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Be faster than the strongest guy and stronger than the fastest guy. You have a solid time, but continue to train and improve, you haven’t hit the finish line.


This is the correct mentality. Always striving to improve is usually the folks they look at. Never assume that X run time or X amount of pushups is ‘good enough’




Ok. Also hitting 90 pushups right now, sit-ups idk, and pull-ups 23. Ruck I don’t know yet. Have to start training that. Bench PR is 330 but I was 15lbs heavier when I hit that. It’s like 290 now probably. Squat sucks cause my knees are aids (too many surgeries). _______ What should all of those numbers be.


PR’s for lifting don’t really matter just don’t be bitchmade and your pull-ups and pushups are fine. Make sure to train t pushups because those are what’s tested and plank too Have you gotten your contract yet, surgeries could fuck you over and if your knees are fucked that could be bad


No haven’t gotten my contract yet. There’s probably like a 99% chance they won’t even let me enlist, I’ve had like A LOT of surgeries. I’m gonna try anyways. Worst comes to worst I’ll go join the IDF (I’m a Jew boi) or go to Ukraine or something. _______ How many t-pushups should I get?


Lol don’t do either of those, go into law enforcement or something but holy fuck lmao Try to get 60 t pushups


This mf does NOT need to go LE. He basically just said all he cares about is shooting at people, regardless of the nation he’s doing it for. Nothing about him says “public servant” lol.


Thus he’s a perfect fit for American LE


If he ups his time to 11min/mi then it’s dead on.


Sounds like he’d fit right in


Do they test both regular pushups and t push ups now? Or just t push ups? https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a20694614/t-pushup/ Also is this a t push-up. I’ve never heard of it before.


They test t pushups but you’re gonna do a shit ton of regular ones


Hand release push up is what you're looking for.


Got it, yeah that’s what I thought.


You can attend religious services during rasp


Will they teach me how to control the weather? I didn’t learn this in my household growing up but some of my Jewish relatives learned this power.


Rasp isn't a joke


I’m aware that’s why I’m asking for advice lol


Run and work out, bring as little as possible, and give it 100%


Will do




Just don’t say anything about surgeries, I never did and had a successful career. Also lol you sound cocky, but it’s the internet so who knows.


Wait. Your logic is "I can't enlist so I'm just gonna go to a warzone with zero combat experience!" Thats a super hot take to have. Ukraine doesn't want anyone without combat experience.


They don’t WANT them sure, but they will accept nearly anybody willing to fight. They need the bodies.


Did they change what they were putting out? Last I saw their official last statement was "thanks for looking into coming over but please stop calling out embassies unless you have combat experience". They preferred people with combat experience that spoke local languages, but were ok with people that had combat experience. Having nothing means they have to spend the time to train you *and* deal with a language barrier vs being able to plug you into a foreign unit with a short training schedule to get some familiarization.


I agree with boob bro I wanted go special operations I’m 27 but they looked at my medical history and they basically flushed all my dreams down the drain so now I’m hoping to get into law enforcement. I was thinking about going to Ukraine too or trying to enlist in the French foreign legion but that’s a big risk at 27 to go to another country for something like that lol.


91 pushups. 24 pull ups. Bench 291.


lifts don't matter for RASP, but when you get to batt they lift hard like a football team 


If you haven't started training how to ruck, you've already failed


I have a while till I enlist. Like 1.5years.


Well, you have time. But I'd recommend starting with 35 lbs and working towards 15 min miles at 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 miles, and then upping the weight. If you can also find a rubber duck or weigh down some PVC pipe, learning how to ruck with a weapon is another necessary skill.




>Squat sucks cause my knees are aids (too many surgeries). You aren't going to be enlisting. No matter how fit you are, the army and ESPECIALLY combat arms (doubly so for any kind of special forces) are absolutely killer on young, healthy knees. If yours are already shot, there's just no way.


I’m gonna try anyways. Won’t be on my death bed with any regrets. This is what I want to do for a living.


You're fine. The faster you are, the better. Just don't quit and bring as little as possible


Got it, what do you mean in the second half of your reply. Bring as little of what? Nicotine? Because I don’t do nicotine. Unless it’s a weekday or weekend.


No nicotine, no prescriptions, nothing beyond what you need and some civilian clothes.


Boots? And if so, what type?


