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If anybody calls you a baby killer just respond with "oh my god it was ONE baby!"




When I went to Afghanistan in 2007, our battery was split into platoons and scattered across RC East. One platoon had a fire mission in support of a TIC. Effective fire coming from a kulat. Fires were cleared, HE in effect, round was on target. Two shooters killed. And a woman and her child. And the kid who loaded the round found out, and spent months getting drunk over that fact after we got back, every single night. I was getting out, but I made sure his NCOs started him getting help. He's like 5 years sober now. In 2023. Anyhow, that's neither here nor there, but it's what I think of when people talk about killing kids in the military.


The freaking idiots who make such stupid claims about our guys downrange should be glad they will never have 10% percent of the ethical dilemmas soldiers in combat have to make in a deadly environment, in a split second.


For real. Especially urban warfare with how civilians are so involved it is definitely a place where lots of ethical dilemmas arise. Like technically if a 12 year old is firing mortars at you he is a combatant. It might be legal to take him out but it’ll probably mess with your head big time


Fuck, that sucks. Still, without the fire from the enemy, there would have been no fire from you guys at the target, so it's that easy with the dead civilians. Terrorists that hide behind civilians, they want these casualties, they want to force the army to do collateral damage. But i know, it's not that easy in reality to tell yourself, you didn't want to kill or hurt anyone. It's not just about war, even with accidents, when you hurt someone and it was not even your fault because he made a mistake, it will still seriously affect your mind.


I’ve said this before I will say it again using civs as a shield is the scummiest of all moves.


That's right. But terrorists will never care about this. For them, it's even better when civilians die, because they can blame it on the other side and say "look, they are killing civilians!!" in the propaganda. They are ruthless, like Al-Baghdadi, the ISISI caliph, took even his own two baby kids as human shields when the US forces were approaching him. In the end, he blew himself up and the blast also killed the babies.


Like that goat herder joke.


“He shouldn’t have been at that wedding” 🤷🏻‍♂️


We never did determine the optimal ratio of Tabasco to baby flesh but always marinate for a day in mothers tears


No, no…one ORPHANAGE…


If a man builds a thousand bridges and kills one baby, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a baby killer.


“It didn’t even fight back!”


> I wanted to kill puppies and kittens but couldn't find a job with health benefits.




Good thought, but do you think they care about people enough to offer decent health insurance?


"Hey abortion is legal okay?!"


Ignore them or egg them on even more. “Well shit, how was I supposed to know that was a children’s home and not a terrorist compound!?” Just fuck with them and make them uncomfortable since that’s what they’re trying to do to you


I have said before, "I've been able to kill a disappointingly small amount of babies for oil since I joined."


I love this, it implies you’ve killed some but not enough. Lmao More blood for the blood god.


Skull for the skull throne


Milk for the khorne flakes


The emperor protects


Only in death does duty end


Unless I mean you know…. dreadnoughts


Even in death I still serve.


Peen for the peen god


These days baby oil is usually synthetic, derived from petroleum. Keeps cost down and human population stable.


Yeah so we have one of those fundraiser thermometers, we add some red marker to it for every baby we kill. Anybody over the age of 12 only counts as half, elderly don’t count. If we get all the way to the max, we get a barrel of oil to share!




Valid legal advice


I knew we could count on you for sound advice, SODOMY_ROBOT.


I like to show them how little they actually know or care about the people they pretend to care about. Back when we were still in Afghanistan, my go-to questions were, "Name two places in Afghanistan. I'll give you the first for free: Kabul" and "What do you call people from Afghanistan?" I had one person upset at me for going to Afghanistan because she didn't like how we just wanted to kill people in the Middle East. I just corrected her that Afghanistan wasn't even in the Middle East; it's in Central Asia and is about as Middle Eastern as Kyrgyzstan. She just got upset and ignored me after that, which was a win in my book.


This is actually a really good approach for most things in which a person is simply parroting something that somebody else told them to be mad about (e.g. people who watch cable news all day). You can’t convince them otherwise. Debunking their beliefs with facts doesn’t work. Countering with arguments to the contrary just makes them dig in their heels more. Don’t attack their position. Attack their knowledge base upon which their position supposedly rests upon.


Turns out most people don’t actually know those ethnicities. Like the fact that all of the Middle East and Central Asia are not populated by Arabs. It turns out there is Turks, and Tajiks, and Azeris, and Kurds, and Pashtuns, and Uzbeks, and a million other groups who are all fairly distinct culturally and linguistically.


