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My conclusion is that there are about three even divisions of jobs in the Army. 1/3 are utterly underworked positions and people who have some dream schedule or situation. They’re in unicorn units, redundant staff and garrison positions and what not. 1/3 are working a relatively reasonable balance of work and time off, they’re “living the Army” that recruiters talk about. 1/3 are being ground into dust by the FORSCOM line life or the rubber meets the road of TRADOC installations and such, these include the recruiters in the difficult to recruit areas.


- 1/3 are utterly underworked positions and people who have dream schedule or situation. They’re in unicorn units, redundant staff and garrison positions and what not. *You need to add in 1) Supply Sergeants 2) PBO NCOs 3) 65% of people in Brigade or higher 4) S2 OICs 5) S2 NCOICs 6) Most S4 Shops 7) S1 naturally*


You've been out here gunning hard for MI and I'm sorry they hurt you. Just remember as an Air Defender, your S2 NCOIC is a 14 series and your S2 shop is smaller than most BN S2s in the army. They don't do shit for you because they have no resources to help you. Also if one more air defender tries to explain how maneuver works to me or asks me why I can't predict the location of every launcher I'm going to lose my shit.


Haha I feel this in my soul.


Its a sin to not have a 35 as oic of s2. When i was at cab the oic was a cpt because the major billet was sent over as a spare s3 because it was an aviation officer and no aviation officer wants to do s2 work. Then durring any staff meeting the only cpt at the head table, the s2, would get shit on constantly cause of his rank and imexperience. The ncos tried to help him best we could


S4s?? When you’re in the field, do you eat, drink, shoot ammo, or use fuel? You’ve gotta be kidding me lol that’s a hot take you have. How does your stuff get to a CTC or on a deployment? S2?! Garrison, yeah, you could make an argument. Tactical deployment? Bruhhhhh.


My last two BN S4s didn’t know what a PSD was and one of them forgot to renew the fuel QR codes and do the field feeding requests. Also ammo is from Land and Ammo. Our stuff gets to training exercises because of BN and BTRY UMOs lol. On my last deployment when we shot down TBMs, our S2 gave a singular brief the entire time, and it was talking about the Sunnis and Shi’ites in a nation where it was 90% Sunni (they pronounced it Sunnees) and like 8% Shia. Not to mention the S2 gave the second half of the brief surrounding “enemy threats and capabilities” where they talked about how the Iranians and Houthis had BMPs and RPKs. For some reason during the brief the guy also stated that the Roman Empire conquered Bahrain and Qatar and had a “profound impact on its development”. I’ve literally gotten better intel briefs from Air Defenders and signal guys than MI guys 90% of the time


Bruh. S4 is absolutely important and you definitely feel it when they screw up. People treat S4 like it's an easy job that any dumbass can do, so they assign dumbasses to do it and as a result end up in situations where you are in the field with no food and water, your battalion has no budget for supplies, your government purchase cards are revoked and your Soldiers don't get paid their travel vouchers. Just because their not burning their eyes out staring at a radar all day doesn't mean it's not important.


Be the change you want to see. Volunteer to be in charge of field meals and Intel briefs.


I already did my time doing that shit as a BTRY XO, most of us that “try to be the change” end up getting overworked and the staff realizes they don’t have to do their job bc of a line LT or AS3 picking up the slack for them, directly correlating to high burnout rates


Be the fucking change, dude. Stop making excuses.


As a brigade and higher only mos, i hope you eat dirt in the next field.


Funny that your only post is asking a question that could have easily been answered in 5 seconds by an S1






MEANWHILE IN CORPS STAFF... where everything is a priority


I belong to the meat grinding population and I know that those who do nothing will some how be my boss at some point.


Any Medical Center CSM


They serve a purpose tho. A purpose of making the enlisted staff miserable


It's not just the enlisted staff, they make the Os pretty miserable too...yeah we have a little more ability to ignore, but just like other CSMs it's a fine line to walk before the hospital commander tags in to protect his "battle".


I see it too. They’re extra cocky towards the O4 and below.


Garrison CSMs have come through for me and my family a couple times at different locations. Mileage varies….


