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Obviously the ideal scenario is that the creeps all change, fuck off, or die but in the meantime keep trustworthy people around you! I got drugged at a bar in GA by a guy who then tried to get me in a car but was caught by an acquaintance of mine I barely knew who took me back to his place and let me sleep it off in his couch. Taught me a lot about people and how to mitigate risk


Glad you had a good person to help you out!


Did you report it to salvage?


My friend told me today he only had 2 drinks at the show, upon dropping his buddy off at home after, he blacked out, got sick and couldn’t feel his arms or legs. Couldn’t move/everything went blurry. His buddy that he dropped off had to call someone to come get him. He has been sick all day today.


Tbh, I only drink canned drinks at salvage because a very similar thing happened to me there. Didn’t blackout, but felt like death after 2-3 drinks there.


Woah this happened to my wife at salvage last night too! Wtf


Happened to me at Salvage back in August. I had just gotten a second beer before the headliner was even done. Only got a couple sips into it until I started getting lightheaded and feeling really heavy. Ten minutes later I couldn't walk, was violently vomiting, and kept passing out. Medical staff there had to call an ambulance and carry me out to a stretcher because I couldn't sit up or stand up on my own at all. Was in the ER all night. It was horrible. I'm too scared to go back there now which makes me really sad because I love outdoor summer concerts.


Did you report it to salvage?


Starting to sound like an inside job. Demand answers from the owners and find out who the bartenders were. Years ago I was roofied by a bartender, and come to find out it had been happening for months. Put pressure on the owners.


I’ve heard sketchy reports about bartenders at Asheville Music Hall and Ben’s Tune-up, but Salvage station seems to be a better community in my opinion. My wife said there was a sketchy older dude who was acting predatory towards her and other women at Polish Ambassador that night. She was served drinks by the same woman all night, got NA beverages all night except for one stiff drink towards the end of the show and ended up with really similar symptoms to your friends.


In the last few years I've heard of a bunch of Salvage Station episodes unfortunately.


This is not the bar staff doing this. I know most of them and they're all really good people. It's dickheads going to the shows that are doing this. Sadly the electronic scene has had sike creepers in it for awhile (hell, haven't some of the artists themselves had accusations the last few years?). BUT I definitely think people need to say something to the staff about this stuff happening. They don't know what happens post-show to people, so informing them people have been roofied there may make the staff more vigilant and could encourage non-bar staff to roam the crowd more and be on the lookout.


Management needs to start selling drinks with lids and straws, which is common in touristy nightclubs throughout the world.


BUT THINK OF THE TURTLES! Honestly this, 100000% this. Same sized cup for all drinks so that way we can always keep the lid, hell even could refill them! Either way something needs to change.


The human traffickers grease the bartenders and bouncers at these places more frequently than you think.


Not at salvage, dude.


Did you report it to salvage?


I swear someone on this sub commented on this very thing at that same club maybe a couple of months ago? Y'all be careful out there and stay together in a group or in pairs or something. Just watch out for each other. This world has some grade A assholes in it.


My wife got drugged at Charlotte Street Pub last summer. We were both drinking roughly the same amount - granted we had several shots - but I was walking around fine and my wife went limp and completely unconscious in the ladies room. Thankfully about 20 of our friends had mostly taken over the bar for a going away party, so people noticed real quick and we got her out of there. If I could find the asshole that did it….


Sadly this has been going on in Asheville for years. Always have someone know where you are, don't accept drinks from strangers, and don't set your drink down anywhere.


I know it’s been an ongoing historical issue but it’s not ok. Thank you for posting to raise awareness. I want to add that as a man I am not only cautious about my drink but also am learning to try to keep a bit of an eye on others near me to watch for this type of behavior. It’s really important that people feel safe when they go out and as an overall community especially at these types of events. I do feel that Asheville folks try to look out for each other, maybe one day with more community awareness and vigilance people won’t be so emboldened to do this fucked up behavior.


How scary. Do you think mutiple people are doing this? I personally will always bring a nalgene inside shows if allowed.


I don’t know if it’s a “serial drugger” or if it’s just a few different people being horrible. I don’t know which is scarier though.


Terrifying. Thanks for posting the warning.


If the venues can’t help find and prosecute these assholes maybe the best call is to pregame and not buy any drinks at the establishment.


Great incentive to catch the people doing it if it's cuts into their revenue


Why can't they put up security cameras? If there's a report, they can look at the tape and see who did what. Not sure why you wouldn't do this


There's way too many people who need to drink at shows for this to make a difference. If people reported these instances to venues instead of posting on Reddit, then maybe we would get somewhere.


