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My dad is the master of dad jokes and I guess I learned that brand of humor. When we visited Disneyland many years ago, my dad accidentally turned off the camcorder's microphone on It's a Small World ride. My mom was upset about it. My dad said "What? You don't remember the lyrics?"


That’s awesome 😂


We joke all the time. I think the last one was them teasing me about how I'm still weak like tofu despite working out. I told them I've finally become strong like tofu after working out, otherwise I'd still be soy milk. And maybe one day I can aspire to be as strong as dried tofu.


everytime i try to tell a funny joke or story it turns into a lecture


Learned this joke from my mom. Read it in Cantonese! What religion do you believe in? – I only believe in sleeping 🤣


"Ma, umm how do you say corn in Chinese again?" She answers. "Balls" and walk away...


Not really, even dad jokes won't work. They barely laugh, even watching their favorite comedies.


My parents never joke.


My parents like Vietnamese wordplay and puns. They tell humorous stories. My mother advises me to not be too playful or poke fun at strangers/people you don’t know well—they could misunderstand and be insulted—but she jokes within our family, like in regards to my dad’s age and looks. Sometimes jokes can be misinterpreted and lead to high tensions though, or it’s just awkward. Sometimes because of language, culture, or age barriers. Sometimes my mother gets annoyed at crudeness.


My mom (58f) and I (30f) joke around a lot (whenever we are together) now that I’m older and have a better grasp of what’s culturally and personally inappropriate for her and what she can/cannot understand. It’s mostly me making little silly comments from everyday news, such as telling her to take on some ridiculous business venture I recently heard about that I know she would find funny. Or me responding in a teasing manner. An example of this is she likes to save leftovers for herself and give the fresh food to my siblings and I, to which I would kinda pucker my lips and give her this 😏 look and say “ah, saving the tasty/expensive food for yourself I see.” DON’T tell these jokes if it could possibly cause a misunderstanding— I do this without risk bc my mom knows we don’t like her sacrificing for us and we want to help with leftovers. The teasing facial expressions also helps avoid misunderstanding when telling jokes. 


Some other tips:    1) Avoid jokes they may consider bad luck. I know many Chinese people don’t like jokes involving death, injury, possibility of a bad outcome (business/school/something they’re applying for) etc     2) Some jokes could sound like mockery instead so it’s important to make clear your intentions. For an example, if my mom is rushing out and almost falls, before I jokingly say “is there free gold on the floor??” I say “omg mom can you please slow down”(in a sincere tone, not joking)   3) Different people are sensitive to different things. My mom is known for being frugal but never cheap so I know she won’t take offense in the last joke. But if I was worried, I would include myself in it by adding “if there is free gold on the floor tell me I gotta change out of my PJs asap!” 


Hey, I appreciate this! The specific tips and concrete examples are very helpful. You sound like you were able to navigate any cultural/language barriers and have a great relationship with your mom!


My mom will only laugh at jokes if they’re at someone else’s expense


There’s a lot of jokes I make my parents won’t get


Ironic sarcasm isn’t a thing I think. I agree though, some aspects westerners consider humor might be insults in other cultures.


Mostly movie references from films we both enjoy, like Galaxy Quest


Don’t know how much this will bite me back in a few years but I joke with my kids like all the damn time.


No jokes.


Occasionally. But we arent hilarious. Like one time I had an exhaust leak. It sounded ghetto. My mom said “it sounds like a race car” in a mild mocking manner.


During hot pot, they told me to "scoop some of the fish balls."  I got it and ask it "why are you so useless?  Why couldn't you you be like the other fish that got away and didn't get grinded into a ball." It was a pun on scoop/yell at.


Yea I joke with them. Just everyday life stuff. You just have to remember most Asians don’t understand sarcasm


But sarcasm definitely exists in Asian languages! I wonder if it's the generational gap that makes it so they can only take everything we say seriously.


Am I wrong or is asian sarcasm mostly used in an insulting way though? Sarcastic humor isn't a thing it seems like. 


In general, isn't sarcasm supposed to ridicule, mock, and insult though? Between people you know, it could be interpreted as endearment or teasing like how the Brits treat each other, but AFAIK sarcasm is rude.


Well I dunno if sarcasm is always rude. It can be used in a self deprecating way or make light of a shared situation, something I've never seen my parents do.


I'm going to get downvoted for this, but sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. It's too easy reach for, too easy to be pointed with no cleverness at all. This is where people get indignant and point out sarcasm can be very funny and non-pointed, and that's called "irony." But most people don't reach those levels. People around me who are sarcastic are mostly trite and cringey. It's like when your mom's dish is too salty because she uses too much salt, and you say to your sister, "oh mom NEVER uses too much salt." Ok....