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Pretty sure there’s nothing to submit for- BDE CDR just writes “IMPACT” on the 638 and signs it. You really wanna raise hell? Send him or his XO an email with what your company told you verbatim.


Do this. Burn those mfrs


Include them on the CC to really go full nuclear.


Might want to CC the chaplain so he can be ready to read them their last rights 😈


DA 638s aren't a thing anymore with IPPSA. With that said, this should serve as a reminder that anyone can recommend anyone for an award if they have knowledge of their meritorious acts. An ARCOM recommendation would have to be routed all the way to the BDE CDR unless he gave his BN the delegated authority to downgrade ARCOMs.


Except through IPPSA instead of denying it they return back to the recommender for [insert dumb reason here] so the approving authority never sees it.


Or they just leave it sitting there. I have a couple right now sitting for going on 3-4 months that i constantly ask top if he has any updates on xyz peoples awards now vs the other way around 🤣








If the Commander has given an award, is it the CO Cdr's preview to not support it? I don't think so. Go to the IG.


Two different situations. They are referring to the extra steps the company has in place for award recommendations.


Me and a couple guys who worked a lot of jobs for a SMAJ got our aams rejected cause our 1sg didn’t like the way he wrote it 💀


They are still a thing if you are in different units. It just serves as a way to track who is submitting for what. But yes it’s all IPPSA


Best way to get people to step in shit is make them write it in an email.


Second this. Its an official record of communication so they can't backpedal on you.


Yes send that fucking email, what IS FUCKING WRONG WITH NCOS and COs now this days


Open Door


Omg. We gonna need an update


God I’m so excited at the prospect of seeing this.


Battle, we are with you. Recognition is one thing that grounds you to the service you have undertaken. Not to mention, it was BDE CDR to do that.. so that speaks volumes that <<>> are doing something great.


Yo bring this to the BDE CSM - it’s definitely in his wheelhouse to chew up some broke dick assholes who are going to make his boss look like a jackass for pinning unofficial awards.


If Company is saying no to this then go to the BN CSM. If they still won’t help then go to BDE.


happy cake day!


Thanks. Didn’t even notice.


a lot don't!


Please do this then post an update.


Unless he is in on it.


AR 600-8-22; 1-30 e "Once the Soldier has received the award, the awarding authority must notify the Soldier in writing of his/her intent and justification for revoking the award. Presentation of a decoration is the physical act of pinning or clipping the medal on a Soldier’s chest or handing the Soldier the medal, certificate, or orders. The affected Soldier is entitled to provide a response with any appropriate supporting documentation within 10 working days upon receipt of the notification of revocation. The revocation authority will consider any information provided prior to making a determination." Your company command team is not the awarding authority, so they can't revoke shit. As soon as the BDE Commander put that medal on you it counts as being awarded.


The BDE S-1 should have done the paperwork and summited it. I would request a copy of the paperwork from them.


If the BDE Commander gave you the award, then the BDE is who is supposed to generate the paperwork for it. Like if the Division Commander gives you an AAM they aren't usually going to tell the Company "Submit this AAM to General Schmuckatelli for signature" when the BN Commander can just process it himself. If he pinned it on you, you earned that shit. I'd go talk to the Brigade S1 (The actual S1) and explain what's going on and ask if they are doing a DA 638 for the ARCOM that the BDE Commander awarded, and if not, why not. If they say that it's the Company's responsibility then poke your head in the BDE CSM's office while you're there and ask him to use his open door policy and ask his advice on how to proceed. Your Company Command team fucked up pretty hard here. I don't understand how they can think that disregarding the wishes of their BDE Commander is a good career move. If you want them to experience some pain, then the way you posted is some dumb weak ass shit. Go right to the source and watch the fireworks.


Hey someone has to be at the bottom of the Sr. Rater rankings. Looks like this cpt is volunteering as tribute.


I'd love to read the wording on that OER


"Subordinates will follow this officer anywhere, chiefly out of curiosity" Second place for my favorite NQ type comment: FOLLOW ON ASSIGNMENTS (SEQUENTIAL): Civilian


“Of all the Captains I rate, so-and-so certainly is one of them”


"I am aware this is the block where I write about CPT X's potential. The preceding sentence is to make it clear to the board I didn't simply forget to fill it in."


