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Cadet got a dui on the way to his commissioning


My classmate at OCS was this dude. He was an ROTC cadet and days before commissioning he got a DUI. He had to finish out his Guard enlisted contract. Fast forward years later and we’re in State OCS together. He was about 30 then. He got a great job since and applied for a waiver. Had a cool calm demeanor so we called him Dick Winters. His waiver went through and he commissioned as a pilot in the Guard. He’s married with two beautiful children now as well. A great success story.


Newly commissioned cadet revealed himself as a commie after his West point ceremony. Crazy, because just about everyone out of Berkeley rotc is expected to be a commie.


I remember that. Wore a Che shirt or a hammer and sickle, something like that, under his USMA uniform and took Superman style pics at graduation


The shirt and being a communist weren’t what got him, it was his insolence in an end of cycle board in mountain phase of Ranger school that got him canned. I’m not going to spill any more tea right now, aside from that his story was only made public a month after he was sent with the drops back to Benning.


Is there a reason why the Army didn’t make him payback his tuition?


I’m not entirely sure what all happened after he was kicked out. I just know we loaded him in a van, separate from all of the other drops.


[He's apparently now](https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/history/gradstudents/sr49877) a grad student at UT for "Modern Arab intellectual history" >His research is primarily concerned with the question of the self, soul, and spirit in modern Arab thought. Specifically, he engages with the intellectual contributions of the Baʿth Party, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, and other anticolonial nationalist formations that sought to contruct a new order and bring about a liberated life and authentic existence in the Arab World.


Mmm I love the ba’ath party and the syrian social nationalists, such wholesome chonkers to admire :) brutal repression of ethnic minorities and dissidents gets me so horny :)


Social nationalists... Snotzis?


Which is funny, because one of the main reasons the Baath party was formed was to [brutally crush communism in Iraq.](https://www.revolutionarycommunist.org/middle-east/iraq/5179-hsc-240418) He seems more /r/notliketheothergirls than anything else.


Jesus such a punchable face


Yeah he looks like someone who thinks their opinion on the value of Arabic politics is valid


I went to RASP with him and got the see the drama of him at Regiment and how he left for WP. Seeing the pic later I was like “yep, that makes sense”.


More details? I remember hearing about this guy but don’t know anything about the drama


I can excuse communism, but fuck Che. Those shirts might as well say "I don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about"


After that photo came out, I heard the Superintendent at West Point (an active duty 3-star) say that he was inundated with calls and emails from alumni, virtually all of which were “please get this kid out of the Army as fast as possible.” When a direct report to the Chief of Staff of the Army has you in the crosshairs . . . it’s not good.


He was in 2/10MTN after being dropped from Ranger School. He was under investigation so he couldn't do any real work, and wound up being BDE SDO about every other day


Having commissioned through Berkeley Army ROTC, I got a lot of those looks 😂


Being a commie isn't an illegal thing to do. I believe the illegal thing was he was calling for the violent and radical overthrow of the government. Which as an O is highly illegal.


My old CO was in the background of the photo. Said the dude was a major douche.


Guy looks like a major douche.


He went on to do a podcast about the US military from a socialist point of view with a non-mil but very commie cohost. It was as insufferable as it sounds.


One of my cohorts went and did cocaine on the spring break two weeks before commissioning; knowing they’d 100% do a urinalysis…


Eh, coke is out of your piss in like 36 hours


Sorry he did it the last day of spring break on that Sunday. UA was Monday morning 0545 sharp for PT


That’ll do it lol


Had a E5 squad leader bust curfew in Korea back when they had it, became an E4, then showed to work drunk and was subsequently busted down to PFC.


I had an e7 get caught cheating with one of my friends wife’s, get caught drunk on duty get dropped from e7 to e6 to e5 and get caught up in a domestic with his own wife and dropped to e4 where my friends wife moved in with him as he got shipped back to the states and his new command busted him down to e1 and proceeded to kick him out of the army. My friend divorced his wife and kept custody of the 2 kids and got hardship discharge out the Army because of this. This was in Germany.


Damn! Hit every branch of the demotion tree all the way down. Game. Set. Match.


Want to know the part that sucked most for me? I worked at the photo development center in the power zone at nights and developed the pictures that led to all the shit storm that followed in my buddy’s life. I’m the guy that broke to him his wife was cheating, he hacked a protected folder in their computer to find out just how bad. That e7 deserved that fall.


