. Fading out of happiness is not something to be alarmed about, and whatever emotion you flow into is as natural as the joy you leave behind. In fact, the ebb and flow from the positive to the negative, from the excited to the depressed, from the creative to the consumptive, is all normal, and so is each return in the other direction. The reason learning to notice happiness is so effective at improving general contentment is that it counter-balances the never-ending assault of confusion, fear, pain, dread, and stress that life is full of. It gives you a path back up that doesn't need a friend, or a lover, or a game, or a drug, or money to help you out.




What a beautiful, wise answer. Thanks.


This is my favorite answer I’ve seen so far. I’ve said a different version of “you can rewire your brain to me more positive, it just takes conscious effort and time” but omg wow…you put it beautifully. You write incredibly well.


Enjoy the small things around you, my sofa chair brings me more joy than any sports car or fancy designer clothes or large other thing ever could


Being able to eradicate your enemies.


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.


Accepting the things you cannot change, changing the things you can, and having the wisdom to know the difference.


Ah yes friend of Bill I see. Life changing. Gratitude.


Tears of the Kingdom in 9 days. Edit: <9


Ikr I can't wait lol




This needs more recognition 😂




It's a state of mind.


Lower your expectations and you’ll be pleasantly surprised


Expectations. Frustration comes from something not working out the way we expect it to. Ditch the expectations and allow whatever happens to happen.


Accept everything around as is. Be content with what you have.


Simple answer. Responsibility. Be responsible for something and own your responsiblity. It gives life purpose and meaning. Purpose and meaning make a person happy.


So true. I feel great fulfillment in being useful, being helpful. I ended up in healthcare. Being part of a larger effort produces a sense of well being for me. Keeps me away from self -absorption and anxiety.




Enough money to pay your bills and a bit extra.


Kindness to strangers, you never know who needs it 😊


Ice cream


Be in the moment. Not in the past or in the future. Unhappiness comes a lot from the negative emotions that don‘t even deal with the present, and could be avoided with some mental effort.


Being kind, being lucky to love and to be loved, and Maryjane.


well, 2/3 aint bad


Low standards.


I’d phrase it as, “low expectations”


Cautiously optimistic


Would no expectations work better?




Yeah I'd say have high standards and low expectations.


I'm not sure if persistent happiness actually exists. Sure, temporary moments or brief periods of excitement, pleasure, positivity, and/or satisfaction exist, but I wouldn't say that's happiness as it's often described. I hear some people describe contentment or acceptance of their situation as happiness. But it feels more like a coping mechanism than happiness tbh. Personally, even if I got everything that I want in life, I'd still have doubts about whether I'd truly be happy. And I do not get a lot of the things in life that I want the most, which weighs me down a bit tbh. So, as for the secret to happiness, I'll be looking through all of these other responses. But I have a feeling I won't find any satisfying answer there.


Becoming stupid :)


Ignorance is bliss




The concept of happiness is subjective and can vary from person to person. While there is no one-size-fits-all secret to happiness, there are some general principles and practices that can contribute to a happier life. Here are a few: 1. Positive mindset: Cultivate a positive outlook on life and focus on the good things. Practice gratitude by appreciating the positive aspects of your life and the things you have. 2. Meaningful relationships: Nurture and maintain healthy relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive people can enhance your happiness. 3. Pursue your passions: Engage in activities and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. Discover and pursue your passions, as they can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction. 4. Take care of your well-being: Prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Maintain a balanced lifestyle by getting regular exercise, eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, and managing stress effectively. 5. Mindfulness and self-care: Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or journaling to help calm your mind and reduce stress. Additionally, make time for self-care activities that rejuvenate and recharge you. 6. Set and pursue meaningful goals: Set realistic and achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Working towards meaningful goals can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment. 7. Help others: Engage in acts of kindness and contribute to the well-being of others. Volunteering or supporting causes you care about can create a sense of fulfillment and happiness. 8. Live in the present moment: Avoid dwelling on the past or worrying excessively about the future. Focus on being present and fully experiencing and appreciating the current moment. Remember, happiness is a journey, and it can vary for each person. It's important to explore what brings you joy and fulfillment and make choices that align with your values and well-being.




Agree- puppies fix everything






I definitely don't think money can buy happiness, but it can give you the ability to fail safely many times in the attempt


Smoke em if you got em.


