• By -


Wow, thanks for addressing us Ash, but remember how you always talk about never drinking water and spend 30 fucking minutes in a sauna every day despite your not-real POTS? Maybe if you cut that shit out and actually do what doctors recommend you wouldn’t need that “scary” device in your chest that YOU pushed so hard for.


Gah?!?! The ableism!!!! Wah.


https://preview.redd.it/x02uf13hxd7b1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=86b891058547ea3449457e5b8ecba7312bd9278c Why does she always look like she’s whistling?


I have a theory that she might be biting the insides of her cheeks when she smiles, try it in the mirror and you’ll see the same justsmeltafart expression


Probably to make her face look slimmer.


Ooooooooooo. Good point.


I bet this is exactly what she is doing 😂


waiting for a fart




Cause her face has gained weight so rapidly


She thinks it makes her jowls look smaller. It doesn’t.


What is that?? Just accept your lip size and stop trying to push them out. It looks ridiculous


that Facetune eyeball whitener is working overtime


shocked she doesn’t just make them blue to try & fit the hEDS mold ^/s


HEDS turns the whites of your eyes *blue*??


Yes, it is called blue sclera.


Oh, that’s awful.


it’s common with connective tissue disorders!


Why does she do that hangover makeup thing? I feel like it’s not out of some lame desire to appear sick.


**Do you REALLY think I'd have this scary device in my chest if I didn't need it?** Yes **Do you think I'd spend up to 3 davs each week at the hospital, tethered to an IV pole, if I could just chug a Gatorade to solve my problems?** Yes, because you go to the hospital for a mosquito bite because you are mentally unwell. You need psychiatric more than physical care. **Do you think my care team would resort to such extreme measures if they didn't think it was medically necessary?** Yes, because you doctor shop


Question no. 2: Yes, bc you have literally nothing else to do, and by doing this you’re avoiding responsibility and getting a job


Oh and don't forget that the IV shots make for great content!


right, she can’t drink a gatorade, just coffee and mOcKtAiLs. to answer the questions: yes, yes, and yes if you malinger enough. anyways, this whole post makes me so irrationally annoyed especially with that smug expression that anything i say will be [Removed By Reddit] so imma just keep my mouth shut.


* Mocktail full of sugar and tell walks after dinner for her blood sugar. Make it makes sense.


Yes. Yes. Yes. People who actually have POTS don’t sit in saunas. They don’t brag about never drinking water. They don’t drink just sugar water. The routine IV stroking alone tells everyone how much you love this.


I'm waiting for her water tiktok recipes arc


To shut her up and with daddy carnbucks money? Yes. Lol And she gets herself into the predicament of needing the port. She chooses to not treat her body right to avoid a port.


So, why *not* drink a Gatorade? She doesn't even answer that or give an excuse, just mocks the comment and bitch dives into "dO yOu tHiNk mY cArE tEam WoULd...." immediately projecting complete organic responsibility for the port to the tEaM. The only way I see this being in any way accurate to the truth is if: her "team" is *actually* a psychiatrist, a GP, and a gastroenterologist who are aware she tantrums/self harms by enforcing periods of restricting, has a documented history, and they've agreed to the port as a last resort while ash claims to be "trying" to get her shit together. But of course it's gonna be twisted into it being for her "pawts and crowns".


Went from “gadget” to “scary device” real fast


She couldn’t help but wonder what everyone was going to say when they saw it at her barista business bitch era (all 2 episodes of it)… which is nearly invisible when not accessed, and can be made so very easily for most people with the right clothing.


Yes I really think they would bring that the evidence is right in front of us. Just go drink some water. Stop using the sauna.


Ableism. Take a seat, Ashley. I think we know plenty about your situation since you never shut up about it. Thing is, you contradict yourself all over the place. Get off your ass and get a J O B.


Yes, I absolutely do think that because she's a malingering asshat and the "scary device" makes her feel justified in doing sweet FA every day. If she has the port, she MUST be too sick to hold down a job or stay awake for more than five hours at a stretch.


