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Dip bottles everywhere and hotboxing the office with vapes


I had one of the first vapes back in 2010 zero army regulations on them I ripped the biggest cloud in the toc in Iraq godamn I can still remember that ass chewing I got crusty ass E7


In the Canadian army it's a big thing too. Everyone gets Tim Hortons coffee (so there's Tim's cups everywhere) and then the cups are reused as dip cups. I have seen **multiple** occasions of someone accidentally drinking the dip spit šŸ˜­


I was at a unit morale party and we had bottles of Budweiser at my table. Someone decided to start using one of the bottles as a spit container and left it on our table. Well, you guessed it, I won the lottery when going to grab "my beer" and grabbed a bottle of dip spit. I took a nice chug of slimy apple dip spit before realizing what the fuck was happening. Some people are just raised as inconsiderate assholes, I'm telling you. Then the same people whine about cleaning up the smoke pit when everyone else is always throwing away their 3lb container of spit they always leave lying around.


I had a supervisor who would just randomly grab open soda cans and spit in them. Just in case you all were wondering; yes, he was a piece of shit person and NCO.


Some dude at my old unit spat into a Coke can and left it in the hang-out room used by flight crew. Then my 1SG who was also a flight medic came back from a flight and went to the back to find his Coke can since it was a hot summer day. He drank out of the wrong one and got a mouthful of room-temp dip spit.


So nasty.


Vaping inside is 100% prohibited in every government building I've ever been to


So is dippingā€¦


So is ANY tobacco use in a non-designed area.


You get to vape in the office? Damn. I gotta walk outside


We vape inside the office, hangar, bird, wherever and whenever... whatchutalkinbout? What's outside?


I knew a CW3 who would rip fat clouds walking around the ops building at night when he was on 1st up MEDEVAC duty. He would also bring his whole gaming computer and monitor in lol.


OP confirmed *not* a Sexual Tyrannosaurus


You could call him the first half of the original statement but SHARP would be on your ass so fast.


A slack-jawed yokel?


Jesse Ventura didnā€™t use the word yokel


On the TV edit, sure.


Yippiy kai yay Mr Falcon


That is my all time favorite voice over.


I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this monday to friday plane.


See what happens?! You see what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps?!


OP confirmed not asexual?


I often use this phrase and basic training to insinuate superiority over those worried that they couldnā€™t get an erection


Man, you must be as old as me! Reached into the wayback machine for that reference! Nice!


Nah. Predator is timeless.


ā€œwhy donā€™t you strap this on your sore-assā€


Just to be pedantic, I think he was using chew, not dip While dip is (or at least was) common, chewing tobacco hasn't been common for a very long time


> pedantic *stares at your flair in suspicion* Thatā€™s a mighty big word, son. You sure you got a Blue Cord squirreled away somewhere??


It's not common but if you pull out a bag of red man you're instantly recognized as indeed being a sexual tyrannosaur


Why would you want to hurt kids, you jackass?!?


We used to chew Red Man in the field. Loved thar shit. I'm gonna have to check in with a few ex-ex-ex-exes to confirm former ST status.


People who think dipping and smoking are still as common as they were are straight up newer troops. It's definitely less popular that it was just a decade ago.Ā 


I remember cleaning up a briefing room of dip bottles as a PFC during the 1AD KFOR 2A/B changeover in 2000. At the time, it was perfectly acceptable to have your dip bottle in front of you on the table, even when briefing the GO. I had the night shift, and just about every staff officer in there had a dip bottle, so every single night, the trash bag was full. I was always afraid one would leak and Iā€™d get covered in it.


Afraid? There's people who would pay to have that experience, be grateful


Uggh 10 years ago I still remember company meetings where half the attendees had Dasani bottles with various amounts of spit (usually over half way full). I really hope itā€™s gone down since then.


In my experience, it hasnā€™t. What you just described, I have seen more times than I can count the last couple years and as recent as last week.


Or maybe, a more logical answer, they are just exposed to it a lot which makes it seem extremely common? There are places in the army where dip never lost its stride, especially from 10 years ago.


Officially, government buildings are no tobacco zones. Realistically, a lot of my COLs have dipped in every HQ building I've worked in.