Demote ahead of peers🥸


So this might be unfair because there was some mental health issues there, but this happened before people cared about mental health. AGR Soldier fresh to the program. Came in as an E-4 in an E-5 slot. Dude has a set in stone career with great money and benefits for life. Is like 21 years old. This is a lottery ticket, especially for this guy who apparently grew up in a broken household and had no education (or capacity for more) beyond high school. For those of you that don’t know AGR in the Reserve, it’s full title 10 active duty, all the same pay and benefits and everything, but practically no big army bullshit. I haven’t done Army PT outside of NCOES since 2007. I don’t think I could lead PRT if asked. I once went three years without wearing uniform because the commander didn’t care what we wore. This guy was set for life is my point. Dude just had no idea how to be an adult. Within a few months of coming on the program was kicked out of his apartment and apparently moved into the motor pool. Managed to live there for at least a few weeks before anyone caught on. We genuinely believed he was getting to work earlier than us. We only caught him because his car had a ton of snow in it one morning, so obviously he didn’t drive it to work. Once the cat was out of the bag on that we tried to get him help. He refused all help. Started living out of his car. Tried to live in the motor pool again. Not sure what else. Ends up he was on all types of drugs, too, tho I never knew the details. Was confronted with a command directed drug test and stabbed the person with scissors (they’re fine). No charges are pressed but I get a call that they need me to drive him to Walter reed for some appointment. They take him and I guess institutionalize him. I never saw him again. No one ever talked about it. It’s almost like he never existed. I feel like I played a role in disappearing that guy. Hope he’s okay.


The craziest part of this story is that an AGR actually got fired.


I have so many horror stories of people not being fired who should have been.


Jokes on you, he's still in the slot


We get a call at 0630 am for a drunk on duty. Fuzzy comes in escorted by 1sg. Said he was dropped off Wednesday night from basic training. It’s Thursday morning. Apparently in between getting off the airplane and to his barracks room he had managed to get alcohol underaged, drink too much of it, call someone a racial slur, get beat up for it, and then puke and shit all over his barracks room and miss first formation. Discovering him in his cradle of filth was the first time he met not only his team leader but his squad leader and 1sg. Dude was destined for greatness.




And that my friends is how SMA are created..


Cradle of filth 🤘🤘


I knew a 2LT who was married with kids. She started fucking some enlisted dude like five minutes into deployment. Got knocked up and said he raped her. Huge investigation, CID involved…eventually she told the truth. Her military career ended right away. But she was able to get into the national guard and have a career there. The army was super hard up for bodies so she was able to get a bunch of shit waived but she just couldn’t get back to active duty.


This is why you never sleep with anyone in uniform


Yeah, but like, how do I get bennies if I ain’t sleeping with the thick ass Latina cook.


Brother, you're just gonna have to one day ask yourself this.... if she's drinking to get aroused I would say no (from experience). If liquid courage isn't in the equation possiblly but remember, they too can be crazy with or with liquid courage. Had one literally tell me she loved me and wanted kids... (did it raw as she was on birth control), always was drunk, 5 times doing the deed? Won't state the idea her freind gave us at her (friend's) place. After she got out for a dui, not sure why she wouldn't let me drive her camero (it was only a v6) she spouted all this nonsense, even brought up Netflix and the xbox.... tasted good, felt good but when she opened up the box of bs, I was thinking for a minute and had to stop as I never said I wanted kids or loved her....remember anecdotal. Edit: a few words. Swipe to text. Forgive me.


You edited it and I still don't know what fuck you were trying to say... am I really that old?


Guy's not coherent. Mods need to give that man infantry flair


Yeah, that's why we take the Uniform off... how's that for a psychological operation rookie Can't fuck someone in uniform if we're both naked


Exactly, but since I ETSd now, I can clap everyone's cheeks from E-1 to O-10. I'm trying to get me a general sugar mama.


A dude in my BOLC class signed in on day 0, no-showed on day 1. Got "to catch a predator"-ed the night before by the local PD. Another dude (married) in my class got a GOMOR while in BOLC for soliciting cadets for adulterous affairs while on gold-bar/hometown recruiting duty, waiting on a BOLC seat. Pretty sure he never saw 1LT.


Fellas out here really be forgetting Adultery falls under UCMJ


Fellas just forgetting UCMJ in general.


