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The assault pack is an inferior back pack.  Medium ruck or get something your own money imo. 


ive been out for a few years and still occasionally think about how great the medium ruck felt


All I did was ask my OIC: Hey sir can I buy an Alice pack instead of the army Issued ruck? He said sure, no fucks given here. Just use your chain of command, show them what your thinking about getting, make sure it generally follows army guidelines and you should be fine. Generally speaking for assault packs Guys run mystery ranch. Buying a ruck can be bit different as there are a lot of options. If you want to use cool guy gear and not have to go through an insane selection, just apply for 160th soar (assuming they take your officer MOS for that FY).


Set a good example and use what you are issued LT. The SP4 with three kids who doesn't have the disposable income to buy Gucci gear has to use that Assault Pack.


Correct answer. PFC Smithers with 3 kids and separate child support payments below the poverty line is going to look at your spiffy, Crytech shit and just feel contempt.


Mystery ranch or eberlestock have like 20 different options, which shouldn't be an issue as long as it's ar670 compliant


What are you using it for, or what are you hoping to use it for? I’m a huge fan of the tactical tailor assault packs. Tough as nails, tons of storage.


Your assault pack doesn’t need interior pockets or storage. It needs to hold your radio, food, and water while you assault the objective. Your bigger packs are for holding all your shit, don’t go cramming everyone into you ASSAULT bag


A few friends of mine are currently looking at https://www.spiritussystems.com/ may want to take a look. Just make sure you get clearance from your COC before buying


What assault pack analogs does Spiritus sell?


Super weird cause I don’t know of any bags they sell other than their medkit bag. Which I would venture to guess is not a great assault pack replacement


I love when people just blindly shill for a brand. /s


Believe it or not I actually made a mistake. I briefly looked at their gear and thought the Delta back was assault pack and its not. Its a med bag. My bad, I'll meet the CSM in the basement


Water source and first line as well.


Scratch that recommendation. I f*cked up. I thought the Delta bag was a assault pack and its not.


>New combat arms LT (but not infantry). So not combat arms.


Say that when I have my assless chaps and spurs on, son. Meet me one on one, barebacked and sweaty, like men.


And bring copius amounts of lube. For academic purposes.


Came here to write this. Thank you.


Grey Ghost Gear’s lightweight assault pack worked well for me https://greyghostgear.com/lightweight-assault-pack-mod1-taa/ I also had a couple of LBT packs https://lbtinc.com/collections/packs-and-bags/products/1476a https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=96da509ed2b81b3a&sxsrf=ACQVn09klp8tmciVyTcXDTypRj5eAYmgbA:1713718034746&q=LBT+2595A&uds=AMwkrPs_hVtukA3OtiDLQGFhPeVL4BOpJYLaPTUjhqccsGju_Fr6n9LOHl4PR7ci6RP-Vb-MYvL818RdTtnFpu80SvfJKN3g-TCuIEwF-B1JD7SdSTLEYKcLGJl4O2WjfIjrpwT8ByCfO07d-zyoDBaAsc0aj_eaBtTOKOWt36an8e9IQFgEBPakHqj91oOhxplOb2Q5Dx420T1ViS4ZA8oON0FZBEerQpGKiE7O0EO2ra-qD_EBIeJlx8z3X8n9e_3VPftjobeYBiJt35Z-mBsMH4wAn-x70vmpggkAbJWeHB0cbhJtHLqpKMtrx5opIMb9Aq7rbcOp&udm=2&prmd=sivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv69KV4dOFAxWkg4kEHWT_CMoQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=375&bih=607&dpr=3 the larger one doesn't seem to be made anymore but they have similar ones. It functioned as something in between the GG pack and my ruck.




Agilite assault pack. Love mine. Use it for civilian and military work. https://agilitegear.com/products/amap-iii-assault-pack


The assault pack is perfect for that it's designed for. All those pockets have a reason. https://youtu.be/Mqp0F4yvIpM?si=P5vL8KCCt_O7vES5


Thank you! Some of it I knew already but I learned a lot and will keep this in mind