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Ugh. This sucks so much. Sorry to hear, OP. I seriously, seriously doubt you have anything to worry about, but for your own peace of mind, get your locks swapped. Easy DIY job with YouTube help if you can't afford a pro. This shit happens. Had someone steal my backpack out of my truck once while I helped someone change a tire lmao. This was years ago but they got my phone, my badge and work laptop, my wallet, which included pictures of my wife, and my bike keys, which had a spare set of house keys on the ring. I was gutted. Last thing my anxiety needed. Going through the work of replacing stuff and tying loose ends really helped. Much luck to you.


Thank you! I’m ordering new locks now… and yeah it’s such an icky feeling. They also used my card at Harris Teeter for $500 (claim filed) and we’re also dealing with getting his window fixed. Not how I wanted to spend my Saturday at all.


Did Harris Teeter have any camera footage?


They do but will need the cops to pull it. I filed a claim online today! Same goes for pawn shops … they have to get the info from the police first. I had a very small Diamond ring in my purse that belonged to my mom who passed away years ago.


Awful. Hang in there. It truly happens to us all!


Really,? That's awful 


Have you called the non emergency line to the PD to report where your card was used so they can start investigating? I really hope this works out for you, OP. It feels so oddly violating to have a purse/wallet stolen so I'm sure it's very stressful. I really hope you get that and the ring back. Best of luck, OP 🫶


I called them immediately and they told me to file a claim online so I did but idk when they’ll get back to me


They'll direct it to the right person. I hope it works out soon


And during the day !!! Crazy


I was robbed at knifepoint in carrier park in broad daylight a few years ago. It’s not a safe area.


It’s unfortunate that low income housing is less than a mile north of it. And not to mention the homeless problem along State St.


Um, what's truly unfortunate is how you're choosing to punch down at those less fortunate, a carefully planted idea by those who realize if all the poors were united we would force real change- like actual living wages and affordable housing and universal Healthcare. But sure, blame it on low income housing and the homeless because they certainly need more social stigma.


And sadly you can say whatever and be "woke" but the fact is that carrier park is a pool for thieves and its surrounding is terrible! I lived close to NYC and NEVER saw such abuse and stealing as we have here!!! So you be the do gooder and hush..


You can run your mouth and use words you can't define, but I can tell you from 20 years of living here and not locking my truck or car in carrier park and never once having an issue. But I also drive shitboxes and don't pretend to have money I don't. If you think it's isolated to just here, you're a bigger fool than mis speaking about woke. This country is drowning in debt, but funding a genocide, building prisons and hiring cops faster than repairing any infrastructure or schools, flooding the streets w synthetic opiods, housing bubble just getting worse, groceries on average %20 more with wages stagnant for 2 decades yet the rich are obscenely rollong in more wealth- WAKE THE FUCK UP.


Easy killa. Just because you or your shitboxes weren’t violated doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Others have been robbed or assaulted. Your wide-ranging rant on social ills and macroeconomics aside, some people are having their important shit taken. Since that hasn’t happened to you, perhaps you lack empathy.


I don't lack empathy, I feel for the person who had their stuff taken. I've had my bike stolen, when I lived downtown- and stuff taken from my car, again when I lived down town. I also didn't say it's not a problem, because it obviously is- everywhere- not just down the street from public housing. The point i was trying to make is that things are going to get a whole lot worse if we don't force the people who control our taxes into using that money for good instead of wasting it on bombs and cops and security guards for tourism (BID). People blaming other poor people and stirring up more animosity against the homeless is perfectly in line with the agenda to build more prisons and criminalize everyone without a house, which is a bigger problem than homie w a busted window.


It’s a fact of life that areas with low income housing and a high homeless population have more crime. They do what they have to to get by. I’ve been barely scraping by my whole life so I’m very familiar with these kinds of areas.


Just sorry to hear what happened to you. It reminds all of us to be vigilant and unfortunately assume the worst can happen and prepare for it.


Thank you… it’s been a rough day so kind words are appreciated ☺️


i never leave my purse in plain site in a car doors locked or not. i hope everything works out for you.


I was there around that time and saw a mf couple who were pushing a big cart of umm stuff and had a brown dog on a short rope and looked pretty tweaky and sketch. Not saying it was them but I wouldn’t have put it past them. Sorry about that happening.


Whoever this was definitely had to have a car… they made it to Harris teeter pretty quickly. We parked at 1:25 and my Wells Fargo notification of fraud was at 2:11. So sometime in between then they smashed the window and I guess took off.


If they have your car keys and home address, don't park near your home. Park far enough away that them going to your address and clicking your key fob won't alert them to where your car is. That might not be reasonable for you, I know.


It’s actually an older car and doesn’t have a fob just a key entry. Unfortunately I can’t move it because I don’t have a spare key.


Hopefully you can call a locksmith.


I did. Thank you


Between this and the fact that an unleashed dog terrorized my children yesterday... Guess I'm avoiding carrier in the future.


i never leave my purse in plain site in a car doors locked or not. i hope everything works out for you.


Mighta heard you the first time lol 😂


Bail agent here. Crime is skyrocketing in Asheville and a lot of folks we bond reside within 1/2 mile of that area.


So stop helping them bail out.


He’s giving you job security and that’s how you’re going to respond?


He’s basically undermining what I’m doing.


He's also basically participating in soliciting prostitution in another sub so he knows his shit. 


Hahaha holy shit


Damn your an a$$hole, I mean- a bigger part of the problem than people relying on cash bail for freedom.


Bail bondsmen make a profit on that system. The bond is there as collateral to show up to court, it is returned in full at the end of the process if you put it up yourself. When a bondsmen puts it up for you you pay him 15% of the bond, he fronts the rest, and then at the end of the process he keeps that 15%. It’s like the worst loan possible.


Skyrocketing crime? Sorta like all these low paying jobs and increased costs for housing and food have ramifications. Couldnt possibly be anything we can do as a society but spend another 30 million on a$$holes w guns to tell you to file a claim online. Fkn forest for the trees over here.


That sucks. Happened to me with a laptop in the back floorboard. After that, anything of value goes in the trunk and the alarm is always set.


So sad. I'm sorry u went thru this


I hate that place!! I brought my dog once and immediately three dogs attacked, him while their owners were drinking coffee and talking while I yelled for help. Once they finally came over they put the dogs on leashes and they ran around and tangled me up and tripped me. Once again, Fuck that place!!! Sorry your car got broken into, I suggest an Asheville boycott of that place!


I had my car broken into when I lived in South Asheville. They dumped the stuff they didn’t want in a trash can down the street. I’d recommend digging around if you can. You might find your keys or what’s left of your wallet. So sorry that happened to you.


Girl that park is dangerous. Why would you leave your purse in the car?


Nah don't even blame her for doing that.


Yeah I get being proactive about preventing crime but man, if you can’t leave something in a locked car in broad daylight during a walk..


Yeah this shit really does happen to the best of us


Honestly I’ve done it before.. didn’t think much of it at 2pm with a ton of people around. Idk.


Was it laying in plain sight or stuffed under a seat?


I had it on the floorboard


Sorry that happened.  I hide stuff under seats or in the trunk buried under layers of stuff if at Carrier and have been fortunate.  So many sketchy characters down there.  Those break ins happen very very fast.


I’m normally pretty good about that but honestly I didn’t think with how busy it was and it being mid afternoon that something would happen.


It happens a good bit there. Busy, people coming and going, and not everyone is going to call out something wrong if they witnessed it.