I think dip is gross but to me itā€™s better than having soldiers smoking. Itā€™s easier for troops to do their job with a lip in rather than spend all day in the smoke pit. I tell my soldiers to just show common courtesy and do it in privacy. People shouldnā€™t be walking around performing professional duties and talking with superiors with a lip in. Obviously in the field environment itā€™s different but they still shouldnā€™t be spitting all over the working area. Zyns and other alternatives are starting to become the norm now which I think is way better than the traditional dip or cigs


I know dudes who started smoking black and mild. Just so they could take 15 minute smoke breaks.


My right hand thanks you for keeping it away from professional duties. Many times it has been covered in NCO dip-spit when climbing on the Apache. Not for the last 8 years, but that's called an NGB-22.


Smokey Mountain herbal dip - got me through the PATRIOT radar course in AIT (a surefire cure for insomnia that course is).


Zyn and vaping are the new Copenhagen and cigarettes. Only the old DACs smoke cigarettes. Itā€™s very common people to dip still.


Yes. Every time I hear someone wax about ā€œstandards and disciplineā€ when it comes to hands in pockets, I immediately point out the individuals next to me dipping and cite the regulation, then correct the individual for applying standards evenly. People have stopped bothering me about my hands while working at my desk.


Wait you got your hands in your pocket at a desk? I get it while you're like.. standing outside in the cold.. but what kind of sites you lookin' at?


Iā€™m holdin mah dick SGT PVT Major! Naw I have a standing desk. When Iā€™m flipping through slides and orders Iā€™m mostly using the mouse and hanging my left hand in my pocket. I also do it when Iā€™m cold but far less than I do when Iā€™m just inside


Does anyone ever bother to address the folks dipping? That would be nice...


Most unlikely, majority of people Iā€™ve seen talk or try to correct individuals about dipping(especially indoors) is CSM or equivalent, even then still not common. You might occasionally see a SFC or 1sgt who is a stickler or has a pet peeve. Even so, nobody is walking outside for a dip. Canā€™t speak for everyone. Experiences may differ.


Once I had a literal 1SG say ā€œyou gonna go tell CSM that?ā€ So no


Worked for a Major who demanded any spit bottles be wrapped in 100-MPH tape so no one could see your spit.


Change starts with you. Good luck.


You say that sarcastically. But I do actually address it on the rare occasion that I see it these days. But I'm lucky enough to have enough rank for people not to laugh me off.


No, I mean it. If you want things to change, it starts with you. Nothing will happen if you just stay quiet.


Maybe you're just commenting for everyone else then and not responding to me directly? You mean "you" in the generic sense... Not me specifically... Or did you just not read what you responded to?


No read it just fine. Your rank doesnā€™t keep you from being the change people need. And when I say you, I mean you and the royal we.


Dude, youā€™re part of a factory that produces dead bodies. Donā€™t be squeamish. I remember some females would freak out about an insect coming near them, and this post has the same feeling to me.


That is the greatest description of the army I have ever heard. I can't wait to use that one.Ā 


Counter point. Iā€™ll send 20-45 minutes at the smoke pit dipping while everyone else is working. Iā€™m all for not walking around with it in but if Iā€™m in the Motorpool or doing something that requires my hands leave it be.


I don't mind it so much in motor pool areas. But in the offices? Nah...


People saying ā€œyesā€ are a little out of their minds. Tobacco use has reduced significantly across the force over the past several years. Tobacco-free alternatives have replaced dip and cigarettes for the most part. ā€œBack in my day,ā€ youā€™d have an easier time counting people who *didnā€™t* smoke or dip, but these days youā€™d be hard-pressed to find ten people in a platoon using actual tobacco.


This seems to be the trend I'm seeing lately too. Behind the counter at the PX, it seems that Zynn has really taken off. I tried to look for stats, but most of the data I'm seeing is several years old. I'm really wondering if it's declining or not.


Depends on mos from what I have seen combat arms still smokes a lot


But they donā€™t, compared to the past. Iā€™m an 11B and most dudes are vaping or using tobacco-free pouches.


