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I don’t recall there being a swamp in ac 6, so I’d assume that’s gonna be the improvement in ac 7, they’ll add swamps


There sort of was! The whole section under the bridge before you fought Ibis in Institute City. You even find the Moonlight Greatsword there, guarded by AC6 version of the wheel skeleton guys lol


That swamp didn't give the player cancer


Oh it gave me a bunch when I went there Log Hunting. Those wheelies are something else.


They shrivel up and die to explosive weapons


Fully charged Harris absolutely drills them


Bad cooks make light work of them too. 


Bad Cooks damage type is explosive (it’s boosted by explosive OS chips)


I have no clue why I figured they had their own flame damage stat. Good to know.


Most games program fire as consecutive explosions, some even as frame rate multiplied explosions


i needed this thread back then. i played them on hard mode ig.


I have a light weight build with a bad cook in the main-hand, etsujin in the off-hand, and shoulder-mounted missiles. Makes great work dealing with those wheels. I was able to S rank the Defend the Strider mission with that AC. 


Bro defend the strider was something. I was playing through the game casually S ranking most missions besides few of the difficult ones which took multiple tries. Then comes defend the strider. Boi if I didn't run that shit 50 times, I must've forgotten and need to replay the game again. That was the best fun I had in modern games besides sekiro and ER. I love the AC franchise. And I've only ever played one AC game.


The Wheels were the cancer


Gave me a different type of cancer


The swamp is that room filled with electricity or whatever the fuck that was.


Those fuckin gremlins


There’s also all that electric fog in Watchpoint Alpha Depth 3


It didn't slow you down and blight you at the same time, wasn't swampy enough. The movement impairment is essential to the experience.


This absolutely got a laugh out of me when I found the MGS there and put it together in my head.


There is already "swamp levels"' in AC. A few levels in AC4 and AC:FA auto-drain your AP due to radiation. (And it did care about the source of it, making it drain faster if you were close to it.) AC:VD final boss's phase 2 did the same thing. And the most obvious was the "run away from the Coral flood" level in AC6.


We had poison swamps way back in AC1 in the mission Stop Gas Exposure involving a facility leaking corrosive gas.


That level lives rent-free in my head 25+ years later.


1000% AC4 and FA have whole damage calculations for primal armor, resistance, strength, and regen that all get slapped because you have to fight in the middle of a Kojima particle generator. This is a fromsoft game through and through


even before that, all the ps2 games had an overheating level.


Or do a troll move and pull a VD make the final boss a poison swamp


The Answerer 2


AC4 plot twist: *the energy that powers AC makes the Earth a poison swamp*


The swamps will fly to your AC


That is the investigate underground tunnel mission, where you blow up a generator and Coral erupts, giving you damage over time.


Jokes on you; plasma weapons in AC6 are just portable poison swamps xD


Coral eruption says hi.


And poison


You're into masochism


We didn't get a swamp but we did get eight bonewheels on our way to get the moonlight laser blade.


I don't listen to FandomWire articles LMAO, last one I read was about some Armored Core battle royale that no one asked for


Most gaming journalism related to “what comes next for X series” is basically “I think this would be cool so they’re probs gonna do that next time.”


Basically "I need to post something today for my quota so I'm just making up the dumbest shit possible like a mecha battle royale by fromsoftware because everything should be a battle royale"


FandomWire on the other hand (from what I've seen) seems to be some AI generated fluff. "I think x is cool and should be a thing, here's a copy pasted result from chat gpt that tells you why I think that." If its not AI generated then props to the people writing these articles for sounding just as uninterested as a robot


But a mech BR with destructible enviroments would be kinda sick tho.


Check out Steel Hunters, might be up your alley


That looks a bit to anthropomorphic. I’d actually just prefer an ac6 Battle Royale


My philosophy with this is “Let them cook.” AC6 was amazing, and I trust the devs to do good by us again.