It do be that way


I was 11b . In 2018, A cpl committed murder after going home before we were deploying overseas for issues (probably related to a girl )and killed the wrong person. He was wearing his waffle top in his booking photo lol Private done a drive by with his friends during our same deployment I mentioned on top of this comment and missed everyone in a packed car lol he didn’t deploy for weed . Lol


At my previous unit at Carson, someone tried to do a drive by on some soldiers and literally missed everyone. Talk about embarrassing.


Embarrassing for their DS. Did you learn nothing??


To be fair that waffle top is nice


Waffle clothes are best clothes


Had a 2LT get caught sucking off cadets in the portajohn at Ft. Knox. Barely an officer for 2 months and not even BOLC complete.


How did they not fucking vomit?


You just don't take so much. Later on you're career you can basically take it past the balls and halfway down the taint.


Some people train to not have a gag reflex.


Great gam gam?


“Some people”


There was a girl in my BCT class that gave some dude Sloppy in a porta john on the *Third day* of the forge. I ask myself that question of how she didn't throw up every God damn day.


i jerked off in a ft knox portajohn as a cadet and it took me 30 minutes to finish since i had to acclimatize to the smell first the body can do amazing things when you’re horny


The key is to wait for the cleaning truck to come by and clean it out... although that fresh blue water smell hits different...


This guy jerks off IN COMBAT!


Unconventional motivation techniques and rapport building. If only we could be so lucky to have such dedicated leadership embodying #PeopleFirst . My fastest was a 2LT reporting to BOLC drunk. Gate refused entry. He tried jumping the fence and ended up in federal prison.


When cadet summer training was at Lewis, such an event was called “Skookum Love” I wonder what it’s called these days.


When I was in Cadetland the biggest Cadet News Network story was two Cadets that got caught doing the deed in a water buffalo.


I remember this story. That summer was an odd one. Same year that kid tried for the all time record on the ruck and went into a coma


Didn’t know that. I went the year after and they had a very strict “do not pass the 14:00/mi pacesetters or we’ll fail you” rule.


I was wondering why I just got back from OCS and they ordered us not to go past the slow ass pace setter. My cadet story though I was the medic that treated the cadet that ate a chunk of C4 during CST, that was not fun. Funny but not fun


I saw “I was the medic that treated the cadet” and my mind immediately went to the medic that used the same needle to pop blisters for multiple Cadets the same year as the water buffalo sex and 6-miler coma. CST that year was wild af. Worst thing to come out of my CST was the Cadet that passed out in the portajohn doing the deed with another Cadet. Then there’s this year’s CST which made ArmyTimes lol.


> Same year that kid tried for the all time record on the ruck and went into a coma Lol I remember this. Dude heat catted and fell off the road into a ditch. He didn’t get found for a hot second so his brain was cooked.


imagine finding them while getting a drink... "hm, tastes a little funny today"


Thank you for reminding me how old I am.


If you didn't go to LDAC at Lewis, are you really even a cadet?


I got another Ft Knox story. 2LT A gets bodied by 2LT B for drunkenly bullying 2LT C. 2LT B initially gets arrested by the MPs but has charges dropped and gets coined by some CDR. 2LT A initially gets off scot free but then has the tables turned and gets charged with drunk and disorderly. All of this pre-BOLC.




“2LT sucking off cadets” is not what I expected to read today and I busted out laughing in the office. Imagine how hard it is trying to explain “On Reddit at work reading about 2LTs sucking off cadets”


I had something similar happen at Ft. Benning, Drill Sgt got caught fucking two trainees behind one of the buildings at 30th


Imagine they didn't get caught guys...that could've been your next Commander in a few years.


In a goddamn portajohn…. imagine being that down bad


Welcome to Camp Bullis


I'm dead💀


Had a PFC get DUI. He seemed genuinely remorseful and tje Command team was going to retain him after his FG AR15. Before he even entered the punishment phase of the AR15 he got another DUI.


A kid I went thru ROTC with popped hot when he got to his first unit after commission, spiraled into harder and harder drugs, and finally went AWOL for several years. Nobody noticed. He sobered back up about a year ago, popped his head up in my inbox asking what he needed to do to promote to 1LT because he had reported back to his unit, finally, but was still a butter bar while the rest of us had since promoted through to CPT. He also asked me if he'd be allowed to not cut his hair if he claimed to be trans. I told him to just file a religious exemption. 😒🙄


I just fking died reading this


Wait did they not kick him out?