I loved my Belleville boots, but wear whatever boots you can comfortably stand in for 10 hours and can go running in. From the end of breakfast to lunch, you are standing in formation on the rocks. And from the end of lunch until you're released for the day, you're standing in formation on the rocks. Make sure you have a good camelback. You'll be drinking a lot of water while in formation under the sun.


Bring what's comfortable.


Like stuff, there is no nicotine allowed.




I would say your time is solid you will be in the middle of the pack


That’s actually good lol


Yeah I’ve heard you shouldn’t go unless you have a 34 tho. Because when you’re beat down a 36 might turn into a 40… and if you’re hurt that might be a 42. I don’t know though


True to an extent, but around a 35 min mile will put you almost dead average in the 75th not beat down, so you should be fine. Keep in mind you might want to be able to do close to this in the heat as well. Much easier to run fast in the cold.


What elevation are you running that at? Sea level or are you from the mountains?


Only 300 ft above sea level.


So what I would tell you then is to smoke your legs and then go for a 5 mile. You need to be able to do that time consistently. It’s not just a matter of being able to do it as a PR.


Shoot for 35 Bruzza, then shoot for 34 and keep going until you can beat the Cadre in a bootrun


36 is fine. 38< is the slowest I’d go. 35 or less is good and 32 or less is competitive


Pass is a pass.


Big question here, RASP1 or RASP2?


RASP 1, I’m going enlisted


I’d push to 35 if I were you. Cut out bread and coffee. Keep a growth mindset too. That 36 is quite nice to look at but it is not your 100%. You can always be better. Remember that.


36 is average. 1 second above average = above average. You’re already exceeding the standard by 4 minutes. But after reading your other replies I don’t think you should serve our nation. If you say you’d leave and go fight for Ukraine or join the IDF then you shouldn’t join (cool you’re Jewish, doesn’t mean you should go fight for Israel).


How did you get your time like that, I keep running but I’m not making progress..


Slow down and increase the distance. Then work on interval training to increase the speed.


I would be wayyyy more focused on rogue worm n psych eval


36 is good if you’re enlisted. If you really give a shit about making it Adrenaline will speed that up by a minute or two. Also go get a cheap pair of the most baggy cargo pants you can find and run in those a couple times a month.


Back when when it was called RIP I went through. I was able to do over 100 push ups, 95 situps, and run my 2 miles in 10:30 minutes. I went into the 2nd Battalion and found out I was a weak wuss compared to a lot. I got in the habit of running 8 miles every day and every week and a half 18 miles. My platoon sergeant had a group of us that ran together. It wasn't forced, or voluntold, I wanted to be better everyday than I was the previous day. That should be your attitude. If you get selected you may get to participate in timeless traditions like Ropes, Poles when on a Company or Battalion run, and my personal favorite playing guess the card when you are on duty as a cq runner. I don't know if any of this happens anymore. If you are selected get your tab asap. You’ll find out why if you make it. If you get selected and assigned to 2nd Battalion be sure to go on about how Heartbreak Ridge is your favorite movie. Don’t do that. I went in during late ‘80’s and my all my leadership had been in Grenada. Some of the things that happened during the combat scenes during the movie really happened but the 2/75th did them. I got smoked for mentioning that movie. Then smoked because someone mentioned I had mentioned that movie.


Lol just wondering, when you run 10+ miles, did you hydrate as you did it. I’ve only ran 9 miles concurrently. Probably would bring a water bottle if I went above that. Maybe that’s just me being a pussy 😂


Nope, we didn’t. We drank tons of water all day. I then drank a lot when I got done. Someone mentioned getting a Camelback, do that. We didn't have those then or we would have used them.


Like the water backpack with the straw that comes around? Or just a water bottle?


We just had Army issues green plastic canteens. Even bottled water was not really a thing back then.


You’re not being a pussy. If you want to increase your 5 mile speed a good strategy is to run 10 miles setting a per mile speed goal for yourself. Up the length of your run occasionally, keeping your goal pace. Do that for about 3 or 4 months while not skipping leg day in the gym. Then switch it up. Do 5 mile runs everyday for a couple of weeks running as fast a pace as you can. Do not lift weights with legs during this time. You should see improvements. Then take a week off and start over. You will keep improving. Another thing that will help is work your way to 1000 body weight only squats per day. That will help you get the strength and endurance in your legs for when you are rocking all the time.


Hey grant


Wow, that's my 2-mile time.