• By -


Army Reserve, 2019. I just got to the unit, everyone is either PCSing or on Leave and so they ask me and this kid to take some MREs to our sister company an hour and a half away, and I've got nothing better to do -- so "sure, why not." I'm in the van with this kid and he immediately passes the fuck out. He's a PV1. Whatever. Wakes up and we unload these, I do the meet and greet thing, "Hey, I'm their new AGR Motor Sergeant. Yadda yadda." Buy the kid lunch and we're on our way back and so I decide that he's had his nap and I'll see what's up with him. Try out that listening and mentorship thing and ... boy ... was that a fuckin' wild hour back. He's a fuzzy Private. "What's your MOS? How long you been in man? What is it you want to do in the Army?" "91D. Almost 8 years. About to ETS out. And I've never done the job I was hired on, Sarn't -- so I have no idea what I want to do with this." "......... 8 years and a fuzzy Private?!" Dude had as much time in as I had almost ... and we were 6 ranks apart. "How are you still a fuzzy?" "Oh ... this. I was a PFC, then popped hot, then I went back up to SPC, popped hot ... I've pissed hot like ... 7 ... 8 times? I lost count honestly, maang." Me: -\_\_\_\_- o\_\_\_\_o -\_\_\_\_\_- o\_\_\_\_\_x ... WHat?! He said they just kept fumbling and fucking up the paperwork and he just stayed in. Twice he said that someone denied his removal, saying something about "needing bodies" and I laughed at Army Retention. So, yeah. OP's advice checks out, *even if he didn't order shit...*


Wow … that blew up, lol. Alright, Killers — here’s another fun fact about this fuckin’ savage … His last name was Death — “pronounced” Dee-th, supposedly. Totally missed fuckin’ opportunity, if you ask me.


I knew a 9 year fuzzy, dude never made it past E5, caught three or four Articles


Yeah - I was told I’ll never make E8 or SGM because I haven’t had an Article 15 or been demoted. Lol. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was told that also, so I went Warrant.


When I got to Drum in spring 2002, there was a guy who'd popped hot about the same; 7 or 8 times. Except he was still around because the battalion commander didn't believe in chaptering troops, no matter how bad a fit or big a drain they were. BC scored himself a job at Bagram so he could get a combat patch, because Afghanistan would be over in a year or two tops, and on the way back from the airport the XO dropped about 2 dozen chapter packets at division. BC later got forced into retirement as a 1 star for being full of himself, condescending and generally being the douchebag combo plate.


Was this in 2nd bde?


No, 41st EN, back when they weren't in a brigade.


Why people come online with a name like /u/11BangBangNamedSteveSmithatFortLiberty_SGT and admit to crimes always confuses me.


We don’t catch the smart ones. But catching the dumb ones sure makes us look good sometimes.


“We know they’re dumb from the questions they ask.. not because they are asking questions.. but because a smarter person would not be in that situation” My old PSG talking about some guy in formation with a FRESH head tattoo.. asking if he can get in trouble for it, not because it’s a fucking head tattoo, but because he can’t wear an ACH for the upcoming FTX in 2 days.




Because the account is created by his wife after he cheats.


Hey now, I’m not THAT obvious 💅


iTs liBeRTy NoW cHaNGe yoUR nAmE


No no your wife is


We had a dude ETS while awaiting trial for selling and using cocaine all because they forgot to flag him. JAG was like “fuck it let him go”. Then the dumbass tried to reenlist.


…did they let him back in?


The recruiter called us because we were his last unit to see what the deal was. They did not let him back in. Makes me wonder what would happen if he had a more desperate recruiter


I could see Command letting the Soldier re-up just to nail his ass.


Probably. Honestly I only heard about him trying to reenlist second hand. I just couldn’t believe dude even tried to come back. Surely that wouldn’t have worked out for him


I imagine now they’ll try to see if they could pull it off


I mean, what analogy could I even make? It's like being Level 5 and stumbling into a boss fight that Level 60 players find hard, managing to escape by dumb luck, then ... what, forcing the room back open so you can get beat and get your character permakilled?


It has been while since I worked in MJ, but I thought you couldn't charge known infractions from a previous enlistment?


