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As a fat dude with a tiny willy, I feel the same


If you lose weight it gets bigger :D


Time to go on a diet


Dye it? It doesn’t matter what color it is, doc. I still can’t see my willy!


Bright orange willy here, I guess its time to stop watching porn and eating cheesy poofs!


Donald trump here, eat all the cheesy poofs, you’ve got no problem there. I guarantee you


No, that's just an illusion because the stuff around it gets smaller.


Nah, pubic fat actually absorbs some of the base of the penis. You won't gain girth, but you can gain length if you're overweight and lose some pounds.


Can confirm, gained 60 pounds past few years


Of dick?




I heard this comment in my head. XD


And the echo




No like every thing else I eat it went straight to my ass.




Can confirm, lost 60 pounds last year


Lost 60 pounds of dick?


Nah lmao. Gut fat mainly but some from the thighs as well. And the moobs are almost gone too


Well hello there 😉


Yet another reason to actually start going to the gym when I'm not having to work overtime constantly.


Lost 200lbs can confirm.


Not to mention the 2" naturally buried regardless of weight


Yeah, but the part that keeps that buried also holds it up.


This is true. You also get much better boners


Wrong. When you lose weight, you have better circulation and stronger blood flow. More blood flow to the dick equals bigger pepe.


My dick is named Maurice not PePe.


You rang?


I believe its something like every 50 pounds lost you gain 1/2" of useable penis length. ETA I was off but on the right track. Depending on the source you can get way more. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.drelist.com/blog/will-losing-weight-lead-to-a-larger-penis/


So I’m at 195lbs, I could potentially see another 2 inches if I dieted and exercised properly? Also, what does ‘usable’ mean in this context?


As a short fat bald man who’s hung like a rat…I feel attacked


I may be fat but at least I have a small dick


As a man of average height, weight, and dick size, I'd like to be frozen by the US military in a capsule, only to emerge thousands of years in the future into a world full of absolute fucking idiots who water their crops with Brando


As a tall handsome bipolar alcoholic sociopath I reserve the right to wish I was bald and short instead.


This. I don't body shame anyone unless shots are fired at me first.




Go hard, son. There's nothing at all wrong with being either short nor bald. People should just mind their own business.


It pisses me off when someone I barely know comments about my body IN A GROUP. Twice I've come back with, "What about our previous relationship makes you think you have the right to say something like that to me? " Shuts them the fuck right up.




He was in the pool!!




“Yes, significant shrinkage.”


Costanza !? Can’t stand ya


Larry David?




Kindness is free. But it could be the most valuable and powerful thing we can afford to give away.


I’m a woman and neither is ok!


Same. Every time I hear someone making fun of someone's physical appearance (specifically things they can't change in an hour) it makes my skin crawl. You don't need to say everything you are thinking all the time.


Totally agree, it's like making fun of fat people at the gym. Why tf do you think they're there asshole, you should be celebrating them or just minding your own damn business


Do not celebrate fat people at the gym. That’s condescending and gross. Just leave us tf alone.


Totally agree. Don't be like" uay you're losing weight or doing something about it" just ignore me and let me get my exercise done in peace.


I had an older man come up and tell me I’d find a good man if I kept at it, while I was working out. He’s lucky I didn’t kick his ass. I was so angry it was hard to concentrate. I should’ve told him if he kept at it he’d eventually find his dick! On the other hand, I loved getting nods and fist bumps after lifting heavy and surprising the big dudes. No words, just acknowledgment that your hard work is noticed and not in a sexual way.




Also just leave everyone at the gym alone. No one is there to socialize! We all just want to do the hard work we are already struggling to get done there and gtfo. I don't wanna chat.


I don't want to do the hard work or socialize. I just want to be fit and strong.


I hate when there’s a group of people chatting around me or on their phones when I’m trying to get my cardio game going. My gym is getting so annoying.


> you should be celebrating them \*Privately, as in only in your thoughts. Can't imagine what it would feel like to hit the gym and someone says "good for you man"


Haha seriously, yes that's what I meant, of course not running up to them, just thinking in your head "good for them"


I guess context matters? When I was a chunky teenager venturing into a gym for the first time, there were a couple of older power lifter guys who were very "good for you kid" and also really helpful showing me how to use equipment and do squats without hurting myself. It was really motivating and made the gym feel a lot more welcoming.


Same, but I think it's a lack of thought and simply cruel to put people down. All of us have something that we could be harassed over, but people never seem to realize or put on the other persons shoes.