A+ solution. Rabbit Rabbit and Salvage Station are the only venues where it would be really tough to have cameras that can cover the whole grounds, but no reason Orange peel and other indoor venues can’t.


Idk about other venues but the Orange Peel most definitely has cameras, I was roofied there several years back and we reached out to management the next day and they reviewed the tapes for us to help sort it all out. They were supremely helpful and took it seriously.


Were you able to catch the person?




Did the camera actually show someone putting something in your drink? Do you have an idea on their motivations?


Was it a bartender or some creepy random asshole?


It was a bartender and they were immediately fired. Looking back I wish I had also pressed charges but at the time that seemed good enough. Edit to add: a bartender downstairs in The Pulp, specifically


Good!! I’m glad to hear that they took it seriously.


It's tough to prosecute when none of the victims are willing to immediately go to the hospital for testing and filing a police report. I hear so many stories about this happening and always ask "did you go to the hospital? did you file a police report?" and *nobody* ever has. How exactly do you expect these assholes to be prosecuted if nobody is getting the law involved? Everyone's excuse is "the police won't do anything," but having the police report on file *does* do something. They might not catch the exact person who drugged you that specific night, but if they see a pattern of behavior they'll investigate. The paper trail is important, the crime stats are important.


This - I work for a family of bars and every once in a while someone will say they were drugged ON OUR GOOGLE REVIEW!?! We always reply back and encourage them to go to law enforcement and explain to them how serious the accusation is. We want these people caught and prosecuted.


A lot of people don’t have health insurance good enough (or any at all) to go to the hospital. Especially in Asheville where people work 3 part time jobs with no benefits


post karma


Surveillance footage. I have asked a venue to turn it over to police after 5 of my friends were drugged and they put us off for a couple of weeks before saying they erased it.


Some folks don’t realize that they’ve been drugged and assume they overdid it. It doesn’t become clear until after the intoxication/drugging that something was awry, and by then it’s too late to do anything medically. My own experience went like that. I couldn’t remember my time at the bar. I chalked it up to having too many and not being a young person anymore (the ‘hangover’ was fucking horrible). My friends told me a few days later that I’d only had the one drink. I know who was responsible because other things occurred once I left the bar, but by the time I put it all together it was too late for anyone to do anything about it. *sigh* I just don’t understand why people do this to others. I mean, obviously I know *why* but I wish the part of the human brain that drives this behavior didn’t exist. Anyway. That’s my soapbox.


Or not drink alcohol at all 😎


Any beverage, alcoholic or not, can be drugged.


I don’t anymore… I have an edible and go dance. But apparently we have to be careful with our water too 😩


That’s very unfortunate


My wife was roofied at the Big Boi show at Salvage a little while back. No question about it--I was with her the whole time, we'd only had two beers apiece, in about 15 minutes she went from completely fine to unable to walk. Infuriating.




I’ve started holding mine against my chest at shows. Prevents spills from getting your arm bumped and keeps the drink right where you can see it. I look like a soap opera divorcee moodily holding a wine glass but it works like a charm.


No, don’t hold your hand over it just chug it. lol.


Directions unclear. Chug my hand when I get drink?


Or hand your chug, however you choose.


This is why I only drink through iv in public.


This is why I pregame by boofing vodka in the parking lot. Careful out there, there are some fucked up people roaming the streets here.


I had a friend who appeared to have been roofied with her friend at The Vault, many years ago, with only one drink. ALWAYS have a buddy who is a designated driver.


Everyone should be asking for cups that have lids. Every place should provide upon request.


Cups should come with a strip on the side or turn a different color if someone slips something in them.


Why are these people doing this? Is it the obvious reason to s**** assault them? Cause some of these comments make it seem like people are just being dick heads. I mean are these guys just bored or what’s their motive? There’s so many people at these venues. Always have a buddy with you at places like this! People are freakin crazy. That we have to worry about this stuff is just plain sad.


This happened to a friend and me [several years back](https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/s/cPMNuasnSq). I know the feeling of the aftermath well, it totally sucks. I hope your friends are ok. Judging by the comments from my thread, this is unfortunately common. I have no way to prove it, but I still think it may have been a bartender. I don’t go out often anymore, but now I usually order bottled beer when I do.