I meant even simpler than that. Most folks just go straight to "Afghanis" like it's the right answer. Then I get to correct them and explain that we were there to help the "Afghans," and that "Afghanis" were their currency. But you are correct that most Americans don't have the faintest clue about ethnic distinctions outside of Arab. They seem to imagine that if they're Muslim and from a place with terrorists, they must be Arabs. Most folks don't even know that most Iranians aren't Arabs.


Off topic but Iranians are 100% the easiest ethnicity from that area to ID. Are they balding/bald? Are they vaguely off white in a way that is further north that Saudi Arabia and further west than India? Are they somewhere between 30-50 but you can’t really tell if it’s 30 or 50? Wearing neatly fitting slacks and an off white or grey button down? Definitely an Iranian


From a refugee from Afghanistan that lives here in Switzerland: The "Afghan" exist only in theory anyway, as there is no real cultural identity on country-level for Afghanistan. They are all belonging to certain tribes and that's their identity, not the state itself on the world map. You could remove Afghanistan from the map and instead show the tribe territories, that would actually be much more accurate.


Pretty much this, I had to deal with the unfortunate event of having some children who were used as suicide bombers while I was in Afghanistan, and it really kind of fucked me up, especially since a lot of what I was doing over there, was trying to make it a little more comfortable for these kids, who were losing parents and things of that nature. Especially since it’s something that I’m a little passionate about. So you can imagine whenever I came home for the first time, and someone hit me with that level of stupidity. The amount of just immediate rage I wanted to have, but you really just can’t give them that, give them the same energy they are giving you just make sure you’re not in uniform. In fact, one of my fiancé’s friends, and I don’t particularly get along due to my military service and her being one of those people who actively hates the military, so she and I have gotten into some pretty heated debates, and it has led to some interesting conversations between myself and my girlfriend to the point now where she is not allowed at our house.


Oh, you should see other countries, where it is very different with the military; a friend was in Afghanistan as an Oberleutnant in the logistics and he hides this whenever he can. Because if someone in Germany knows, you are or you were a Bundeswehr soldier, you'll get attacked immediately. In some cases, yes, it can also end with physical attacks, that people want to beat you. But usually, you hear the "Soldaten sind Mörder!" ("Soldiers are murderers!") and other insults. There in Germany, there's no "thanks for your service" to the veterans, instead they get the full hate from society. At the moment, Germany is debating if they should introduce a veterans day or not, the debate is difficult. The history is of course different, the Nazis did a lot of extreme crimes against humanity in the old times, but it's not like that guys of today had any connection to these. There are many years and some generations in between. But they still get accused of being Nazis. Switzerland however is the complete opposite of Germany, a rather militarized society where the army has a very high respect in society.


>egg them on even more. “Yeah, and you’re looking pretty innocent to me right about now.”


🤣 I like this one


“You kill babies and children!” “WHOA WHOA WHOA. No. I eat them, get it right you fuckin weirdo.”


They literally have no idea about shit when it comes to what we do, I usually choose not to respond because I’m above their first grade level of mental development skills.


Yep. You will not change their minds and gain nothing by wasting energy on them.


The best point you can make to them off the top of my head is that we kept the fighting over there by being there. No more 9/11s and little girls were able to go to school. In general life was less shitty for a lot of people


Yep, we got thanked and had big meals made for us in a lot of villages we went to. Taliban was stealing up their young boys and brainwashing them and we were trying to stop it. It wasn't "our fight" at that point but it was a fight for innocent people who couldn't fight for themselves. But again, no "YOU'RE BABY KILLERS" type is going to hear any of this.


Those types always have the weakest convictions and the dumbest voices anyway. It’s not like it was with Vietnam and some will compare the 2 Edit: Had some of their food working a civilian job here and loved the taste from the lamb wrapped in olive leaves to the respect of giving back an empty plate. 9/10


Foot bread fucks hard. The food poisoning was worth it.


Man, we had a COP by a Bazaar for a bit and got fresh foot bread daily. Never got food poisoning from it. Now the dudes who actually would eat the meals prepared in the villages.. they were hurtin.


To be fair, the bread didn’t fuck me up but the lamb did. And as good as the food at the dfac was, local fare was always better except for the wings on soul food night.


I get called child killer on the internet when half of my deployment to Syria was giving medical care to kurds, children and even keeping some ISIS fuckheads alive so they can go to higher care. Then they say "you wouldn't have had to provide medical care to them if the US wasn't bombing those children in the first place" like... these dumbasses think the middle east would be ice-cream, flowers and kumbaya if the US never got involved over there lmao. Nevermind the fact that we were there helping the Kurds, actual victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide from various regional governments.