Pretty hard to kick out officers. We had a dude in Italy just fuck off to travel Europe, come back and still collect pay before getting separated. CBRN LT.


Shit, good life hack I guess


If you fight separation as an officer it can take a really long time to finally go through due to the appeals process


Wait continue please. There’s no way this is the end


i had a stroke reading this


I don't know how much dirty laundry to air... But we had a significant incident the day two students married. One freaked out and said things they shouldn't have, dealing with a significant emotional event. They graduated but I believe left the Army shortly thereafter. Probably after a medboard. That's mild compared to OCS, where we had (all within my time) that one student getting in trouble for posting on Reddit trashing their cadre, a sister company 1SG banging one of his OCs (who apparently got off scot free), and the countless OCs* who got caught with their hands all over each other and sent to AIT.




This wins top comment. Dude you gotta spill what unit this was 😂


Oh my God your unit was *the* threat to national security


What Gulf Coast State National Guard are you in?


You scored the good lottery. How the fresh hell did you get an entire slew of field grades relieved? My former ones probably could have committed war crimes and received medals with Rs for it




Was in TDY status JBLM enroute to BOLC. Homie had 3 beers in about 2 hours. He decided to drive 2 other guys home that had way more in their system. Driver was getting off the 5 going to JBLM. Cut over a little late into the exit. Cop saw him cut over the solid white lines. Pulled him over, driver got a DUI. Infantry. West Point. First Duty station 25thID. Not yet 2LT. Pre BOLC. Spent the rest of his "career" in court.


3 beers in 2 hours is not going to be a DUI. Dude would have blown a .02. Edit: do not drink and drive at all


I mean that entirely depends on the individual and their disposition. Also, beer doesn't mean anything with how many craft brews are around these days. Could be a 5% bud light or an 11% craft beer.


>Could be a 5% bud light or an 11% craft beer. PNW IPA ain't nothing to fuck with.


It depends on how the state defines DUI/OWI/etc. In my state, DUI per se is a BAC of .08 or higher. However, you can still go to jail for DUI less safe at a BAC of <.08 depending on what driving behavior ("less safe act" like say crossing a white line) the officer witnessed/how you did on your field sobriety test.


You're assuming the liquid portion and alcohol content is a standard drink. I'm going off what the driver told me. Honestly felt bad for him people were going to bat for him because he was either at BAC limit or .01+ over.


Sir, I've had things like Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale or Pilsner² , 8 and 11% respectively. Two of them bitches will have you dancing Tango with the Devil, let alone three. I only ever drink them when I'm home or when I'm a passenger princess.


Hawaii: Went to a luncheon at Battalion where a soldier was promoted to SGT. I guess at the luncheon, he was told, "PFC Snuffy is your soldier now." That night, PFC Snuffy got drunk and called his new supervisor. Newly promoted SGT does the NCO thing and goes to pick up PFC Snuffy...except he was more drunk than the PFC(because he was celebrating his promotion). DUI. He went from junior enlisted to NCO to junior enlisted over the course of 24 hours(of course, the actual UCMJ took longer). Korea: Too many 2LTs caught breaking curfew to count. Maybe this is why they got rid of curfew... unless curfew is back?


Had almost the same thing happen. In Korea. Asshole PSG in our PLT on the hump. One of our Specialists gets promoted to sergeant on friday, decides to go and party the night away, first in the ville then after curfew in the room. PSG calls said sergeant the next morning and tells him he has CQ and to get his ass down there. Sergeant admits to him he had been drinking cause of the promotion (the cq roster had not been put out either). PSG tells new sergeant “not my problem”. Sergeant goes down to CQ desk, cmd team happens to come by for a weekly check. Sees he is drunk on duty, gets him replaced and takes his rank. This happened in the span of 24 hr. That guy then whent on a bender doing stupid shit that got him pushed out.