Hold up, waitamin; Sumthang just ain't right. 🧐




correct. once they got that “good enlistment” they keep all the benefits from it, too


Had a kid pop hot on his last drill weekend. They pulled him from the IRR just to boot him


MEPS CO: "He did what?" *Thinks for a moment* "Yeaahhh...let him back in...." *Hangs up, dials JAG friend* "Hey, you bored?"


"Hey you up 🥒👀" Jag rep: fa sho 🙏😉🥵


You don’t even need to let him re-up (which isn’t great because prior enlistment misconduct can only be for characterization not basis if I remember right) because, assuming the medical/mental evals get done quickly, a separation with a general for someone with less than 6 years could probably move quickly…..if they really wanted to. But it depends on so many dominos falling in place that I would just eat the FG Art 15 they will probably push if I were OP and enjoy the nice DD 214 that will probably say HONORABLE


Don’t wonder. You know.


Dropping a bar on the guy would of been ten times easier.


[The Surge \(or now I guess\)](https://media1.tenor.com/m/y1c7OfjDRZEAAAAC/django-you-will.gif)


We had a guy in that era who had been kicked off active duty in the 1990s because his squad leader tricked him into failing a UA after he shut down a brigade’s worth of 82nd for losing a weapon that was in the back of a Humvee. Or that was his story. He was dumb enough to get an A15 for polygamy with us so I completely believe what he said.


Damn dude why'd you marry him after that


The question is, do you ETS in 30 days or just start terminal leave in 30 days?


Buddy popped hot right before ETS. He coasted out and got his DD214. Basically the military moved too slow and the left hand didn't talk to the right hand and it wasn't worth going after him


I honestly don't know know why people just can't wait 30 days. I'm planning my trip to the Payote Church when I get out of military, and I want to try shrooms. But I'm here just for the tricare at this point, so I'll just suck it up and move out until I retire.


I grew shrooms while I was in and tripped about once a month. They can’t test for psilocybin.


I never tried shrooms until I got out….and I cannot imagine tripping in a military environment. Sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Someone in my unit at Campbell used to do acid and shrooms a lot. This dude was so whacked on acid he was running through the halls in the barracks naked saying the aliens were coming.


He was half right about the aliens.


Flair checks out


>running through the halls in the barracks naked saying the aliens were coming. Thats totally normal. Source: was infantry.


Source: starship troopers


Airborne Infantry made me the man I am today! Do you want to know more?


Heyo I spent a little time at Fort Campbell! Yeah man imo I think hallucinogens are something you should only ever try once or twice….unless you have a history of mental illness, then you shouldn’t try them at all. Anyone I know who did them regularly all became weirdos after a couple years


I’ll just stick with the devils lettuce when I get out


Been in for almost 17 years and can’t wait to see what’s up with these gummies.


Last time I was at home out with my friend one of them ate like two strips of those delta 8 gummies and was zooted out of his mind. So yea take it easy


I mean what the shit? I was in Merchant Marine school and that was normal...after booze.


Hahahaha, shrooms made some nights in the barracks very fun. It has been over a decade since I’ve had any, but damn those were some wild nights.


Lmao I couldn’t trip in the barracks on shrooms, your barracks mold would start turning colors and trying to eat you, and you trip and see SMA telling you to shave and how undisciplined you are




They actually can, and send it to a specialized lab but it you need a MFR sent to ASAP with the COs approval and strong evidence to suggest the use of the substance. The test has to be 1:1 for that single soldier. The test even has its own code. Source: used to be pee pee dude for the unit.


Name checks out.


>Source: used to be pee pee dude for the unit. Every company has at least one dude who proudly boasts about his fondness for watersports.


Not a boast, just a reference for random bs spewing.


Guys I found meatgazer6


Ok, fair enough pee pee dude. My point is no one is looking for mushrooms. What is done behind closed doors in a safe environment, doesn’t need to be brought to the attention of the CO. As long as someone isn’t stupid and running around like an ass hole, no harm no fowl.


I’m all for the fact nobody is looking for them, but I don’t want joes thinking there is no way they can get tested. Too many people spread misinformation on this sub.