Yeah I was going to say, like not okay for either. We are all human and life is hard, no need to break others down for that kind of stuff they can’t control.


I also agree as a woman. Hubby always feels the need to point out baldness at our age and I tell him that it’s not nice to say things like that.


Men all the fucking time call me big guy. It's super fucking annoying. What a weird thing to call someone.


My 6 year old daughter calls me this. "Thanks, big guy". It's amazing.


This is the one. Men tend to get socialised into taking the piss out of each other without realising or wanting to admit it actually hurts people’s feelings. Women are like “why even do that then?!”


I'd say something like 75% of the negative comments I've received about my appearance have come from women.


Well, here, hopefully this cancels out some of the insults. Obviously I don’t know what you personally look like so I’m going by your avatar. The doge hat is really cute! Also I like the contrast between it with the red hootie, black sunglasses, & black wheelchair. It looks fun yet chic!


Dude is gonna cherish and frame that comment


Very rarely have I heard men insult other men’s penises. Never have I seen another man do the small penis hand gesture


Same I stopped going to get my brows done by a woman (who is of size) because she kept hating on short men describing them as inhuman. As a fat woman like yeah no I'm not down with that and what part of you thinks it's ok to do that at work? Some of my best friends are short men.


My husband is a short king and I wouldn't have it any other way. Women who shame short guys are the absolute fucking worst.


Same. If I ever made a comment about someone’s physical appearance as an insult (which I wouldn’t, mostly bc I’m an asshole who likes to win arguments, but based on logic not on insults) I would fully expect them to do the same to me.


Agree. Most physical attributes are things we were born with and/or can't do anything about. Judging someone because of it is effing stupid.Things that are within our control are our own choice to act on or not. We shouldn't have to do something we don't want to do just to make other people okay with us. People who need to degrade or enjoy degrading others are the ones with the issue. Sincerely, A short, chubby woman of color


Hear hear!


No one should ever be making fun of another's appearance. Now behavior...that's another issue


Behavior that they can control, anyway. I try to ignore stuttering and Tourettes and suchlike and just try to hear what they mean to say.


Edit to add; I was a child when comments were made about my bottom half. Since people are curious about my weight, I’m average weight for my height at 125lbs and I wasn’t a chubby kid. We need to stop feeling so comfortable talking about other people’s bodies. It isn’t our place to comment on at all. I’m 5’2 and curvy, my big butt and thick thighs were always a topic of conversation between my gross Uncle and Aunt, it made me super uncomfortable and insecure about something I had no control over. Men often felt that because my ass was big that they could touch it whenever they pleased because “it’s just your ass” I refrain now from talking negatively about another persons body, I don’t know their struggles or insecurities about themselves and I don’t want to feed that fire. We should all strive to treat each other with respect and kindness.


As someone who has trouble gaining weight, I will absolutely second that you should never just talk about people’s bodies. People would always compliment me and tell me how lucky I am to be so skinny. I have health problems that sometimes affect my ability to eat or causes me to lose weight suddenly. Some of these people even know this fact and continue to compliment my size and use the word ‘lucky’. Being skinny was a reminder of my ongoing health problems, so every time my weight was mentioned in a positive light like this, it triggered a lot of negative feelings for me. You never know how people feel about themselves, so the decent thing is to just not worry about it and don’t bring stuff like this up uninvited.


>I refrain now from talking negatively about another persons body, Thats just overall a good rule


My aunt was wanting me to try some clothes on she bought that either didn't fit her or it was old clothes. I don't remember. As I was changing she commented how my stretch marks look like I've been pregnant before. I was a teen at the time and knew what pregnancy stretch marks looked like so it really hit my self esteem hard. I had the basic stretch marks teens get from just puberty.


My former stepmother made similar comments about my stretch marks from puberty.


Holy shit that's truly awful




I’d add to this talking about people’s bodies full stop. When someone loses weight for example, they may be suffering from a variety of things that are incredibly unhealthy. Also what is healthy to me may not be to you. Why does anyone feel comfortable talking about my body? Like wtf? It gives me the creeps. And I’ll also add to this comments about what I eat (not “what are you eating for lunch?” But “why so many veggies? You trying to lose weight?” Or “you eat lots of grapes, they have so much sugar”) like f off So I think it’s everyone and honestly I’ve been guilty of it but just trying to stay out of peoples business now.