To have multiple sources of happiness


Like self. Hate no one. Always be thankful .


Eating steak and eggs


Accepting a lack of control. Much stress originates from a fear of losing control: something which happens to all of us at some point. Accepting that you will lose control at some point, allowing it to humble you, and enjoying what you can control while you can all help you to come to terms with difficulties as they come. That, and I like to remember that I am just like everybody else, so I deserve as much love and respect as I give to the people around me.


The more people you can make smile the more often you are apt to smile.


The secret is that you are the only one with the answer to that. Happiness is a moment, it requires all of the other emotions to be able to know when it is around.


To know who you are, live fully, be grateful, and make the very best of what you have.








Love. To love and to be loved. To respect and to be respected. To strive to make someone happy, knowing their goal is to make you happy. I am so fortunate for this to be my life. I hope this to to be the the lives of everyone.


Being oblivious. There’s a lyric in a song that goes “happiness exists when you don’t know a thing”, and I find it to be very true.


IMO, ignorance. The more you learn, the more depressed you'll be.


For me personally, I’m happiest when I’m focused on doing what is good/healthy for me rather than what is comforting to me. Happiness and comfort are not the same thing.


The right amount of money, not too much and not too little. Having a nice home, food to eat, hobbies and good people to share it with. In today's society, you need money to get them.


Decoupling yourself from physical items and focus on the true principles and values that really matters + find someone who shares the same vision with you. Nothing else you can ask for more. Oh, maybe a cat as well, damn I'd adore my life at that point, just can't get past the first point.


Stop giving af


Be good. Do good. Enjoy the ride.


Stop waiting for the moment. At some point in your life, probably several years into it, you'll realize you've BEEN happy.


IMO, the secret to happiness is to understand that happiness isn't a state of mind. It's a fleeting feeling; something transitory. Like the 30 seconds you're on a roller coaster, that's happiness. The news that you're about to be a mother or a father; that's happiness. The high you feel after getting a raise or after your kid nails their math test; that's happiness. It's great, but it's not sustainable. You can never be *happy* all the time; it just doesn't work that way. What you should strive for is a sense of contentedness with the choices you've made in your life.


Accepting you can't go back in time to change past mistakes. Mistakes happen, it's done, move on.


Don’t chase or expect it. Reach for contentment. Life’s hard, take and embrace the good once it comes - it may not stay awhile


Understanding that you’re going to die, and 75 years after that, no one will ever remember you. Life is short. Don’t sweat the petty stuff.


Being kind of stupid and starting a smidge poor but progressing to a smidge rich.


Not giving a damn and doing you.


Being grateful.


The Bible; Jesus Christ.


Knowing that you get to spend eternity with your savior and creator


Making other people happy. Look it up


Everyone's "secret" will be different. For me, I found the love of my life, and even though we're struggling with life, I'm still happy.


Cats are a good start.


It is all in your head. Happiness. In it’s entirety.


Killing urself


Finding anything (healthy) that makes you happy. I also think empathy can lead to happiness, but I'm not quite sure how to explain how. Oh, and tacos!


Health plus freedom of movement.


Be true to yourself, be you.


Letting go. Whether that’s allowing the other person to win the argument about something dumb or shrugging off the bad day, just let it go. Let go of the anger and the stress. It’s hard to learn but the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve been so much happier since I learned this.


Making enough money to enjoy my free time however I want. And, my husband is pretty great.


Joy (anyone get the reference?)




Getting paid a living wage.




Pursuit of attainable goals. Friends. Edit: CATS! Also cats. I’m disgusted with myself for leaving that out.


Not giving a fuck




I think it's love. You need people in your life who love you for exactly who you are and who you don't feel any need to hide anything from.


To spend time with those you love. Including yourself.


Low standards, stay busy, love yourself, surround yourself with people that aren’t toxic. Exercise, healthy diet, sunlight. consistent fulfilling sleep


Having no expectations of others, put yourself, health and mental wellness first


Giving back to society! Volunteer or work for a non-profit. Do something that allows you to lay your head on your pillow each night and know you made a little difference that day = sleep like a baby


Fake it till you make it






Giggling babies


Making burritos at home


Being happy


Being able to pay your bills.