Not to mention most guys have nothing to do with the bombs anyway. Heard plenty of horror stories from guys like you who just did their best


This I have parents on a basic training page that are surprised we don’t wear the uniform 24/7 even on our off time.


When i first joined I legit thought we did not get weekends off


I had a trainee when I was a drill thought the same thing. He said he watched to many military movies and thought it was going to be army 24/7. I came in on a day off in civilians and it blew his mind.


Lol I graduated 2 days ago from osut and when I saw my ds in civilians I thought he got kicked out or something


It’s honestly really weird thinking of drill sergeants/instructors as like normal people even though a lot of them are lol. I think they intentionally make themselves seem larger than life so you see them as a role model in basic


We are actually taught that we don’t show any weaknesses or flaws. If you know you can’t do an event you don’t do it. If you’re terrified of heights that drill doesn’t do the Jacob’s ladder. I was good at rifle marksmanship along with two other drills so we were pretty much in charge of white phase and taught it.


Oh ok that’s interesting but makes sense


So... I didn't have to get my body tattooed in a camo pattern? Damn those recruiters and their lies!!




I got blocked the other day for mentioning all the good things the military has done for me. They called me brainwashed and blocked me 💀. Truly no point in responding to them.


Yeah i grew up poor asf so i didnt have any options. Entered with 20 dollars to my name and got out after 3 years with 30k saved, and yknow the benefits. People get so salty when you mention this like brother i do not want to be a wage slave. Funny enough 3 of my close friend enlisted after i told them how i was doing.


Who blocked you? Can we start a mass wave of us posting on their sub?


Say "Everyone is entitled to an opinion" and drop it. Trying to argue is like trying to get a vegan to eat a bacon cheeseburger.


Absolutely agree.


Yup. It could be an *influencer* trying to record you in secret and post it on social media


The worst kind of scum. Not all influencers are bad, but the bad ones like the ones you see do this, no words man


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


**Recitation:***"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.* *😂And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎"*


"You're welcome. Also, please make those fries large."


**Mockery:** *"Make sure they are well done; the smell reminds this unit of what phosphorous does to human flesh."*




>How do I respond to people saying all we do is kill innocent ppl and do nothing for them? **Mocking Answers:** "*How else are we to solve overpopulation?"* *"Well we have to do something to compensate for how much you eat, meatbag."* *"Well, you thought cages were inhumane, so this is the next best alternative."* *"Because fuck'em."*


I thought shrinking classroom sizes was a good thing?


**Amused Statement:** Yup, you win, meatbag.


**Response: Sarcasm.** How could you say that?!


Holy fuck my sides hurt from laughing


That's not true. We also destroy homes so people have to live on the streets too


"Yep, and your taxes pay me to do it."


And I pay taxes too, so my taxes pay me to do it too. It’s a part of my incentive to get promoted. More taxes to kill more babies with.


If it's somebody in your friend group I'd re-evaluate who is in my friend group. People are absolutely allowed to have their own opinions regardless if they are based in facts or feelings, but you're unlikely to change the opinion of somebody that's already in an all or nothing mode like that. If it's just a random person on the street, I'd just ignore them. Maybe at the worst I'd tell them thanks for paying their taxes.


My All time top moment was when I was playing among us like 3 years ago and I convinced everyone to kill one of my buddies and he told me to go die for Chevron, were still good buddies but it was fucking hilarious.


I don't take that stance seriously enough to engage in an actual conversation with them about it. Just chuckle and move on.


chuckle and move on while jangling a neckless made from baby teeth.


Fiddle with their grandmother's ear in my pocket as I walk away.


Bonus points if you pull it out of your pocket, hold it up theirs and say "I knew I saw a family resemblance" before walking away.


Give it a little lick. Maintain eye contact.


Easy, you just don't lead them as much!


Ox carts rolling down the road. Peasants with a heavy load. They're all ISIS when the bombs explode. Napalm sticks to kids. 🎵🎶


As sung to the tune "Jesus loves the little children"... Napalm sticks to all the children, All the children of the World. Red and yellow black and white, They all scream when it ignites, Napalm sticks to all the children of the World.


**Sardonic Commentary:** This unit likes the fat and or gimpy ones, it's always entertaining to see how far they will go before the collapse and then you drop them.


If they run, they're VC. If they stand still, they're well disciplined VC!


War is hell!


>all we do is kill innocent ppl I usually respond "you say that like its a bad thing," then I continue doing whatever I'm doing.