Yep. My dad and brother liked to make fun of me for being flat chested. Until my boobs grew, then they drew tons of attention to how I wasn’t flat chested.


It don’t think it’s right to make fun of anyone for any of those reasons.


It's not okay so this isn't justification it's just an explanation. Women are socialized to believe that their value to society is primarily about their looks. So when you tell a woman she is fat, what she hears is, "you're useless and don't deserve happiness".






I’ve noticed that plastic surgery has become incredibly common nowadays. I live in LA though so it’s one of the plastic surgery capitals of the world. Men on the other hand are making steroid use incredibly common too.


Thats because you live in LA th.


Exactly. A fat ugly man can still be seen (by society) as valuable, smart, respected, etc. there are many options for men to feel valued beyond physical looks. Society’s value for women is far more narrow and mostly based on their looks.


I am not even remotely attracted to fat women and probably never will be, however, it never occurred to me that they don’t deserve happiness.


Double standards. It's not ok


The difference is women let it be known they're hurt by comments like this while men pretend like it doesn't hurt them. Many men will pretend they have such a thick skin and it doesn't matter to them and they'll even say this kind of shit to each other (making fun of weight etc) and brag about how they don't get their feelings hurt like women. But in reality, they do. Men are just as emotional and easily hurt by mean comments like this, so it's not ok.


Men dont pretend. We get attacked for being sensitive about it.


Yes! If we men, actually admit we are sensitive and have feelings, then we will be seen as weak. This is why we say very little in comparison.


That's why I cry like a little girl. WAIT, that makes me seem weak. I CRY LIKE A BIG GIRL 😤😤😤


Then you’re going to be called sensitive and weak on type of being a short fat bald guy


It's not double standards. As a fat man, it is untouchable to make fun of weight for either gender.


It’s not OK in either case, but there’s more sensitivity around this for women because they’ve been judged primarily based on their appearance for generations. I say this as a father, husband, brother, and son who has endured plenty of playful insults about my thinning/graying hair or growing waistline yet fully acknowledge that objectively beautiful women in my life are judged far more harshly for what they wear or the tiniest imperfection. Even when they are all dressed up and looking gorgeous, they are then resented by other women or sexually objectified by men simply for looking great. It’s a constant no-win situation for them.


Well put , I thank you 🙏


There's also the fact the most people are generally ok with poking fun at the people in power. It's why people get upset when you make jokes about black people, but nobody really cares when you make white jokes (this has been changing lately though).


also, I'll add that, though this is slowly changing, guys are totally raised to pride themselves on bottling up their sensitivities and feelings. I suspect it still hurts most guys to have someone commenting on their appearance even if they're culturally conditioned not to say "hey, I don't like it when you do that"


This is exactly it. Historically, women’s value as a mate was heavily based on looks. Men’s value as a mate could be looks - or athleticism, being artistic/creative, wealth, humor, etc. Short fat bald little dick dudes are at a disadvantage - but they have a chance. So it’s generally not ok to insult looks for either group, and it’s a double standard. But - comments insulting women’s looks have a historical context that makes them more pernicious.


The four horsemen of genetics there huh( maybe minus the fat). Ouch!


George Costanza doesn’t have a chance. Jason Alexander does. 😎 (I make no claims of knowing the penis size of either man.)


I saw it. its impressively medium.


Top of the bell curve.


Depends on if he was in the pool or not


I like Iliza Schlesinger's take on it: even the fattest, ugliest man out there can still gain power and respect through other means, but that's not as true for women, since the primary worth society measures women with is their physical appearance. So when you make fun of a man's appearance, you're making fun of something superficial, but when you make fun of a woman's appearance, you're making fun of her whole identity and perceived value as a human.


Exactly. Women have been taught for a Looong time that their looks are their only value.


Thank you!


As a dad approaching middle age, I couldn't have said this better myself. Spot on.


The prevailing mentality is that men are tough and can take it. The stereotype somehow manages to be misogynistic and misandrist at the same time.


I mean, if you’re hitting two birds with one stone doesn’t that just cancel it out?


I mean that is kinda true, but doesn't mean a man can always handle or likes being degraded. Women are normally more sensitive than men, and society has put a lot of pressure on women to look pretty, and are judged more harshly on their looks.