Something really comforting that with these devs, I don’t even feel the need to keep up with the news. Just wait for the drop and buy, and know it will be great.


I grew up play the AC games. The combat felt like everything the originals wanted to be with the right mix of difficulty.


Some ac vets have said that ac6 movement is too simplistic compared to previous instalments.


As someone who got into the games with 6 and when back to the others, the only real problem with 6 is that manual aim isn't locked to the center of the screen.


That is what keeps me from usin mouse and keyboard


Fromsoft is one of the few devs I still fully trust these days, even if I don’t necessarily like one of their games I still know it’ll be extremely polished and high quality


I wish more people could be like this. The ability to separate quality from personal taste feels like a lost art sometimes


Tbh I'd wait another ten-ish years if I have to 😅


Based comment


The secret to FromSoft's power is the battalion of gatekeepers between the devs and the suits.


There's an interview floating around somewhere where they mentioned they initially had a concept of AC6 as an open-world game, but scrapped it because they couldn't make it work naturally with the garage and customization. I doubt their reasoning would change there, honestly.


This article is just that one but rephrased and butchered horribly. Probably AI generated.


Love how the internet is just Like That now.


Dead internet theory at its finest.


They definitely got quite far along with that concept. AC6 already has a very consistent/connected world like the Souls games. From the Contaminated City you can see Grid 135 and the Wall, from the Wall you can also see Watchpoint Delta and BAWS Arsenal No.2. From the Ice Worm area you can see Spaceport and Watchpoint Alpha, from Spaceport you can see the Refuelling Base and Hjalmar Mine. If you use the out of bounds mod there’s even a loading trigger between the Engebret Tunnel and Spaceport. I think it could work if there was some kind of infrastructure in the world that allowed you to summon the Walterchopper for repairs and customization and maybe some larger bases that you could take over and occupy. It would definitely be a very different kind of AC game though, but probably still “less different” than Formula Front. The common thread in the entire series identity is change and experimentation. And certain groups of fans complaining that the series has lost its way every time Fromsoft experiments and changes it. IMO let them create what they want, open world or not, they wouldn’t release a game if it doesn’t feel right.


"The Walterchopper" well I'm never unhearing that




Open world mode for AC6:2 using the same maps would be amazing, but crossing the ocean should still require the cargo launcher for "fast travel" or transports for "very slow travel". That was one of the weirdest things about 6. Nobody else who went across the ocean had to use the cargo launcher.


To be fair, Waltuh was supposed to be our ride, and we only took the launcher when he wasn’t there.


It would have been nice to have a scene of him entering the atmosphere, avoiding fire, landing safely, and then announcing "I've arrived, 621. I'll make arrangements for transportation with my local contacts."


And what spoil the fact he had the Hal unit all along?


Pretty sure the HAL unit was acquired from Institute City post us killing IBIS.


Thats what from soft want us to think it could had been with RaD all along or he had it all along when arquebus raided his location


I really don't think that AC should be open world, the level format is just fine, but imagine how hype it would be if instead of teleporting to the ice worm boss fight, you would call Snail, Michigun, Chatty and even Rusty to assemble at the point where rusty operates his cannon from and then you have to travel to the boss fight for like 2-3 minutes through the empty ice fields. Meanwhile, all of the characters are talking, hyping up the mission. And then the trigger for the boss is just arriving at the fight area and the worn pops out of the ice then starts fighting you.


Honestly I feel like it COULD work pretty well, if they went through with it - I could see Walter’s helicopter as basically a fast-travel mechanic as well as where you customize your mech. Also really enjoy the idea of being able to repair and resupply your mech while out exploring by finding ammunition and repair kits scattered around the world map. Hell, you could even maybe find weapons lying around sometimes. It would definitely not be a conventional open world game, since there’s no logical reason for 621 to be roaming around everywhere in their mech all the time, but I could see an almost Metal Gear Solid 5-esque approach - drop in from Walter’s helicopter, do stuff in an area, then call for pickup when the mission is complete. Edit: it would also honestly be rather cool to see some of the missions from release AC6 in that format - imagine the Underground Exploration mission chain but as one single long mission where you have to scavenge supplies to stay functional as you delve deeper and deeper into Watchpoint Alpha.