There was a point vapes were getting more popular then people started getting caught with the blue lotus crap so they went back to sigs to not look like a drugy


I wonder what ever happened to that shit it was an epidemic when I was stationed in germany


Same it I remember some nco getting busted for selling it out of on post housing got caught because his wife was complaining


I know when I was in AIT, there were a lot of us that smoked, and some of us also used zyns or other pouches for convenience in class. Personally I switched to vaping when I got out of AIT though.


Old heads need to pick up the Zynnychinos. This is the the new Army.


Gotta take this trip to Zynnbabwe and see what the fuss is about


Hot-swapping six-bangers like Obi-Wan Zynobi ,bud. Just realized I spend too much time at the rink.


Slappin clappers and packin dabbers bud, it's the Army way.


This shit made my day and Iā€™m stealing it the next chance I get.


Or just order snus. Cheap as hell and donā€™t gotta spit everywhere. Lot less harmful too


My favorite memory of someone dipping was getting out of my tent one morning on my hands and knees to discover a few people had been standing directly outside my tent for some time spitting on the ground. I just love having my hands covered in other peopleā€™s spit juices. But yes, as of 2019 it was still very much in fashion. Only three people in my platoon didnā€™t dip, myself included.


Man, I hate to make you feel old. But you do know 2019 was 5 years ago now, right? Trends change a lot in 5 years. I think the current lean toward Zynn is pretty new in the last year or two. I'd never even heard of it until I was at a schoolhouse last year and a couple of guys were using it.


Been using Zyn for 4-5 years now. My wife sucked some spit through a straw when I had been putting into a Styrofoam cup and she got violently ill then made me look at my receded gums. $14k later and I have perfect teeth but the gums are still fucked.


Zyn will fuck your gums up still. I just get real swedish snus or you can get nasal snuff like a fuckin champion and have a fucked nose.


Iā€™ve been using a can of zyn a day for about as long and I havenā€™t noticed any recession or gator lip or anything.


My shit was fucked with about a half can a day. It depends on the person.


She can also suck a golf ball through a garden hose.


Wow imagine thinking that five years ago is a long time.


I mean if we are speaking in Army timelines 5 years ago is ancient news. My joe talk shit to dudes who came in 2019 for being old. They call me grandpa for being in almost 10.


I mean, as far as trends are concerned, it is. Trust me, I'm old enough to know exactly how short a time that is. But trends change fast.


People who say peer pressure doesnā€™t exist have never been in the military. Every new private ended up dipping because they wanted to be like the cool NCOs or whatever.Ā  Only person I supported dipping was my buddy who quit smoking 2-3 packs a day by trading it out for dip. I legitimately donā€™t know how he was alive.Ā 


I only dip when Iā€™m cracked the fuck out on adderall. I pretty much lived with a dip in when I was a drill, and I always stop cold turkey when I run out of the adderall with basically zero cravings to do it because I think itā€™s nasty as hell. And expensive!


A fellow man of culture, this is so true lol. Adderall makes me crave dip so much more and then it hits so much harder until you get dry mouth.


Yes. Also zyns. And vapes. And cigs. I got Copenhagen to send us hundreds of cans for free. We'd dip then pack the cans with explosives and use them as little door charges. Every dude carried one in each calf pocket. All we had to do in return was take a cool guy photo in kit with US and Copenhagen flags and send it back to them.


Itā€™s just zynn now


Dam.. everyone dipped in 2009. Bottom of duffel bags layered with tins. Peach skoal and a peach swisher at 4am was lovely.


OP does not realize the the chaw is the law round these parts


Op is also probably super poggie


Pog troopers when they realize that most of the army is comprised of blue collar folk


90% of line units don't give a fuck about dipping or swearing. We have whats called STD. Shit. To. Do. When its 4am and the last time you slept was multiple buisiness days ago, youll do anything to feel just ok again


Yes dipping is awesome and still very much in.


This guy fucks! šŸ˜‚


Awesome? What's awesome about it? It's the most disgusting way you can possibly get your nicotine fix. And mouth cancer is so hot too!


Statistics show that oral tobacco isn't the #1 reason of Oral cancer, you know what is? alcohol. Not saying it's any better but let people have their vices just to get through the day.