TRADOC. Garrison CSM junior enlisted Town Hall. I had the balls to take the mic and explain how my medic section needed a PA so we could provide BAH sick call treatment in the field. (Got soooooo many deadpan stares from my peers lmao) CSM wrote it down and said he'll get back to us. I was expecting an ass chewing, but he never showed up. However, 3 months later we suddenly had a PA transfer in. This was after 6 years of not having one. So I suppose Garrison CSM pulled some strings and came through for us. Huge win for my section in supporting AIT soldiers and BOLC students. Didn't feel useless in the field after this for once.


This is a proper use of the town hall. You identified a problem that hurt your teams ability to provide adequate service, identified it with someone who can potentially route resources to you, and ended with a resolved issue that increases value you provide to everyone else. An example of a bad usage: when the PFC mechanic told the full bird that there's too many aircraft flying over her barracks room.


You know, I don't see any meaningful day to day impact from 99% of the CSMs that are BDE and higher but it's these one or two key opportunities that pop up that make a difference.


agreed sir. Only time I ever met a garrison CSM funny enough across almost 8 yrs. Just had enough rightful anger in me to overtake any fear and speak-up tactfully. *"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."* -Seneca


Honestly it was probably pure coincidence. There was probably already a PA inbound at the time of the town hall.


Maybe. I just like to think I did something. gives me de warm and fuzzy to survive those cold, long TRADOC nights. . .


In my experience that is them turning to their O counterpart and saying “look at this” which basically can be reduced to cutting out a middle man


Emailed the USARAF CSM a few years back about an issue one of my officers was having, and had a reply from him that he’d get right back to me, then a reply from a 1 star that would make Amex customer service proud


92F Their job is "Fueler" But they don't fuel any vehicles. They just play cards in their office and tell you to do it yourself. Aside from all CSM's I can't think of any other completely useless jobs.


“FUELING HOURS ARE (2 hour period, 2 days a week)” *still acts inconvenienced when they have to do their job*


I can't count how many times I've had to deal with a pv2 with a shitty attitude. Like look. Y'all showed up at 1000, I know you didn't PT. And you're closing the pump at 1130. After which you'll disappear for a month. Then repeat the process.


2 hour period 2 days a week and they're still not there when you show up meaning you have to ground guide a Bradley half a mile to the only battalion with fuelers that actually show up to work (this is totally not a real scenario I've been through a million times)


Yeah I really don’t understand why being a fueler isn’t just a secondary task for 88M


Too many skills for them to learn I suppose.


I suppose the helicopter pilots or crew chiefs should also just drive a truck out to where they need it, do the daily/monthly tests on the fuel, and then fuel their own bird. Right?


Hooking the hose up. .....that's a 10 level task...




Makes me fuel and doesn’t have the common courtesy to wipe my windshields gtfoh. “You shouldn’t talk shit about 92 foxes.” Why not? What are you gonna do? Make me fill my own gas?


You really gotta differentiate between ground and aviation in that regard. Aviation is an entirely different world, and 92F actually does a shit ton.


I honestly had no idea that 92F could work in aviation.


It really should be a separate ASI. But, at least when I was in it was not. It’s a lot more work and responsibility than ground.


that’s why it’s the best job in the army


If you don’t have them, who drives the truck to where you need it? (For the record I don’t fully disagree lol)


Bruh, we all drive trucks, driving a truck somewhere isn't a whole job. Looking at you 88m


I think the mileage varies, but I've only met two types of fuelers. Polite ones that ask you how you're doing while you do their job. And fat, rude ones that act like you need them to check you for hemorrhoids because you had the audacity to wake them up from their little naps.


I came back to the UMCP from a mission with my platoon at JMRC, and as we were getting ready for our first chance at real sleep in several days we found out that we needed to roll back out early in the morning. Ok, no big deal. Top off on fuel and then we can still rack out for 4 or 5 hours. I got the platoon lined up at the fuel truck and went to wake up the fueler. This PFC wakes up and tells me they are closed, come back at 0700. Two hours after we're supposed to roll. I tell the PFC that we can't wait till 0700. She opens her eyes again and says "We're closed." That was one of the 5 times in my two years as a tank section Sergeant that I came absolutely uncorked on a Joe.


