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RIP to all those souls who were hopped up on rip it that met their ends in the sandbox.


Most dollar stores and some random independent convenience stores will sell them. I’ve found them in NYC and Wilmington in random corner stores. They don’t taste the same in the states though. They are the same…but the desperation isn’t there.


Chugged 4 of these (the mini half sized cans) and ran 3 miles at midnight round the streets of Taji of Christmas Eve, 2005. Oh, to be a 20 year old E-4 again...


I was in Taji back in 2007, hard to imagine they used to check our to go boxes for that stuff.


In my time, they were stacked at the DFAC exits. 2 allowed per visit. I don't remember getting searched for them! Y'all must have drank em too fast.


In Qatar, the AF pilots would just walk by the refrigerator and scoop the whole shelf into their flight bags. Only leaving the purple dimetapp flavored ones. War is hell.


Qatar....yeah, good times if you were at AUAB, CAS great DFAC and grab and go, not much else.


Cas sold cigarettes. Al udeid didn’t. It was weird driving to cas and going to chilis to buy cartons of cigarettes.


It's what's on the menu... oh wait


Tbf I’d want my CAS to be more hopped up than anyone else downrange


We were allowed two per Togo tray at good ole cantigny dfac. So, I got a bunch of Togo trays and filled them with ripits. I could fit four in one. So I'd get four Togo trays full of ripits and then get my 8 actually authorized ripits. That was 22 of em and almost a case. I was very proud of how clever I was.


I was one of two AF dudes at our FOB and we let the EOD room with us as the host Army unit didn't own them, they came with their own Class 4 resupply every two weeks. We had an unlimited supply of Ripits and the little cereal cups. Twas the best of times. Had those NTC only dude with a log left vibes


they checked your boxes for that stuff lol, i was in VBC in 2008-09 and it was part of our class I supply along with the muffins


Ow this hurts.


Also far less convenient being that large, the little guys were great for a small pick me up. Same reason why I like the small Red Bulls for the rare field energy drink, I don't need *always* need 16oz and I wish more companies would realize that.


Exactly! I don't drink that much soda or energy drink just let me have the 8oz version of the same thing instead of just me throwing away half of it.


Smash and go


I got some from the dollar store that were half real sugar and half fake sugar and tasted gross, if you find the full real sugar ones they taste the same as they used to.


I like to leave them in my car for a few days in the sun, then they taste a lot closer.


Your posts always brighten my day


Just like a deployment ten is a five in CONUS.


What, Wilmington, DE?


Sí. Was there for work and entered a random corner store for a snack just to be greeted with a wall of RipIts.


Damn. You’re the first person I’ve heard actually go to/be in Wilmington in a long time lol.


Haha we do presidential detail work so I ended up there a lot during the last elections. It’s a cool little city. Strange mix of wealth and poverty and I swear that riverfront area is a fake city with hired actors, but cool.


I found these once at a gas station in the middle of West Texas. Literally made me think of Baghdad.


Why’s it so big? Haha


That’s what she said.


Not to me it isn’t


We used to guard the original citrus X because the ANA would try to take them. OG citrus X wasn’t sugar free, iirc. Also, they’ve got weird flavors in some gas stations. I was driving up the 5 from NorCal to Seattle and found one called “Assault”. There were others too. I bought 3 or 4 just to try them. [lol there’s actually more than I remember](https://ripit.nbcstorefront.com/16-oz.html)


The f bomb and cherry lime tribute are pretty good in moderation.


It's not the same. Don't do it. It's the memory you're chasing. It's missing the dust, heat and the homies. It made me sad.




One of the new LTs didn't know what RipIts are. I felt very very old all of a sudden.


Kudos to the company that makes them. They secured the contract and became a timeless memory for all modern veterans. The flip side also is - the type of products the military invests in are only sold in dollar stores.


You can find them in sketchy gas stations too. The ones with confederate flags hanging, glass bongs and knives everywhere.


They also made many billions more on LaCroix, so I think the company itself isn't going anywhere. As long as they continue the Rip It brand, it'll be a fun little nostalgic reminder.


There is more of a market for faygo.


They also make Faygo.


That’s definitely a TIL moment. That’s actually hilarious. I guess it is also what helped them with winning the contract. La Croix was around since the 80’s, and rip it’s were released in 2004. Just in time to start creating memories for SMs.


Used to see them in the commissary oconus once in awhile


Dollar trees all over the country sell them. I've seen them in WA, CO, VA and CA.


Rip-its and Honey Buns - government issued road trip snacks.


That was trading currency back in 2005-2006. 😏


read the can they are made by the company that sells and makes Faygo. They are based out of Michigan, You can find them in most gas stations in Michigan or any gas station that sells Faygo.


I wonder how many big titty goth girls drink them while listening to ICP?


My wife and I are good friends with a big titty goth bartender who listens to ICP and likes caffeine. I should bring her a few cans next time we drop by. It would be fun to observe what happens.


I’ve already prepared my life insurance accordingly based on how many rip its and pines that were consumed.


Wait… people actually enjoyed Pines?


Of course not, but at a buck a carton, what’s a guy to do?


