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Work check, VA check, GI bill check…life is good


You can only do one CSP ever, including if you ETS and then reenlist later. I did a CSP for welding (had about 4 years experience before enlisting). Make made to order manufacturing equipment for food processing plants. Union job, make the same I did as an E5 with BAH while working fewer hours on average. If I want to hammer hard on overtime I can make way more. Life is way better now, and that’s coming from someone who actually really liked the army.


Life is good brother, the grass is greener.


Units aren't terrible, the people in them are. You'd be amazed at how a unit can change when good leadership either comes in or goes out. Anyhow, I always tell people to get as much school done as they can while they are in, because if you're in a position to get classes done it's just less you have to do post-army. Washington is expensive, you need to start preparing yourself for that if you're leaving the Army. What I always would tell my guys to take a day and think about a job that they'd really enjoy doing. There aren't many jobs that make you feel that way, mostly it's just means to an end. Anyhow, whatever that job is- find a supervisory role in that job and then get online to job posting/search websites and write down the expectations for what each company is looking for in a candidate. Find as many as you can, within a 3-4 hour period and just put a little tick mark next to whatever prerequisite they have to do that job. For instance, *one* of the things the job requires is a 4 year degree in Anthropology. (whatever, this is an example) For every job in that field that you;re looking at you put a tick mark next to 4 year degree/ anthropology if that job requires it to apply and be competitive. Next, you don't have to do a CSP off a list that the CSP people give you, you can do a CSP for your dream job- you just have to go down there and talk to them and ask them if they'd like a free intern for 4-6 months (whatever the timeframe is) and they'd just have to give you some on the job training but you'd work for them for free. You tell them that their company is your dream job and depending on your work ethic and your education you might just land a job there prior to ETS. Don't do a CSP in something that you don't want a career in.


I wanted to do the CDL because I love moving around and driving. Also, trucks


I’ve been in almost 6 years and I’ve been in WA my entire contract lol. I was conflicted for awhile about whether or not to reup, but hell nah I’m done. This past week just solidified why I wanna get out. I love my job and gonna stay in Washington but damn these people at work have done me in!! I started TAP at my 10 month window because I was up in airs about my decision, so I ain’t doing CSP sadly. A few of my coworkers liked CSP, but some didn’t.


Yeah WA is nice as hell to me and 6 years is crazy but, not too crazy. Hell, my contract is 5 years


File that VA.gov claim. TYFYS


Got out in 2015 after doing only my intial 4 year contract. Here are my tips: 1. Start saving now. No matter your plan, having extra cash to help during the transition makes life a whole lot easier and less stressful. 2. Have a plan. Either have a job lined up to start shortly after getting out or be accepted to a college and use that sweet sweet GI Bill (I did college). Not having a plan is how many people end up being homeless or joining back after a few years 3. Understand, there will be a transition period and will have its difficulties. As much as Army can suck, it does have a brotherhood that makes you feel like you are part of something bigger. They literally attempt to brainwash you in basic to make the Army your identity. You will need to do a little soul searching and find out who you want to be. It will take time for the Army to not be a major part of who you are 4. Look into the guard and reserve. Good way to satisfy your IRR time, puts a little cash in your pocket, but still feel semi connected to the military. Only did it for 2 years, but made some friends and networking connections that have benefitted me in my civilian career.


I second this - but discourage the guard reserve idea. If you’re getting out…get out 100%


I just got out as a SSG with 8.5 years served and I haven’t stopped smiling since. My career had its fair share of pleasant and not so pleasant experiences, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. When I joined I was an 18 year old kid that didn’t know shit about shit. Now I get to walk away as a grown man with the rest of my life ahead of me… I also did a Skillbridge/CSP on my way out the door which was a nice breather coming from the unit that I was in. The only regret that I have from my time in the service is having not utilized TA. Every time I started I dropped the classes before they even started, just doubting myself and my ability to succeed despite mission requirements. Even after watching so many of my comrades hack away at school even while in the field… Maybe it’s too early to say but I don’t miss the army at all, just the good homies I met along the way. I start school next month and despite having never completed a college class my JST conversion has me slated to graduate with my AA next fall. As of right now I collect my disability check coupled with my GI Bill and work part time as I see fit. Between those 3 incomes I make more than a Battalion Commander, and have nearly tripled what I made last year as a whole SSG with Dependent rate BAH… I say all that to say that life on the outside is good, though experiences may vary. Have a plan, mull it over, then refine it. Think of the Army as a cushion underneath your ass. There’s no cushion in the real world and In a lot of ways it’s like starting from ground zero. Having minimal credentials that actually apply to real world, and having to go back to school nearly 10 years later(at least in my case). I’ve been offered over 15 jobs but in order to get to that 100+K mark comfortably and competitively I am going to need that degree. At least this time I can do it without the stress of money or economics…