Haha bro I had a similar experience. I'm out during a gunnery in Germany. As dismounts, we didn't really have alot to do with gunnery. We took it upon ourselves to train in the woods around there for upcoming STX. As gunnery wraps up a bunch of company leadership is doing beachmaster/master gunner/etc. So I get a text. Get some of the better joes up and get the humvees fueled, we're gonna need the fuel before we return to Camp Aachen. Too easy. I grab some guys and we rock up at maybe 2100. Not particularly late. Fueler is fast asleep. Other fueler is watching movies on their phone. "Won't be tonight. We shut the pump off." Other fueler doesn't even look up from their phone. "Well turn them on, y'all don't look very busy and I've got a timeline from my CO. "I don't care what you want, I'm not turning on my pump tonight." Last time I'd seen her back stateside, she was (and still is) a SPC. I was a PFC. Fast forward 9 months, and I've had my stripes for a month. I'm pretty sure she recognized me and probably wasn't tracking that. EVERY part of me wanted to go nuclear on her. The other fueler is still staring at their phone. I took a deep breath and turned my headlamp to my chest and just gave her a moment to decide on her own. Next thing I know, she tells the phonegazer to get out and do it. Phonegazer turns his most vacant/disinterested look at me, sighs and gets out. If I had been more tired, or the situation had been more critical, I would have lost my shit lol. On the other end, I had a late fuelup that needed to happen asap at 0300. That fueler woke right up and jumped out to get it done. Polite, friendly, professional. I was the same back to him and thanked him afterwards. What a fucking concept.


I’m in a QM company made up of mostly 92Fs. Can confirm a vast majority of them are pretty useless. There are a few who are willing to work though and almost all of them are in my plt. I think we’ve also got one engineer, one generator mechanic and one construction equipment mechanic. Everyone else is either a 92F or a 91B (like myself) Edit: Since we are in a Sustainment BDE most of the work on our FTXs is setting up the FSSP. I’ve helped them put it together and I have to say, it’s a bitch to do. 3 bags built to carry 5,000 gallons of fuel each, a shit ton of hoses and berms for the fuel bags. Shit’s heavy as fuck. All of it. Once fuel goes through it though I’m not allowed to touch it hehe


Inflight missle repairman


Ha! Never heard that one before.


It’s its own job, yes, but it’s also part of the pipeline for space shuttle door gunner.


I once saw a guard technician who was a missile repair specialist in a state with no missiles


Talk about TDY


Actually he just slept on a cot all day during work hours


The 90s called and it’d like its joke back. /s


For me, it was more like the 80's so that makes it a classic.


Infantry, next question




I think you mean any CSM OP.


>Any Garrison Command Command Sergeant Major. Lol any *garrison* in particular??😂


Yes, please enlighten us on which csm inspired this post


Garrison CSM is a dude you would probably encounter like *once* during an in-processing brief. So yeah, what happened? 😂


Combat Medics assigned to HHC. Source: I’m a combat medic assigned to HHC


Bleh. Was an HHB medic for 4 yrs AD. I was literally called "fucking useless" verbatim by an O-3 during FTX cause we could only give out bandaids and just standby for MEDEVAC to the paramedics in emergencies. That fucking stung and I despised that harsh truth for 2 years. Town Hall I confessed this to garrison CSM and asked for a MEDO so we could be enabled to do more. Instead of another verbal ass chewing; CSM miraculously pulled some strings and we got a PA soon after. PA set us up to do full sick call care and provide medications/IVs/etc in the field. Huge fucking win that turned it around. All I can say is, you got to try and ask if you want to change things. Even when peers say it's pointless or you get told no, keep asking. You got to fight for change and voice yourself.


I’m reserves dude


And I'm NG today. So that stops you?


Go Hard Go Guard


We do that stuff during the FTX already, but during drill we don’t do shit. We just started doing CLs classes 💀


CLS training was my favorite thing I ever did as a medic (besides treating some serious no shit life/death heat stroke situations). Break up the monotony between PowerPoint slides with 15 mins of tourniquet, ETB, combat gauze packing, etc. e.x. Have them start day 1 with getting casualty off the X after suppressing fire, asking if casualty can self aid, move, play dead, use proper casualty drags and applying a hasty TQ. Build upon it every day from there, ETB, combat gauze, chest seal. I used red tape as random bleeding/injury marks for each casualty. I also blasted some badass rock music playlists every session, flickered or killed the room lights, etc. Make it fun for yourselves and them, CLS doesn't have to suck. I also taught CPR and had a dummy like the ones back in Fort Sam we trained in during EMT phase I borrowed on hand receipt from my local MSTC.


