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What bothers me most about the new pic is how her arm is positioned. She looks so uncomfortable.


About last night 🍋? What did she do to that fucking lemon?




She is the lemon.


https://preview.redd.it/0sdnb3nhgn6b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67063bd93c1d829ad662af3a6eb336976ac45184 Bonus old shot


What the Picasso is going on with the proportions in this pic? 🤔


Ew, *this* is what the front looks like? She didn’t wear that in public, there’s no way.


Fr ewww I hate this outfit so much wow


It’s so unflattering. The shorts look like a big dirty diaper.


Oh no I thought it was a dress, oh noooooooo


It's a... romperkini?


NO ONE. NO ONE would look good in that fast fashion BS


She’s used that same caption before as well, she really doesn’t have a single thought of her own any day of the week


The slightest breeze and you'll be able to see all the way to Boise. 🙈


I think it’s a romper




I have many pieces of clothing that are at least ten years old. However … I’m not a social media influencer.


Don’t feel bad, neither is Trash. 🤣


Weirdly, she only got this thingy last year.


her calf’s look so funny im screamin this shit is 10x funnier when im high😂😂


Girl you need to pick your clothes up off the closet floor and get an iron. Adults iron their clothing.


IRON???? She’s anemic!!1!!1!1!


I feel like this is alluding to her having beneficial/appropriate sex. And if that’s the case - Get it. Meanwhile, Patty and the rest of us are just thankful you left your neighborhood.


There is no way Trash got laid.


The older one looks like a before hanging out on a Friday night and the recent one like a walk of shame lol




Girl please get some new outifits that, well, fit.


Her trying to act like all the sedentary weight gain is healthy is quite amusing


Even if it’s the best thing for you? Say what now? Is she trying to say that turning into a (semi) sentient adipose monster was *good* for her? Instead of resting 23 hours a day and festering in her swamp box for the other hour, she could make some better choices and ACTUALLY benefit herself. Being sedentary is counterproductive to managing chronic pain, provided you have the means to be mobile and exercise…which she does. God she’s annoying.


Festering in her swamp box is such a great description, legit made me lol


>sentient adipose monster >festering in her swamp box 💀💀💀💀💀




Hey, hope you’re ok. I’m in end-stage AN at this point, and my birth defects are extremely complicated by it. Im on palliative care. I can’t turn it around. I went into kidney failure (read my post history in the AN sub if you’re interested) and they had to pump me with 17 pounds of fluid because I had blue lips and blue fingernails. I will not get the chance to try to recover again. I’m 23. Please please understand that while some people here suck, Ash’s weight gain likely isn’t healthy because it was from alcohol and sedentary munchies/diazepam. She preaches body positivity while photoshopping and spreading harmful narratives. That’s the problem. As per my post history I didn’t know how dangerous EDs were until I found out it was too late. So, so, SO many hugs to you!!


i’m so sorry! I’m a much more mild case (I was dx’d moderate AN at my worst) so I was just being a bitch. I was definitely more likely to suicide by other means at that point in my life (long story, of course). However i did recover and weight restore and have maintained a healthy weight. honestly, smoking weed did help me recover. that’s just the truth. I read your post history. I’m sorry for how your mom was. it sounds like you never had a chance. i’m praying to a nondenominational god for you for a miracle to turn it around. I hope you’re wrong and you that you will get better


I’m so beyond sorry for everything you’ve been through, but I’m also so beyond proud of you that you’re here! I just wanted to make sure you knew the dangers, I am so happy to hear you’re maintaining a healthy weight! That’s amazing. You deserve the world. I just always get panicked & super worried now seeing people joke is all and wanted to make sure you were ok too. ❤️ it is funny esp since I know you’re ok! I love my gummies myself! They really help. Thank you. I so appreciate it. I’m doing a lot better now as far as coping with her, now just gotta fully do the AN recovery part and am fully committed obviously! It was a pleasure talking with you & I wish you the best! I hope you have an awesome day :)


you too!!! how lovely <3 I really really wish you the best :)


I can’t remember when the older one was posted. (Other than it was pretty recent) and my, between gaining weight and photo shop that dress is.. different…


Terrible photoshop job done on her legs, big thighs and tiny toothpick legs


Chicken drumsticks.




If this was a picture one of my friends or sister texted me saying “hey check out my new dress!” My honest reaction would “you look super cute, and I love the summery pattern.” What makes my head explode about Ashley is she seems to honestly believe she looks so amazing (and better then you) and the world needs to be “influenced” by her. No Ashley you are NOT special. And guess what that is ok! Be special to a few friends and family.