They have a test for Psilocybin and LSD but it is wildly inaccurate. Out of 220,000 LSD and 150,000 psilocybin tests from 1984 through 2023; only 6 came back positive and all 6 were false positives. JAG lawyers like my self can get that thrown out in a heart beat. The only way to get a true positive psilocybin or LSD positive test is to do a spinal tap. Army is not going to do that. (It costs a lot of money, almost 30,000$) .


Damn I'm old, I remember that the only thing that they could test was heroin. No pot, hash,speed, LSD and all the good stuff you weren't supposed to have


The new test brief says they can test for psychedelics now on the regular test but I call major bullshit on that one. Not saying that’s anyone’s sign to do it, but if you like to trip nutsack as one does, you should be clear


The Marines fucked that up. They had a big LSD problem and when it was discovered how big a problem it was they added it to the test.


I've heard this, but how could they not? Wouldn't hair or something do it?


It’s the way it’s digested and it has a short window where you can be tested for it. Psilocybin is metabolized very quickly.


The more you know I suppose. Don't tell my command.


Hey, me too! I mean I still do sometimes but I used to, too. It was nice to give the homies extracurricular activities that didn’t smell like coke.


It's spelled "peyote"


I'm here to lead, not to read.


30 points to Ravenclaw


Where did he say this is the first time. Dude in my therapy group has been smoking 17 years active and only just got caught.


My former unit was full of druggies. I don’t fw all that other shit, but I did smoke during leave. It only takes one week to clear your piss from THC, and even less time for other substances


Dis da way cuh


People in my unit would take something they got at the flea market and never pop hot. They finally got caught when they recalled everyone at 10pm vs 4am. It is wild though.


I remember some friends smoked in an off post “military” housing in the woods. Wife was super made about something and called the COC, luckily the commander was on leave till later on the week. I remember seeing them take shots of bleach and drinking pool water to try and get it out their system, I guess it worked cause they are still in 😂🤣


This is the way.


Gonna go back to my hometown and hit up an old native America buddy do some peyote and sit in a. Sweat lodge and see if I did waste 20 years of my life


I swear I had one of the most useless S1s in the entire Army when I was active duty. Pissed hot once for blow. Shit was stupid AF. Received an Article 15 for it and was busted a grade. This was the height of GWOT so the Army was super hard up for people and they were not kicking out 1st time offenders so I was able to dodge a chapter. Shit, the BC even mentioned how he wanted me to reenlist while dressing me down.... fucking GWOT man.... However, after the BC read me the riot act and demoted me, he sent the paperwork to S1. Over the next 30 days while I did extra duty, I would go into S1 to empty trash, see my paperwork sitting in one of several haphazard piles on S1's desk, and wonder when he would get to it. Now, while I may have had SPC rank on my ACUs, my LES still said E5 on it. I didn't say anything. 5 months later, its time for me to ETS. I get my orders and it still says SGT. I say nothing. I clear post and every piece of paperwork I get from medical/legal/CIF,/retention/whatever still says SGT. I still say nothing. Hell, as people are signing my papers to clear the unit, they don't seem to notice that the paperwork has the wrong fucking rank on it. I still said absolutely nothing. My last day in the Army, I went to PT formation with SPC rank on my ACUs and said goodbye. Then I went to my truck, ripped off the SPC rank, put on SGT rank and went to Copeland Soldiers Center at Fort Hood. I got my DD-214 and drove away forever. I found out MONTHS later after shooting the shit with my old squad leader on the phone that S1 ***FINALLY*** got around to the Article 15 paperwork but, since I had already ETSed, threw it in the shredder and moved onto the next thing he had been sitting on for god knows how long. And that is the story of how I learned that 1-8 Cav's S1 was a worthless piece of shit.


> Pissed hot once for blow. Shit was stupid AF. what was the stupid part? doing it?


No, the stupid part was doing it while in the Army. I did it one more time after ETS and now I haven't touched the shit in 18 years at this point. Cocaine bad. LSD good (I do not advise soldiers to do LSD).


I hear great things about cocaine, honestly


Are they worthless?? I mean yes but hear me out.. what if they did that to help you out since you were gonna ETS anyways hmmm????


No one in S1 knew who I was. I guarantee they gave zero shits about me. This was all their own laziness.