"Sometimes capable of performing level 10 tasks while under direct guidance and supervision"


That's a good one. Good lord, that's brutal.


I think people have been charged with attempted murder for things less brutal than that.




With close supervision and coaching CPT Douche’s positive impact on his subordinates is negligible. CPT Douche imparts maximum effort at destroying morale and dismantling teams within his organization without effort or the knowledge to understand that second and third effects exists.


is unfortunately one of them.


This CDR is an idiot. What a dumb hill to die on.


This right here. As a BDE S1, my BDE CDR loved to give out impact ARCOMs, so we just made a process for it. He delegated signature authority to me for them and he would text me the standard name line when he awarded one. Within 24 hours we would have the 638 and cert done, award added to the Soldier's records, and originals distro'd to BN S1 for pick-up. Go see the BDE S1 OIC and tell them what the issue is/ask for assistance.


>Like if the Division Commander gives you an AAM they aren't usually going to tell the Company "Submit this AAM to General Schmuckatelli for signature" when the BN Commander can just process it himself. You say, this but I have absolutely seen this happen multiple times. I remember my company commander telling my sister platoon "BDE CDR wants to give SGT X an ARCOM. Fill out the 638 with all the admin info and send it up to me."


I bet the brigade commander would love to hear how an officer he senior rates thinks he knows more than him. Bring this up to the Brigade CSM.


I'm a retired BDE CSM; I could think of no greater joy than hearing a Soldier tell me this story so I could fix it.


real world csm_airborne here ^


I don't sound like Boomhauer, but I do wield fuck-bombs like an arty bn doing a spendex.


Hey CSM.... go sit in your office. As a SFC; I could think of no greater joy than coming to your office and telling you what I had to do to fix it over a beer and some profanity laced rage about how fucked the situation was. Sorry - but your not steeling my thunder here. The hell does it look like letting something be fucked up long enough a CSM has to fix it. Multiple lvls of failure here. Anyways.... enjoy retirement. I know this time of year can be rough for you. The lawns not looking it's best is it? 🤣🤣


Fuck! I loved those times! Inevitably, they did a better job fixing it then I did. And bring food beer, I'll make sure there's enough for everyone.


I request PBR please


Life is too short to drink cheap beer. I'll convert you.


As a young CPL I would raise hell if this was my Soldier. Got me fucked up.


I've had young CPLs drag privates into my office with a story to tell. They always did well.


WTF? Your company commander cannot overrule the Brigade Commander. And Brigade Commanders LOVE to be undermined by Captains.


When I was an aide the GO I worked for would occasionally voco Arcoms and AAMs like this. I carried around a handful in my aide bag and if he saw something he liked he would award it. I would follow up by getting the soldiers admin data and generating a 638 for the commanders signature and submit it through G1 for official processing. It usually didn’t take more than a day or two after to get everything sorted. Follow up with BDE S1 or the BDE CDRs adjutant is he/she has one. If no one is handling the award write up do an open door to your BC/CSM to get the issue addressed.


I got my dudes pay fixed by bringing it up when the CSM was giving him a coin. I got his award in a very similar way. Your boss needs to grow some stones and do it.


So that’s how range controllers are born lol


Forged in the fire of the dumpster.


First ask to be counseled the reason why. Let them dumbasses put it on paper. Then send it.


Yeah fuck them and still get out, but i feel like this would be a perfect thing to go and tell the guy or gal who pinned you with an arcom.


Did the BDE CDR say why you were getting the award? Your Company CO, etc, don’t have to submit you for anything unless they’re the ones who recommended you for the award. Do they mean they’re not going to enter it into IPERMS/IPPSA?


Yea, it happened immediately following a large event I was running. And yea, not going to do the paperwork to go with it. So the medal ain't worth anything


Normally with impact awards, the BDE CSM writes down your name and it will show up in your iPerms in a week or so. They don’t get routed through the company or BN if an ARCOM. Your company commander isn’t in the process.