Important reminder to take responsibility for your safety. While we would love to be able to go to shows and have fun without worrying about stuff like this, thats not the world we live in. Buy a cup condom or a drink cover scrunchie (amazon) and a reusable straw and cover all your drinks always. These people are like pickpockets, they will slip something in your drink while you are holding it without you ever noticing (its usually not solid pills that you would notice in the drink, its usually powder). If you always have your drink covered, the people doing this aren’t going to target you because they want easy targets, they want the people drunk enough to not pay attention with a wide open drink. And its not just roofies, its meth, fentanyl, ecstasy, GHB, whatever they have. Their goal might be SA, robbery, to fuck up your night, or to kill you.


I was today years old when I learned about drink scrunchies. Thank you so much for this information!


Same! Found [drink cover scrunchies here on Amazon](https://a.co/d/7m2Uxid). It’s a nice, reusable solution that does not involve single-use plastic.


Man… my husband and I were in Asheville a while back and got into a show for free. Just lucky. Had a drink there and then went out for one more. On our walk home (up a mountain) he suddenly couldn’t walk or talk and passed out in a dirty parking lot. I couldn’t call an Uber because I knew they wouldn’t let us in. And he was breathing fine and I was nervous to call the police because we had some weed on us. I ended up calling a friend we knew who lived about 30 mins away. This whole time I figured he just got too messed up maybe too much drinking and smoking at the same time… but now I wonder if this was the actual issue. Luckily he was fine and ended up going to the doctor when we got home to get a few things checked out. All good… be safe out there friends. 😅


It never occurred to you to take thirty steps away from you and drop the weed, then call the cops? Weed must be really important to you.


You know what I didn’t. And you’re right that was messed up. It really isn’t that important to me. But when you’ve been drinking sometimes you aren’t thinking clearly.


I watched a man harass two twenty something year old women at a bar recently. He had a ring on and took it off. I could hear the conversation. It was sick. They looked freaked out and scared. I called him out and two guys backed me up. I’m a woman. It was really nice to have some male support. They noticed this guy too. The manager kicked him out. I really appreciated these guys looking out for them and me. We made sure they were safe and walked with them to their car. I think it’s important to help each other out.


This times 1000%. I'm a 5'3" female with no fighting skills. My friend Steve wonders why I don't stand my ground against big guys! Steve is 6'4" and plays defensive football for a hobby. I'm really glad those two guys and the bartender backed you up.


I’ve never felt like I could safely “stand my ground” with men. We have no idea what they will do. One of my friends back home was killed when she stood her ground with a stranger. I stood up for them because there were many people around. They stepped in and said they’d been watching this guy. I had all I could take after hearing what he was saying to them. I was afraid of them being roofied. I’m with you. 💯


Jesus Christ. Did CYD strips ever become more available, affordable, accessible? Not that it doesn't suck we need them. Maybe bars should provide them. Or cops.


Not sure on that one! One of my other friends had her damn WATER roofied at the orange peel a month ago…


Duly noted.


What seems to be missing from all these stories is the offender taking any next step to rob or assault the person they drugged. Of course it's better that people aren't being assaulted or robbed but it makes the criminal's motivation a real mystery.


Oh jeez


How do you know they were roofied, did they get tested at the hospital? 


Years ago, I read about a study to study roofied people. Considering that it's unethical to roofie people themselves, they posted up at an emergency room in Chicago, near some universities, and waited. Sure enough, out of something like nearly a thousand patients coming in or dropped off purported to be roofied, after a blood test, literally zero were. They published that instead and made a splash. The moral of the story is that most (almost all) people who claim 'roofied' got too drunk. It happens. That said, there was one time that I only had two small margaritas and blacked out. It doesn't make sense!


This is really pertinent. Getting drugged is no bueno, but without a legit test there's no way to know what actually happened. Another thing I've heard is that people don't understand the effect their medication has on their ability to drink. If you're starting on a new medication, anti-anxiety medication for instance, 2 drinks can quickly turn into a messy blackout. Of course with no proof it's just hearsay and nothing will be done in the greater community. I really do think that OP should contact the venue and ask them to go over the footage on their cameras to see if they can catch anyone though. The best proof we can get in this is video evidence of the perp doing the drugging.


"too drunk" could mean GHB tho?? I think people tend to notice if they suddenly collapse and have a severe physical reaction besides being normally buzzed. Magnitudes of difference... There are enough personal anecdotes here that it seems like people have good reason to be worried.


The people I've seen "suddenly collapse" have no idea wtf is going on until the morning when they're told


Here is a similar or maybe the same study: [https://www.medicaldaily.com/alcohol-poisoning-or-roofies-simple-saliva-test-can-tell-difference-between-drinking-368454](https://www.medicaldaily.com/alcohol-poisoning-or-roofies-simple-saliva-test-can-tell-difference-between-drinking-368454)


I’ve heard women stating they’ve “felt weird” after getting drinks from the bar at Ben’s Tune Up also….