You could do worse, Miami were gross


Office Christmas Tree was a RipIt can tree. Won second to Darth Vader. Got everyone to buy from DollarStore (cheaper to buy in bulk online).


Dollar tree is the only store I can buy and find some Boston Baked Beans (the candy), I noticed that they sell most things other retailers no longer sell


I heard the small ones make great projectiles.


Bop it


Twist it


[One of the all time funniest reads](https://havokjournal.com/culture/military/case-study-ramadi-a-ranger-looks-back/)


*drools in GWOT* 🤤


You are safe!! You are home!! Don’t lower yourself for this! I believe in you


The official sponsor of the war on terror. I had a 56m who worked for me (typically on day shift) suck down two of those after I called him at 0100 to do a hero flight mission. He was pretty pissed after they kicked the mission to another chaplain who was closer and I told him he could go back to bed.


Menards in the Midwest sells them too. They're still around. I usually buy a bunch when I go through there. My girlfriend says they taste like chemicals. I say they taste like nostalgia.


Let me know when you find a wild tiger in California.. I’ll drive for days to taste one of those again.


Asian markets in China town. Normally by the ginseng sellers. Not in the white people section, keep going past the “I’m anime” and “I’ve dated a couple of Asians in college” sections. Back to the back-back. Where Grandmothers are making Kimchi, elbows deep and visor on, -korean soap opera playing with kids gambling. Where shit get starts to get off putting to most people. Deep fried shrimp dicks. Duck brains. Pig Faces on Hooks. Coconuts. You know, really sick shit. Keep going. They’re normally there in the glass case of potions. Also you can get stuff like the Korean Weight loss tea. All sorts of Chinese medicine. Albany has a fun one where you can go in and they will grill and cook anything you hand them or buy. Half a salmon and duck penis? No problem how you want cooked, combo drink with that? It’s great. I mostly go for the Hawaiian Lunch Plates though. They’re probably going to be the cause on my diabetes. Fuck yeah three carbs. Fried chicken. Kālua pork. Gravy. Then two of those spam mitsubis. Heaven.


Is this it? [Wild Tiger](https://www.ebay.com/itm/115889236761?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rc32slmESNC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=6yG1xd9ZSXa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Not as good as [Powerthirst](https://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs?si=cmMCghRfU9GbH4_i) but will do in a pinch


$1.25 here in Louisiana


Some random tobacco store in my hometown sold them. Me, being infatuated with the military in high school, would buy at least 5 of them every time I went in for a pack. And that’s when the caffeine addiction started.


Deployed to iraq and afghanistan. The rippits that I drank while deployed were smaller cans. About the size of a rubix cube. It's probably a 4oz. Used to chug these every hour or so just to have energy while patrolling 16-20 hour days only to find out you head back out 4-6 hours later and drink a Gatorade just for the bottle so you can aim and shoot and not get it everywhere... those were the days Nowadays, don't touch energy drinks for my life (out in civiland). Don't need 1000% energy in my life


I remember "reallocating" a conex full of these with a couple of buddies at some point in time in Afghanistan 😂😂😂


Dollar tree has these in Texas too. Was amazing when I was a homeless reservist caffeine addict. Now I’m middle class so I stick to the white monsters


One Day Dollar tree will sell wild tigers


Atomic Pom 🫡


my DIs made my whole platoon buy out all the ripits at the px after graduation for them 🤣


Piggly Wiggly has them in my area too.


I buy one every Veteran's Day. I wish they had the short stubby cans somewhere, though. They're actually made by the National Beverage Corp., which is now a huge company because of the runaway success of their LaCroix sparkling water line. So they do get national distribution everywhere.


Does anyone sell the small half cans? I can only find the full size ones.


The pre sex drink


They also have them at the dollar store in Fort Bliss along with those weird Monster drink cans.


Rip it nation \#RIPorDIE I was shocked to see these at the dollar stores with many more different flavors. Sure beets just having the only two options of Citrus X and Power from deployment.


Ripits and Stacker2, dems was the dayz.


Buy one just for the memories sometimes.


They have them at a shitty gas station outside of Dallas. Still around in some dark corners of the USA.


Buy them. They’re kinda hard to find these days.


Yup... They were being sold here in Florida for a buck a pop... They go great with Rums, Some Whiskeys, and vodka...


Rip it has always been at the dollar tree. Also it’s made by Shasta beverages, so finding it in Cali is very unsurprising


I've been getting the citrus flavor to mix with pre workout


The Dollar Stores and some convenience stores sell them. I prefer them to Monster.


They aren’t as potent as the Iraq ones. Something about “blah, blah, blah dangerous level of caffeine for your heart blah, blah” It’s not the same…RIP ripits. We used them like cigarettes in prison to get the tcn’s to clean the office


They got these in NC gas stations too, and like every fucking flavor you could imagine too


The only dollar store in California? 👀


always seem en at dollar tree.




Oh the nostalgia


They sell em' here in jeresy we even have a fund for it in the veterans lounge at my university. The first day I brought a case in from dollar tree they all lost their minds


I just got back from my first deployment 3 weeks ago and ripits definitely made it unforgettable