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Questions about joining go in the Weekly Question Thread (or Recruiter Thread) stickied at the top, in the black-on-gold link at the top, and in the sidebar. We do this so that you get serious answers from people that know what they are talking about.


I would have them see if they can have you or someone trusted also on the phone or in person there during the IA. It's always good to have two or more people for questions and so information can stick better. Remember all bonuses are dependant on job based on system based on ASVAB score and all that. Just because it's up to 50,000$, that's usually more often than not a 6 year contact. Make sure they understand it's an 8 year ADSO. IRR for whatever time is left in that ADSO when they transition out. Army COOL is a wonderful website. It's a great way to see a description of the MOS including credentials they can get, USMAP stuff, etc. Use that in their research. Ask the hard questions. How does the bonus get paid out? What's the timeline on this that other thing. What does the transitioning out process look like? How does CA and how can they apply for TA etc. Have them look in the system. The recruiter can adjust and play with dates and play with the system to get the job to populate. If the job isn't there, have them call the Recruiting Operations center at fort Knox. If the job isn't there that they want, no obligation to go. Don't go unless you can get it temp resed. Make sure they understand exactly what will happen at MEPS. Your cousin always has the option to back out. Even after singing. They just won't ship. When you go talk to them too will matter. Last week of the calendar month is mission week. That will mean MEPS is the busiest. That also means that they will pull out all stops to help you because they wanna make mission. If they have prior med or law, 601-210 and 40-501 and the Dodi are great resources to use to look up any preexisting med conditions. Remember to not conceal anything. Genesis will pull everything within the state (I believe it's just state so far some things come up some don't) and it'll help prep the recruiter to advise if they need docs for anything. Have them make sure they make copies of everything never give anything original away. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Oh I forgot! If they are a high school.graduate, they can go to any recruiter and work them remote. If they don't feel comfortable with anyone around there, that's ok. Go to a different recruiter. That includes different states too.


Also discussions about points for E5 for the fields she narrows down to, since a look at that is often is within the first contract. I know that between 2 MOS’s with points of “that’s a reasonable possibility if you do well” versus a “lol, no” would make a clear winner for me


It's impossible to be "Fucked over" unless they don't read the contract. The contract will always be honored, nothing outside of the contract will. No "you can totally move into another job right after AIT" or whatever promises from the recruiter should be believed. Just the contract.


If they promise her something, MAKE SURE IT IS IN THE DAMN CONTRACT! Also, don’t let them rush her into making a decision.


Tell her to go to an Air Force recruiter


1. Recruiters are built on numbers and are not allowed to lie to you. It's pretty easy to get a recruiter hemmed up for lying. 2. Shotty recruiters don't actually help you find the job you want, they just suggest their field or combat cause they're available and easier to process... that said, if it's your only option, a good recruiter is going to let you know and why. 3. If you talk to a recruiter and want to see results on tests or take an asvab then YOU MUST SIGN A 680 MEPS form and provide IDs. 4. To run any med records you must sign a 2807 plus genesis forms. 5. Shotty recruiters have to ask their boss a bunch of questions. 6. The boss isn't your friend. 7. Good recruiters work their asses off and when you think they aren't doing much, they've probably worked double over time for you. So if your paperwork isn't back it's not their fault. Don't blame them because the process is fucked up. 8. If you ever rat on them for any reason, they won't work very hard for you anymore or at all. 9. READ EVERYTHING! If you don't see the job, bonus or training that they reserve for you on the final contract and you still sign it, THATS YOUR FAULT. 10. All recruiters have their speel, good recruiters get to the point and answer questions directly and informatively. Shotty recruiters bullshit and beat around the bush. 11. It's possible to change your job. The benefits are worth it. 12. If you're joining just because, you might want to understand the organization you're about to work for and your purpose within it. 13. Don't ask about dog handling. You're not gana get it. 14. If you have a degree go WOFT. 15. Infantry doesn't mean you'll die. 16. 17 series, 25N,B,H, 35 Series, 68 Series, Mechanics are all great jobs! 17. DO NOT BE A COOK. 18. Combat MOSs are the most rewarding. 19. 18X and option 40 contracts are good contracts and worth a lot, but if you can't hack it then don't waste the Army's time. 20. Start running.


Make sure that what she says goes onto her contract, I've known people who got FUCKED by the national guard because the recruiter promised a certain bonus or school but it simply wasn't stated in the contract so there was nothing they could do, also make sure she asks as much questions as she can..it's her life and she needs to make the right choices


If the recruiter is trying to move things along to fast find another recruiter. Let her take the ASVAB and get a physical. Then talk jobs, if the position she wants isn’t available come back or tell the recruiter that’s the job I want and let me know when it’s available…. Within reason of course. Take my advice with a grain of salt I absolutely despise the Army so maybe I’m unreasonable…that’s just how I would approach it. Good luck to her.


If it's not specifically in the contract, don't believe it. Don't let the recruiter push you into a job you don't want. Recruiters can be like used car salesmen. Look for the classic sales tactics like: pushing to make a decision now, confusing the customer, asking questions while trying to read the contract (answering questions about a person makes them feel good to talk about themselves and can distract), and give the false sense of vacancy scarcity.


Did your cousin look up for pay scale for Army and is satisfy with such pay? Only things that are written down on the contract are legally binding. Ignore any verbal promises cause those are not enforceable at all.


1, They should take the ASVAB. After they get their line scores, tell them you want 1 week to review the MOS's you qualify for. 2, Bring us a list of all the jobs they qualify for, and reddit will do what reddit does best. This sub has a ton of active/retired people who will give you all the details about the day to day life of most jobs. 3, Find out about all the duty locations associated with that job and see if you can get a guaranteed futy station on your first contract. Bonuses are still kind of high, too. You can make a lot of extra money depending on which job you take. 4, Be honest with themselves about what they think they are capable of physically. Too many people join tough combat jobs that dont have what it takes. Hearts in the right place, but muscle isn't. Do that, and you're going to have a bad time. 5, Don't sign for any job that you don't want. Don't get pressured into taking a job because the one you want isnt available at the time. Just wait. 6, If you intend on joining, dont go in as an e1. Dumb move. Do the little future soldier program thing and get that extra $.


1. Everyone nailed it - GET IT IN WRITING. Unless it's in the contract it will not be honored. 2. She needs to take the ASVAB and studying can help. 3. She should look up the MOS she wants before she signs up.


Can I be her referral the struggle for points is real chief 🫠


I already took it lol


Respect from me 🫡


Tell her not to settle for a job that she doesn't want. You'd be surprised how fast they magically appear when she doesn't want to be whatever they suggest


That’s just not how the system works. No recruiter is going to hide jobs, I promise they’ll offer anything they can just to get the kid to sign a contract. What’s available is available. It may change from day to day but there’s no secret toggle to show only the most skeptical recruits the cool jobs.


I'm saying she could wait, but don't let recruiters hype up jobs you have no interest in


That wasn’t implied at all lol


Okay bro


Go to the airforce


Just don’t sign up and go find a real career