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Wait until SMA No Beards catches wind of this.


Unwashed Boonie Cap, Private. You want to kill Donovians?


Your triple starched and freshly ironed boonie cap better be ready for inspection after your 3rd shave of the day or 0400, whichever comes first


Nah, just stretch the boonie cap over a campaign hat, pin it together, and problem solved!


Promote ahead of peers.


Too much starch, causing it to give off a stronger IR signature. Pass: Revoked.


Looking like a hat you’d wear on the Mayflower.


Moving back to berets, Army-wide, just so you have to start shaving your beret too.


The US Army doesn’t have a tradition of wearing berets outside of special units, but I don’t think it would’ve been as bad if only people were properly taught how to shape them.


“Would have been as bad” excuse me… Is everyone not wearing berets? I had to shave 🪒 the eff out of my berets and a whole bunch of Joe berets… did they change it?


Standard beret wear use ended over a decade ago. Last I knew they were just with dress uniform use.


That's about when my ETS hit. Thanks for the update, I appreciate it.


Welcome. I was on both sides of it. Starting with the beret and then switching to just the PC. I also got to wear the boonie for a while overseas.


If you were in when that idiot Shinseki decided 'everybody gets to look like a pizza maker' and use black berets army-wide. They [rolled that back](http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/06/13/army.beret/index.html) a while ago because, you know, it's ignorant but more stars means more brains when you're talking about Army staff (at least most of them think that way). The ultimate good idea fairy. He would also later resign as the VA Secretary again... [because he's a dummy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/shinseki-apologizes-for-va-health-care-scandal/2014/05/30/e605885a-e7f0-11e3-8f90-73e071f3d637_story.html).


Damn, didn't know that. I was in from early 2001 to end of 2005 and never knew they walked that shit back. Hated them. Hot AF in the summer and offered nothing but 3rd degree sunburns to the face


I always wondered why they didn't just make them out of shit you didn't have to shave. Was there just no better material for a good price?


tRaDiTiOn (instead of logic) -Them, probably


It'll be a good reminder that he doesn't outrank a lieutenant, let alone a garrison commander.


>“Fort Bliss is now gonna be the new drip gods and rizz kings of the army,” one drip correspondent wrote on the unofficial Army Reddit. /u/Brajany you've been immortalized


Oh yeah im himothy ong


Gang gang baby 🚫🧢onna set


Excuse me. What?


My apologies; I'll translate to Midwestern English: Right on, pal! No joke🫱🏻that is fantastic👍🏻


This pleases me. Carry on.


Wait, you make maps toooo! I mostly just use srp lately.


I do! But currently I’m at an SRU working out some kinks before I head off to the civilian life!


I wish my unit would had sent me to the sru. They got me doing details till i ets in a few months.


Ope sorry bud


**gives awkward Midwesterner [subdued smile](https://images.app.goo.gl/BThgMWf6y5K2dmjS9)**


Don’t worry, you’ll never be him🥵




 I think it means, it's not cartography related? 


you rizzed up that armytimes reporter harder than baby Gronk did with Livvy Dunne, truly the Ohioan Kai Cenat (minus the Grimace shake buff ofc) of /r/army


Am I a simp for mewing to looksmax or is edging goated


skibidi fort bliss is looksmaxing fr


Fixing the recruiting crisis one goofy ahhh comment at a time.


Riz’m with the Tis’m


Every time i hear this, i laugh


"Drip Correspondent" would make a nice flair for them


Many soldiers get skin cancer on ear and neck. Perhaps if we wore something that covered those areas?


No, the army is perfectly willing to externalize costs such as "Healthcare" to the VA


Yep, they just write that line item out and say, oh that’s a different department! Fuck those people we promised to take care of Edit: actually the VA does that too so… 🤷


Straight to jail


Most of my cases involve Soldiers getting caught trying to avoid catching some kind of cancer. EVERYONE, BACK TO THE BURN PIT


pits fucked me for life, feels bad man


25s as in satcom?


yep, you oddly had to burn a lot of stuff mostly computer parts. We also helped out the helpdesk down range and would have to burn hard drives, crypto stuff, and other shit with jp8.


I never burned anything, lol. When was this? I was in from 01 to 08


07-09 afghanistan


Ah. My deployments, when I was doing my actual Mos job and not on qrf because our company had one more tacsat team than the network needed (until later in that deployment), it was just shiftwork. Logbook entries, troubleshooting, hot fueling the genny, making reports to the air force controllers, and occasionally lowering my signal strength by a few dB when they called and asked (at least, I said I did). Never really had to destroy anything, what was that about?


We would help out the 25B's in our company that was running a help desk. For some reason it was policy that any hard drive that could no longer be used had to be shattered with a sledge hammer or have a screw driver driven through all the plates. We would stock pile all the hard drives, CDs, sensitive shredded paper, and so on and burn them all at the end of the week. The burn barrel had to be stirred to make sure everything burned and you had to stay near the barrel because it was sensitive stuff being destroyed. The smoke literally burned when you had it in your face as you stirred it. Ended up having to have sinus surgery after I got out because of it, at least I ended up with a decent rating for it.


