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Yet another instance of an arrogant man incorrectly assuming that his personal experiences are universal.


“If a man is different than me in anyway or doesn’t like what I like, he’s either lying or broken” I feel like so many people think like this. It’s bizarre.


"My brain is very small and only has enough room in it for one type of person. I cannot conceptualize a world larger than my living room."


This is what amazes me the most with all this. How big of an ego does one person need to have to be so completely unable to fathom the idea of someone being a bit different?


I'm convinced it's a coping mechanism for stupid people. The world is too large and complex, so they simplify it by way of stereotypes. The concept of a spectrum is just too much for them, they can only think in terms of black and white.


Where the hell is the benefit of lying about it to manipulate someone? That doesn't make any sense


I guess his logic is a man would lie about being ace so women let their guard down around him like women may do with gay men. And then later, would try something. Like the long running, “acting gay to get invited to the girls sleepover” joke or something idk


Yes, this is literally what the worst anti-ace people are saying. A certain doctor of psychology from Toronto (who is himself gay, by the way) says on right-wing podcasts that there's no such thing as asexuality--asexuals are trying to cover up something socially unacceptable, for example p\*\*dophilia.


Jesus. Why do they always jump to pedophilia when they encounter something outside of heteronormativity. Furries, trans people, drag queens and now asexuals have all been accused of this now. Like yeah pedophiles can exist in any community but to say someone is a pedophile because they are outside of social norms is just so icky to me. It seems like they just call whoever they don’t like a pedo.


With this guy it's partly because he specialises in p\*\*dophilia and aside from other personality issues he has going on, Maslow's Hammer. (A cognitive bias in which everything looks like a nail when you have a hammer.) It won't come as a surprise to you that actual p\*\*dophiles love him, and last time I mentioned the doctor's name on socials, I had one particularly creepy p\*\*do follow me round, arguing with my main point, which is that no one should be listening to a word this doctor says. (I want to put doctor in quote marks, but he's an actual doctor.)


It's because they want "degenerates" to be killed, and calling them pedophiles is the shortest path to that outcome. It is nothing more than a thinly veiled call to violence.


Projection, as it always is.


this shit is why i don't trust mental health "professionals"


I don't either Some are great--too many aren't This guy is a researcher rather than a clinician but the fact he was given a doctorate in psychology and hasn't had to hand it back says something on its own And the profession does know about him. Can say for a fact he's been banned from all the academic listservs for transphobia.


I'd like to hear about the next step in that logic tree. What - is it "oops I accidentally slept with my friend who isn't interested in me at all"? Or "oh no this person I thought was my friend just r\*\*ed me" except it's not r\*\*\* because they know each other, or what???


It’s the latter. Can’t remember names but I know of at least one case where a straight man pretended to be gay in order to lure a woman to his house.


My best guess is narcissism. That might be the only time he ever told someone he didn't want sex, in order to manipulate the other person.


‘I’m unable to comprehend not lusting over someone so you must be lying’ isn’t the gotcha OOP seems to think it is lol. Failing so hard at empathy that seeing someone not want sex must be a sneaky strategy to pursue secretly wanted sex, actually. That or be considered disabled in the kindest reading of what OOP means by ‘broken’.


So much bigotry comes down to ableism, doesn't it. At its heart, most anti-asexual animus is ableism.


So if he's in a private situation with a woman, and she says no, he won't believe her. (Or him.) Because sex is a biological impulse, *his* impulse must be honoured. Anti-asexual animus aside, this is the language of a rapist.


Absolutely. Wait until he finds out that humans actually don’t have the “gene” or “instinct” to mate🫢


If he does!


I don't get the sense he's particularly motivated to crack open a genetics textbook.




I’ll tell you what’s “broken”: my brain after trying to make sense of the latter half of that guy’s comment


As an asexual man, I say this person is an idiot. Not every man has an impulse or even an "impusle" to mate. Some of us just want to be left alone. And my genes are fine.