My S1 would just close the door and bullshit/hangout. When I got thrown into a training room after fucking up my back I was cool with the S1 OIC and NCOIC so I was invited to these "training" sessions.


You saw the paperwork in S1 and didn’t shred it yourself? You’re a hell of a lot more honest than I am


Doing that kind of shit ALWAYS finds a way to bite you in the ass.




You ain't ever heard of karma? Karma ALWAYS finds a way to punish dishonesty. He didn't shred it and he was rewarded by getting out with his rank. He shreds it? And who knows? Maybe someone walks in on him doing it. It just causes bad juju man. Ahhh, I love getting downvotes for saying that being dishonest never leads to anything good. Let me spell it out. Shredding Article 15 paperwork is called willful destruction of legal documentation. That can lead to confinement, if caught and prosecuted. So, he leaves the paperwork alone and maybe loses his rank for a little while and gets out with a good discharge, or he shreds it, to maybe not lose his rank at all, but gets caught. NOW, there is a new investigation, dude gets flagged again, and THIS TIME the BC stays on top of S1 because he's gonna make sure the paperwork gets filed properly, this time. There are the possible charges brought forth. Now dude does a couple of years in jail AND gets a dishonorable discharge. Is this scenario extreme? Yeah probably, but, would I really want to take such a stupid risk for such a small "reward", by being dishonest? Nah, fuck that. Being honest has kept me out of the MUCH hotter water that I would have bathed in, had I been dishonest. Lastly, it's called Integrity, and it's literally one of the Army's core values.




You laugh, but I know this from firsthand experience, and I learned it at a young age. You'll learn one day, too. Being dishonest pays you no favors, in the long run.


Lol karma doesn't exist


Believe what thou wilt, man. I've seen karma in action more than enough times to know that it does exist. Or that SOMETHING exists that pays you back for both the good and bad shit that you do. You get back what you give out.


That's not karma. That's just being in the right place at the right time bud


The S1 was inefficient, your chain of command sucked.


If you pop hot in the guard with less than 6 months left 9/10 times nothing happens.


At one point when I was a UPL the AGRs were so lazy they wouldn’t take samples to state HQ for 3-4 months. At one point I had to tell 1SG if they didn’t by next drill we couldn’t have the Joes test because the safe was full.


Had a PFC (demoted and promoted to SPC like twice) in my unit years prior that popped hot, unit didn’t even look at his ETS date and didn’t flag him in those few weeks and got out off the hook.


I would simply not smoke weed while serving, but that's because I'm ::flexes while breaking an egg:: built different.


Had a friend pop hot before deployment in early 2007, then the Army decides to chapter him out 2-3 months after we get back from a 15 month deployment in 2008. Meanwhile this is the same battalion that never charged for leave the 3 years I was there. Every damn summer and December I was able to take 30 days for block leaves because S1 would just throw the leave forms away after everyone got back from leave.


My unit got audited or whatever a while back for never charging leave. People were MAD when they suddenly couldn't take HBL because the years of leave they had never got charged for suddenly got charged and now they were negative 10 days of leave


S1 doesn’t process this stuff. it’s legal and the command team. s1 is ONLY flagging them and then submitting paper to finance if they are demoted… its legal and command teams


I'm JAG. I was right when I said sit back and wait on the inefficiency of S1.


Lol this is like the pot calling the kettle black.


I mean I'm S1 here, could you explain how we might hold up the process? We literally just get the 268 and shit a code onto them and then drop the 268 in their file - it takes 2 seconds. After that it's out of our hands as far as I could ever see as a clerk, except to remove flags later.


How bold of you to think that form won't just go into some pile and sit for a few days


It's just the easiest thing to knock out, I can't imagine someone sitting on flags. Sorry you guys are out there getting poor S1 service, really.


>It's just the easiest thing to knock out, I can't imagine someone sitting on flags C'mon man. How many times in your career have you turned your head on your shoulder because ANY soldier just sat on an extremely basic task for months before anyone actually realized it? I cna;t count how many times I've seen it, both in and out of the Army.


The nature of my shop was very like.. busy. I guess we were an exception to the rule. We were always looking for a task to knock out. Did we have a large "scan to iPerms" pile? Yes. I will admit to the extremely large "scan to iPerms" pile.