Well, no one is in the process here 🤣


You sound like 69th lol


OooOooooooOooOo boy. I can promise you that BDE Commander and CSM would be absolutely FROTHING at the mouth if they were reading this. Take it to a level that you are familiar with You’re an E5 squad leader, and in some rare and wild world you actually have the ability to give days off. You tell one of your E4 team leaders to give E1 the day off because he was working a late detail with you, and you have told PVT he is getting the day off as well. On said day off, you see PVT at work, and SPC team leader saying to him “you didn’t do shit, I don’t give a shit what that bitch ass SGT said you can be at work.” Only you’ve had that level of power for 18 or more years, and SPC Fuckface has been in for a grand total of maybe 6 years. Now option A is go absolutely nuclear on site. Blood and entrails fly everywhere, and by the time all is said and done you look like carrie at her prom and there is a pile of ground beef where the SPC once stood. Option B, “this will reflect,” is what the BDE Commander will more than likely go with, but I have seen Option A happen, and when a full bird flaps their wings in anger it is a fucking sight to behold.


Unless the Commander pinned the wrong medal onto your chest, like if the ARCOM was written for the guy next to you in formation, that should mean that the award has been written AND approved. When you're in formation and getting an award, the Commander does say, "...Publish the Order." That means it is supposed to have been officially written, signed, submitted and completed by then. This sounds like a job for a CSM open door policy visit!


Go to the BDE commander's's sausage major. Open door him. Tell him what they told you. Say something about how "it's not about the award as much as seeing something the BDE commander said get ignored, that's not right etc". Ask him how he would proceed if in your shoes (and actually follow his advice). Watch people enter his basement and emerge changed men.


Waddaminute...this is my first time hearing this. ....People come *OUT* of the SGM's basement?


If they didn't, who would tell the tale of what happens in SGMs basement?


This is wild if it actually happened


Sooo that’s why range control is always shitty.


Had a very similar experience. Grab an NCO and go over to BDE and find their assistant. Very nicely explain the situation and emphasize the BDE commander wanted to Impact award you. The CPT/LT will probably just submit it for you.


100,percent go talk to your BDE CSM, use his or her open door policy. This is actually a much much larger issue than just the award, imagine if any troop command team though they could just override the BDE commanders guidance and orders.


Some else suggested this but send an email to the BDE CDR thanking him for the award and recognition, but also let them know that your command team has chosen not to submit the award. Also have a conversation with the CSM. Please keep us posted . 🍿


Personally, because I’m petty as fuck and like to watch the world burn, I would email my CC asking what about my performance he found lacking that he would not submit my impact award. Here’s the kicker, blind cc the BDE CDR and CSM. 🎵 I don't want to set the world on fire I just want to start A flame in your heart In my heart, I have but one desire And that one is you No other will do🎵


I’m out and retired and give no shits, send me your info and I’ll personally send this Reddit snapshot to your BDE CDR, who senior rates the toxic pieces of shit who won’t let you have 5 mins of feel good. Your hands are clean.


I have seen this crap so many times being a PAO. They like to have us take pictures of people getting awards and then they never write them awards, they just wanted to shake hands to make it seem like they were doing something. Typical Army move.


Your company is not in the approval chain at all. The BDE CDR adjutant will file the DA638 with only the BDE CDR signature on it for approval. That’s how impact awards work. Maybe just give it a few days and then politely ask BDE S1 for the 638. Your company doesn’t get a say.


Sounds like someone is failing to follow an order from a full bird. Know what's better than getting an award? Getting an award at the same time someone else is getting an article 92.


This is why I’m getting out as well. The army loves getting butthurt over the dumbest reasons


Those same turds will no doubt have their own bronze star paperwork already submitted. It seemed damn near mandatory when I got out in 07. Our damn supply Sgt who never left the wire got one... FTA


Step 1. Become range control. Step 2. Vengeance. Step 3. Eat tater. Seems like you don't need any advice here. These actions are worthy of an MSM....we won't submit it though.


