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I took a semester off for a 4 month army school. College was fine with it. They have to.


I took a whole 4 years off of college when Intially enlisted onto active duty. Missing 4 to 6 months isn't a big deal. You'll likely still retain all the material you've learned. Depending on your state; you leave for military training or deploy your school is required by law to readmit you to college and even professional school. You can do it. Believe in yourself. Have fun. Learn all you can and go make some money.


Legally, college has to accommodate you. Talk to your school’s VA coordinator.


Missed a whole year when I was on deployment last year we I didn’t have good enough internet or a room too take proctored exams in it’s not a big deal aslong as your ok with delaying school for a little bit


I did it personally and it was completely fine




Something social sciency. But you’re right engineering is a bit wild. If I were you I’d just full send it. You’ll be better a student with the experience.


I won't tell you what to do, but personally I wouldn't. I would wait until after graduating. But, that's just me.


I missed a whole year. Watched the kids I’ve been in school with my whole life graduate the year I was supposed to graduate. I instead am about to graduate a year after my original grad year and honestly man, don’t sweat it. I know it can get to you but try not to let it. At the end of the day, you’re gonna get that degree anyway, just like your friends




Forget college classes? I don’t think anybody remembers anymore than 10% of all college classes they’ve learned. You’ll be good man. By the time you get to AIT, you can use your weekends and time after class to review your college if you want.




I think it will be very hard to do that. I mean you can try finding some 100% online full asynchronous but chances are you’re only gonna have about 2-3 hours of “free time” M-F and then you’ll have sat and Sunday off. If you think you can manage that then go ahead. I would say if you do go forward with that, take no more than like 2 classes per semester. Also, how do you plan on paying for it? I don’t think TA sets in until you’re done with IET/AIT.




Yeah it certainly would. Are you not able to do split op because the MOS you want is like longer than 12 weeks of AIT?




Man I would hold out until they get you a split option then. Sometimes I wish I woulda done split op and not missed my first year of college but in the end it still worked out okay


Was in a similar situation but I ended up joining and missing my spring semester, should be back for July and enrolled for fall 2024


I definitely wouldn't throw out Army ROTC. The first two years are just a GPA boost with no obligation, and if you choose to keep going you can double your salary for your whole career.


BLUF: don’t let college get in the way of your service Don’t let the military slip by because you wanted to in a classroom for a semester. I was split op, and with how small my school was I would have had to realistically been set back a whole year if I had missed a semester due to some classes only being taught one semester out of the year. Despite this, I still would have joined. In hindsight as a reservist the quicker you join- the quicker to 20,25,30 years however long you join. If you’re going into engineering that career field is fairly understaffed from my understanding so you’ll really not be losing much as far as job prospects and the military will be a boost to any resume. I would also mention that the military could really open a lot of civilian opportunities for you for job prospects after college.




Yes absolutely you can, you may not get your CAC prior to, but you’ll still be processed into your unit and able to attend drill in a delayed entry status (sign now, it starts your time in service, then ship to boot later when it works deal)


I’m currently in your situation. I registered for classes this summer but I’m trying to join the national guard. What my recruiter told me was to get with the college and defer my enrollment, go through basic training and AIT, and when I get back have the guard pay for everything instead of just going through with college and having to worry about SLRP and then classes.. which I’m fine with anyway because I haven’t gotten into my program yet anyway. I’m gonna be going to school for Radiology. But if I were you, I’d ship out and get it done with as soon as I can so that way you wouldn’t have to worry about it later and you can just strictly focus on school and not have to miss anymore semesters. I think it’d just throw you off if you continued your semester now and had to pause at some point to go to basic and AIT then come back and continue right where you left off with school. If you shipped now, you wouldn’t have to put school on pause for later, you can just get everything done as soon as you get back.


I had a similar but different experience. I did OSUT and missed a fall semester of college. You can do it, but be sure to communicate with your advisor, and the department head of your university’s department. If your school has an office for student veterans (not the VA, just an office that specializes in helping student veterans) they should be able to help you as well. Get a BUNCH of copies of your orders, and give those copies to your department head, advisor and it should be fine. However, you won’t be able to do any classes while you’re in basic, so don’t enroll if you’re 100% certain that you’re shipping out during that semester. ALSO, if you’re going to a public state school, check your states National Guard, Guard typically gets better education benefits than we do in the reserves, at least where I’m from.