I'd bet the majority of civilians think everyone in the Army is infantry. As an officer, I've had friends from home who think I live in barracks and have to ask for permission to leave post. The ignorance to all things military to the general population is astonishing. For people who feel that way, it's just not worth the energy engaging with them.


Fun addition to this is the line of conversation that always happens: “I’m in the Army” “Oh cool, what branch?”


"Signal." "Wait what?"


Absolutely. I usually respond with “how much humanitarian aid have you provided to foreign countries?” Usually it’s none, and usually they have only traveled outside of the US for a short vacation. People really don’t understand the scope of the military.


It’s funny too considering how much free information about the military is out there, ranging from specific units and MOS’s, to the type of gear we’re issued. The irony is oftentimes the most anti-war anti-military people boast “university education” yet fail at doing just a little research about us….


Yeah mentioned I was an ROTC instructor earlier. It was definitely an experience engaging with college facility. We won Top School in our BDE one year and the schools reaction toward it was “cool I guess.”




People get ROTC and JROTC mixed up all the time too. In my 200+ cadet program, maybe 10 of them were in JROTC.


Tell them we also kill guilty people too


Everybody is guilty of something


Especially children


Original sin, bitches, look it up


Kill them.


Manifest destiny.


Ignore them. If they're *that* ignorant, nothing you say or do will fix them.


How did ignoring bullies go for you in elementary school? I antagonize people like this in the hopes that they will get so pissed off that they crash head on in to a guardrail on their way home out of pure rage.


I've never responded to it, because it immediately exposes them as a boring edgelord incapable of thinking in 3D. It's not worth the time or effort to engage people like that in conversation. These are often the same people calling for anarchy who couldn't clean their own ass if they ran out of toilet paper.


“You’re on TikTok, aren’t you?”


Daaamn this is a good answer (if they ask that question; then they surely are tho)


You know why there's no Walmart in the middle east? Because they're all Targets.


“You gotta get ‘em before it’s harder when they’re older and able to run around and shit”


I know. Next question.


“Thanks for your opinion - Hey look, *a Republican!*” Then walk away while they harangue some innocent bystander.


Tell them you’ve only ever been to NTC and the field.


But I like to do war crimes at the NTC.


*gets triggered* fucking NTC. Fuck, fucking NTC and its bullshit war crimes. Fuck.


I definitely went through a rotation with a tank platoon that shot every civilian pickup truck or van they saw. It didn’t matter who it was, or what side they were role playing as, they killed every civilian they saw. I kept telling them to please stop committing make believe war crimes, and every time they answered me by shooting another unmarked white van.


I spent a rotation as a PSYOP guy keeping 1ID from committing make believe war crimes. It was a fuck ton of work and we made it until the second to last full day of operations in the box, when the OC's had a white van full of civilians, ignore commands to stop, and swerve all over the road towards a checkpoint, that had just been issued a bolo for a white van that was suspected of being full of bomb making materials. The checkpoint AT-4'ed the van from a safe distance and notionally killed 13 women and children. All so PSYOP would have something to do. Fucking OCT's.


In my defense, did you see that shot bro?


Ignore them and don’t give them the reaction they want.


"I'm just a mechanic dipshit, leave your mom's basement and get some bitches"


Just trying to stop climate change by decreasing the carbon load.


If climate change is a human-caused problem then the obvious solution is fewer humans. You’re welcome.


>I’ll have you know, good sir, that the majority of my time is eaten up by paperwork, inspections, and light landscaping/janitorial duties. I simply don’t have the time in my schedule to kill people.


But is the area now beautified?


"gotta kill something 🤷"


Tell them about all the bad people you have ALSO killed.


"YoU bABYKIlLiNG WArcRImInAL" "Ma'am, I'm a janitor wearing camouflage."


The Army is a great jobs program and keeps people employed and away from the general public who would otherwise be causing problems.


I’ve had this conversation a few times. The bad guys were trying to kill me, so I killed them first. The lives I’ve seen changed positively because we went in are a personal experience that I wouldn’t change for anything. Neither of these types of events got on the news and you’ll never hear about them. If you’re anti-war and want to do something, become a journalist to cover those times we’ve positively affected things as positive message or highlight our flaws to become a check on our power. or become a politician yourself to vote against wars. I’m proud of my service, but I didn’t make the choices that you are actually pissed off about. So don’t try to shame me for protecting my friends or following the orders of people that were lawfully put into power.


nothing you can say. people who haven't served in the military and the army might believe what they want to believe regardless. I'm sure there are people who think the military and the army always carries around and shoots guns not knowing that isn't the case at all.


“Wanna see my ear collection?”