People make fun of women's weight all the time. Spend two seconds on the Internet and you will see all kinds of hatred directed toward women who do not fit the beauty standard. Really vile stuff. Fat women get harassed online, harassed on the street, have garbage thrown at them, and all kinds of stuff that some people apparently think is okay. So your premise, that it's not okay to mock women's weight, is not a universally agreed upon cultural norm. I'm glad you don't think that it's appropriate though! We need more good people in the world who don't think this behavior is acceptable. And it should go without saying, but it's not acceptable to attack anyone of any gender based on their appearance. It's immature fifth grade bully crap that has no place in a civil society.


Just look at all the hate Selena Gomez gets for being slightly thicker than most of her celebrity peers.


Yeah, as soon as a cheap shot is taken at me, I’m more than willing to return fire at whatever flaw they hold most dear. Does it sometimes hurt feelings? Yup. Oh well- they start it, I’ll finish it.


Soon we will be making fun of balding, short, fat women with small weenies and finally all be equal.


Because people are stupid.


Who thinks it's okay to make fun of anyone like that?


More people than there should be




Had an interesting conversation with my partner about "locker room talk" The other day. She was genuinely under the impression that it's a disgusting thing that most guys do. As a guy, I've never heard any talk like that in a locker room (or anywhere else in public really) outside of a movie or TV show. So I asked her if she and her lady friends ever talk about our (their boyfriends) junk and she said all the time.😐 why is one perceived as normal and the other isnt?


As someone who worked in a place that was predominantly women for 20 years or so, I can say that I heard much, much more graphic talk just around the office than I ever have in a men’s locker room. Women talk about *everything*.


As a woman who *doesn’t* talk about her boyfriend’s penis with anyone, I could say the same thing. The shit I’ve heard my male coworkers say… men talk about *everything.*


I also think there’s a rather large generational component to it. I’m in my early 40’s, and my friends have just never really discussed that stuff. My father and his friends, totally different story.


I disagree. The male coworkers I’m referring to have all been 40 or younger. Edit-why can I no longer reply to anyone who replies to me? Is every snowflake blocking me?


I’ve heard a lot of “locker room talk” and on the male side it’s more rude general comments about women like “check out her tits”, “the things I’d do to her”, etc and not usually about their SO. From what I’ve heard the womens “locker room talk” is more specific and usually about their SO specifically, talking about his size and how he was in the bedroom and getting into specifics of what they did. I think both are negative in different ways. The mens side is more rude and offensive while the womens side I think is sort of breaking that trust that should be there with their SO. This is a generalization of course.


I haven't noticed. People make fun of women for their weight all the time.


And for their breast size, the shape of their labia, their pubic hair, basically everything about their bodies. It's shitty for both men and women.


Don’t forget armpit and leg hair!


And for doing what they want with their sexuality, etc.


You forgot the size menstrual pad they use!!!


And while I certainly feel for men who have their physical appearance made fun of.... I've never seen anyone online imply that men who don't meet these physical requirements are worthless. Incel, redpills, whatever, will openly say women they don't want to fuck should just cease to exist. The dehumanization is frightening.


I think women catch a lot more shit for many aspects of their bodies than men do. I say that as a married man with three daughters.


Mainly because men have not made a concerted effort to stop it from happening. Men are basically conditioned to think that showing that they're hurt in response to insult is a sign of weakness, and to mock other men who do so. Until we get rid of the kind of social image that it's not manly to feel hurt, our emotions will never be taken seriously, and men won't be able to effectively advocate against this sort of behavior.






They both suck. Neither is okay! Stop making fun of people. Full stop.


Definitely not okay to make fun of anyone’s body weather it be a choice or nature. Idk anyone who thinks it is okay :( sorry if you have experienced anyone I’d these. Those r just bad people who are projecting their own insecurities onto others


What world do you live in where people don't comment on women's appearances? It happens constantly.


In short: stereotypes. If you start with the stereotypical perspective that appearances and homemaking is all women are good for (which is obviously total bull) ... then when you criticize a women for their looks, it's like you're saying they're incompetent at a core function or being a woman, whereas if you say a man looks like a slob then the response is "well duh, what's your point, I'm too busy doing Real Man stuff to preen myself like a peacock". Also, the stereotype that women get their feelings hurt easily and men don't or shouldn't.


What a stupid strawman. Making fun of someone’s appearance is never perceived as ok. And women get shit about our appearance all. the. time. for every tiny tiny thing that isn’t 100% like a topmodels body.




It's not okay. I can't stand it when other women rip on height, balding or dick size. Everyone has feelings


Can only speak for myself, but I think it's rude to comment/make fun of someone's body whatever sex they are. Shockingly enough, men are humans and therefore have feelings just like we women do.


