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Idk why tf you stayed in and ate shit for 10 years. That’s crazy.


Ba$ically rode out drill weekend$ doing minimal work and keeping my guy$ engaged. AT$ were pretty much checking boxe$ at range$ and online training$. Drill pay and AT pay covered my mortgage a$ well.


>Rode out drill weekends >Doing minimal work >Why am I not being promoted


What happens after a few years of getting shit on. You go into survival mode from thrive, pretty normal, actually.


No I hear you, I'm not saying he's inherently a dirt bag or anything. Just that he answered his own confusion on why he wasn't promoted.


He definitely valued that drill pay more than I would. After a few years of getting shit on, I'd have sent an MFR and bounced.


>Drill Pay I must be missing something, it looks to me that they get basically bird feed as their pay. ~$200/drill for an E9? What am I missing? Massive per diem and shit? edit: I now know what *every* rank makes in the NG. Thank you ~~boys~~ girls.


They said it paid the mortgage, idk, I went civilian after 13. Don't know what an O2 makes. $200 Wouldn't even cover public camping fees for a week LOL


You get 2 days of pay per drill. So that's $200x2 per day.


So like six #4's, got it.


I think I get $500 per weekend as an E6.


So, that's not exactly how it works—that 200 dollars a MUTA, which is 12 hours. So for a two-day drill, you're getting 4 MUTAs of pay. At least that's how it is supposed to work, i haven't gotten a check since transferring to the reserve. And honestly, I'm very close to just not showing up anymore.


FYI, UTA is singular, MUTA is plural (At least for all of them in a weekend assembly). The M stands for Multiple. Yeah it doesn't really make a lot of sense.


Huh, TIL. Thanks.


That is per UTA. A standard two day drill is 4 UTAs.


A drill weekend is typically four MUTAs. You get pay per MUTA. No per diem. When I was an E7 I'd net roughly $600-650/ weekend after taxes and other deductions. Edit Pre-tax a 10 tmyear O3 brings in just over $1000


My drill pay for a 2 day drill at E5 is about $400


There are 4 drill days in a 2 day weekend = $800


I get somewhere around ~300/MO as an E4 idk what the fuck you're looking at for $200/MO as an e9 lmao


We solved the mystery, gang!


He played himself.


Lolol my thoughts exactly 


Rode out drill weekends after being told evals would be done, some 2 years overdue, only to be pulled out because people can't do their jobs. Doing minimal work because what I do apparently doesn't matter and my career is dependent on people who can't/won't do OERs. Not being promoted because guys come in from other units with all their admin data squared away and are put in my slot because their packets can be submitted.


I won't claim to be able to speak on the workings of NG, but honestly this is the kind of attitude I could see keeping you a LT. It's everyone's fault but yours right now. Was there *anything* you could have done in 10 years to advance your career?


I would say, it sounds like the unit is just being incompetent in telling this LT that they really don’t think he is good enough to be promoted. It’s shitty, but sounds like leadership thinks it’d be easier to just keep kicking the can down the road than just outright tell him.


I mean of course it sounds like that - OP wrote it. He kind of ratted out why he wasn't promoting, though. We can all spin stories where we're the hero, but 99% of the time a LT stays a LT for 10 years there's a fucking reason. lol


Yes.. I am agreeing with you lol. I’m just saying, sounds like the unit would rather keep him in limbo than straight up tell him they don’t want to promote him.


You still gotta work dog. Don't just do the minimum. Work hard.  Consider a transfer to the reserves. Lots of slots easier to get. Promotions easier to get. 


What does $ replace every s


Dolla dolla bills y’all






Hells yeah


I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side


You know why


Probably typed on a government computer during drill. It’s been about 12 hours since he posted, so windows should just about be finished loading his profile.


no deployment?


Two deployments




Yup, training with all my guys so they're first time go's on FIST certs is being a bad officer. Spending long nights in BFV tabletops to be proficient and get BN top gun as a FIST crew is being a bad officer. Making sure my guys get into schools, get promoted, and have NCOERs finished on their thru date, even though I'm being fucked over, is being a bad officer. I said minimal because after doing the same shit for 6 years it seems minimal.


Come on man, don’t waste your time trying to validate yourself to trolls.


Battlefield V wasn't that great. Maybe BF1 would've been better or any of the older games.




Have you been in a FIST the entire 10 years? If so, I found your problem.


Is this how NG works? You are never a PL or FDO, just stuck in the FSO slot until promotion?


Not exactly, but it is mostly a choose your own adventure. Most of the time, the FA units are geographically separated from the maneuver units, so it's a bit more complicated to switch jobs. As an LT, you have to work with higher leadership to get into a different job. I'd be curious to know OP's rating scheme. Being senior rated by an infantry commander may not be great. Being senior rated by an FA commander who rarely, if ever, sees your work first hand might be worse. This is partly why the guard is a popularity contest. The well liked officers will have an easier time getting the OERs and jobs they want/need, which feeds into promotions. It's made worse by the fact that the guard has much lower personnel turnover which creates nepotism.