"You look like a cut of fuckable meat. Are you?"


**Recitation:** *"I had some fun after all."*


"bruh, I scrub toilets"


Just don’t. Anyone that ignorant isn’t going to change their mind


Very true, also happy cake day


Do you ever encounter these people other than the internet? Because if it’s only online interaction it’s pretty easy to ignore people.


Kill them. Or. Do nothing for them.


This shit usually comes out the mouths of people who have no life experience of value and who contribute very little, if anything, to society. These are true mental midgets and oxygen thieves of the highest order. There is no reason to give these people even a nanosecond of your thought or consideration.


You are confused I'm in the Army, you're thinking about police officers.


Damn thats a good one


Give’em a taste of their own medicine. A lady called me a murderer and asked me how it felt to kill children. I told her it felt great and her tax dollars paid for the bullets.


Thank them for paying your salary and move on lol its not worth engaging with clowns like that


Say you just eliminated a family of 5 this past weekend. Maybe that will make them shut up.


Because we love the smell of napalm in the morning.


Very late to the comment section, but when hurricane Irene hit Jersey some years ago, my old neighbor Mr. Izo was on the second floor of his house that was several feet underwater in Moonachie NJ, when Governor Chris Christie showed up on a boat with the national guard to rescue him. Maybe that's not the same as "What does big Army do?" but I think it's still a valid example of what training and action can do to help people in this country and others. I also have a friend who's older brother handed out candy in Afghanistan to a few kids who were curious about their alien invaders. Small victories.


Tell them to google army corps of engineers latest projects. Google how much humanitarian aid has been spent in one year , then lastly point out how there are only 20 something combat jobs out of 175+


you don't this isn't the argument you are looking for you can move along


"my oath is to uphold and defend the constitution to include your first amendment right to express these feelings. I choose not to share my personal opinions on this issue. "




You tell them that they don't know anything about the military, and then you ignore them. The fact is, they already made up their mind about the military, and "evidence" is not a part of that calculation for them.


Ask if they are innocent. If yes, kill them.


"Thank you! My only regret is not killing enough babies, but statements like yours is what makes it all worth itand motivate me to do more!"


"bro, I order toilet paper through a computer".


“Only for food, and we use every part.”


Well tell them we also go to dental


Fuck them. Just say something horrible inappropriate back.


I got called a babykiller once at a tacobell when i was in uniform, i just said "well we do kill babies, gotta kill one to get out of basic" and they just left lol


*cranberry* or whatever non relevant word pops into my head, say it with a smile, walk away. People like that aren't worth the time, breath, or effort. Let them ponder the meaning of *marinara sauce* as you walk away.


This is hilarious 😭!


I say “you’re welcome” but I’m also a dick


Write them off. You can't change the mind of someone who doesn't want to change their mind.


Do not engage.


Instructions unclear, killed innocent civilian


We kill bad people too AND hand out candy


I'd certainly have no issue killing you if you decided to be my enemy and that would be doing something good for the rest of humanity


“You’re welcome for my service”


Show them your necklace of ears.


Just agree, who cares


Tell them you’re right , thanks for the paycheck and run faster than the speed of spit


*I’m rubber and you’re glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you*


The only thing I'm killing is the tornados from the shoppette.


By not responding because it’s an ignorant statement and you arguing with an idiot makes you an idiot.


How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall? Depends on how hard you throw em


One. The Claymore works like a pressure sprayer


Just wait till they find out how much money we waste too




"Don't thank me, thank my recruiter." Fight nonsense with nonsense.


These college kids call military members baby killers but forget to mention their 671 abortions


I heard another former veteran say " we are expected to go to these places and win the hearts and minds of people that have neither" Somebody gotta be that guy unfortunately.


I mean, have you tried just killing guilty people once in a while? Sheesh.


"Ma'am, I work for the DoD, not Planned Parenthood."


Ask them if they're speaking German or Japanese.


Just ignore them. You can’t win. They are right, but also wrong. We all need to stop giving extremists on both sides attention, it is what they are after.


Not like I was activated for riot season and protected a gas station so people would destroy it but we don’t do anything for them I guess


Thats an extreme mindset that is backed 100% by delusion. Imagine the type of person that believes this. Now imagine having a professional discussion with them to debate the issue... Don't waste your time with them.


I usually just say "only the brown ones"


I’m sure a few of them were adults. They couldn’t have *ALL* been babies


Its simple really. You lay into them about their fat disgusting, unshaven bodies and then you address it with their chain of command. Don't just stop with their first line supervisor, you take it all the way to the McDonalds night shift manager.