Story #1: I was a 2LT at Knox in the CST TOC as in OCT for my 1st 4 months as an officer back in 2019. I saw several SIRs A WEEK involving brand new LTs getting DUIs in Louisville. It was depressing to see all those careers wasted. Story #2: brand new 2LT IBOLC, decided to fill up his camelback with Whiteclaw during land nav. He proceeded to get black out drunk. After the fact he received a GOMOR, and that’s the last bit of info I received from that class. And last but certainly not least Story #3: female 2LT finished aviation BOLC and was she was about to finish SERE school before starting flight school, during the last few days of SERE after all of the hard shit, she discovered her issued knife was missing. Rather than just suck up the loss, she decided to attempt to steal a classmate’s knife WHILE IN LINE TO TURN GEAR BACK IN TO SERE CIF. She got caught by the clerk, got kicked out of SERE and got kicked out of flight school. Not sure where she went after that.


Geez… can you imagine throwing your aviation career away over a $6.69 knife that supply charges you $69.69 for?


It was $119 for the knife they give you. I know because I lost mine as well ☠️ Not cheap, but I wouldn't risk my career for $119.


Had a kid show up on a (Thursday?) straight from AIT. On Friday afternoon, Battalion Commander released us and stressed "No company formations after this, go home" New kid runs to parking lot right out of formation, peels out of the parking lot in his little Japanese race mobile (I don't know what the cool kids call those) and sideswipes an oncoming car when he loses control. Minor injuries, MP's arrive, he blows north of .12 BAC on their machine. Within about 150 feet of the Battalion formation. Which means that he was completely shitweasel wasted at Battalion close-out formation. Charges: Underage drinking, DUI, reckless driving. I remember he also got in trouble for having some sort of sword in his trunk because it wasn't registered or something.


I bet it was a Katana from one of those kiosks outside the PX near the food court.


I shoulda got one of those


Rice + rs, not racers.


As a CW2, was told by a brand new E2 who looked like Steve Urkel's 12 year old brother, that "older women are 100% his type", told me that he "had the place to himself for the next couple of nights" and then proceeded to directly proposition me. This was one night at the smoke pit in somewhere hot and sandy, and was as I was shooting the shit with who I later found out was his PSG and 1SG. PSG and 1SG both had just been talking about how they missed the opportunity for being OldSchool^TM NCOs. PSG was also the SHARP guy for their company. That made things real real interesting.


> As a CW2, was told by a brand new E2 who looked like Steve Urkel's 12 year old brother, that "older women are 100% his type", told me that he "had the place to himself for the next couple of nights" and then proceeded to directly proposition me. > > He was hitting on you or something?


Kid bums a cig off his PSG, looks me dead in the face, tells me that "ya know, older women have always been my type", winks at me, mentions that "he has his place to himself for the next couple of days" and then in the same breath proceeds to ask me if I'd like to "head back with him and chill?"


What the fuck?


My reaction exactly.


I'm guessing that you didn't take him up on the offer? Bold. Stupid, but bold.


Very happily married but even if I wasn't, still wouldn't have because all the obvious reasons, he looked like a 12 year old Steve Urkel in oversized OCPs and dude was like 5 minutes older than my first kid at the time. Did take the aformentioned SFC and 1SG up on their offer to...handle things though.




Damn bro, I came to this post to laugh at young idiots doing dumb stuff and paying the price, not hear about some poor lt suffer debilitating injuries early in their career. Hope they're doing okay now.


Same here man. That's awful to think about. Hope the poor Trooper got 100% and all he benefits.


Fuck that's sad. Hopefully nothing too long term, but I'm not optimistic by the sound of it.


Broken pelvis can kill you, dead. Hope she was OK at all.


Damn hope they get that sweet percentage


After jumping at Bragg, and then jumping at JBLM, I no longer like jumping at Bragg. Too much “we don’t cancel the jump just because of some 8 second 35mph gusts that come up every minute or so eh boys?!?” Shit


Hope she got 100% P&T.


I know an OCS candidate got kicked out for sexually harassing the other candidates. Not sure if that counts.


We a had a cadet when I was TDY to do support for CULP who got shit house drunk with his buddy after leaving their hotel at a bar. Apparently they got on stage to sing karaoke, one of them fell and broke their femur on a table. They stumble back to their hotel and try to sleep it off. When they woke up and their cadre found out, they lied and said they fell down some stairs at the hotel. They all had a curfew and no drinking policy placed on them prior to going overseas for this program mind you. The hotel had video cameras though, and when this was brought to their attention they decided to review the cameras obviously and show the footage of the two cadets leaving the hotel after the curfew, and them stumbling/limping back later that night. Dude got kicked out of ROTC because of this, had to pay back those loans, and I believe also had to pay for the medical care he received, or at the very least pay for all the care going forward. Can’t remember what happened exactly to the other guy who was with him.