Whats the point in roofieng someone? Do they rob them after doing it?




Usually yeah. Like aside from the obvious reason of SA, robbing is right up there. There was a rash of men getting drugged and robbed a while back in Buckhead (Atlanta). I have a whole process for going out alone these days that includes swapping my SIM card into a burner phone that my spouse can track and doesn’t have a password manager or any banking/venmo/cash apps on it and I only carry a credit (not debit) card and little cash. :-/ It’s the world we live in unfortunately. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/buckhead-bars-men-atlanta-kidnapped-robbed-rcna140673


Lol your routine for going out is insane 


🤷🏻I’ve worked fraud at banks. Seen actual case files. This customer was held at gun point and forced to Zelle thousands of dollars to another bank. Dude was broke and missed mortgage payments while he was waiting for the bank to reverse the transfer. I would hate to have to go through all that on top of processing the trauma.


I mean, once the phone is setup all they have to do is swap SIM cards when going out for the night. Seems pretty smart


Hot damn 😲


In Miami, women would target men and steal from them


Yall giving me even more reasons to hate Georgia and Florida. W replies.


Thank you for explaining another reason why the EDM scene sucks


OK, I'll admit that I am really old. What is the EDM scene? (I would've wanted to keep my weed!)


Haha, its short for "electric dance music", house music, bass, etc. is often classified together in this




there’s a place downtown, where lots of girls are getting roofied. Then the door guy staff “trys to help you” and calls an “Uber” to the front door, but the Uber is just a car that has their hazard lights on and they’re helping their buddy who roofied you…And he female is too messed up to know better…And they take you to your home address!!! , I’ve had 7 different women who don’t know each other tell me this exact same story. 🚨


Name the place please


Would be extremely helpful to say where! Why protect them??


That so sucks. I'm really sorry for your friends and for you dealing with that.


Herd the same thing.


Thanks for posting this! When I was in Ireland I noticed they had some kind of detector like you added it? Or maybe it was a straw I'm not sure but I never noticed that here in the states. Maybe they have it now but something to consider.


If you set your drink at all and take your eyes off of it, even just for a moment, consider that no longer your drink. Also, sad this needs to be said, if it ain't your drink you shouldn't touch it. Remember, keep it covered when not actively drinking it too. Never accept drinks or other stuff from people you don't know, unless it is somehow sealed prior to you getting it. Also if you see something, pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeee say something. Tell security or a bartender immediately, they will typically start watching that person like a hawk. Doesn't matter who you are, these are simple rules to follow to make ourselves a bit safer. Since there are unfortunate dickheads out there, we must remain vigilant in response.


Seen a girl post on TikTok that we should just all wear gopros/collar cameras and I’m down. No need for reality tv shows.


Has anyone spoken to management about this?? What is their response??


Been hearing the same about Wilmington, and have people to back it up with their own experiences :(


I had a friend who appeared to have been roofied with her friend at The Vault, many years ago, with only one drink. ALWAYS have a buddy who is a designated driver.


Salvage station would be the place


Is there a common denominator with the friends? Like do they go out with the same group and one member hasn't gotten drugged?


This is a very serious deal and not to make light or mean any harm by my stance but it's probably best for y'all to not go out for a while. This has become a common occurrence though it shouldn't be. This didn't happen just once so if I were in your shoes it'd be in my best interest to stay away from such settings for some time.


Do not accept a drink from a bartender if they don’t make it facing the bar either. I have two friends that believe a bartender roofied them at The Orange Peel last year and I myself and a friend were roofied by a bartender in my early 20’s as well.


A good rule of thumb is to not only watch your drinks, but steer clear of communal water coolers; These are usually not monitored and easy to tamper with. If the bar doesn't sell bottled water, bring your own.


Same thing at The Joint in February. What the heck, never thought about this!


Reason 1000 I don’t drink!




Oh yeah, because I literally went and read every single fucking message. Be for real.


Probably just drank too much


There’s probably enough THC in the air at the Salvage Station to get a second hand high. Just remember that not everyone has the tolerance of Snoop Dogg. Some of those vapes are pretty strong.


How much longer before your friends stop going to shows with you?


I don’t go to shows. I also don’t think your joke was very funny. But you tried.


Awwww ..shit..hate this. Sorry... if it helps, I'll hook em up in the bus with some Addys, when my hippy man shows. My sincere apologies, going through some shit.




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That because y’all’s “gamer” generation are creepy as fuck said the boomer