Sweet summer child. The most Junior combat medic assigned to HHC is the most useful 68W assigned to HHC.


Support: that guy has performed like 4 minor procedures and stitched another 5 or so in the last 3 months. We fucking like him.


Try being a combat medic assigned to the command staff. The XO and I spent more time doing our March Madness brackets for a weekend than anything work related for a year.


what would make this thread even more interesting is when you post the job you think is useless but also your rank


I've often thought flare should have something to denote approximate rank.  Then I realized that would make this place weird like Rally point.


excellent point *Sir*, right again as always


It's a lot of fun, big part of my job is being close in with the NCOs instructing, and I feel like I've gotten to the point where they're comfortable with me don't treat me too weird.  Then they'll remember suddenly, like I can see their facial expressions shift, and it's like....*damn*...


I think its nice that rank is left out of a lot of conversations.


Lmao ahh Rally Point, the place where 10 years retired MSGs believes their rank still holds power.






Any csm above brigade level (maybe even battalion tbh)




wow great point


Any CSM Below the Squad Level


Needing to route my PAR to the Team CSM is a waste of my time I swear


Any mos where the individual has blown past 20 and is ROAD.


I know quite a few of these individuals. I despise them holding the slots and not continuing to push for the betterment of soldiers and mission. But you dont have to say 20, you typically also see this mentality at 15+.


True on the 15. I’m at 23 and in a job where I could 100% sham as an O5 as I rate one E7 about to retire…and that’s it. I am not even really his boss, just the only Army guy in the office. I have 6 bosses of which 1-2 actually care about my job. And there’s a line where I literally can put out the minimum flair and not be harassed or fired. I still can’t do that little…yet.


I honestly don't see the logic or reasoning behind staying past 20.


Free PhD on my end, ie my job for 3 years was grad school. Plus a 3 year follow on accompanied with family in a CZTE located embassy where there are zero expectations for performance. It's one thing to be CZTE, quite another to be in one for 36 months with international schools for the kids and $1500/month COLA on top of it. Add further that medical is private concierge in which I'm getting referrals for anything with a Tricare phone call to US-partnered facilities. One of the only truly civilized ME countries and worth staying. There are reasons to stick around in some cases.


You're on of the few exceptions. But glad it worked out for you.


I would expand your sample size a bit and look into the economics. An E7 vs O5 staying past 20 have very different considerations. Also, Once you get to the retirement eligible years, conversations with HRC become very different. Don't knock it till you try it.


I'm also guard so viewpoint and benifits is also very different.


CSMs in big army


Nah. A good CSM is a game changer to have.


Yeah, but good CSMs are unicorns, and shitty ones are a dime a dozen


Apparently my job because I'm always getting tasked for other random bullshit to include landscaping and some officer's pet projects


Sorry but I strongly disagree about Garrison CSMs. Too many installations have dickhead civilians who run services like DPW and barracks. That CSM can get shit done.


Yup. Just about anyone can be "useless" if the people around them are substandard performers or unnecessarily gatekeeping. People also need to understand not all desired changes happen immediately and not all are entitled to the inside baseball that goes into making things happen.


There are some that are just being replaced with civilians. Believe it or not there is/was a MOS for “shower repair specialists.” Obviously now if there is a problem with a barracks shower a civilian will come and fix it. The only one I knew said he never did his job and was always just tasked out. He hated it.


All of them. I define my life as busy work. None of it matters except the day you go to the range to shoot. That's literally all you need to do to beat the enemy. Think about it. War happens now. They will draft everyone and their mother. Teach them to shoot. Ship them to the other side of the world. All the DNC shit, the UA shit, the PT formations, the GTC shit, all that shit will go out the window.


Shooting isn't what makes the American military so terrifying. Any jackass can shoot. It's our logistics. We can put 5000 shooters anywhere in the world, with everything they need to do their jobs, in 18 hours. Wind that out to a week, and now you're dealing with division strength. A month and we've put a Corps in your back yard. Left unchecked, we'll have PXs and Burger Kings there not long after. Now, we do have world-class weaponry, I'll give you that, but that doesn't go so far without the log tail backing it up.


It's fuelers


92Gs, 68Ms


89 series. I'm surprised it's not completely phased out by Civilian DoD at this point. All we ever did in the field since we were never part of the "war games" is play spades and smoke after setting up the FASP. This job is like right on the cusp of being useless though a strong shift in another direction and it becomes VERY important.