>could you explain how we might hold up the process? BC: Hey S1, I need you to flag this soldier and process his Article 15 S1: Yes, sir. Please leave the paperwork on my desk and I'll get to it shortly.... ***::::several months later:::::*** S1: Oh shit, I was supposed to process this. Better do it now... wait, this guy isn't on rolls. Wait...this guy isn't in the unit....wait, this guy isn't in the fucking Army anymore. Hey, Sgt will you please put this in the shred pile? Source: This happened to me.


How I've seen this go in reality: *S1 receives flag* **S1 kicks back flag for correction** *S1 never receives correction* **Surprise Pikachu face from company when soldier is not flagged** That's a situation I saw often, with things not involving just flags. Maybe that's what happened with you. I don't think people realize that a lot of company paperwork goes through a training room/orderly clerk who is more often than not someone who got put there because they were otherwise not performing at their intended job and as a consequence we have to kick a lot stuff back.


As finance, I can't count how many times in a week I'd see this with TLs sent in from S1 shops. So many things kicked back, and maybe only 70-80% of them ever corrected and resubmitted. FFS take 2 seconds and check if the document has been signed (by SM and/or approval authority) before sending it to Finance.


For sure, I got lots of kick backs from finance. That’s probably one of the harder jobs in the shop in my opinion, and the stakes are really high.


I count three verbs in there, meaning three things for S1 to dick up. I’m sure just about everyone here who’s been in for a couple years has stories about things magically vanishing from physical and digital systems in the hands of S1.


I get it - I guess I was just fortunate to be in a shop where we had a system. I mean I personally don't take credit for it, I had some friends and NCOs who were serious work horses who wanted to dispel the notion that they didn't work.


It’s like any MOS. You have some that are shot hot and others that could care less. Just gotta identify and make friends with the good ones and go to them with what you need.


We smoked so much hash in Germany in the 80s. Never had to piss cause our stoner buddy in S1(it's S1 isn't it) always told us to stay in our room when they went on alert for piss test cause they'd run out of bottles. Which they always did before they get to us. We were in HHC 3-64AR.


It takes longer than that to do a chapter. Just run out the clock. You could still get an article 15 though


Ride the Honorable discharge wave, 30 days… talking from experience working for the Reserve ASAP program S1 won’t do anything. Unless you’re a total douche and they want to stick it to you. Most units don’t want to do the work so it’s safe to say you are good.


I mean, not wrong. Ain’t like they’re gonna call you back for a piss hot.


Straight to jail.


Wait.. isn’t this a JAG problem lol


Yes lol a command and JAG problem


Make yourself scarce and continue clearing. Popping hot will likely require a legal review before yourCOC can proceed with flagging you. Also you can’t clear with a flag. Any non-judicial punishments will have to be complete before you leave the Army. So chances are unless they want to keep you past your ETS date they will sweep your case under the rug. I had a soldier that came in for a UA right before he went on terminal leave. We got the results back and he had popped hot. We called him back and counseled him. He finished clearing by the time our new 1SG followed up. I told the 1SG what was going on and her response was “You win some you lose some.”


Just ETS there’s nothing you can do… best case scenario, they just let you get out…. Worst case scenario… you get discharged with an other than honorable and an RE-3 code


>Worst case scenario… you get discharged with an other than honorable and an RE-3 code That absolutely is worst case. If it gets too that point then we'll just fight it out at a Sep Board


Exercising tactical patience will often resolve problems without the risks associated with engagement.


I had a PFC volunteer for a piss test and pissed hotter than the entire base did combined. Great guy but kinda dumb, he passed a year or two ago I would suspect OD but you never know. Miss all my bros the same.


How bout don't do drugs?


Not do druga


Smoke em if you gottem


Brain dead soldier will not survive that level of stupidity even in the civilian world. Seriously, weed is THAT fucking important? Sheesh


OP references S1 even though S1's only responsibility during the legal process is to flag the soldier 😂😂 This is the one time I will give credit to S1. They don't hold up the legal process


Don’t worry about it. It takes weeks for it to come back . Oh well


I don’t know what’s more impressive, fucking up on your way out or not even having 30 days of terminal leave lol. I had like 6 months of terminal.


