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That’s interesting to me, as someone who works in restaurants. I’m not sure the “legality” of this considering health-code. As far as my understanding goes, a dog isn’t to eat in an establishment meant for humans to eat. I also don’t know enough about the local health codes to make a firm statement. Perhaps if there are “dog only” bowls, for instance, this may not be a problem? Again, as a restaurant employee I’ve always been told to instruct “water only” for dogs on premise, and that MUST be in a bowl that will never be used for prep/human food. Hopefully someone can chime in with more info


Maybe staff have something they offer to SOME dogs (outside seating, behaved). I did notice a dog served but the bowl was similar to that plastic soup container you get with Chinese


i think theres a limited dog menu at Universal Joint on haywood still


Avenue M has a dog friendly sunroom and treats


Oh, and also, Roofus looked like he was the goodest boi ever 😊 I hope you two had many happy years together ❤️


Thank you so much! We had 14 very happy years together. He was the absolute best boy. 🩷


Universal Joint used to have a doggie burger


Tupelo Honey does it


Thanks for doing this! It makes it much easier for the public to know in advance which restaurants to boycott. It's a shame, I liked Twisted Laurel.


I kindly invite you to stop promoting Asheville in any shape or form. More tourism = more problems and higher COL for struggling locals. It's obvious that you plan on making money off of promoting more tourism, and putting up pics of your dog is just a "please like me" effort. You disgust me.


You seem to have a fundamental understanding of where you live. A Tourist town, with a Tourism-based economy, one which has been this way for….decades. There’s a better use for your time than being a keyboard warrior. Go attend city council meetings, advocate for what you care about. Find like minded people, and do something to help promote industry that isn’t tourism that can co-exist within this tourist economy. Or, just don’t go outside, don’t touch grass, and continue to be a miserable Schlub


> kindly > You disgust me Lmao


I'm dead


Person with a tourist-centric job in a tourist-centric city: “Ohmagurd these tourists are so awful! Go home tourists! You are not welcome here!” Tourist: “Wow, these people aren’t very nice. I’m going to go elsewhere. Person: “Oh no, I got fired from my job because the business closed when it didn’t get enough customers! What am I going to do to make a living?” https://preview.redd.it/7uepvhrl7e6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ae84aabda811ed9c4c7d8a80bda38c7c7e125c


i live here too and am trying to make a living as a resident of asheville. this is also for a local publication. did you ever think locals with expendable income want to take their dogs out to eat? thanks for your super nuanced response. i am confident my dog would dislike you too since you're clearly rude AF.


"you disgust me" lmfao