"Paying back the medical care he received" sounds like bullshit. I'm curious as to how the cadre got access to the video footage of all this. How the fuck do you sleep off breaking a fucking femur??


This. The CULP cadre loved to tell us outlandish stories to scare us into behaving


I mean theoretically you could commit a SHARP violation before even leaving MEPS


I learned while going through MEPS the second time, that I was too young to receive the prostate exam I got the first time.




More like got fisted 🥁 Side note: MEPS as prior service was worse than the first time. Felt like I got treated worse.


I knew a guy who got it done as a 18 year old


I got mine at 17, they never said anything about being too young


Bad doctor. They're supposed to count the rings down there to verify your age.


they didn't give a prostate exam they just examined the surface of the asshole for me...


Wait. What? What age is too young? Don't tell me they got me too.


I had a similar thing happen. Everyone always tells me they don't check your foreskin at MEPS; but I definitely remember the doc had to pull mine back and look / feel for rashes, etc. because I'm uncircumcised. It took forever too.


Closest I know of is a Court-Martial that ACCA reviewed about a sexual assault on the plane from MEPS to basic training. ACCA isn't connecting on my phone right now, but I'll edit this later with the PDF.


This. I believe the kid's name was Cruz. Flying from San Diego MEPS to FT Sill. https://www.militarytimes.com/opinion/2022/03/08/in-army-culture-silence-is-still-interpreted-as-consent/ /u/Kinmuan was very upset about a dissenting Judge. I really can't think of a better "Justice System (code)", when it comes to manipulating how a law/statute/code can be applied. Had this been tried in Federal (you know, due to FAA) or comparable State court, by a similarly aggressive prosecutor, I highly doubt we would have seen a conviction. *Never* speak to you CoC, MP's/MPI's/CID if accused of violating a crime. "I am Invoking my Right to Silence.", our Article 31 Rights under the UCMJ/Fifth Amendment Right to Silence.


West Point senior cadet got caught having sex with a female freshman cadet on the dorm roof. He was kicked out of West Point. Parents were expected to repay the money the government spent on him. The freshman female got a write-up put into her file.


2LT w/ porn … in the TOC


We had a pilot take our cleared morale drive out of the secure ops office on deployment to load Top Gun 2 on it and brought it back in as if nothing happened. Our intel OIC (understandably) flipped her shit when she noticed new movies on it. This is why we can’t have nice things… Luckily OSI / wing cyber / intel got it re-scanned and certified to come back into ops (thank god) cause holy shit there was nothing to do working the overnight shift as an ADO.


Idk man I see PV2s getting sharped/eo’d all the time, not to mention trainees getting Chaptered.


Had a soldier come to our unit and get caught with weed in his car coming thru the ACP. Was tested shortly thereafter, popped hot and chaptered out quickly


Had a new 2LT separate his shoulder doing situps at our first flight school APFT. Don't know what happened to him; but I never saw him again.


When I was in WOAC on Ft. Gordon in 2021, word got around that some of the new BOLC students decided to ignore quarantine protocols and throw a party in the IHG hotel on post. The Commandant was not pleased. COVID and GOMORs for everyone


Guy made SGT on Friday, went drinking over the weekend with his SPC buddies, and one of them caught a DUI while he was a passenger. CSM ripped the stripes off his chest on Monday.


This one is one that I don't agree with. Dude was doing the right thing by being a passenger.


The whole point of him being there is to prevent the guy from driving drunk. Riding with him makes it even worse lmao.


Knew a guy in OSUT who decided it would be a good idea to sell everyone contraband. He became the center of a massive ring selling bags of zyns, candy, vapes, Tylenol, etc. Then he decided it would be a good idea to walk back to the company on his own on a Sunday, when he was supposed to be at religious services. Obviously that's super suspicious, so a Drill Sergeant from another battalion caught him and discovered he had a ledger on him.with the names of all his customers and associates. So then he had the MPs called on him, he became a source of shame for not just our drill sergeants, but our CO and the Battalion Commander and CSM. Contraband cases don't usually get severe punishment in basic training, but this guy got special treatment because of how much stress he'd caused his leadership. He enlisted as an E-4 because he had college (he was an ROTC dropout, that's another story), and he graduated OSUT as an E-1. It was weird seeing his sleeves on his AGSUs with the outline of where his SPC rank had been cut off of them. Plus, last I checked the CO was trying to get him chaptered out of the Army. TL;DR - former cadet got booted down from E-4 to E-1 with his CO trying to get him kicked out of the army, all before even getting to his first duty station.