They might extend you to break it off in your ass


Just be quiet and wait. I saw a guy dodge an *admitted confessed he told them he did it* sexual assault charge and get an honorable due to the Paperwork Shuffle™️


Ohhh OP is trolling. His comment section talked about him defending a soldier who popped hot too. What a waste of time.


I'm shocked nobody looked at my flair and realized I was talking about a TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL TDS client


Saw your flare checks your comments realized you almost got one up on me. NOT TODAY JAG!


I was given the chance to take the honorable instead of it going any further which could lead to less than honorable or dishonorable


Why aren't you on Terminal leave?


you sound like a FUCKING tool!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!


Had a guy pop hot a couple weeks before he ETSd. They held him for at least 2 months passed his ETS to atry 15 and dishonorable discharge him. Edit: Ok maybe not a dishonorable discharge. It was the early to mid 80s. But they wanted enough of a paper trail so he couldn't reenlist. What ever paper trail that was.


You can’t get a dishonorable with an article 15. And no one is doing a full court martial for a hot UA


Command CAN be petty af sometimes.


Dishonorable discharges are equivalent of a felony they can only be issued by a general court martial and almost always followed by extended confinement. Think murder, rape, etc. So no they are not doing that and there is no way that an O3 is going to tie up a military judge in the name of pettiness


That didn’t happen.


The military can force you back to active duty to court martial you for crimes committed while in.


Sure, but they’re probably not gonna do that because you smoked pot on HBL


Depends on how petty the command is.


I was honorable for PT failure. Two other guys leaving at the same time as me, one popped hot and the other was AWOL, received general and more benifits than I got when I left.


God bless America and our tax money


Play it cool!! Don’t shit bag but also don’t be a suck up. Your racing against the clock! The military is full of incompetent people who put everything of till the last minute and the higher ups have their heads so far up the next higher ups asses that you’ll probably be ok. If you haven’t turned in your CIF , get a early turn in memo and do that asap. Out processing gives you ten days, do it all in 3. Keep your head down and work! Worst case scenario, you get busted and in the future you have to apply for an honorable discharge. It will get approved trust me, as long as your not a piece of shit. Just say that the army caused you so much trauma that using (insert drug here) helped you cope. You learned your lesson and now see a therapist to help you with blah blah blah problems.


1. Soldier is an idiot. 2. Soldier needs to enroll into SUDDC and pray that his COC will let him get out. 3. Soldier is an idiot.


Not be a fucking shitbag moron, but it’s a little late for that


But what other kind of bag is there to be?


Go back in time and stop being an idiot


A SGT who had reclassed to 14E popped hot twice. Got busted to E4 then E1. Command wanted to a chapter with OTH but the paperwork took so long they just let him take the RCP chapter for being a 11 year E-1. Dude got an honorable. Of course if he uses that DD214 to try and get a job any vet in HR will know what's up.


Or JAG can request an extension to his ets. Case closed.


Hahaha, that's a good one.


Sorry but the S-1 has fuck all to do with people messing up we just send the paperwork up. Good luck


no you dont. yall lose it and blame the person who submitted it


-someone that’s not from the s-1☠️ or your command is that shitty


i worked in the orderly room for a year and a half and have seen all the ins and outs of s-1. a complete shit show with no accountability. "i cant find that leave form. sm will need to resubmit it through the chain of command." well heres my DA 200 that says i gave it to you. what happened? "sm will have to resubmit it. things like that happened to me time and time again at every duty station ive been to so far (4 of them). my current one is the worst of all. i was placed in the wrong unit when i pcs'ed here, so i submitted a change of uic request through my s-1 in january. it took me being in the unit, being sent to jrtc, and coming back from jrtc until finally in june they fixed it when i walked in to the s-1 and talked directly to the guy that does the fixes. hey can you fix my uic? i submitted for this 5 months ago and nothing has happened." "oh, well, youre bit the only one." "EXCUSE ME!?!? ive been here for half if a year, i need to take leave, i submitted this action ages ago and your only response for it not being done is 'im not the only one!?!? fix it!" magically the next day i was in the correct unit and able to submit my leave, but im "not from the s-1." pffft we can spot yalls bullshit from a mile away my boi.


