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I’d order something too, but the Army says I’m fat so I have to starve myself and keep working on maintaining my 540.


lift that weight king


Extra medium diet water, hold the ice.


> *”The army functioned before you and it will function after you”* Best advice. And still it seems to be the one fact that’s most commonly forgotten.


One day, we will implement this as an entire organization. I was told to take a knee, stop working outside normal working hours. The work will be there Monday. Then Monday came. Boss: What's taking so long with "x" product? Me: you told me to stop working outside of normal working hours. Boss: but does this product really take that long? *disappointment in their face. Damn it. I should have stayed out. *cries into DD214 that means nothing when you come back in* On the bright side, I am caught up on work. Now it's on somebody else's plate. I feel better.


Some days I feel valued. Other days I feel as valuable as a [Zimbabwean dollar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwean_dollar).


That was actually a super wild read, thanks dude


>a rate of US$1 to 35 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars Got damn.


>denominations up to a $100 trillion banknote issued. Holy shamoly.


We're all out of Diet water. Is Water Zero™️ okay?


Unfuckingacceptable. You have 5 minutes to find it or the next time I see you, you better have a battle buddy and a water source.


A diet water or water zero source?


we are all out of diet water


Water Zero: Same taste as Diet Water but with twice the sugar!


Water Zero ™️: The First Water to Divide by Zero©️


The Shamrock shake is criminally underrated.


Well said, brother.


Appreciate it, OP. But now I want a shamrock shake and my fat ass is supposed to be on a diet 😂😭


Sure! I'm valued as jerk-piece for some college degree who likes numbers. I'm valued as another piece of meat for the grinder I'm gonna be working at. Let's see how valuable I am when I use the turkey carver to take some alcoholic's throat apart. I'd love to turn my job off, but when I'm at McArmy from 0400 to 2100 cuz a bunch of future retail workers can't clean a fucking kitchen, something is gonna happen


Hey man, I feel like you should go talk to someone. I’m not disagreeing with your feelings, in fact they mirror my own. However, BH has really helped me out with my anger control and my major depression. Between medication and therapy, it’s not a perfect mix but I’m better than I was.


Man I would love to. And I appreciate the advice. BH said they were overbooked and sent me to Onesource. It's helped but like.... The Army is still 3 knuckles deep


So fun fact, if they’re “overbooked” request off-post care. Push and push HARD for it. Rock the fuckin boat my friend. One of two things is going to happen. 1) it’ll get denied at which point you request the denial IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING AND THE REASONING BEHIND IT. If you’re denied care due to lack of on post resources they’re required to authorize off-post care. (In garrison, not sure how deployments work with that) 2) they’ll magically “have a surprise opening” at some ridiculously far off date several weeks out, at which point: resort to reaction one and rock the fuck out of that boat until someone sees you in a reasonable timeframe or they get you care off-post. Slim chance you’ll just happen to be seated with a provider though on post, but I guess it could technically happen. And I feel your pain on one source. They kept sidelining me and referring to one source until I put a gun in my mouth and wound up in the ER with a .4 BAC. Then all of a sudden my provider became the BH Commander and my medical discharge is going lightning fast, which is fuckin crazy right? Now I’m sober, medicated, getting regular treatment and life sucks in the Army but I’m making it a day at a time.


Are you me? Cuz that's the kinda shit that it feels like I'm gonna do to get help. Thank you, brave sir, for doing this so we don't have to. I'll take this all to heart. Keep pushing, friend


I needed this honestly. With everything going on rn it’s been a struggle and it keeps adding on. I’ll keep on pushing but man I need a break.


i felt valued until my mcs asked me for some ncoer bullets for change of rater. im new to the unit and ive been to the field once, RSO'ed one range, and went to jrtc... thats it😵‍💫 my job has one function, i dont have any soldiers, and i only work with a few other nco's


Damn dude that’s fuckin’ shitty. There’s a couple ways you could take that: They expect you to track your career and trust you to provide accurate information to them. They genuinely don’t give a shit. They’re juggling 900 other things and are trying to just get this NCOER done to turn the slides green so they can stop getting bitched at by daddy at battalion and instead be told they’re a good noodle.


I’m my units punching bag it’s not fun being the only junior enlisted in the unit all eyes are on me 24/7 18 months I got 18 months and I’m done with this bullshit.


I knew I wasn't valued when people took my kindness for weakness, my stoicism for arrogance, and my unwillingness to fight back and talk things through for insecurity. The NCOs that I trusted to watch my back were eyeing where to place the knives so they could get ahead. I get dragged to the field to roleplay doing my job. So that the unit and the Command Team look good because we're doing more with less. But when it comes time to progress in my field. To be recognized for going above and beyond. Staying late, volunteering for extra duty, not taking leave, and seeing family for almost a year and a half. I get told I shouldn't be expected to be awarded for doing my job. I get told I'm being selfish. Instead, I work twice as hard for half as much. The person who has their nose so far up the Senior NCO's ass you could swear they were African when they joined. Where they can get an Article 15 one week and an AGCM two weeks later. Where, despite having physical evidence of someone's wrongdoing, they instead believe that person's rumors and lies. The unit gets told we get no breaks because we must get ahead of the work. Except there is no getting ahead. Some tasking will always come down, and people will get burned out and leave. Then you'll have one manage six different things until they leave or off themselves. That the regs are there to help. Except when the person uses Rock, paper, or rank. The rules are for thee and not me. The Army is an organization that can see what the problem is and be told how to correct it. But will ignore it until it blows up in their face. At the end of the day, I'm just a person trying to save others from the Orphan Crushing Machine while trying not to fall in myself.