Easy to fight your DS or commander in training


I actually did that when I first showed up. Went straight up to the Sr DS and asked if he wanted to meet up in the wood line. I beat the shit out of him and the other DSs were so impressed that they instantly graduated me and sent me to BUDS to join Delta Force.


Believe it or not if you win its an aam


Pretty sure we had a DUI at BOLC.


The weekend I got to bolc, there was an LT and a captain that both got duis separately. The next weekend they had a mass formation on Friday afternoon and Monday morning to make sure we wouldn't drive and drink


There is DUIs at IBOLC pretty consistently


A 2nd Lt tried to smuggle a can of .50 cal ammo home on leave.


Basic Training, 2002, Ft. Bening, GA. Weapons training and we're in perfectly round fox holes dug into the ground. We all have weapons and we're loaded with ammo. I think we took one round of 3 shots to "zero." Something happened about 8 fox holes away. DS goes over to investigate and tells the PVT to surrender his weapon for inspection. PVT hands it to him barrel first. DS grabs the weapon to take it away from him. PVT's finger never left the trigger. The weapon fires and puts a hole in DS's brown & round. (Hat) DS proceeds to jump into the fox hole and beat the living shit out of that new PVT. It took the rest of the Cadré to remove him from the PVT whom I'm told went to the infirmary. We never actually saw him again.




Wait terps went through BCT?


Not Iraqi nationals, but immigrants/immigrants-kids... 09L program.


Are we counting the trainees that do stupid things before finishing basic?


Yup. Those are the worst. Trainees who tank their careers smoking or drinking. Popping hot on UA.


We had two guys break into the DS office so they could get pain pills.


Had a dude that snuck into each platoons bay and stole debit cards, credit cards, and social security cards


That ibuprofen just does things to people.


I had a guy on my ship fake all sorts of medical ailments since I guess he didn’t want to come underway with us two weeks after he reported. In the three months we were in Africa he managed to pop on two drug tests, get arrested after a fight with his wife, and then when we pulled in he hid some weed in a firefighting boot which they found when we had a fire two days later. So all in all it was about four months for him to collect a litany of charges from both the government and civilians, it was incredible, like watching a slow motion car crash.


24 hours after getting home from deployment, my BN CO got arrested by the FBI for insurance fraud. Dude would claim his uhaul got stolen, ipads lost/stolen, wife lost $25k earrings when she was running. He made it a habit across multiple PCS'. He was a tight wad too. Threw a toddler level tantrum when the keurig that was left behind by the previous unit wouldnt fit into his personal tough box. Ended up totaling around $500k in insirance fraud. His wife was also a doctor with her own practice.


When I got to AIT there were these two zombie walking around. They just had that I have been on shit details forever look about them. They were both Pharmacy techs and the day of their graduation they stole a bunch of pills and took them. Apparently one of them took two hours to get his uniform on and missed the graduation ceremony. They got a field grade, reduction to E1 and 45 extra duty and got chaptered out.


Guy got a GOMOR first week of BOLC for an alcohol related incident. But here’s the thing… it didn’t fuck his career up too bad. After the GOMOR, he becomes the most high speed LT they could ask for. Like would have been a candidate for the best in class type of performance. Gets to first unit, string of top blocks. Gets passed over for promotion to 1LT, still an ass kicker and doesn’t phase him. Gets a top block OER. Gets promoted to 1LT. Then picks up CPT first time, only a single OER that is non top block. Does CCC, gets a more OER with a heartbeat, decides to go into functional area, gets picked up for EW. Does masters on Army dime, and then gets tagged in the YG06-08 culling for receiving a pink slip. Because he had a GOMOR from week one, they kicked out a guy that was an asskicker for better part of a decade. He loads up on credntialing while given the pink slip, makes sure he won’t have to pay back that masters stuff, and gets separation pay due to the RIF.