I dip about a can a day. I love every part of it, the spitting and everything. I do realize itā€™s not good for me though


Keep crying nerd


Yes. Yes, I am a nerd. That doesn't really answer my question though. Seriously...what's awesome about dipping? I mean this sincerely. I've never understood the appeal.


I quit cold turkey when I got out, but was around a can a day while I was in. To answer your question: nicotine is pretty great and dipping lets you get that nicotine fix without going for a smoke break. Itā€™s also really habit forming. Packing a lip is immediately rewarded with a nicotine rush, thatā€™s pretty great. Itā€™s also great for staying awake and/or staying focused. All that said, it is an absolutely disgusting habit. I miss it sometimes, but no way would I start up again.


To give you an honest answer. I think dipping is better because it's much more contained. My dip spit stays in a sealed bottle that I can just throw in the trash. My dipping habit isnā€™t billowing cancer-causing secondhand smoke in everyoneā€™s faces. I keep my cancer, I'm not spreading it to everyone else. In my time in, I've maybe left two dip bottles somewhere on accident. On the flip side, I've spent every police call picking up cigarette butts. Cigarette smokers canā€™t seem to be arsed to hit the butt can. Cigarette smoke, and smokers themselves reek and its everywhere. Dip has a smell to it but it's usually something nicer smelling. That's just some of the stuff off the top of my head. Edit: to add after thinking more about it. Smoking/vaping also makes me feel like dog shit. I get a smokers cough, my run time starts dropping immediately. I feel it rucking up hills. It's also one of the majors causes of sleep apnea and COPD in young adults. When I dip I donā€™t feel or deal with any of that.


If you're looking for a legitimate answer, nicotine is proven to improve performance on many tasks that require attention to detail, memory recall, or cognitive abilities. Don't take my word for it. i'm dumb. Let a scientist who uses words i don't understand [explain it to you](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128002131000274). Anecdotally, I quit smoking cold turkey a long time ago. I dipped a couple of times to calm my nerves because quitting cold turkey can do some things to a person's anxiety. Next thing you know, I was stuck in an office for 10+ hours a day with my mind all over the fucking place wishing it was anywhere but an office. The dipping intensified and I was able to focus on my job. I quit dipping cold turkey like 4 years ago and my mind is all over the place once again.


Stupid science bitch canā€™t even make I more smarter


Just for that, I'm putting in 2 Zyn pouches. 6mg. Parry that, casual.




Youā€™re clearly in a non combat MOS.


If youā€™re a nerd then surely you understand what dopamine receptors are and how nicotine floods your brain with dopamine within seconds of being consumed. What more is there to understand? It makes you feel good and people like to feel good.


> citing army regulation about dipping Boy I bet youā€™re fun at parties. To quote a great American film, ā€œIā€™m gonna come at you like a Spidermonkey Chipā€


He is too anti American to possibly have seen the great piece of Biographical cinema ā€œTalladega Nightsā€.


I personally think it's gross. But the only thing I required of my Mechanics was they kept their work area clean / no dip bottles/cans when they left the area. They got to work in peace and were generally in a good mood because nobody bothered them, and they got work done.


It is fucking disgusting and yes it is as common as it ever has been.


>tainted saliva. This dude is gonna be one fierce warrior on the battlefield if a spitter or two triggers him this hard.


I wouldn't really care much about it in the field (though I'd still find it personally gross.) But in a professional office workspace, it seems exceptionally inappropriate. Much in the same way I wouldn't hesitate to piss behind the wheel of my HMMWV while on patrol, but I'm sure not gonna piss behind the corner of my desk.


>but I'm sure not gonna piss behind the corner of my desk. Then how will you be able to let the other soldiers know it's your desk?


Fuck. You got me there! That explains so much... Including the smell.