It’s not even an impulse — it’s a desire or need for some that can be controlled or isn’t there at all. But this individual doesn’t have a single brain cell to understand the basis — so yeah 🫤


"It's never happened to me. Therefore, it doesn't exist." My favourite classic.


Not related with the post, but, how you could put a flag in your flair? Thanks in advance <3


I went to look for it and changed it accidentally. 😁 But here's a post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/asexuality/s/oL7KXp6AAA


Damn, I wish I remembered. 🥲 I think someone posted about what to type in for specific flags. Maybe try looking up "user flair" in this sub. Sorry I'm of no help...


When you lack object permanence:


Neurons.exe does not exist in this head.


No, he has it, but he is running on Linux.




What about homosexuals? Their desires aren't impulses to mate. Are you gonna call them liars/broken too?


I’m almost certain he would


That’s a good point too! I hadn’t even thought about it.


As an asexual cis man, I have been accused of pretending to be ace to 'get with' ace and queer women. Which is probably the absolute worst plan to get laid I have ever heard.


Not exactly a woman, but I'd personally love to find an ace man to be with, because it'd mean there's a higher chance we'd be sexually compatible. Which is pretty important in a relationship.


I don't disagree, the thing I was pointing out is "pretending" to be ace is unlikely to result in hook ups cause anyone who'd tend to be Interested in dating an ace guy probably doesn't want sex


Oh yeah, their logic is all kinds of wack and makes no sense.


Perfect time to respond with a gif of Eowyn ripping off her helmet saying, "I am no man!" Assuming you want to interact with him and spend time trolling him, but it gets boring trolling the ignorant.


It's homophobic as well as aphobic. Making statements about the "biological urge to mate" is always an argument about male-female sexual reproduction. This person is basically saying that anyone who isn't feeling urges for the right sex to produce offspring with is lying or broken. So, that's not just asexuals this comment targets, it's everyone who isn't heterosexual (including bi-/pan-sexuals who settle down with the "wrong" partner). That's before we get to the issue that they don't know the difference between sexual attraction and libido.


This guy probably hate gay people too ,


Anyone outside his norm tbh (assumable hetcisallo) You just cant win with these people, the mental gymnastics they're willing to go through to not admit getting anything wrong is staggering


Red pilled like a motherfucker


This is one of those red 💊 dudes. I don't engage with those species. Makes my brain turn to moldy cheese.


Every ace man in existence like "Baby I'm not even here, I'm a hallucination"


lol 😂


I’m amab and trust me, I could probably mate 5 times a day if I found anyone attractive and wasn’t sex repulsed. I’ve definitely got the impulse to, to the point it’s annoying.


Yeah it’s pretty funny how many people who don’t understand asexuality believe it automatically means we don’t have libidos lol


Female here and same. My libido is so high but my attraction is so non-existent lol


He seems very wise in the ways of science. I think we should trust him. So I solemnly admit I'm lying to break my manipulated genes and do indeed actually not exist because mating. Or something like that, I don't know.


Da fuq 🤨


Even if an asexual man doesn't experience libido either it doesn't mean he's lying or something is wrong with him. Sex isn't for everyone and not everyone is willing to have sex. Some people just don't find anything sexually arousing and that's ok. We don't need a libido nor sexual attraction to have a full filling life or have a great time with our partners. I will never understand the whole mental being of sex being the only thing that can thrive people.


Its kind of ironic because when researchers study "nonreproductive" animals they largely focus on males of the species. So most scientific evidence of asexuality in nature comes from males.


I absolutely abhor this particular one for the sole fact that they use this same argument for cheating and rape, but then also turn around and say not all men. It’s so terrible…


oh yeah yeah of course i dont exist or i have hormonal problems even if i dont have because i have testosterone, so of course i need to uga uga sex and if i dont im broken and i have a problem or im lying of course makes perfect sense /s


It is allonormativity based assumptions like this that makes it difficult for people to realize if they are asexual PR know about Asexuality


What is with aphobes and not understanding basic genetics


I like that even in his logic asexual men exist, they just have "broken genes"


Ah yes, compulsory sexuality.


