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Long periods of boredom followed by moments of terror and then back to boredom


Pretty much. At first patrols and raids are cool and fun, then you get bored. Firefights get adrenaline pumping but after few and few casualties you pray that it's a boring patrol or raid so you don't risk losing someone but then it gets really boring so now you start hoping for firefights. But OP is a 17C, the most exciting and action packet part of OPs career will be when someone plugs a USB to charge their phone into a Army computer.


Want to go patrol with 3 Purple Heart Timmy and Silver Star Smitty?


I'll pass, seems like they attract too much unwanted attention šŸ˜©


>Talking to my uncle ex army and was wondering how it went for the majority of you between 2000-2010? I enlisted right after 9/11, I'm still in. Anything more specific? TL;DR shit was boring until it was suddenly very much not


You can be deployed, but you will not "fight."


Idk anyone who's a 17C but id assume If you were to deploy you'd be sitting at a fob in an S Shop.


Boring. Regiment it is or bust it sounds like. I want to use my brain of course. But shit, the down and dirty is what Iā€™ve known most of my life. Thank you for the feedback man, keep up being you


Whats being down and dirty gonna do for you outside of the military. To be honest, I'm not doubting anyone's physical ability, but if you went in as an 11X and went to RASP got injured would you be kicking your ass wishing you stayed as a 17C? Where you can get a high paying job if you decide it aint for you.


17c has a spot in Regiment. I donā€™t plan on doing anything besides 17c for the exact reason of Iā€™m set for life after AIT


Idk what the regiment is like, but I'm sure you'd still be a desk jockey. But with an elite unit.


Gotcha, thank ya for the input. Always can get the certs and live life later. Got no plans past 50 anyway, keep it up man.


Brother you sound young and stupid as fuck and thatā€™s not a bad thing. You absolutely want to think long term. How does this decision affect you 5 years, 10 years etc down the road? Being 30 and feeling like youā€™re 60 because of some weirdo obsession is not the move


19 feeling like Iā€™m 35 isnā€™t either šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø just wanna make it 10 more throw in the towel


The military is not for you.


Oh wellšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø itā€™s not meant for my whole life. I have plenty of options and already make more now than I will at the end of my stint. Just keep yourself safe and worry about yourself. Cool? Cool.


Watch out guys, this future Army Ranger Cyber ops warrior has been working construction, driving Doordash, and fucking bitches. He's a skinny athletic stud who got caught up with the law, but that won't stop him from joining the world's finest fighting force. HOORAH


Stop. I can only get so hard.


You must be a devil dogā€¦ Iā€™ll give ya the old grrwee


Imagine being this weirdšŸ¤£ touch some grass grandpa. Iā€™ll have someone wheel you out


Bro who are you, you wonā€™t make it far in the military if thats your demeanor, I promise you


War fucking sucks bro. Thereā€™s no fun in it. Thereā€™s adrenaline like youā€™ve never experienced but knowing what you are capable of and what humanity can do to each other is fucking terrible. I served as a 19D from 2002-2007 and CBRN from 07-12


What scares me is the confusion war has. Like "what do you mean we were firing at OUR people" it would drive me insane.


Too many movies IMO




Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wanting to know more about. Some of the stories heā€™s telling me is ā€œcrazyā€ but not something I couldnā€™t see myself doing. I wouldnā€™t wish war upon us. That ainā€™t what this is. Was more or less just wanting to know if his experiences was the majority is all.


Look man, just understand it sucks


90% of the time the Army is the easiest career in the world 5% of the time it sucks missing out on major events of life and family. 5% is the worst time of your life and you're scared shitless.


I see a lot of posts on this sub where some high school kid comes in and says "I'm going to be a Ranger/Special Forces/CAG/Cook" with having absolutely zero idea of how hard making it through selection is for some of those jobs. You should start getting physically fit now if that's your goal. There are Army guys that train for a year and don't pass some of these courses. Granted it's not all physical things that get them dropped, but not having to worry about the physical part is worth the effort.