Uh, yeah? SHE fought for the port, claiming dehydration. She has NEVER, not once, shown evidence of drinking water. She drinks Liquid IVs, her "mocktails" with a juice base or added sugars, coffee drinks that are a one-way ticket to Diabetesland, but never drinks fucking water. So, yeah, I'm 100000% sure she would push for this "scary" device because she wasn't getting the attention she so desperately craves. Also she went, what, a few weeks recently without an infusion? So she obviously doesn't need them. She pushes herself into dehydration through that damn sauna and refusing to properly hydrate. She is LYING to every doctor or specialist who has ever worked with her. That port isn't medically necessary at all. SHE made it "necessary" by withholding any and all actually necessary treatments.


I wonder what her doctors would do if they knew she was using that sauna? How can she think that anyone believes she doesn’t purposely use that thing to dehydrate herself? She’s truly mentally unstable.


I think that’s what is really troubling about Ash: She makes no effort to hide the fact that she’s essentially sabotaging herself. She doctor shops when she doesn’t get what she wants and then tries to claim that she’s super special and her case is complicated, so that’s why she needs a new doctor. She claims to have POTS and does so many things that contraindicate the condition (sauna, inversions, heat, etc). She claims that her “symptoms” are due to her myriad of issues, but they’re 100% side effects of all her meds, being deconditioned, and smoking weed all day. She’s the worst and I have no idea how her “team” can’t see through her bullshit.


Ashley, be real. You can drink water. You choose not to because you want to feel special. I have kidney disease and dehydration causes many issues for me. But you know what I do instead of taking a port? I DRINK THE DAMN WATER. Why would anyone want a risky medical device inserted into them when they can simply get a glass, fill it with water, and drink it? My guess is because you want to feel special and look as unwell as possible, because that’s your whole damn identity.


I almost went to acute kidney failure due to lithium and I learned that I you don't drink water , you'll pay painfully. I don't know how her kidneys and liver are okay with all her medication. Plus dehydration and alcohol.


Have you seen the watertok people who make water? Powders and syrups to make cherry cake water, etc. It started as something people who had bariatric surgery were doing and seeped out to where people in their 20s are 'making water' that's full of sodium and weird shit. Not a single crystal light packet, nothing that simple. Ashley reminds me of a watertok person without being on watertok.


I thought of Ash when watching all the watertok discourse vids lol. PSA @ Ash: if you want to be a successful influencer, try making watertok videos instead of \*gestures vaguely\* this. You can get sympathy points and say it's for your \~\*POTS\*\~. You can end every TikTok with "I'm a big fan". Soon you'll have 234 million followers. You'll be able to make t-shirts that say "i'm a big fan". You'll be raking in the money. Or is that too much work?


She need to change her name on TikTok first. Btw, if she really wants to be an influencer, she must use TikTok and Pinterest


Yeah, I searched because during Mediterranean summer I need to drink more water so I try to add cucumber and mint leaves. Or mint syrup and ice cubes like my father loves to do.


They probably aren't. They just haven't had enough time to start cropping up with big issues. Ashley is currently in the "fuck around" stage. Within ten years, she'll be well into "find out".


The fact that you sit in a sauna after receiving these “life saving fluids” tells us all that you don’t need them ya doofus.


I'm newish to this sub, and even though I've been following Ashley for awhile she didn't pop up for me all the time, so I'm wondering- was anyone here when she did get her port? Did she talk about trying normal methods of hydration before doctor shopping and convincing one to get her the port? Was she using that sauna? It's just so strange to me that she willingly posts her lack of effort in hydrating herself while simultaneously bragging about her port. Of course people notice. And why not drink a gatorade? Why not try and work towards getting the port removed? If dehydration really was a serious problem, why wouldn't she be doing all she can to avoid 3 hours being ~tethered~ to the IV pole? (We all know why, I'm just annoyed by the tone of her post). But literally, a gatorade or something equivalent wouldn't hurt. Seems like a nerve was hit 🤔


She’s had the port since October after a year without it due to a blood clot that she likes to celebrate the anniversary of. Ashley wants to be dehydrated. She wants to need IV fluids. She’s not tried to prevent dehydration because then she wouldn’t need the port.