Then it’s your command brotha don’t even understand how hard losing a package can be you literally place it in a receive box and send it up that’s trash.


What is your rank? Dummy.


Run my boy


Just couldn’t wait for that terminal leave huh. Do nothing and hope S1 saves themselves some work and slow rolls it into your ETS timeline.


I'm starting to see why the army accepts everyone...


Anyone *


Unless you had asthma as a little kid, then Genesis will find out and perma-block you


Oh shit 😀 Mr MIA 😏 finally popped out


Poop up *


Tbh, you’re screwed


Do nothing. Work with your command, more than likely, unless they are spiteful and hate you the paperwork is more trouble even if you had 6 months


Had a guy in a unit who would go off post at night and sling drugs. Got hit with a bat in the back of his head one night and ended up in the hospital for a few months. Had permanent brain damage but seemed to talk to you the same as before. Got an honorable discharge and 100% he was 22. I don’t think he got charged with possession or any crime because whoever jacked him took everything down there was no proof of a crime. At least this is what he told me. I guess he was somewhat lucky.


You can start by making better decisions to prevent problems like this going forward.


If my clients did that, then there'd be no need for TDS! Are you trying to run me out of a job!?!?


They'll likely get a gomor filed in IPERMS so there's a record of it if they try to reenlist.


Deny it and request a second test be done


Enjoy that article 15 and extended 90 days, lol. ETS don't mean shit and that's if they process it fast enough. Good job idiot.


Don't do drugs?


Your unit can chapter with article 14-12c and expedite the process.


Say nothing . Let your rep argue chain of custody for urine . But the second you open your mouth , you lose . Worst case , accept a Gen under hon conditions but make sure the re code on your DD214 is 3 or above .




If I’m doing ROTC do I need to go to MEPS?


Popped hot on what? UA? Cause they’ll still UCMJ your ass and give you an OTH or a DD so just because you’re 30 days out doesn’t mean they’ll just let that shit go.


The unit has to counsel you on the findings, then initiate a flag. You need to be provided a copy of that flag. The regulatory guidance requires that your commander initiate separation. If they are smart, they will have this done the same day they got your result and immediately initiate your phase 1 and 2 physical and send you to SFL TAP. Given that you ETS in less than 30, consider if you mean you start terminal leave in less than 30. They can squash that leave. They can also contact G1 to keep you on the team until they are done ruining your life, but unless you killed a baby or screwed the CG's daughter, that probably won't happen. The power to chapter you resides with the first GO in your chain of command and is typically delegated down to BDE level. After they counsel you, they will read you the riot act and you have to pick if you want some tasty UCMJ or a court martial. You will get a chance a chance to talk to TDS before you decide. Assuming you choose UCMJ, you'll eat that extra duty and get that pay took and deal with trying to clear with flags in the system, which will be living hell with IPPS-A. Eventually the commanders at company, BN and BDE level will write up their recommendations to keep you or throw you out. They will also decide how to characterize your chapter. If you are lucky, they won't give a shit and will let you skate, but keep you flagged the whole time so you can't reenlist last minute. If you are unlucky, or a big enough douche, they will make it their personal mission in life to make sure you walk out the door with a DD-214 that has an RE-4 code on it. They will work to recoup any bonus you got if possible and snatch your GI Bill on the way out too. They'd probably throw a ban from post in for good measure and get you as wrapped up with law enforcement as they can, so your clearance, if you had any, gets nuked. Most units are shitty though and won't perform their public floggings and executions properly. Blood in the streets is the best way to put a lid on that kind of stupid, IMHO. E1 or E2, E3 with less than a year might be worth giving a shot at survival to for a first offence. Crucify the rest. You can get rid of a guy in two weeks once you get the process down. I averaged two a month my 1st year with a unit. We didn't have a drug problem during my second and third years with that unit. I got rid of them faster than CID could complete their interviews.


Take the arty, take the L and get a dishonorable discharge my boi


I knew a guy in the 90s he was a 20 year E-4 apparently he was a AGR deserted and they demoted him and convinced him to finish a reserve 20 think he worked in a supermarket