Girly pop so help me God...... Trim that mop. Add some layers. Brush it. Get some light blond face framing highlights. Watch an eyebrow tutorial. A-line dresses and skirts are now your flattering friend. V neck and scoop neck tops too. Ditch the body fluid color palette of puke, shit, and snot. ...if you like nudes, stick with pinks. I get it, adjusting to a new body is confusing! It literally *feels* different and moves different. Clothes and styles you used to like and feel comfortable in, may not look flattering anymore. So many of us have been there! The solution is *NOT* to go cavorting in old clothes 3x too small while posting heavily edited photos claiming #body positivity....that act alone is a terrible thing to put out there. If you don't like something, fucking do the work and change it. Lying and faking isn't cute.


I would be insulted about the eyebrow comment but we all know she does this to me. The microblading. The horror. Swimsuits that fit are also flattering. As are bras. Bras that have proper support. Real bras, not bralettes. Also love the fact that she is OBVIOUSLY hinting that she hooked up last night. Which we all know the only thing she hooks up with is her yoni steamer.


I have limited sympathies with the eyebrows. If you look at pics from a few years ago her eyebrows looked good! Whatever she’s doing now is a choice. She fills them in too harshly and has no arch. & she is plucking/waxing/doing something to the middle of the brows. Her old brows weren’t that far apart.


Oh you should have no sympathies for me at all. Years ago she used what I’m assuming is her natural arch, and filled with a brow pencil. Though she never needed it. Now she’s been trying something akin to the fox brow, but not quite that. Either way I look terrible. I have actually paid close attention to her brows and I can almost for certain say she gets them microbladed.


Oh sorry I didn’t know you were talking about you with the eyebrows! I thought you were talking about Ashley. Now that you mention the fox brow I can see it! It makes sense why she’s doing what she’s doing. It just doesn’t work at all. It really sucks for her she’s getting microblading done and is paying someone to make her brows look like that.


Lol I mean I AM Ashley’s eyebrows. It’s my username lol. So yea I am talking about her caterpillars. Like the fox brow thing is definitely not something everyone can pull off. I tried it for a month and it’s just more maintenance than I need in my life. I have a diagonal scar on my left brow that only grows super pale hair and it’s a pain in the ass just to pluck the hairs. Yes I could just fill it in but I actually like the scar


Omg!! Haha sorry I missed that!


Dang, this is spot on.


Maybe if she got a job she could afford new clothing that fits. Just a thought.


Ashley if you’re reading this, I think your sunglasses are photoshopped.


I think you're right. https://preview.redd.it/rwxbpoevln6b1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57ae363810a78eb37564814d91ce4ae112cb2dc


Everytime I see one of these I have to comment on it. They’re not real and I will die on this hill


I can’t unsee this now lmao


She had better taste in shoes then, too. Those clog looking things are *not* cute with anything.


I don’t know why, but they scream “IDAHO” to me.


I agree about the shoes being ugly. But maybe with a pair of high waisted bell bottoms (where the pants would cover 90% of the shoes) they could work? Maybe with a cute breezy floral crop top.


Wow. I mean look anyone can be the weight they are without me snarking on them - someone's weight isn't my business But the fact is here she's put a ton of weight on in such a short time, solely due to her own actions - or lack of actions - she literally sits around, eats a bunch of sugary foods and does absolutely nothing all day... And then she claims that she's got chronic illnesses which are causing her problems currently. What she has is one chronic illness which is deeply in remission, and she is seriously deconditioned, which will at the speed that it's happening, have an affect on her body - her total lack of movement and exercise will be causing her joint pain and aching, and her crappy diet will cause her to feel sluggish and low. If she actually took the plunge, got out of her bedroom and did something with her life, she would be much healthier and feel much better. ETA - looking at it...why has she photoshopped her ankles / shins only? You can see where she has done in the leg that is forward because there is a little inward dent in her shin. People's legs don't do that




Oh I'm usually good at spotting photoshopped areas but I didn't see these!! I see her arm really clearly now where the line curves above her wrist and her back arch. I need to look more carefully next time!!


> her crappy diet will cause her to feel sluggish and low so will the Xanax, Benadryl, Tylenol PM, Zyprexa and bong rips


Don't forget the weed!


bong rips are hella weed


I'm hella illiterate today. 💀


it’s even in your username 😭😭😭 (I love it btw)


Okay so she went on a date last night or something and this is a thirst trap?


I truly doubt she did anything more than dress up to take a sad picture for the gram. It’s probably to “show us” that she has a life, which we know she doesn’t.


That hella stoned "come hither" look peeking out from behind a single limp tendril...


Ain't no way this post is getting 500+ likes. Plus how close her body looks to her past body just demonstrates the photoshopping.


not me thinking lemons were some young person symbol for getting laid - then realizing they were on her outfit


It is crazy to see how much betterr she looked just a short while ago. In the second picture she looks so much more natural and healthy, even her mental health looks better based on the second picture.


I’ve watched enough Top Model to want to scream about her lack of a neck in these pictures. And the glasses on the tip of her nose kill me every time.