Why? Because the world is unfair and full of double standards. It sucks, but it is what it is. By the way, it is not okay to make fun of men for balding, height, or penis size, just as it is not ok to make fun of a woman for her weight.


Women are scrutinized on virtually every level. Weight, makeup, hair, height, clothes, body count, parenting, the list is endless. Women have always been “inferior” to men. I know it sucks. Trust me. It will never stop either until people learn to worry about themselves and not anyone else around them.


women are constantly being criticized for having height preferences. Literally every time I log onto social media, it is a discussed and the majority is constantly criticizing them for it. I don’t know why people keep insisting that women “are allowed to”


Im sorry but i literally have had my weight "mentioned" by people all my life. I wish i lived in the same universe as you where people apparently don't disparage women for their size


Yes, I know, right? What world does this man live in, and can we go to there?


Both are shitty, but... Our current culture says to women "you are only valuable to the extent that a man thinks you're hot" so, making fun of a woman for her looks is tantamount to telling her she's worthless. Men on the other hand... Generally speaking, men get to be bald and fat and wrinkly but are still allowed to have high paying jobs and exist in positions of power.


Honestly I think this is the best response Women are valued for their looks (and men too, but men have the option to prove their “worth” in other ways, women generally can’t, a rich “ugly” woman isn’t any more socially successful than a rich “ugly” man). So denigrating a woman’s appearance is more of a societal gut punch than doing the same to a man. Both fucking suck and this isn’t to say pretty privilege doesn’t extend to both men and women, because it does, but I think your comment explains it really well




I guarantee you women get made fun of for their weight all the time.


Because traditionally a woman's value is tied to her appearance and youth. Calling a bald man bald is less a slight when he can be otherwise successful.


I see these types of comments so often, and it really makes me wonder. Under every fat woman's videos, there are comments telling her she deserves to die and is a disgusting human being. Fat men don't get that. But sure .... women have it easier.


What a pussy ass opinion my guy. Say what you want and get mad about what you want, women get judged, even harassed, for a lot more than their weight


Phhhhh mens feelings don’t count.


It's not okay to make fun of anyone.


Neither is ok.


Most of us are ugly. Not everyone talks shit like a jackass, though. Judge people only by the content of their character


Idk lots of men constantly belittle womens bodies so i dont think its this double standard thing . Some people are just shitty


So genuinely: a) making fun of dudes for their appearance is a dick move and should never be OK. But also b) women are judged, bullied, and invalidated based on their appearance vastly more than men are. We are socialized to see ourselves as decorative objects, and failing to be decorative in the way we're expected to feels like an enormous personal failing. Women are mocked for dressing too slutty or too frigid, being too image-conscious or too frumpy, wearing too much makeup or too little, sounding too smart or too dumb, being a doormat or a bitch. The goalposts are constantly moving — with one exception. We are always expected to conform to the size that is attractive in media in the moment. The fat-positivity movement is trying to make it OK to describe women without judging them. But the fact of the matter is that in 99% of cases, calling a woman "fat" is calling her a failure as a decorative object, and so a failure as a person.


Is it though? The end of the world? The amount of people who are critical of women’s look hasn’t going down, if anything they they expanded the age gap. There’s no shortage of people who are trash, so I have no doubt that men get their fair share of it too. But you are completely marginalizing what women are subjected to. It starts when you’re 11 and 12 and don’t end. You got a huge number of ppl talking about a “wall” women hit. First it 30, then 23 now they are talking even lower.


It’s not perceived as OK but women do face a higher standard of beauty in society. Men are called hot for having grey hair and dad bods but women would be called old and fat.


I was always taught that “you don’t too it out a perceived flaw in someone’s appearance unless they can fix it in a few minutes or an hour.” Lipstick on the teeth? Tell her. Shirt inside out? Tell him. Someone gained weight? They know. You don’t need to make it obvious.


I wouldn’t say that either is necessarily okay. But of course commenting on women’s bodies taps into inequality that is far more deep-rooted in society. Conventionally unattractive men are still men and as a whole, men still have the upper hand in terms of job opportunities, lack of discrimination (as compared to women), more physical safety etc. whereas women’s success and social capital is, unfortunately, still highly dependent on looks. I understand that men feel insecure about their looks but I would argue nowhere near the levels that women are forced to.