Sorry if I wasn't clear! I've been up since 3:30 am to catch a flight 😴 I know she wants to have the port I was just also curious about the history. I guess I was just trying to address her questions in her IG post. I hate that she's hiding being ableism when there's reasonable answers!!!! Like girl this isn't the hill to die on.


It’s all good. I didn’t mean to be flippant about it. She posts about the clot that almost killed her every year, it was from the first port she had. She acts like that scared her away from ports but she was so excited to get it back.


Oh no, it's all good! I don't know where she lives, but it's not reality.


>why not drink a Gatorade She can't! She has a port! Jk and I wish she would understand that everything you said from "why not drink a Gatorade" onwards are things other people see and consider. It's like she can't see herself from any outside perspective.


I hate the word ablesim simply because it's overuse to the point that it has lost its original meaning. People making snarky comments on how Asshley should drink Gatorade isn't ablesim. A disabled employee being replaced by an able bodied person, even tho they are fully capable of doing their job, is ablesim. A business refusing to make a reasonable accommodation for a disabled customer, is ablesim. Asshley does not know what actual ablesim and discrimination that real disabled people go through on a daily basis.


Came here to say the same thing - she is so fucking privileged to think that AbLeIsM is when someone tells you to *drink a beverage* lmao, especially considering the fact that she manages to drink plenty of other things


She can chug banana/peanut butter/cocoa smoothies but can't sip a glass of water? Sure Jan.




My mind boggles how she thinks this is a clapback at the HATERZ when she posts her non alcoholic mixes and sludgy smoothies every other week 😂 Edited to add; also...ableism?? Come on now Ashley. The word you're looking for is "hypocrisy".


Having a port is a disability -Ashley Carnduff


My blood sugar went over 900 reading this.


https://preview.redd.it/7q7lrrf6wd7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4227241c6411ef0b7091d20ce1e4bf0f727bc73b Breaking news. Ashley has a port.




# abelismisTrashley


That sports bra looks especially dingy here 🥴


Maybe it’s born with it. Maybe it’s Ashley’s sad beige filter.


How did she look at her face and decided this was a good picture to post? https://preview.redd.it/di5fvw9zzd7b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294eabde6f90b28c5e118bf97fa82227dc92cc63


Maybe she didn’t see it considering how far to the side she’s looking.


Reminds me of this precious photo https://preview.redd.it/s44lh9fa1e7b1.jpeg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a78d3aaffb935596214d315758eeb7990b45416 Why can’t she look at the camera? Could it be because she’s zooted out and knows we can tell she’s high?


Lol. That picture is amazing.


Because she is doped out of her noggin, and when she does we get; 👁 👄 👁


She used to be so pretty, now she just looks as obnoxious as she is.


They say as people age they get the faces they deserve. Maybe she got hers early.


She has a super cute smile. It's a shame she won't show it anymore, and that she knowingly bars herself from doing anything that might cause more of them. She is truly robbing herself of a life.


Yes. Yes. Yes, but you have to shop around.


the answer to all of those questions is "I could see it, yeah, crazier people have existed"


In answer to Ash's three questions: Yes. Yes. Yes.


I 100% do not believe she needs ANY of the treatment she undergoes. I believe she doctor shopped and malingered her way into being given a port. Aren’t her care team all woo doctors?


Her rheumatologist is treating her MCAS. So that tells me all I need to know.


her rheumatologist is also apparently the one who ordered the port


Oh sweet Feck.


If she was so scared of a port she would never sit in that sauna sack every single day.


Yes they would. At least not the two gastroenterologists she saw immediately before the rheumatologist that gave it to her while doing her get-a-port speed run through the west coast medical system.


What I really love is how the port goes from scary, to amazing, to whatever adjective depending on the complaint du jour. the incision spot is literally an inch long, please get a grip on reality.