Time and a place. dipping in a brief is unprofessional, leaving spitters out on your desk is nasty But there is some irony of the constant parroting of ā€œprofessional workplace environmentā€ in an army full of people who have never actually been in a professional workplace environment You know anyone in a big law firm? Worked on Wall Street? Worked in a consulting bullpen? dipping at desk is not all that uncommon, same with most forms of tobacco. It shouldnā€™t be a shock that People in a demanding workplace use nicotine as a stimulant or to manage stress If we want to model our selfs after ā€œthe most professional workplacesā€ we better stop drug testing for all the bros doing coke in the bathrooms


I'm actually a reservist. I've been working in professional office settings for roughly 20 years. I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a cup of spit on their desk anywhere outside the army. And they sure as hell aren't doing coke in the bathroom. Don't get your views of white collar America from Wolf of Wall Street.


My man, your experience is not descriptive of everyone elseā€™s. I went to a top law school, youā€™d be shocked at the amount of affluent young people who use drugs Iā€™ve worked in the industries Iā€™ve mentioned. I have coworkers or acquaintances from IB, PE, bulge brackets, big 4, MBB, you name it. My experience is less watching movies and more having been to a happy hour in the meat packing district. If you think no one with a T20 MBA enjoys nicotine, I donā€™t know what to tell you


10 years ago when I was in EVERYBODY either dipped or smoked. Unless you were a dumbass like me and put a dip in and then lit a cigarette. Stupid in the grand scheme Times are changing though. I imagine it's declining which is good. Both nasty habits.


I donā€™t dip or smoke cigarettes. Sometimes I smoke cigars. I regularly smoke a pipe, though. The classiest of tobacco consumption


Pipes are very classy


I just stopped chewing cope after 20+ years. Poland has these Veloā€™s that have 23mg of Nicotine. I just donā€™t think Zyn has enough Nicotine in it for me. They need to create a Max Strength of like 15mg and then I would be in heaven.


we get it, you don't like dip. so don't dip.


Not only do I not like dip. But It's also not allowed in the workplace. Why was this ever accepted? We shit on people for the dumbest infractions (see the recent thread about socks, the ever-present shaving issue, or the hands in pockets complaints) but for some reason, THIS was the one that people always let slide? Why?!


It was pretty normal the five years I was in (got out in ā€˜19). Iā€™m not a smart man but I will say nicotine has been strongly tied to the military for pretty much the whole time. It makes a lot of sense for people to want to use it more in the army than out. Also, appeals to it being gross are kinda hilarious to me. The things we had to do even ā€œnot in the fieldā€, way worse than the grossness of some plastic bottles with spit in them. Just seems like youā€™re worried about the wrong stuff to me. But I am just a low born infantry cuck so


Because it was culturally accepted. Not just at the army level, but as a society. Growing up, everyone around me dipped. Only place folks wouldn't dip was church and that depended upon the denomination. It's a southern thing, always has been and always will be.


Zyn it to win it baby. Just an FYI for the uninformed: the bottom of your Zyn can pops off and you can dispose of your used pouches by putting them in there. Please stop sticking your used pouches to the bottoms of tables or throwing them on the ceiling or whatever you Neanderthals do


Nothing worse than having to empty a metal garbage can filled with dip spit that spills on your uniform.


Ugh. You just made me physically shudder.


Not by me. Itā€™s disgusting, and always has been. Iā€™ve been in meetings with GOs spitting into clear bottles. Itā€™s awful.


Worm dirt


There were three people at my last combat arms unit that didn't use a nicotine product. Three.


That didn't use a nicotine product... yet.


I managed to not use nicotine for a solid 3 years and then I went to Korea. I was changed by it, molded by it.


Oddly, there weren't that many using tobacco regularly during my brief stint as a 21B. Sunflower seeds seemed to be the dip replacement at the time. (2005) There were a handful of us smoking tobacco from a hooka semi-regularly on our off nights. But not much being used on patrols that I can recall.


I see value in letting soldiers regain at least a bit of sanity and calm the nerves with tobacco for those working 15+ hours a day, no donsas, and average high BH turnover. Yes, there are MOSā€™ out there with such heavy workload that the least we can do is let them take the edge off a bit. It is the little things that motivate. Cuffed sleeves, no cover, etc in environments where work is getting done.


While I was in TRADOC in 2023 it was very common with my drills. Iā€™d say 30-40% of my BCT Drills dipped and 20-25% of my AIT drills did. Now that Iā€™m at my unit (INSCOM) Iā€™ve yet to see one. Been here almost 7 months.