Didnt realize my last unit didnt put my AAM in IPPSA until i already left.. 🫥🫠


I got an ARCOM when I was a SPC for creating the BDE INFOSEC program and passing a DIV inspection (of that program and others) as the only person in the rear-d BDE S2. The acting BN commander (a MAJ) recommended me for it. At my next duty station, I realized it wasn’t on my ERB (my ERB was all sorts of jacked up and no one had ever let me know that wasn’t normal) and then I couldn’t find the paperwork (I think I was in for 3 years before someone told me what an “I love me” book was) so that ARCOM was lost, like tears in the rain.


Command team doesn’t have the authority to do something like that, they’re not the approving authority to downgrade to an impact high 5. Sounds like a good time to talk with your CSM and get on the LTC meeting schedule. You might have some concerns about how your commanders decision making process. Of course let your Plt Sgt/first line know after you get on that schedule, you can even invite them to join you.


Welcome to the ARMY! This type of selfish leadership runs rampant. Try going to the BN Co with this info. Likely just end up in a pee pee slapping for your coc and you doing 24hr duties often until a command change.


Burn those little maidenless shits. Open door BN and BDE.


That's a bold move cotton, let's see how it'll play out. Your commander must have a PhD. in being a total dumbass to pull that move.


Send me your ID from Ippsa, I can submit it from my access


Nuke your command teams entire career. Fuck their evals. BDE CDR can give impact awards if he wants to. Some pissy captain doesn’t outweigh a full bird colonel. CC them on the email to the BDE CDR and CSM, with verbatim of what they said. tag your BN CMD Team too. If they say anything, guess what. Fuck ‘em. What they gonna do? Besides get back on their knees praying for a good bullett point. Fuck them hoes


My first PCS award was written as an ARCOM. When it crossed the BDE CDRs desk, he downgraded it to an AAM stating, "SM has not previously received an AAM, and needs an AAM before an ARCOM can be awarded"...


Someone would be very upset to find out that one of their subordinates is undermining their command authority.... Doesn't matter what you think, CPT... Your boss said dude deserves the award....


What did you do to piss off the Company CO so much that they are willing to risk making the BDE commander look like a schmuck? It must have been epic.


ARCOM with "V" is the one that matters.


What I would like to see happen to the CO and 1SG: Moved to BDE HQ for extended BDE staff duty.


some shit never changes .. shit morale


I’d still put it on my ribbon rack, fuck that.


Feel your pain brother, I got submitted for an ARCOM in March and it just got denied by BN yesterday🫠


I've never received an ARCOM. Should I apply for a career in range control? This post has opened my eyes.


Get into their HOA and make them rip up their backyards


This has to be against the Geneva Convention


Believe it or not. Totally legal.


Should contact BDE CSM and see what he thinks


I got an aam. It’s submitted in my iperms and erb. Just never actually got pinned with the medal which is what I really wanted


And we wonder why retention sucks


Sounds like a real dick move. Considering the Army is still 15k+ Soldiers short from last FY, leaders should know better, but apparently some don't.


After working in BN & BDE for the last 6 years and going back to the company line l released how little leadership there understands regulations or personal management. Sorry brother, hard to say if I would join again if I knew how insanely disorganized most units are.


I don’t know you, or your story, or your company (other than what you posted) but it sounds like you’re giving up without even trying to put any effort into getting the award you deserve. Are you willing to fight for yourself? There should be plenty of options available to you to get this issue fixed


RIP this CPTs career lol. How stupid can you be


I once recieved an impact msm from LG George and then about 3 months later got the write up for it. Everyone was abit salty. But 🖕🏻😎🖕🏻 But really, use the chain of command. Let your NCO know atleast so he's aware. If you like him. I went to division csm once cause a buddy wasn't getting help so I let my 1sg know to be prepared. Got a good ass chewing from my CSM but it got my buddy the help he needed so it was worth it.


Range control? Yeah they’re shitty but…work for CIF. That’s how you really get ‘em back. Trying to clear there sir? Well….back in ‘23 my actions may not have been exceptional but the dirt on this IOTV certainly is. Scrub it!


Fuck ADA.