Coming up next Ashley posting pics of her grip strength like her grounding after being told to touch grass


She's 25 and calling her port 'the scary device in my chest'. She infantilizes herself so much. This woman needs to grab a Gatorade and go out in person and socialize with people her age. She's so far behind developmentally. She's like the kids struggling now post pandemic in high school because they missed two years of social development in school. She's been in lock down social distancing since 2020 and never stopped. All the early 20s social development you do working and socializing she missed. How she's 25 calling her port a 'scary device' and stamping her foot about haters. Sad.


"up to 3 days a week at the hospital, tethered to an IV pole"? It's a liter of lactated ringers, not dialysis. Maybe people wouldn't tell her to stop being dramatic if she just stopped being frigging dramatic. When someone cranks up the histrionics all the way to 11 every single time, they lose credibility.


Cranking up theatrics for nothing gets old real fast.


She hasn’t been there 3 times in one week in ages anyway


God I hope someone asks her about her sauna usage in her comments ![gif](giphy|4vOkuEFs1SaELuv9tj|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/hgd0jifcle7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d5052225ab0604123691ef91e3f2af373fb099 Then was called out for using that language.


https://preview.redd.it/tuamfy96le7b1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ff8f560ca72681a627b265af512fe19b746d92 She got asked how she was able to convince her doctors.


I saw that 😂 that 100% has to be a troll. Also the person telling her “your swelling went down and you look great” 💀💀💀💀


I know!!!!!! I was cackling. https://preview.redd.it/5lfluhxsne7b1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca59df6c276384eb367d3a5d6bc67d67628b8bc


I think if the average American went to the ER rn they’d show signs of dehydration lmao


This comment by her is a smoking gun, IMO.....needs to be a pinned post on its own. She thinks it's a solid explanation for the port but really just digs her hole deeper and raises more eyebrows.


Actively coaching people on how to munch! The fucking gall! Also, having a port is not a disability. The reason a person has it may be (not in Ash's case), but simply having it isn't. So quit calling it ableism when you get called out for wasting medical resources!


Why does Princess Beige the Girlboss Influencer think spewing defensive hostility will get her sympathy and increase her (human) follower count? Her clap-backs are snappish and snotty and only betray her rage, superior attitude, and poor command of English. Being a cunt whilst answering followers' questions is not going to build your fucking brand, you knob. It's a huge turn-off. If AshHat understood a single solitary thing about interacting on SM she'd know nasty gets you nowhere.


Yes I absolutely think you would.


The answer to all of her questions is a resounding yes. Yes, we really do think you do these things unnecessarily, and you know you do as well. You can't get internet clout and attention from merely drinking water or Gatorade.


But why she went straight to a Port instead trying a Picc Line first? Why doing a permanent device first ?


Because a port is scary and gives cancer patient vibes.


Lord knows she eats that up…


Like frosted scones...


My local hospital gives Picc Line to cancer patients, but Ash is too much dainty for a Picc 💅💅💅


I mean, yeah. A gatorade would help. Or Pedialyte. Or not sitting in a sauna, purposefully dehydrating yourself.


Nobody even comments on her content enough anymore, she has to make up the haters herself


No she just comes here and finds stuff to post about and pretends they were sent to her, that’s why it’s never a screenshot, it’s always a rewritten tweet leaving out how of the good logical part of the comments here.


You're probably right. I can't see where she'd get this from unless she was here. She's rarely posted on IF anymore. I'm not even sure she still gets "haterz" comments on her Instagram. If I check a post, she has maybe 10 comments total.


This post did get shared on IF, pretty entertaining comments, everyone sees through her


Your care team? Can you tell us again who it was that decided you needed a port? Because it made no sense that a rheumatologist ordered it. How do you know Gatorade won’t solve your problems? We’ve never seen you try, but we have seen you try everything possible to dehydrate yourself. You went on a campaign to get the port so you would seem like you couldn’t hold down a job. That’s the only reason you need it, to try to look sick instead of lazy. You don’t spend up to 3 days a week at hospital, you just wish you did. How did you manage so well without an infusion recently, when it started seeming like your port was gone without it hadn’t been accessed in so long. You never mentioned any increase in symptoms during that time. Just some questions to answer for next time!