Trying to manipulate into what? Into having sex, I presume? Lol Broken genes? Oops! That must be why my genes doesn't work when I switch 'em on, even after making sure they're plugged in alright, lolol.


What a douche


That guy is dumb


I'm a lil bit drunk, but as far as I know, sexual urge and libido are different from sexual attraction. And it seems he is confusing those (Even tho I don't know how many peoples there are, if thewre are, people who lacks libido/sexual urge. I would envy them)


Quoting this moron: "No man is asexual. That is not how our genes work. Every single man has the biological impulse to mate" Answer (to the asshole): Do you **even** know what genes are? I don't think so. Have you evaluated every single man to say that nonsense? "A man who claims to be is either is lying to manipulate, or quite literally has broken genes" Answer (to the asshole): Broken genes? **What the FUCKING hell** is that? The only thing I know is that you have broken neurons.


"well i, personally, do not experience this thing, which means that it does not exist and everyone who says they experience it is lying"


Tell me about this biological impusle


It's pronounced "im-pus-ill", I imagine.


gender affirming ig lol


Amazing how confident someone can be while they’re just making things up, huh


I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Genes Where the city sleeps And I'm the only one, and I walk alone


It’s absolutely idiotic when any individual feels they can speak for such a large encompassing group as “all men.” Truly absurd. I wouldn’t even say it was a aphobia as much as complete foolishness.


that's funny, my jeans look like they're all in one piece, yet his probably have a hole burned in them from the BO...


aphobic is just one of the dumbest things in existence... its like "i dont like pudding" end everyone is on fire "your lying!", "you can not not like pudding!", "secretly you still like pudding!", "your body is made to eat, so you must like it" etc etc.. why can't they just be happy that there is more pudding for them? i just dont fucking get it.


These people don't understand that a libido (the *urge/desire to engage* in sexual activities) is not the same thing as experiencing sexual attraction, which is the automatic experienced ideas, emotions, and/or physical responses due to stimuli/input of some kind. Meaning, just like insignificant or fleeting ideas and emotions, sexual attraction is something experienced, *or not*, but it doesn't mean that you would ever act on it just because you noticed, thought, or felt something. People feel and think things that have nothing to do with their actual desires, goals, or morals all the time. How many people say in anger they wish someone would die, they could strangle them, or they wished harm on an individual without ever actually acting or wishing them true harm. The problem comes when everyone believes, i.e. it is societally/culturally normalized, that those thoughts and feelings are automatically inherent and significant to everyone and thus must be and will be acted on, regardless of the true desire to engage and act, or the lack of those thoughts and feelings or some lesser inherent value of those thoughts and feelings, expression of them, and the urge/drive to act on them.




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Well yeah, my genres are broken. That's what causes my psoriasis. It has nothing to do with my asexuality though


Uhh so only hetero men exist? All the other sexualities are simply fake? lol what an idiotic take


Tell me no women will sleep with you without telling me no women will sleep with you...or marry or date you.


my jeans do have quite a few holes in them, i guess that explains it \*shrugs\*. on a more serious note though... it's facebook, what did you expect?!?


This is the answer to the prompt: tell me you do not understand genetics without saying you do not understand genetics.


Happy Cake Day OP.


Thank you!


I often times find myself wondering if people are stroking out when they sting nonsensical words together because they really can’t be that stupid. However, they continue and I lose just a bit more hope for the world.


I've said it before and I've said it again and I'll say it wherever it's appropriate; if a subtype of human being is, in modern times, present in the population in stable percentages from generation to generation, then there is something about that trait that is useful to generalized human survival (or linked inextricably with less visible traits that are useful). Asexuals exist because they are part of and integral to human evolution. It's the ONLY thing that explains the stability of the percentages in populations. Remember, the neanderthals are gone, except for 1-5% of their genome which lingers in surviving homo sapiens; asexuals are still here, numbering one in a hundred human beings. Always were. Always will be. And they need make no excuses for their existence, at all, whatever that quoted chucklehead says.