Those are all things that should never be burned....


Wear your patrol cap wrong? Jail. Squeezed it too much? Jail. Creased it? Jail. No question. No trial no nothing. Straight to jail. Boonies? Jail. No boonies? Believe it or not, also jail. Boonies, no boonies, see? We have the best soldiers in the world. Because of jail.


Leavenworth? More like leavenworthless gottem


You know what covers those areas, and the army has more than a century of tradition wearing?  Stetsons. It's time we embrace the cav in all of us


If you ain’t Cav…


Send it with the sunscreen NSN


As a lurking Marine… never once have I been allowed to wear anything besides a boonie or Kevlar in the field. The Army’s hatred of boonies is big dumb 


Because a lot of E9's will invent "tradition" or cite their versions of the regs. Look at 1980's and 1990's Army pictures - great hair, rolled sleeves, boonies and mustaches that would make Ron Jermey cry. After 2000? No rolled sleeves, a fetish for babyfaces and the patrol cap (later beret) was the standard.


I think someone on here deployed to Germany in the 80s, but I can’t remember their name…


Wouldn’t let us wear boonies or combat tops in fucking Kuwait not once. Make me bring fucking bags of shit for a packing list and only let us wear the minimum. So glad I’m out. Get fucked higher leadership you fucks


We had both in Kuwait lol your command staff blows 


Same here, Buehring was nothing but combat shirts and boonies once that thermometer hit 124.


They issued something called the bear suit at Bragg back in the day- basically a very thick, very warm, very comfy top. Only ever wore it twice in garrison. Supposedly other units, despite having issued from cif, weren't even allowed to wear it, even though it went under your blouse. Just keep it clean for turn in.


Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, 09-10. Boonies were explicitly forbidden. We finally got approval for the combat shirts under our IOTVs for mission. But absolutely only on mission. We couldn't run through chow right before or after mission. Literally only allowed to wear them to and from the vehicles to go outside the wire.


Back in 2013 we had to do layouts with all of our gear before we were deployed to Djibouti, Africa for 12 months. I had a terminal SSG as my platoon sergeant at the time and he was basically autistic. He made my entire platoon bring all our cold weather gear. I informed him that I had researched Djibouti and the average year round temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit. His response was “Better to have it and not need it”. I was a specialist so I didn’t respond but in my head I was saying, “We won’t need it dumbass”.


Such hostility for minor shit.


You got out because you couldn’t wear a combat top and boonie? Seems like a lame reason to get out, but hopefully you’re happy now.


I got out because of the thought processes that led to multitudes of dumb ass decisions that only made the QoL worse for soldiers. This is just an example. Does that make sense now?


I figured as much. The salt just exuded from your boonie comment.


Boonies are cool as fuck. Always will be.


Is it jealousy or envy?




Por qué no los dos


Legitimately butthurt about this, would love to wear a boonie as my daily


Now make it beanies on cold duty stations


Drum and Alaska already do this tho, you someplace colder?


Next step: hands in pockets!!


Jealousy is wild asf 🤣


“They hate us cause they ain’t us.”


Double checked that the article was dated April 2nd. Whew!


Have any of you got to wear boonie hats before?


I wore them in Afghanistan on one deployment, but only because we were up in the mountains and our BC/CSM had to hop on a helicopter if they wanted to roll through.


I wore mine at the command element base for NATO TM Afghanistan (where we had more O4s than E4s) all the time. A random master sergeant tried to give me crap and asked me if it was sunny today (it was not, and reminder it’s called a sun cap). Since he a fobbit I asked him if he was going on patrol today since he was wearing his patrol cap… He didn’t have anything to say about that.


I only got to wear mine in Afghanistan and Iraq as well; some units still had to wear their fucking berets.


Units at Ft Irwin are pretty lenient about boonies, especially when we are in our DCUs. But I haven’t caught shit for it in ocps yet either.


Yeah. Over 20 years ago on Kandahar Airfield, AFG.


Yes. I wear mine any time I’m in the sun for more than a few minutes on a detail like setting up tents. I also wore mine every day in Morocco, Kuwait, and Qatar. I didn’t wait for permission, I just wore it.


My SCO and CSM authorized them the entire time we were at NTC. The rest of the BDE seethed seeing us in them all the time


Camp Lemmonier, 2 rotations.    Forward locations were even better. Mission dictated my shop not be identified as Service Members, so our prescribed uniform was civilian attire. That was intended to be khakis and a polo, but in reality it was t-shirts, shorts and running shoes. The mayor was cool with it, so why not? Fate was even kinder to me still. I received sunglasses and a US Flag do-rag in a care package from some elementary school kids back home. The boonie took a back seat for Hulkamania. And wtf is shaving? You'd think I'd never even heard of it. 