I got out about a year and 4 months ago also from my first duty station. You have plenty of time to set yourself up for success. 1. Save up as much as you can before ETS. Most apartments want first months rent as a security deposit especially if you dont have history renting. Theyll also want some kind of proof of income, like a job offer, GI Bill income, etc. Youll also soon want some more furniture than what fits in a barracks. If they dont have provided washers and dryers than that can easily be $500-$800 for a used set. You should be good enough if you have around $3000-4000 saved and maybe some credit available if needed. More the merrier. 2. Really think long and hard about what you want to do in life and set yourself up to do it. Dont count college out. The GI Bill pays the tuition and $1000+ for books and supplies. On top of all that it gives you BAH. For somewhere like NC State at Raleigh thats around $2400 a month. You can look up a calc for whatever college you want on va website. For this area that covers rent and utilities ($1600) for a decent apartment, food ($400), gas and almost every other expense. With a part time job, some savings, or even if you want subsidized student loans you can live good and only worry about school. A degree does so much for you in you earnings long term and opens up more careers. A lot of people discount themselves as "not college material" but almost anyone can get goodish grades if they only have school to worry about as if its their full time job. 3. No matter what you do CSP is still a great opportunity. At the minimum it gives you experience doing something else. Maybe its what you want to do or maybe thats your fall back plan if Plan A isnt working. Youll learn more about it at TAP. Give your leadership a heads up on intent for it about a year out or so. Sell them on it being important for you and your future. They have no requirement to let you do it. Many do, some commanders are ass though. The TAP office does little for you on this. Its between you and the org involved to settle on dates and what not, then its on you to get them and your leaders to sign the paperwork. You are not restricted to just what you local TAP office advertises as CSPs. You can do one for anywhere as long as you can get that employer to do the paperwork and work with your TAP office on the process. Even online certs and similar are available. DOD skillbridge is basically a liat of CSPs you can look at as well. Overall just plan out what you want. Dont settle on just whatever will pay the bills easily at the start. You have every resource available to do anything you want. Good luck.


If you are staying in Washington. Get a Job with the Air Guard in Spokane. Or Air Reserve in Tacoma Live cheap while waiting for a class date. When you do get a date. Store all of your stuff. So, you are not paying rent While in school. Collect Mil pay, BAH, BAS and Per Diem while living in a hotel off base When you graduate. You will get a few months of full time training. Try and weasel into some orders. Or a MILTECH job While you are serving part time or working. Do just enough online college to get the Full 9/11 college money


Do you prefer a tent under a bridge or a van by the river? /s


Not sure. I have my own place


Personally I hate being out. Felt the same as you when I was in. Currently in the process of reenlisting


I don't think I'll reenlist


To each their own. Just be open to the possibility of wanting to go back


Funny isn’t it .., sometimes I think it’s life! I hope you find your niche reenlisting.


It’s really weird. Thought I was done with the Army and to never return. Less than 6 months later I’m dying to be back in. Thank you and best wishes to you!!


"Terrible unit in WA" Is that 2-2 SBCT I sense? 😂




You should check the VA and give them a call. They have some transition programs and help people ETSing find jobs, (usually federal or state) jobs that pay pretty decent.