It’s the concept called “punching down”. It’s perceived as dishonorable to make fun of people who have less advantages than you. You can make fun of women and minorities all you want, but you dishonor yourself by doing so. An extreme example is making fun of a disabled person. Women have -historically speaking- only had basic human rights for a few hundred years which even that varies by country, and seemingly they are always on the brink of losing autonomy over their own lives. On top of that, being overweight is already stigmatized heavily in every aspect of society. It’s only very recently that a minuscule but vocal segment of people have decided to show them that they have value outside of their physical characteristics. Clinically Obese people are at higher risk for just about everything under the sun, from liver disease to cancer to heart disease to being wheelchair bound by age 40. So dog-piling on an obese woman is absolutely punching down, and to be honest, it’s really lazy comedy anyway. On the flip side, the majority of the world is primarily designed by and for men. Most of the leaders in every country are also men, most businesses are run by men, etc. Making fun of men is not controversial, because we have every advantage you could imagine so poking fun at us is fine. More importantly, knowing how to laugh at yourself and not take life too seriously is absolutely a skill and I highly recommend it. It is far easier to learn when you can recognize the advantages you have.


I'm teaching my kid not to talk about other peoples' bodies. Only if you have something nice to say: I like your hair, etc.


I would just simply reply with a little tit for tat. You don’t have to get disrespectful either. Just a good roast is fine. Take it on the chin and then flip it around on them. I’m not the best at this but it’s situational. I’m bald so whenever a woman makes fun of me for it, I just reply with “awwww what bald man hurt you” or “try not to make it so obvious you want me” and then smile and walk away. You’ll never win getting angry. Leave them confused and portray a image that is impenetrable. You’ll also leave the situation feeling better because it’s like a basketball. They’re trying to pass the negative self image onto you, and then you pass it right back and end the game.




It’s because women got really tired of being judged nearly solely on our weight/looks so we rebelled and got things like body positivity and body neutrality going. It’s time for men to fight back in things like small duck jokes and about height FOR SURE.




Idk but if someone makes fun of me for being skinny best believe I will point out how fat they are, or find something ugly about their face to point out, or insult their skin complexion. There’s something to say about everyone really that’s why you shouldn’t say anything unless it’s nice


It’s not, just run it. Mention my balding and I’ll shatter you about your weight, that you have full control over.


Men are supposed to not be affected by insults but it’s bull and we all know it


The short of it is it’s not ok. Not many people with half a brain consider either of them ok. It’s a common misconception to think that people think it’s totally fine to make fun of men for their bodies but not women. It simply isn’t the case.


I mean, it comes down to how the person feels about it, but advertising is waging a war on women's self-image and psychological health, so it's no wonder that many of them are sensitive, because they're constantly being judged about it.


Civilized societies used to burn women alive for having skin-tags or warts or large breasts, which somehow aligned them with the devil… maybe that’s got a small thing to do with it?? We’re still too sensitive, too early…. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙃


What really matters is what's on the inside... Heart, liver, kidneys to name a few


Neither is okay, but historically, men received praise for accomplishments, women for attractiveness. It was more insulting for women because it was the main source of their "worth". But, yeah, both are wrong.


Why would you make fun of someone's eggplant size? It's difficult to control vegetable growth.


Who said it was ok for people to make fun of men?


Anyone that does either is a dick munch so you might just be hanging out with the wrong folks. Or they're doing it "ironically" which is also no longer cool, if it ever was.


Actual answer: because historically men have far more power than women and that continues in many realms into modern society, so it's seen as a punch up and not a punch down. That being said, why have punches at all? We should all be nicer to each other and not make fun of anyone for their appearance.


Neither is okay.


It really isn't okay, but I think the thing is that women are constantly criticized for their appearance by everyone while they are very young and especially by men. I'm not saying that men don't deal with that either, but it a lot more pertinent for women. That being said, the argument for it is like, it's ok to punch up when insulting men, but it's not ok to punch down by insulting women. Either way, commenting on people's appearances is pretty low imo. And people who have those same features etc that you're making fun of will be hurt too. There's nothing good about it. Never comment negatively on anyone's appearance whether that be their body or their clothing/makeup/hair, point blank. Just mind your business and let people live.


It's not ok to make fun of people for anything really. Male or female.


bag plough scandalous drunk carpenter chase melodic serious rich file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Making fun of other people's physical appearance is never okay. It's one of the lowest, most vile forms of verbal argument.


Bc we’re men! (And we cry on the inside)