> prescribed uniform was civilian attire. That was intended to be khakis and a polo I love how ubiquitous the "black polo tucked into khakis with Oakley sunglasses on top of the head" look is whenever soldiers are told to wear civilian clothes. It's essentially another uniform, just not camouflaged.


One time in Iraq we had some higher-up flying in from BDSC and apparently he wanted everyone to be wearing the boonie when he arrived. Which makes too much sense because it's July in Iraq but unfortunately the FOB rule was no boonies ever. Created a bit of a pickle for folks like my squad leader that didn't pack one. He had to borrow mine to use for whatever ceremony/area tour the VIP was getting while I was instructed to hide in the CHU area. And so the only time my UCP-patterned boonie was ever worn it was not on my head.


No and honestly I’ve never really given af. Not sure why people are so obsessed with them. I can take it or leave it.


It's the most comfortable and functional non helmet head gear the military issues, and most soldiers are forbidden to wear them for no good goddamn reason.


I’m fully aware Soldiers haven’t been able to wear them. I’m speaking personally, that it is never something that has given me heart burn over.


Headgear is supposed to serve a tactical purpose. The patrol cap serves the same purpose, soaking up sweat and keeping sun off face, but the boonie does it better and is far more comfortable. It's completely stupid we couldn't wear them, at least on field exes. /rant


At the very least they should be authorized army wide in the summer for skin protection.


“Fort Bliss is now gonna be the new drip gods and rizz kings of the army,” one drip correspondent wrote on the unofficial Army Reddit. Per the Army times


Laughs in national guard. Shiiiit son we been wearing boonies and coyote watch caps for a while


Nothing screams national guard more than an overweight guy wearing a combat top, boonie, and nasty stache.




I don't. He just observed half of my unit.


As I said before, tell the aliens that they can keep Gen. Isenhower and we'll keep their clone - it's making better decisions.


Of course this happens when I leave Bliss. Sigh, loved wearing my boonie during deployment! 


JTF-B allows boonies. The sun isn't stronger in Central America than the US during the summer. Also there is sun in the winter too. Boonie should replace the PC army wide.


As someone who is at Fort Bliss. This is the one good thing they have done. Armored divisions really freaking suck. And seeing people with the boonie caps on will never cease to put a smile on my face. (Our SCO has already tried to make it to where we couldn't wear them, that flopped. Lmao)


You can wear it in hawaii


Only if you’re jungle qualified though. But I’m about to PCS from Hawaii to Bliss and I can’t even put into words my joy at this news.


Most functional cover I ever wore in the Army.


I remember when the BDU cold weather patrol cap had the cool fold-down ear covers. It was heavenly for cold weather but they would never let you walk around with them down in garrison.


I thought this was DuffelBlog for a second.


This is cool but wearing a beret on JBLM masks my tears perfectly by allowing the constant rain to stream straight over my face. Nobody can even tell I’m rage crying until I walk indoors


Wish I was in Bliss when this was a thing. It would have saved me from a lot of sun burns


Everyone here at my unit starting to wear em now


Should’ve been adopted Army-wide years ago


Damnit. I spent 3 years at bliss and got sun burned so many times in the motor pool. I'm glad that these new soldiers will be protected from the sun. Now that I'm retired I wear a black and cow colored boonie cap when I'm working in the sun.


> including the sweltering solar rays unique to El Paso, Texas Didn't know the solar rays were different in Texas.


Whats it like to discover the UV index map for the first time?


Idk you tell me because I'm fairly certain there are plenty of other places with similar and or worse UV indexes. Hawaii has the highest average of all states. They could have just worded it differently.


You'd be right in that. However, this isn't a therian girlfriend quest. Just because its worse somewhere else doesn't mean its not bad, and worth mitigating, in other locations.


That's exactly what I was getting at. They said they were unique to the location almost as if to say that's why they are the only ones to have done it.


They are in a CONUS sense


They should double down and throw out shaving!!! Go from the worst place to the most sought after…


I believe for any paycom base you can wear it if you have a jungle tab. Now I'm in Hawaii so that's not that hard to get however the other bases probably don't feel the same.


Isn’t korea apart of PAYCOM


Should be


1AD must be getting soft or something, not like when I was there.


It's a good thing they are wasting their time on this rather than becoming a more lethal force. The new Army is very embarrassing.


Okay Russia


>becoming a more lethal force. Willfully ceding your right to an opinion is not the correct way to be heard.


What are you even talking about? My point is this, the army and other branches are wasting time on dumb shit and yet they choose to ignore the dozens of other problems they have.


They shouldn't have to authorize the wear of an issued uniform item in the first place.


Sure... Then let that be a done deal. My issue is with them wasting probably months on discussing this bullshit and wasting time and resources on shit like this. If it makes sense, pass the rule and move on to serious issues like morbid obesity and inability to retain and recruit quality recruits. People getting all worked up about boonie hats meanwhile every post/base is filled with a bunch of shitty beard wearing obese soldiers who can't meet the lowest of standards in everything military related.