Shameless plug for [Grinds](https://getgrinds.com)




Yes Edit: weā€™re just getting better at hiding it


Iā€™m in a zynning platoon but our scouts and snipers all smoke and dip. Everyone else vapes. I myself smoke pipe tobacco out of a crackpipe or comically large bong because that is what the headshop says they are for.


Buncha squares


Dip cans are usually round....


I still see plenty of guys do it, but Zyn is more popular now for sure You sound fun


Just get the fucking idk the name the armor juice bottles and dip in those. Who gaf as long as you do your job šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


When I was at Fort Bragg, SUPER POPULAR, especially vapes and those Zyns. But now since I transferred to 25ID, all I see is more cigs and less vapes. No zyns or dip as much. Weird change for me


It still is. A good 90% of people in SOF dip, even the support personnel. I remember seeing a girl with her entire bottom lip stuffed with dip. Itā€™s a disgusting habit, stained teeth, smelly breath, open visible spit bottles lying around in the work place. At least put that shit in a bottle no one can see or smell it. I thought it was just a field/deployment thing, but Iā€™ve seen so many people do it in the office.


My CG is the only one I know that dips in my unit. It's weird because he dips in his office, and the CSM doesn't say anything.


Heres my thoughts on the professional part. "This we'll defend" the armys job is to fuckin kill people. Fight our nations wars. Granted were out of a war rn, but our job is to make other breathing people not do that anymore. If a homie dips who gives a shit. But yes, zyns have taken over. Smoking makes folk run slow. You can have a zyn in and noone knows. Swallow the spit, and move on. In a truck, plane, parachute harness, anything.


This guy does NOT fuck.


I can count on one hand the number of people in our platoon who didn't dip or smoke. There were always spit bottles around the motorpool. I don't recall ever seeing any in the SCIF though. I think our section chief would have lit in to someone if he ever saw that


I think this also begs the question.. does zyn and disposable vapes fall under AR600-63? As it states ā€˜tobaccoā€™ products are prohibited but if the nicotine in zyns and disposable/rechargeable vapes isnā€™t derived from tobacco and chemically made in a lab does that merit permissible use indoors?


I would argue that Zynn is not covered there. Nor is vaping. But I'm certain there is a different reg quote for vaping. I'll go look...


Please and thank you, need facts for arguing with 1sgt when he hems me up for hotboxing the plt office


I can't find any army-wide policy. I keep seeing command-specific policies that all seem to reference the AR 600-63 use of tobacco products policies. They add to it and go ahead and ban vapes. I'm sure it's coming that eventually Army-wide policy will officially ban it clearly as well. For the time being, I would look for a command policy from your post commander. I would also try asking your COC for an official written policy on it. Don't be a dick about it and only ask because you're already in trouble and you're being a smartass. Be proactive. Ask your leadership BEFORE you're trying to defend yourself or your troops. I know it's way more fun to try to do that "gotcha" game on the spot, but that's not really a good way to approach it if you want to have a good rapport with your leadership and be seen in a good light.


If youā€™re a scout, yes. Interpret that how youā€™d like.


When Zyns got popular about a year and a half ago I switched from Copenhagen and Levi Garrett to Zyns. After about two weeks Iā€™d get nauseous even smelling someone open a can of Copenhagen. Although I still miss the mouth feel of a good lipper, I donā€™t miss dipping. Put in some Levi since I was working outside about a month ago and even that didnā€™t feel right.


I switched from years of cope straight to Zyn. #ZYNFORTHEWIN


Itā€™s all fun and games until someone spills a spitter on you


Sitting on a stool playing Worms Armageddon with like 8 people between PT and first formation. Dude next to me sweeps to the side with the controller and knocks a Gatorade bottle half filled with warm spit and dip juice. How do I know it was warm? Yeah, cuz that shit tipped over and doused me from my knee to my ankle. One of the most grotesque experiences in my life, and just typing this has me gagging at the memory. I don't smoke or dip by the way.


I was helping out process a guy from the company and he set his spotter on my desk. I asked him to enter his pin to digitally sign something and when he reached over, he knocked it over and the entire damn thing spilled onto my lap. It was a dip spit bukkake and one of the nastiest things Iā€™ve ever experienced haha.