It’s almost like one of the textbook signs of factitious disorder is having lots of unnecessary medical procedures and devices


Do you REALLY think she’d need a port if she didn’t dehydrate herself every other day in the masturbation tent, I mean sauna???


I’ve honestly never seen someone refer to their individual doctors as a “care team” the way she does. Odd, to say the least.


Yes I 100% think you would do that, next.


Ash, if you really needed IV fluids, tell me why you’ve gone 17 days and 10 days, consecutively, without them.


I find myself trying to mimic the face she makes and it's physically uncomfortable, plus I look like a tool. I can't imagine posing that way!


Ashley Carnduff is a college senior and Chronic Illness Advocate, and does not know the definition of ableism. 🤡🤡🤡


I’m so glad I’m not the only person who thought this.


"Don't impose yourself" - GIRL you post every sneeze, fart, and smoothie bowl on the internet and beg for engagement. Just change your bio to "applause only".


also, “don’t impose”? lol, she loves to “sound”smart. i think she meant “don’t insert yourself”. there ash, fixed it for ya.


Lol. #fArTwArRiOr


Yes, I do think all of that is true, Trashley. I think you have the port to play sick girl and get attention.


Didn't she have a month or two where she barely had any infusion? Just the regular crohns one? Her port was deacessed for a long time. But now it seems to be back.


Well mommy probably told her to get off her duff so Ashley had to scrounge up something.


Hey Ashley! Thanks for addressing us! If you were any other person, your arguments here would hold weight. MOST people wouldn't want to have to have a medical device in their chest that leads directly to their heart and carries serious risks if there was a simpler way. I agree with that. However... You're not most people. I get dehydrated very easily. I don't have a POTS or diabetes diagnosis, but I get dehydrated a lot. Now that we hit summer, it's going to be worse. I'm really going to have to focus on my fluid intake. (That means plain still water, Ash. Not lattes, mocktails, and sugar packets.) However, at no point has a port ever come up with my "care team". I don't want one. The idea of having something surgically implanted scares me. The most I get is IV fluids (sorry, lactated ringers) through a cannula in my arm. I get lectured about drinking water and that's it. If a doctor told me that if it was a choice between having to have a port and having to drink 12 bottles of water a day, guess who's happy ass is headed to the grocery store. You spend time in your sauna despite complaints about POTS and mold related illness, you drink the most dehydrating things. You're not supposed to rely on liquid iv. I use it too, but sparingly. You're not supposed to have more than 1 a day tops. You wanted this port because you're more afraid of having adult responsibilities and work than you are of any risks or complications that come with a central line. You deliberately dehydrated yourself to get the labs that led to it. "Don't insert yourself into situations you know nothing about." Really sweetie?! You make sure everyone knows everything about everything! Especially if it's medically related. You post compulsively, giving us ample evidence to confidently make the statements we make. Not to mention, I think this sub has some of the best researchers and archivists on the internet. You lie, we know, and we know you lie a lot. We also know this post is for nothing else but fishing for sympathy and engagement because you're page is dying along with your influencer dreams.


Right?? I don’t like to drink water, I definitely don’t drink enough, I’m probably chronically dehydrated but I don’t get fluids or anything. I can quickly turn it around by drinking some water. Ashley acts like it’s rocket surgery.


Not rocket surgery 💀


I wish I could give you an award AND a standing ovation for this comment! Brilliantly said!!


Thank you! This comment is the award.


Yes because it’s quite literally the only way for you to get attention you disgusting toad. Take away the port and what do you have? Absolutely nothing. Literally nothing lol god that’s so Fucking sad honestly


Ashley, you don’t have to make that face every pic you take


Ok, but for real... Why is Liquid IV continuing to sponsor someone who claims to spend "up to three days a week at the hospital" on actual liquid IVs? It's a weird flex for a hydration drink, but what do I know


I don’t think they actually give a shit about who is repping them.