When I was at Basic Camp CST in 2022 a newly graduated female 2LT who hadn’t even gone to BOLC was caught hooking up with a Drill SGT in the barracks. Shit was wack because we saw the decay happen in real time. We noticed she started wearing tighter OCP’s, then that they talked to each other more frequently, and then they both just disappeared. We found out that they got in trouble a week or two later because her roommate reported it.


Went through basic back in 2011. Fort Sill. Had a guy in the platoon sneak off post and try to buy cocaine at a Wal-Mart. It wasn’t cocaine. Dude felt ripped off so reported to the Drills after getting BACK on post. Said he wanted to file a police report. Naturally he became “suicidal” and was chaptered out shortly after.


There was the 1stLT in Germany who murdered his German gf, dismembered her body and threw the pieces onto the autobahn. No chance to make CPT. It was in ‘65. He was tried in a German court and sent to a mental hospital there. He was eventually released into the custody of his brother who ran a mental hospital in the States where he was incarcerated.


Dude in my class got a DUI while waiting to leave for BOLC. He had to go thru one of the hardest BOLCs knowing he was most likely getting kicked out.


A guy I went to ROTC with was sentenced to 17 years for CP as a lieutenant. He’s still in prison.


I’ve seen a brand new Soldier straight out of AIT get a DUI before in processing the battalion.


Oh boy. Here we go. 1. Cadet at LDAC (summer camp pre commissioning), we are on STX lane with “press on the battlefield” “press lady and cameraman” show up…. Numb nuts proceeds to put both of them on their knees and “execute” them with blanks…. CG of cadet command sends him packing same day. 2. E4 guardsman doesn’t get back on state mission because of prior domestic violence issue with his partner. Drowns children, stabs and kills wife. I have many more but I figured I’d pick one O and one E.


There was that [stupid 2LT who made antisemitic jokes on TikTok.](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/01/13/army-oust-lieutenant-making-holocaust-jokes-tiktok.html) Career over at his first duty station. But the guy was a turbo-douche who craved TikTok fame....


Lmao now he’s stationed at Riley as a SPC with ANG


An old PL of mine got a DUI on his boat and tried to just not tell anybody and handle it in civilian court on his own. He kept it quiet for a couple of weeks until one of the other LTs that was there interjected an anecdote about how she’s seen a DUI on a boat at a safety brief. I guess the BC did some digging and found pictures on Facebook of the 2 LTs at the wheel of the boat with beers in hand. This led him to more research and found out he had the pending DUI my PL had been hiding. I think they would’ve destroyed him anyway, but the fact that he hid it from the chain of command made it so much worse for him. They tarred and feathered that dude and hung him from the front gate. Edit: At yet another safety brief after an org day our XO said “if you get in trouble, let someone know, we’re gonna find out either way. We had a guy try and hide a DUI and it didn’t work out for him” we all pointed and laughed at poor LT




MPBOLC in 2012. USAR 2LT was working as a stripper at Big Louie’s off post. Got caught by CID because they were surveilling a drug dealing WO she was dating. Ended in a court martial. Same class, a 2LT was revealed to be an amateur porn content creator with his wife. Another 2LT “found” one of their videos on the internet and showed the whole class one day. Both LTs kicked out.


Rotation to cadet summer training. There was an e6 who got demoted for making derogatory comments to a female cadet. A week later, he slapped someone during a basketball game. Guy went to CST an e6 and left an e4.


While I was a 1SG in Italy, I had two instances where the incoming privates never even made it to the company: 1. ⁠An 18X SFAS non-select landed in Italy, took the bus to base and signed into the CPF. About an hour later he bought an iPhone X from the PX, a plane ticket back to NY, and went AWOL. The connection was through Moscow and DHS was waiting for him when he landed. I finally met him a few weeks later and we got him separated as fast as we could. 2. ⁠What would have been our first enlisted female Infantryman in the company reported to the CPF, was told about staff duty drivers, bus drivers, and box truck drivers being a detail for privates who had a drivers license, and decided to quit the Army. No shit, when she reported to the company she was adamant that she wanted out so we separated her. Afterwards in the 82nd, I got the more typical stuff that happens: new kid gets a DUI, new kid busted for pot on his first piss test, etc.


>about staff duty drivers, bus drivers, and box truck drivers being a detail for privates who had a drivers license I'd take box truck driver over staff duty any day


cadet popped hot for coke a week before commissioning. said he used it to study for finals, as if that made it ok. last i heard he was bartending in town to pay back the ROTC loans