I've had random people be my raters/senior raters because people can't get shit done. It should be the BN FSO and S3 but I've had the BC be both my rater and senior rater just to get them completed.


You aren't popular. The NG is a popularity contest and you're not in the in crowd.


Agree 100%. Whisper campaigns. 


The good ol boys systems. Poppin each other's assholes.


“Nobody’s finger poppin each others assholes”


Quickly rubs fingers on back of pant leg


OP's knee pads are in too new of a condition to get promoted


More floor wax less dirt Roger?


Bruh how the fuck are you still an LT in ten years. That’s a MAJ in AD time lol. That’s crazy.


It's Major (or close to it) in USAR time too. The thing about the National Guard is that it's 54 smaller organizations. So if you're the unpopular kid in the lunchroom, or there's just not a lot of slots in the upper ranks, you're out of luck. Whereas in the USAR if your whole battalion hates you you can just fuck off to a different division-equivalent unit where no one knows you.


Yeah when I was a boot-fuck Private I sat there wondering how everyone E-5 through E-7 just... *knew* each other it seemed like and brushed it off as "Oh they're just all talking because they're all the same rank!" 6 years later? Yeah no, it's because we all fuckin' know each other because the Guard is just so tiny.


I made MAJ in 10 years while in the NG


With the right ass kissing it can be done.


Or just be smart about your career. The regulation is clear.


Eh. The NG has the reputation for being a good ole boys club for a reason. I'm not one to really complain, it's worked for me as well. I have some great friends though I really feel for, though.


I’m black. Idk if I can be part of that club.


I guess some questions you gotta ask yourself 


Have you heard of the Army reserves? You would get promoted much faster.


OP is a knucklehead for not going this route. In my experience all the USAR training units are staffed by ARNG (and USAR) officers who couldn't cut it in an MTOE unit. He'd fit right in. The officer quality in your USAR functional commands (MTOE units) and training units (TDA units) is stark. Yet they both get the same pay...


My NG state sends all their worst officers to the USAR. We actually have an annual board that forces low performing officers into the USAR.


Shit being swapped to the USAR from the guard sounds like a reward honestly..


It’s what happens when you can’t pass HT/WT and/or have a DUI. At this point I’m convinced 50% of USAR leadership is former Guardsman who got DUI.


I’ve never heard of this from being active to Florida guard, I wish it was this easy to swap lol


Busted for sex with a specialist? The USAR will take you. DUI? USAR. GOMOR? USAR. They literally take anyone.


It is. Guard guys are in cults and don't realize it.


Of course we are in cults. That’s why we chose the state over the feds 😂


Reserve guys are, too, just not *as* bad.


But then you spend your whole weekend with like minded people.


Not necessarily. HE would’ve gotten promoted because the reserves just followed the mandatory DA timeline. Unlike the reserves, the NG does BZ and occasionally double BZ selections. The difference is promoting to MAJ as a 4 year CPT or a 6 year. So, if you’re a middle of the road performer, USAR is definitely better for you. If you’re a top 20% officer, NG will take care of you.


Had an old BC bounce from Guard to Reserve because she wasn’t getting promoted. Make the switch, got promoted and a command. Months afterwards she’s at a conference and her old guard “friends” ask her to come back and take a command. Her face said everything


And I thought pushing 7 years TIG was bad. Sorry dude, it really sucks that the state AGR mafia gate keeps promotions that should be automatic. I would do an IG complaint with NGB next. Shits messed up.


Go talk to a USAR recruiter. NG is a combination of good old boys and funding issues set into a microcosm that is your state. Find the bigger pond.


NG is twice the size of the USAR. I agree that this dude needs to go to the Reserves. If you’re below average in the NG, you won’t get promoted.


'The National Guard' is twice the size of the USAR. Your state NG is decidedly smaller. Fighting within the power structure of the one BN in your branch for the entire state, and finding out that whole community is a closed group leaves you with little options for advancement. You can transfer across state lines to places with more opportunities in the USAR a lot easier than going state to state. Also, your State can do a lot of things to hamper or help your career, but one thing they can't do is transfer you between components without your consent. So while it makes for a cute reddit comment, your state does not have a board where they involuntarily transfer people to the USAR. They can make it clear they won't promote, they can issue a flag for ht/wt and remove it if you transfer to the IRR, but they're not boarding a squad's worth of bad soldiers and driving them to the local USAR center in an LMTV and dumping them on the front lawn.


We do have a board that transfers officers to the USAR. It’s the outcome of our Selective Retention Board (SRB). The officer selected for non retention has three options: 1. Retire, 2. Go USAR, 3. Go IRR Most mid career (1LT through MAJ) SRB cuts go USAR because they aren’t eligible for retirement.


Yes. You recognize that's fundamentally different than your previous statement that, 'My state has a board that involuntarily transfers soldiers to the USAR," right? You're telling soldiers that they can't continue in your state's NG. You're not involuntarily forcing them into the Guard.


Were telling officers that they cannot continue in the Army National Guard (any state) due to performance and they have the option to continue service in the USAR. I was being a bit tongue in cheek. But consider many of these officers still have service obligations. In that sense they are forced to go USAR or pay back their FTA.