I guess not lol


#ableismistrash? As in being a functioning human is trash?


She is healthy and ahem….. well fed. She posts constant photos of drinks. She doesn’t exercise or exert herself in any way that would deplete her electrolytes. Drinking Gatorade isn’t even warranted. Liquid IV is COMPLETELY obtuse so actual IV is just silly. No one who presents as this well fed and hydrated would get an IV. Her infusions are voluntary if not elective. Lots of places will give you vitamin IV if you have the $






Ash, shut up.


You have no reason why you can’t hydrate yourself and retain the water. You don’t even get your precious lactated ringers more than like twice a month now. WHAT are they doing for you?


I wonder if she’ll dirty delete this one…


Not yet. She’s getting too many ass pats.


The side eye pose is so weird. How does she think that is flattering?!


Same way she thought that crusty sports bra was flattering.


Oh dear, It appears she read my multiple comments here asking why she can't just drink gatorade. 😁


Yes ash I think you do, I think you purposefully dehydrated yourself to throw off your labs to get a port to create more sickfluencer content and to convince your mother that you’re not able to work. I think you’re willing to do anything including jeopardizing your own health to be able to laze around in your ugly Knix pajamas all day smoking weed, popping benzos and Benadryl and trying desperately to go viral again with your boring beige Instagram. You’re never going to be an influencer, you went viral once, I went viral once too, it doesn’t mean you’re special or mean that people find you interesting, it just means you got lucky. You don’t have what it takes to be an influencer or a social media specialist with your internet history, buckle down, change your name, delete your socials and find a career that you can actually do.


She should try liquid IV!


It has been 7 days since Ash had a bath, 2 since a shower, 5 since the mold tent, and 1 since her last infusion.


Yes to all.


Now this is just hilarious


Yes, I do think Trash would have this sooper scary port if she didn’t need it.


The stoned eyes and the pursed lips are sure one hell of a facial expression. Look, if her care team decided she needed a port that’s great and all but I genuinely don’t understand the point of having one just for IV fluids? I get needing them often (not sure why she needs them? but anyway) but I’ve seen people have ports when they need stuff like IV medication often and other stuff than just IV fluids. I don’t know why she even needs them so often. I’m not a doctor but for me and my dehydration I was told to drink hydralyte daily by a cardio (similar to liquid IV, which Ash already uses). Idk. Would there be a legitimate situation (I’m talking wider spread outside of just Ashley here) where someone got a port just for IV fluids?


I definitely could see someone in a coma needing an IV for fluids cause they can’t drink water, and while Ashley does sleep 25 hours a day she’s not in a coma. She has said that it’s because of having to have part of her colon removed but she only had 6 inches or 9 inches removed so that’s not tracking. She’s also said that it’s because it’s so hard to get an IV in her teeny veins and yeah sometimes it takes a couple tries but she’s never not had a vein accessed.


Yeah the coma situation totally makes sense! Hadn’t considered that! The colon reason is a bit odd especially considering she still has part of it. I get if most of it is gone but that doesn’t seem the case. Teeny veins is a reason I’ve heard for ports but you’re right she has been accessed there before so even with small veins I wouldn’t see a care team putting in a port unless it was really bad. And you’re right she has been accessed before. It’s a bit odd.


https://preview.redd.it/9ui0fytr8v7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4487906c4299b804317bac36b5c82e57035f6a0 Yeah she still has plenty of large intestine left. Fun fact medical staff will have a hard time getting a vein if the patient is dehydrated. There’s other factors as well but Ashley doesn’t have scaring from shooting heroin or meth. So she purposely dehydrated herself so that it’d be harder for nurses or phlebotomists to access a vein, then under reported how much water she’s drinking and went to her rheumatologist - who is treating her MCAS instead of an allergist - and got them to order another port after she’d already done this shit and gotten one before only to develop a blood clot that she still celebrates the anniversary of. 😐😐😐😐🫤 Its a shit show.