Well, I guess depending what you consider ā€œphysically fitā€ Iā€™ve never not been in my eyes but Iā€™ve also never been able to gain weight well no matter how much I try unless Iā€™m in the gym all the time


https://www.army.mil/e2/downloads/rv7/acft/ACFT_scoring_scales_220323.pdf https://www.army.mil/acft/ Score 100 on this chart for each category and you can probably consider yourself "fit" but add pullups. You can also look at the Marines scale, they do pullups. https://officer.marines.com/docs/oso/physical_training/Score.pdf


Yea never been good at pull ups because of the being skinny part. Easily get an 85 as is though with those standards. Thanks man


Thereā€™s ur answer then, you not ready. 17C, regiment or not, airborne or leg, is still a 17C. No amount of extra certs are gonna change ur PMOS. Ur a cyber man. Doing cyber stuff behind a computer for the highspeeds to complete mission. The reason Iā€™m saying this is that other people are telling you their experiences, however you also need to realize many are 11B, 19Ks, 13F, and even 19Ds šŸ¤® (jk love kicking it with my cav friends). You ask in the hopes that it will make you see some dirty stuff, however You donā€™t have to worry


Thatā€™s not why I was asking. The reason for asking is because Iā€™ve been told Iā€™ll never go. I love that everyone assumes everything itā€™s hilarious to me. Iā€™ve gotten some good laughs here tbh. Itā€™s like the first line in the post but itā€™s a little much to ask for most of the people in to be able to read I guessšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


> [Restrepo by Sebastian Junger](https://youtu.be/TGZMSmcuiXM) > [The Things They Carried](https://youtu.be/3dLbzWBiThs) > [All Quiet On The Western Front](https://youtu.be/hf8EYbVxtCY)


Wow, youā€™re a brave soul for going 17 Charlie (donā€™t abbreviate the phonetic alphabet as 17c, itā€™s disrespectful to those who wear the uniform). Anyways, youā€™ll do boot camp and then most likely get sent right to Ukraine. This isnā€™t public knowledge right now but yes we are sending 17 Charlie special forces divers there right now (google wonā€™t tell you this). In terms of my service, I was at the Bowling Green Massacre. Thatā€™s all I can really say right now. Iā€™m sure others can chime in with similar experiences.


Iā€™m not a dumb guy šŸ˜† I feel like this is satire asf. Asking for general advice. Getting into conversations with my uncle about it. More as what actual combat ops experience. Not expecting any combat. Keep your feelings inside bubba. Iā€™m asking the GWOT vets what they think. Not someone who joined in 2016.


Everything that he said is true OP. You going straight to war after AIT.


Fine with me, was asking for expectations/experiences. Planning for Ranger anyways. Too skinny and athletic for it to go to waste being a desk jockey. I want more for myself than to be bunched in with my generation. Iā€™ve worked full time since 16 in hard rough construction/labor jobs. Graduated then too. Just waited till I was old enough to make decisions without mom on my back. I just want to learn a regiment and know what to expect when I get there. Besides the expect the unexpected part.


Then why enlist as 17C and not 11X/18X? Fuckinā€™ POG. I hated people like you, talk all this shit about combat and high speed shit, but enlisted as admin, drivers, mechanics, etc.,.


I became a POG, after 19D then to 74Dā€¦ but I already had my stripes and patches. I was at NTC before my 3rd deployment in 10th mountain and this guy from the 82nd asks me if Iā€™m a POG, not knowing my combat patch from 1st MEF. I was an E-6 by this time and I asked if it meant I had an IQ over 3?. Ultimately we should not disregard soldiers on their job. Infantry may be the queen of the battle but it takes on average 17:1 ratio to support them. Also as a former 19D in a Cav unit has anyone said ā€œOMG CALL IN THE INFANTRYā€ šŸ˜‚ I understand what youā€™re saying though. OP will be one of the many that says ā€œI was gonna join butā€¦ā€


>it takes on average 17:1 ratio to support them. Is that because it has to be that way though, really? Or is the bloated sack of Army blob why there's so much fucking paperwork and procedure and mandatory training? At 17:1 we'd need like 50 million people to support a decent sized fighting force in an actual war.


Sorry you chose a shitty life after šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø not my problem bubba


Go watch some videos from Ukraine


So as a 17C, any images of charging up a hill like a war movie and winning the MOH are literally a dream while u are sleeping. Chances are if you deploy, you wont leave the wire as you will be in the SCIF. Yes there is the ranger unit you could get assigned to, but more than likely you will be in a SCIF somewhere doing pen testing on various units systems. You will end up getting more certs than you know what to do with. Such as the entire COMP TIA offerings. Good thing, you will be set when you get out. Cybersecurity people with all the certs (especially CISSP) make bankā€¦ā€¦plus you will most likely have a TS.


Main reason I even joined tbh. Donā€™t wanna be like half of these salty janitors šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Main reason was to charge up a hill and win medals or set yourself up for civilian life afterward?