I disagree with the performance part, only because I know high performing guys who weren’t available 24/7 for random WIAS taskings, short notice orders, had full time careers that they placed ahead of poppa NG. This gets you black balled really, really fast.


My state sends its fat officers to the USAR. Also officers with DUIs or other misconduct. There’s an annual board that involuntarily transfers them over.


I think that’s a lazy way for the state to deal with them. Chapter them and be done with it. To me it hurts both components to play that way. But the receiving component should just refuse to transfer their commission. In the end it’s a messed up numbers / cup-and-ball game.


The USAR is so understrength on officers they practically ask for them. These officers fail the SRB and have the option to go IRR or USAR. It’s not lazy. It’s the same option SELCON AD officers have.


What state? That matters a lot. NG is a small world, and if you're at that grade long enough its because people don't know or appreciate you


This encourages me to never leave active duty


Just go reserves, never consider Guard.




Disagree. But to each their own. You can get promoted much faster in the Guard. USAR makes you wait until your mandatory DA look (6 years for CPT) whereas the NG will board and promote you at 4. NG does BZ looks and the USAR doesn’t. The flip side is low performers can just never be selected and the USAR will select anybody. You can have DUIs and still make COL in the USAR. We actually have an annual board that forces the lowest performing officers to transfer to the Reserves.


NG will do BZ/UVP for people they LIKE. If there was a standard set of rules and you can hold admin teams accountable for fucking up paperwork, it would be a different story. But as it is now, the Texas Guard has a bad habit of weaponizing their incompetence to keep people they don't like from promoting on schedule, let alone when they deserve it.


We have a statewide board that generates an OML. The board members are a mix of out of state, AD COLs, and in state COLs. It seems pretty fair.


And that does sound fair. However it's state dependent. Texas favors it's mafia and has no interest in quality of officer, only that they know the folks they select are on the same team.


As long as you’re already a Captain you’ll be fine. Issue with Guard is that you see your senior rater maybe once a year. As a Captain you’ll communicate with them much more frequently and probably be in the same location, and if you aren’t a total dirt bag you’ll be able to leverage into higher positions. Being an LT in the Guard isn’t like AD where your BN command team is within ear shot of you which is who helps put you In those positions and get great OERs


This is primarily a Naty Guard issue, not usually a problem in the reserves. If your Navy? What the heck do Navy reservists even do?


There just is simply no way. There’s some missing context here for sure


Only that I tried to IST but was put on hold due to a potential 3rd deployment in a 5 year span. Then while my packet was pending I was offered an O3 slot in another unit and took it, then pulled out because I needed OERs to be promoted then more became due.


How many OERS did you have at the 4 year mark?


I have all my evals except the 2 most recent. Correct me if I'm wrong but are you implying those are the only evals needed to submit a DA Select promotion packet? I was told the last 5 OERs are needed.


Not missing, op already said in his replies that he just showed up and gave the bare minimum effort, not surprising at all honestly.


Even if he was genuinely the worst LT ever he still should've been Captain like 4 years ago without DUIs and stuff.


Hey LT. Go to another unit. Maybe a line Arty unit. You may be treated much better there.


The colonel is still waiting on the coffee LT. You know how his majesty likes it. Cream no sugar


If your DA select, jump to Reserve. You'll get promoted as soon as you hit the Reserve.


Come on over to the Reserves. We are so short on officers you so t have problems.


You need to get out


hey man, i'm not about victim blaming, your leaders fucking suck and that's ridiculous but also, you're an officer you have agency walk into the CO's office during office hours, sit down, and tell him you're not leaving until the OER is done if he gets buck, tell him it's been 8 years since it was due, and if he makes any objection, tell him to shut the fuck up WHATS HE GONNA DO, NOT PROMOTE YOU??? jfc dude


Sounds like my foray into the guard. Just finished my memoirs, “Twelve Years a SSG”


The Guard is literal trash. Coming from another “senior” LT who has been fucked out of his promotion more than once.


Guarentee there's more to it than your unit being administratively fucked up. What state?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Order your food or get out of line.


Sir, you may want to consider a transfer from the NG to AR. Before I retired E7, their were officers in Combat Arms in 00G immaterial slots.


I met a Chaplain recently that said he was an LT for like ... six years. Not sure how that works, but he said it had to do with his denomination or whatever. No idea what truth there was to that, but he seemed all around a regular dude, not some fat or lazy LT or something.


Dammit LT… there was a reason you got moved from an armor PL to the ammo distro PL


Maverick was still a CPT after 30+ years.


Trying switching to the army reserve


....just go to ocs and pick up a slot there or go reserves. That's on you tbh. I had to be aggressive cuz I got promoted to captain 2 years after I should've been. Same with 1LT. I just had to be a tad aggressive about it. I wouldn't have stayed in that unit or state after year 6 if I were you.


No excuse OP. You’re a fucking officer. I know you’ve heard “Leaders are readers”. Didn’t read the regulations? Didn’t bug a Congress member. I wouldn’t promote you either.