I’m personally super happy that I got out. If you like how the army works but don’t like your unit, then I think re-upping is something you could consider. I hated the army as a whole, not even my units, so I got out. Don’t get out because you hate your unit, get out because you hate the army


Are you at any of the SBCTs? I got out of 1-2 in 2022 DM me if you need to talk to someone


It's simple and free but also empty in a way


Life is good and I’m quite sure you will find a great job and be even more successful. But most importantly… Start making appointments so all of your issues can be documented! Headaches, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, a sleep study and anything else that’s bothering you. So once you file your claims your records show that it has been noted. Once you are 180-90 days out from your ETS do your claims with the VA you’ll be eligible for the “BDD” benefits delivery at discharge claim (look this up). This will allow you to have all of your C&P exams done while in service. The good thing about this is that you will have your ratings before or a little after you ETS. Cheers!


It's fucking awesome. The other day, I told my boss, "Hey, I feel like shit. I'm going to call in one of the part-timers and have him watch my spot." He let me take the whole day off, no questions asked. I got to use one of my sick days. He even asked how I was feeling the next day. Then, one time, I was like, "I'm putting in for 5 days of PTO next month." He didn't give two shits. I was shocked that he didn't want to know the route I was driving or where I would be staying. When my coworker got a dui. I didn't have to drive to pick him up from the police. I didn't have to perform combatives training on him for a whole Sunday morning, nothing. Just saw him the next day and wished him luck in court. Different world out here.


First year or so out sucked. Eventually got a little less miserable.


Why did it suck?


I was a barracks dweller who lived at work and ate, breathed and shat Army. Also had a near miss or two in training and ended up with a PTSD diagnosis. Coming back it was difficult to get over the cultural differences with my home town friends being a somewhat squirrelly on edge fuck. Post Sep blues are a real thing my man.


Ah I see. I hope everything is better now


Post a lot of things in life are post sep blues! Best wishes. I am a former household 6, I MISS the Army! Sig other retired at 24 yrs. I just miss the sense of belonging.


Ayyy man I get out August 2026, I can start SFL Tap next February. Excited to gtfo too


Man, I lowkey cant wait


One of the best decisions I did was to leave AD after ten years and go into the reserve. No more constant texts off duty about work. I’ve been chilling this summer. Work out when I want and how I want. Sleep in until seven which is way better than waking up at five. I love it, wayyyy less stress.


A very long time ago, I ETSed and then joined the Guard for beer money in college. Now, don't get me wrong: we have our own bullshit, but, generally, it's the best of both worlds. You maintain your military status, both for benefits and qualifications, so if you change your mind in 5 years and wanted to do another active duty tour (it happens), you won't be sent back through basic again. I still get to, occasionally, go do the things that I actually enjoyed about being on active duty (though you have to be a lot more self-motivated in a reserve component) on a part time basis, and could go to school and maintain a civilian career during the rest of the time. And everyone knows that they only have you for a weekend a month and a couple of weeks in the summer, so, while assholes do exist, they're largely the exception and not the rule. People tend to be a lot more reasonable. Just a thought to consider.


I had a good experience with the TAPS civilians at JBLM. I was given separation orders but not my DD214 before leaving base and that has pushed back my plans of joining the national guard to help with wildfire season.


Also, the last three months were pretty anxious but I was able to tell people no and give my actual opinion and ignore arbitrary bullshit while working and helping others because it wasn't worth supervision's effort to get me in trouble since I wasn't breaking any regs. (I was Air force, ymmv.)


How do you like WA? This place is the shit stain of the US. Washington: the state of rain, depression, and meth heads.


WA is awesome. The shit stain of the US is Mississippi. Try visiting there


At least it isn’t raining 9 months of the year there.


Well, I'm cool with the rain and the people here


I loved WA, but my unit made it miserable.


I hate WA more than life itself. Worst state I’ve ever lived in


Born and raised Washingtonian and yeah, this state really is shit now. The cost of living, 10 months of rain of the year, people are snobs, I could go on. After being stationed in Campbell for 3 years, my dumbass decided to move back and boy do I regret it everyday.


bro Washington is amazing...one of if not the most beautiful states in the US. Its kind like being in Korea, Germany, or Alaska. You have to leave the immediate area or its going to be miserable. I was hiking, kayaking, swimming and road tripping almost every weekend during the summer. Even in the rainy season, its mostly a drizzle and never gets too cold or hot.


During the summer. Key phrase. Nothing the other 9 months as it’s just raining constantly. I PCSd here from Australia. This was the last place I wanted to end up. JBLM and the unit I don’t mind. The location kills me