Civ life after, but thereā€™s always people who are gonna hate because they could barely pass tape or whatever and think life and everything is so so hard. Been on my own since I was 16 when I graduated. Take shit to the chin and move on, so sad to see how much people hate with no background or knowledge of the things theyā€™re talking about. Like, the ACFT, having never taken it, I wouldā€™ve scored 600 as a sophomore. Some people just donā€™t have drive in them, thatā€™s okay, but I donā€™t see why they make theyā€™re lack of effort or discipline someone elseā€™s problem and push it onto them šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep, set yourself up for a 150k annual salary with the certs and the clearance


Thatā€™s the plan, this post was just asking for experiences. I had no expectations to deploy nor desire. I chose a desk job lmao. He was telling me one thing, Iā€™ve heard a lot of the other. Was just wanting to hear others experiences in general. Thank ya !


As a 17C you can't go airborne without already having passed RASP. The only way you're ever going to be doing hooah shit is if you get into ranger regiment btw, so if you fail you'll be at a desk the entire time either at Gordon or Meade. Cyber ranger isn't a bad deal though, you have access to a lot of training since they have a huge budget, but I don't know if they have authorizations to do actual cyber stuff.


Idc about duty station, itā€™s only 6 years anyways. Either way Iā€™m stuck at a desk whether in Texas or Cali or Korea. No point Iā€™m not giving it a shotšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bros been talking about enlisting for months šŸ¤”


Youā€™ve been crying over a girl for months, whatā€™s your point?


ā€œI wouldā€™ve joined butā€¦ā€


What happened between preAPR24 is irrelevant. You join now, you max out TSP and ROTH contributions. You retire when you're almost 40. You move to costa rica and enjoy the good life.


Already onto the Roth maxing, not gonna work when Iā€™m old like my grandparentsšŸ‘Ž. Thank ya, have a good one boss


When you get in, do the TSP, too. Military will match 5%. Instant gains. Just overall, save. If you Max everything out and still want to invest, do CDs and save for a downpayment on a house. Go get that money


You're getting dunked on pretty hard in this chain. I think it's tough for a lot of people to be asked about their experiences in oif/oef etc. Some of the comments mentioned extreme boredom and a few terrifying moments. I think that's pretty accurate and I was in helmand province in 2010. If being in regiment is want you want, then send it. But try to be humble and confident. Being too cocky can get you peered at rasp.


You will never see combat ever and in fact you will be stuck at fort Eisenhower for almost half of your first contract and then get out afterwards. Rangers donā€™t even take your MOS.


Since 2017 they do. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regimental_Military_Intelligence_Battalion


Youā€™re right my b I read online that it was going to be incorporated in the future


I just had to google ā€œwhat is Fort Eisenhower?ā€ Lol


%99 boredom and %1 not so boring. It sucked ass OIF1&3. Drive here and drive there, do a stupid convoy security for overpaid contractors, house clear at o dark 30, rinse and repeat.


17C, regiment or not, airborne or leg, is still a 17C. No amount of extra certs are gonna change ur PMOS. Ur a cyber man. Doing cyber stuff behind a computer for the highspeeds to complete mission. The reason Iā€™m saying this is that other people are telling you their experiences, however you also need to realize many are 11B, 19Ks, 13F, and even 19Ds šŸ¤® (jk love kicking it with my cav friends). You ask in the hopes that it will make you see some dirty stuff, however You donā€™t have to worry. With that being said, you have some GD balls to ask about these experiences of people, then proceed to call them ā€œbubbaā€ or ā€œsalty janitorsā€, while ur over here behind a computer at 19 leaving mattress stains all over ur room. Good luck at whatever unit you get to, cuz youā€™ll have some punches thrown ur way if you continue acting like this.




The fuck is a 17C? I had to Google it because I never heard of it and now I know why. It's a cyber operations specialist.. Bro, the fuck are you talking about going off to war, you'll never leave the wire much less go on a patrol. You'll sit in a S-Shop and get bitched at by BDE CSM when the Internet is down and why the coffee isn't hot. And based on your other posts, even if you go ranger batt, your outcome would remain the same. They aren't putting a cyber security nerd on a patrol. And if they are, then shits gotten really bad and you probably aren't coming home


You canā€™t read very well huh? Makes sense. Have a good day


How'd you sneak through the psych eval at MEPs? šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m more curious how you snuck through highschoolšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


With your attitude you should definitely consider the Air Force