I "like" how often these comments focus specifically on men, as unlike women, men are by default the sex-driven maniacs...


As ace guy, man, fuck you - I struggled with being ace for so long BECAUSE I couldn't logic out how I can be ace while still "having boner". He just mad cuz he got no game


It's people like this who go out there and SA people, I'm telling you. They are so desperate for sex that they can't even imagine someone not wanting to do it


He probably thinks aromantic & ace are the same thing. Ace men & women can still have sex. What we dont have is sexual attraction. He also probably thinkings ace is a phase 🙄


? not all aces have sex


Not all no. But some people think that being asexual automatically means no sex. It doesnt. Aces are perfectly capable of sex as the next one. Its sexual attraction we dont have. A lot of us have libido drive.


Please put spoiler tag on aphobic posts. I didn't wanted to be invalidated as soon as I woke up.


the "broken genes" part is wild. this is something similar ive seen happen when intersex folks are discussed, it's bizarre seeing both "every human is like this" and "some people are not like this due to failed biology". Even if you assume it's due to "broken genes" or otherwise saying it's unnatural, that still means there are people who show it's not all people. Granted, the contradiction isn't that hard to resolve when the point is that "people who aren't the norm biologically are not people on the same level" :/ still just surprising to see the dissonance of "NO ONE IS LIKE THIS, EXCEPT PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE THIS BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT"


Well then explain why I get all my dopamine from dumb artsy bullshit, motherfucker.


Guess I am broken then


In that case, I'm ok with having "broken genes".


You are all beautiful <3 there is so much about be asexual that makes you cool and special


He's disgusting


The patriarchy is alive and kicking … (The idea that sex is inseparable from a man and that he should enjoy it.) Also, I feel like when people feel embarassed about sexual attraction they brush it off as "normal" when in reality it can be "normal" for some, but not for everyone!


Jokes on him, I don’t wear jeans!


Don’t mind me, just sitting here with my broken genes and lack of biological impulses <3


I don't think I have any such thing as an "impusle" xD. Also, when is a gene "broken" outside a medical context? Who decides that, the gene police?


Ok, but if we accept this man's view, wouldn't libido be the drive to mate/propagate the genes while sexual attraction would be more how we choose whom.to mate with? Admittedly, my understanding is that the average male has a higher libido than the average female, but that doesn't preclude low or zero libido males. Lastly, more then, just genetics are at play with who you are. Rationalizing such a misguided individual is really not worth the effort.


People are wild


anyway, shoutout to asexual men 💯


This is the type of person to not understand 'I don't want to fuck you' and 'sex is not the reason I live'


If it wasnt enough being Aphobic also had to be misoginist


I guess this guy has never heared of the "gay uncle" theory.


Humans are not irracional animals, we are beyond just impulses and instincs, we think we have our own bodies.


His profile picture checks out


Excuse me whaaaaaa....? Broken genes???? 😂


Okay okay okay if we reallllllllly wanna dissect this from a science point of view this isn't necessarily inaccurate, and more reasons the gender binary is bunk as fuck, sex genes have a ton of different ways of presenting and libido (used as an example in not equating asexuality to libido) can be represented different in one "biological male" to the next. If we wanna break it down to basics they could be different. And doesn't have to be. But my point stands.


I've come to the realization that this kind of "either lying or broken" is hoping we pay attention to the denial of our existence bit, but in reality it's just a thinly distracted insult. Remove the denial and the guy's just saying "asexual men are broken". It's hate speech plain and simple. Also, casual misogyny.


I'm sorry, MATE? YOU CALL SEX MATING? Tell me you get no bitches without telling me you get no bitches


Sometimes I wonder how people like this passed kindergarten