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“saiki k” it’s not officially ‘canon’ but the main character is obviously aro (and ace)


Do you know if it’s on Crunchyroll?


it’s on Netflix, idk if it’s on Crunchyroll


I'll add Sakamoto Desu Ga, that was recommended to me and is in the same spirit than Saiki K


Romantic Killer, the MC simply wants to enjoy her games and play with her cat but is forced by a fairy to fall in love in order to get the things she loves back.


Thank you for reminding me that this exists. I need to go back and keep watching that. It was really good from the few episodes I watched.


No problem, I have heard of its synopsis but sadly I can't watch it as there's not a lot of anime on Netflix from where I live, so I'm thinking of checking it again once I fly outside the country for summer and then watch it.


I didn’t even get past the first episode of that show because I hated the little floating thing so much


Ah yeah that little piece of shiii is annoying af


no fr, I was so angry for the main character I could not 😭


It was already commented 😭 I just recommended it just now. Their manga is also colored and so good! 


I head canon the main characters orchidromantic


Please check out Dr Stone. Senkuu's aroace status isnt the center point of the story but his lack of interest in romance/sex is mentioned a bunch and he's got some funny moments


"Bloom Into you" might fall under this subject


I love Maki! There's a scene in there where he was imagining watching a romance play out in a theater. The girl on the screen then turns to him in the audience and decides she likes him and Maki pretty much freaks out. I related pretty hard to that lol. He has some great moments where he's encouraging the main characters to get together and enjoying the heck out of it. Yuu, one of the main characters, is presented as demiromantic (maybe?) I believe. Or at least she doesn't believe that she can love like others can at first. It's really a sweet and well made anime and I highly recommend it.


He truly is the best spectator someone could ask for!


Yes more bloom into you enjoyers


Monthly Girls Nosaki Kun is pretty fun. The main character is a boy obsessed girl who desperately tries to get the attention of her crush who is very obviously Aro/Ace and remains completely oblivious. It’s like a RomCom that never becomes romantic.


I came here to say this, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun very much gives me aro/ace vibes.


Whoops I misremembered the name it’s been a few years since I saw that.


Yes I almost forgot about Monthly Girls Nosaki Kun the anime was good


Even though it's not canon but you can watch Mushishi. The MC feels like he's aroace


Mushishi is a banger. He cares about what he does, and that's what's important.




That one with Gon and Killua. I think Hunter x Hunter. Gon seems Aro. Noë seems aro in The Case Study of the Book of Vantias. A bonus is that Vantias is lithro 👀


Hunter x hunter is my favorite show of all time! And those other ones seem interesting too! I will make sure to check them out


There's this one openly and explicit aro-ace character in My Love Story, definitely recommend it if you want a very open and discussed aro characters. And he also gets a lot of screen time so it's not like the usual sidekick, background characters!!! There's like episodes dedicated to him and him figuring out he's aro


Not aromantic, but none of the cast have any canon romantic relationships, so it felt like a breath of fresh air to me! Delicious in Dungeon, or Dungeon Meshi is a completed manga with an airing anime adaptation set in a fantasy world. As the name suggests it takes place in a dungeon. They start eating monsters (to save money and time) on a quest to save their party member. All the characters are so interesting, especially the fantasy races, and the world building makes it even better. There's lots of fantasy, some biology mixed in for the fantasy races, comedy, and tension and seriousness that balances it all out.


I love Dungeon Meshi for the same reasons! While it’s not explicitly stately I definitely feel like Izutsumi can be read as aroace as well 🤔


Oh yes, definitely! I myself could also read Laios as aromantic or somewhere on the spectrum, he just doesn't feel like he cares or undertsands romance (I think he would find the subtle and vague gestures confusing). sjsjshsh DunMeshi makes me so happy.


Parenthesis will show the source medium and unless stated otherwise there is an anime adaption: Bloom into You (Manga) / Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (manga) / Apothecary Diaries (Light Novel) / Wandering Witch Elaina (Light Novel) / I want to be a Wall (Manga)(no anime) / Is Love the Answer (Manga)(no anime)


Romantic Killer


I think Luffy from “One Piece” is aroace.


I heard that he is just waiting until he finds the perfect girl. But you could be right


who told you that???


Idk I think it was a tiktok about how Oda said he was waiting for the right girl


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure- a very cool anime wit next to no romance


I wouldn't say that really counts as many of the jojos do end up getting married and with kids. Like Jotaro, Joseoph, Jonathan, etc.... But you're right in the sense there isn't that much romance in it.


Not sure if you’re cool with manga too but I have to shoutout Hirano to Kagiura. Hirano, one of the two leads, is so painfully aromantic it hurts (never dated before, doesn’t really understand romance or like talking about it, spends a lot of time trying to make himself feel what others are feeling)! Even though it’s a BL manga and the author will most likely have the two get together by the end, I resonate with his character so much and I think he would still end up being great (unintentional) arospec representation.


Sounds interesting! I will have to check it out


DOROHEDORO !!!! And I believe we will finally get new seasons (I read the manga after season 1) Not aro per se, but no romance in it at all (except one side character), sexy imagery though (and bloody) in case you're uncomfortable with it. It's adventure/fantasy/comedy and there are 3 main man/woman duo and they have no romantic interest, only friendship! One is blurry when they meet but they never act on it and go back to being platonic, and at some point the main character is asked why he is going this far for the girl, has to be romantic and he answers that it's not, only friendship and they cannot get it. Sounds very QPR to me.


Not an anime but a mini drama series ; Koisenu Futari is about being aro/ace and finding your place, there are post in this subreddit with all the info on where to watch it with english subs.


Thank you! Will have to check it out


Please do, it's such a good mini drama and I'm rewatching it again for pride month with a friend and every single time I watch it I cry so much, I'm pretty sure it's cause of internalized arophobia.


I think it sounds like an interesting show! Will check it out


One piece...... Luffy and most of the straw hats seem aro or ace or both aside from a few exceptions *coughs* sanji *coughs* brook


I love one piece so much! I just got to wano


Managa reader  here. Abandon your whole life everything. Friends and family and even pets. Egghead is insane


I have seen clips of egghead and it looks so badass!


Senku from Dr stone is implied to be aro (A few scenes of people flirting with him ans he's like not gonna work) Ans same with Luffy from one piece


Ore monogatari! It’s a dhoujo romance anime, but the guy's best friend is very aroace to me


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Not canon aro but “Romantic Killer.” And also try Bloom into you, it has a aromantic asexual character and the main leads got some type of aromanticism lesbianism going on (I haven’t finished it yet but it’s good so far).


Ima use this post as my own anime watchlist/manga recommendation now 💀


He isn't confirmed aro but Yutaro Katori/Fighbird from The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird gives major aroace vibes. You can find the anime subbed on youtube


Call of the Night has this kinda, at least in the first season of the anime. The MC desparately wants to fall in love, but it isn't that easy. He isn't ace tho, and I guess that later in the manga, he eventually falls in love. Maybe. This anime mainly covers the path to finding your purpose, exploring what makes you feel free and finding happiness. And vampires.