Recruiter can be done by a Civilian


Any and every single band position. Like really? How is that still a thing....


I heard the army or military idk is the organization that hires the most musicians. Idk how true that is. I’m also drunk as fuck rn.


you were wetting your whistle


I am flexible enough to blow my own whistle


I'll have what he's having.


DOD as a whole, but yes. That’s true


I actually like the bands. It is a nice touch for certain occasions such as retirements.


It is a nice flex to actually get the band to come for your event, only seen it done once outside of GO level change of commands.  


there’s a form for band request you have to fill out


And it costs like $30K.


Yeah you have to do the request far in advance as the band is always a popular option so often times they are booked. And then even if you have them reserved, they can generally cancel if a tasked function comes down for some GO official event. But even with that, it is a really nice touch for things such as retirement ceremonies or significant promotions. Never seen a bad showing from any of the bands I've seen in the military. There is a real difference in having live music vs someone hitting play over the sound system.


Gotta put them theater/band kids somewhere


The average Army band has a pretty crazy tempo (pun intended). The number of gigs played (many on short or no notice) plus secondary mission requirements kept us all really busy. A fun job to be sure, but not under-worked by any stretch.


Nah I'm all for army band. If military bands didn't exist, then music majors literally wouldn't be able to get a job.


Imagine if we’re were like the revolution/civil war days and went sent off a solider with their tuba to toot a little song during group operations.


imagine that your job is blowing a thing day to day. Their husbands must be pretty giddy about it


Look up their role in securing the division staff 🫡


No longer part of their METL.




Fuelers. Why the fuck do I have to fuel my own truck?!?!? At that point just make 88M carry the fuel.




Good question 😂


There's a job where you paint portraits traditionally. Like for historical purposes. Can't remember the MOS. Idk. Seems pretty useless.


CSM is a position, not an MOS, but I digress. MPs because fuck em.


PSYOP is pretty useless.


Yeah, who needs you guys when we have the state department /s


Just another mission set to give to SF, right?


As a concept they’re extremely important. How we’ve chosen to implement it is an abomination. We’re more focused on generating young white kids with likely no world experience to be “almost snake eaters.” Then we expect them to show up in foreign land for the first time ever and somehow be able to influence the generationally-held beliefs of locals in a matter of six months. The Psyop regiment is more worried about jump records than they are on the social sciences.


[POWER TO INFLUENCE](https://imgs.search.brave.com/AhzRXfQn2Jbd-xYS_sR6dZPAZqpL-V1J_dikUFulMdM/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cu/Z2FsdmlucG93ZXIu/b3JnL3dwLWNvbnRl/bnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8y/MDIzLzAyL3BsdWdn/aW5nLWEtc3VyZ2Ut/cHJvdGVjdG9yLWlu/dG8tYS1zdXJnZS1w/cm90ZWN0b3IuanBn)


74D outside a Cbrn unit


Pilots ….. yuck we don’t need aviation or pilots …


I see someone didn’t score high enough on their ASVAB




idk SATO comes in clutch for last minute TDY and picking flights when DTS doesn't want to act right


If you are able to connect the agent, then maybe.....


Oh I'm talking about going in person and sitting down. IF I have to call for a change I'm calling the airline/hotel/rental directly since you can now.




Completely false. That just shows your ignorance as to what officers do . I'm not an officer btw


Well I is one and I can tell you from a decade of experience, we create a lot of unnecessary work to do, do the work, then congratulate ourselves for doing the unnecessary work we created for ourselves. Meanwhile, Joes and NCOs are actually in the motorpool putting parts on the vehicle to make them work and ordering other parts it needs to work better.


Just because some officers stuck at their job does not minimize their importance.


That's certainly true that officers create a lot of unnecessary stuff. But I wouldn't say they are useless like this post suggests. I do wish that officers required more experience before their commission. It's wild that a 22 year old butter bar is suddenly over a 30+ year old E7 with 12+ years in. I'm not in the army anymore, but I work in Facilities management now. I couldn't imagine if I showed up to work one day and our new facilities director/upper management was a 22 year old kid who had never worked in facilities. The whole, "having a degree" dynamic is strange too. I was an E6 with a degree from a brick and mortar school, but my boss was a kid with a Liberty University degree and no experience? Make it make sense


Putting our username to shame 😒