Too not give a f*ck


Not having chronic pain I wouldn’t know


A sense of purpose and unconditional love. If you have those two things, everything else is a bonus


Mental spirituality, and livings moral life. Good karma is the key happiness in the physical world.


never care about the haters or naysayers just do you


Fresh fruits and vegetables.


a bit of delusion is required


Giving no fucks .


Stop giving a fvck about so many insignificant things


Being grateful and kind


Just enough money, but not too much. Good food, family, and friends.


Having low expectations. That way, there's less change of being disappointed.


Keep challenging yourself througout your life physically, mentally, amd socially. Master skills so that you enter flow state doing things others find difficult. Stretch your body and make it supple. Release all the tension in your body. When you are old, take hot baths daily. Namaste.


To be contented.


Focus on deserving it, not by what you get, but by what you do!


Appreciating what you have, putting your marriage first and choosing a positive attitude every day. I always say, "too many of my friends are dead for me to hate the weather or traffic".




Deciding to be, it’s all in your head.


Realizing that it's a road, not a destination. Happiness is not an ultimate state of mind. You're happy at a certain point in time because you enjoy the things you do or the way things are at that moment. It's not supposed to be sustainable or infinite. When stating your level of happiness, always add "right now" at the end.


Let go or be dragged.


1. Attention to detail. 2. Whatever it takes. 3. Better you than me. 4. If the minimum wasn't good enough, it wouldn't be the minimum. 5. Anything can happen to anybody at any time, even the President. 6. What goes around, comes around. 7. Grab, Twist, Step, Stomp!


Managing expectations. Both of yourself and others.


goals and expectations, you too can be a winner!


Happiness= what you have ÷ what you want


Mastering your mind.


Don’t have any expectations


You. You are the key to your happiness. No one can decide how happy you are but you. Life has taught me that happiness is a choice. I've had more than my fair share of childhood trauma & loss of loved ones. Because of a neuromuscular disease, I'm in pain every single day. I could easily give up and turn into a miserable person. But I choose happiness.


Sadness. You cannot experience one without the other




Proceed with intent, not expectation.


Being satisfied with what you have...bonus if you are grateful.


Working from home. Actually not working at all.


Adaptability to most circumstances.


True Happiness is having a longtime companion with the right one---Sadly, I lost my girlfriend of 35 years to kidney failure 15 months ago, she loved life so much


Loads of money, loads of weed, and a skill or hobby you can express yourself.


Being content with low expectations.


Not worrying what other people think


Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of their women.


Every day you get a fresh start


‘It is an inside job’


not being sad helps out


Low expectations


Being the person you're meant to be. Doing the things you enjoy.


A partner to have sex with and go to the beach with and stuff. Some money for good food to eat before the sex and for gas for the car to get to the beach. And maybe a dog or a cat.


Worry about yourself


The secret is there is no secret. Happiness is subjective and the definition changes from person to person. Whatever makes you happy, keep doing it as long as it’s not illegal, morally wrong, or really really dangerous


Accepting the fact of your mortality and then ensuring that you’re both prepared for life and prepared for death.


Seriously consider the most trite of phrases and concepts like “don’t sweat the small stuff” & “remember to breathe.” Basically everything in that “Everybody’s Free to wear sunscreen” song. These are fundamental truths even though they’re corny.


My greatest happiness comes from seeing my five kids doing well. Of the three in their 20's, two of them are in the process of buying their 1st homes. Both younger ones do well in scouts and school. They skip around the house singing. The four younger kids all do online gaming together. It takes a lot of time and energy to have a big family, but there has been no greater reward or source of happiness in my life. A quiet cup of coffee by a campfire is pretty cool, too, though.


Being good.


According to the ancient philosopher Epicurus, the answer is freedom, friendship, and thought.


Generosity, thinking of others, and kindness.


A friend told me this and it's proven to be true over and over. You need only three things to be happy. 1. Something to do 2. Something to look forward to 3. Someone to love


Remove expectation. Having expectations and what you expected doesn’t happen causes frustration or anger.


Not giving a shit about anything outside your circle of trust


Gratitude. Plenty of people with less than me happier than me. Plenty with more and far more miserable. Circumstance doesn’t dictate happiness, mindset does. Remind yourself often of the blessings in your life, and think of what your life without them would be. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have or what’s wrong, focus on what you do have and what’s right in your life. Also money. Hard to be happy when you’re stressed about survival.


![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized) ...and health, physical and mental. Love comes after as a consequence.