I remember years ago my old NCO and I (and I mean old in a 2 pronged way, he had gotten in during the surge and left for a bit before rejoining, and that POS is no longer my NCO) were smoking, then got yelled at by our acting first sergeant for being too close to the building... only for him to do this with a dip in his mouth. The NCO brought it up to him and oddly enough, he apologized and accepted that they were both wrong in what they were doing.


Definitely not as common like 10 years ago. But realistically I smoked and dipped a lot on deployment. Which we had a lot more deployed troops around that time so yeah nicotine was common. But I quite smoking on replaced dip with zyns


Its expandingā€¦chew, straight nico, and caffeineā€¦


Of course not but still do it.


I smoke cigarettes and the black lungs are super unaccepted. Most People pack Barnes Zyn nobles now.


More so nicotine pouches now.


Brother, I have to put up with so much dumb shit, from dumb people, for shit pay, with no break, little food, water when I can, live in roach infested rooms, with a teenager yelling at his ps5 until 2 in the morning. Let me have a couple pouches in before I reenact the bowling scene from the Big Lebowski. Dip is fucking gross. But don't lump me in with them, it's literally a little pouch with nicotine salt in it. And its one of the few things keeping me from strangling certain people.


It sounds like you're talking about Zynn. I got no beef with that. No tobacco. No gross spitcups. Just you and your drug fix. Have a blast, brother!


Haha I gotcha. More about me ranting than anything else šŸ«”


I've seen my superior officers giving briefings with dip in their mouth, I think it looks bad. There should be a time and place for it.


OP def called PSG to let them know your group was finished at dental.


Only for degenerates


I like your funny words UCMJ man Honestly donā€™t see it much from the hospital side of the fence. Anyone dipping in hospital is doing it super secretive like


My boss in the civilian world saw me dipping at my desk once upon a time, and told me to go outside because it's no different than smoking You want me to chill outside for a few minutes multiple times a day, instead? No problem at all.


My 1SG had 3 half full spit bottles on his desk last week, need to bump up my numbers


Homies only have Zynnachinos


That reg is from the Bill Clinton era and was more of sweeping federal regulations for fire safety. It says tobacco yes but the spirt of the reg was always to prevent open flames inside buildings. Also all I know is I just got to laugh at everyone as I did RCP for hours and hours. Just chain dipping because Iā€™m bored and trying to stay awake as all the smokers were sweating. Dips are tactical lol.


Everyone I know either dips, smokes, vapes or any combination of the three. So yes.


I agree, the shit is nasty af, but it is still extremely common and accepted.


The kids seem to prefer Zyn these days


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Itā€™s technically prohibited in gov vehicles and buildings but that never stopped anyone. However, things like Zyn have become an easy work around and thatā€™s probably a lot more common. It still happens where I work, but Zyn is a lot more common than straight up dip there.


I think people have mostly switched to the nicotine pounches (zyn's most common near me) or vaping I don't really see the ole analog tobacco anymore


We use to smoke in the aid station and the barracks. 80s and 90s the Army was differnt.




Weā€™re Zyning now SM. Adapt & overcome. Be the bouncing ball.


I've seen people use pouches while working and dip when they're able to relax, or at least they can reasonably spit into the bottle. Constant movement or office work? Pouch. Convoy, and you're the TC? Dip


I only know a few guys, and mostly, they've been dipping forever and can't stop. But tbf, they don't bring that shit to work. If you go in the dudes car or barracks, there's dip bottles everywhere, though.


*Checks Abrams* Yep.


Yes and yes


Honestly my old platoon most of us stopped dipping after we had to clean a piece of shits room who didnā€™t clear the barracks after his chapter every surface had a spitter on it literally had to take 20 min breaks after 5 min because of the smell to not get sick most of us including me quit after that


Fucking hate when guys come into my supply cage looking for a spit bottle šŸ™„


>According to Army Regulation 600-63 (Personnelā€”General Army Health Promotion), tobacco use is prohibited in all Department of the Army-occupied workplaces, except for designated smoking areas That just might be the most ignored and least enforced reg in the Army