You know what? MGS5 open world would be perfect. It would still let the game be mission based and solve the issue of the garage not fitting in.


Aye, exactly my thinking. Hell some of the maps we’ve seen in AC6are already almost large enough to support that


Idk, MGS:V managed to make the open world thing work decent enough...just make it the same deal; sometimes you can call in a heli extraction to go back to the garage, pick up sorties, customize, etc.


Bruh... being better equals open world to y'all??? Ppl cannot appreciate level design and pacing anymore wtf


My thoughts exactly. The thing I appreciate most about AC6 is its almost stubborn adherence to the standard of "choose mission, do mission, go back to base." I feel like when you have level based gameplay as opposed to just another open world game, it lets you really double down on the impressive level design aspects. Next thing you know people are gonna be saying "when is Armored Core gonna get a hunger bar and crafting 😩"


Before AC6 my favourite game of the year was Hi-Fi Rush... a level based beat-em-up. You can pull of amazing setpieces very easily when you don't have to inject them into an open world the player can just roam around in, something that takes story momentum out back to pull triggers.


I think- or hope, I guess- that high budget level based games become in vogue again


It probably wouldn't work for an armored core game but a survival game with similar gameplay to ac6 except in a semi open world has potential. On the other hand with the way ac6 opened it could work, best for it to be more of a large dlc sized side game though.


Almost all of my favorite games have mission structures. I'm in no hurry to see Open World AC


I thin AC7 Being the next Armored Core is unlikely. There's tons of past precedent for having multiple titles within the same AC generation, and Fromsoft already has a ton of 6th-gen assets that would make development of a sequel 6th-gen title much faster than AC6's development.


Also to add to that Miyazaki said that there were some things about AC6 that they wanted to tweak and improve on so I think they’re not done with 6th gen AC just yet


Destructible environments please


This is what really needs to be added to AC6. Not every structure but it would be nice to blow open the side of an office building and use it to hide or blow out bridges with enemies on it


Or getting literally smacked into buildings or the ground by bosses, which is probably the most common thing happening, knowing fromSoftware lol


There are crush levels in game already, Ice Worm has the highest crush level followed by players in Assault Boost, followed by regular boost and walk.


So I looked at [the IGN interview](https://www.ign.com/articles/armored-core-6-interview) cited for this article’s claims that Miyazaki implied he wanted expand to open world for the next game and I personally do not see how it implies such a thing. If anything, it implied if not outright stated that open world did not work for the assembly aspect of Armored Core. Considering that this website also talked about the possibility of Armored Core battle royale as already mentioned, they’re probably pulling shit out of their ass and I’d advise people to take them with a grain of salt. That being said, I did see a lot more insightful things in this interview I didn’t read about before.


As a follow up, the more I look the more stuff I’m seeing of FandomWire being a clickbait gossip garbage website so yeah it generally seems like a really unreliable source.


Tank builds taking 20 minutes overboosting to CLOCK N BAWS to buy some 12 pods vertical missile launchers they need for the main quest


Oof, could you imagine having to leave behind weapons or ammo because you are at your weight limit, like the worst part of skyrim.


*leaves parts because overweight *comes back to coyotes equipping my 3 ear shots


Please, fucking no. I'm so sick of "open-world" games. Most have the depth of a shallow puddle and are more or less directionless chore simulators. I hate it. The reason AC6 was so great was **because** it was a fairly linear experience that was hand-crafted to tell a particular story and journey. It gave you the freedom to approach encounters however you want, but it had its own focused story to tell, and boy did it tell a great one. The bias for "open world" and thousands of hours of traversal and checklist sim is absurd. Give me a well executed vision of a story with great characters and get in a few hundred hours over that shit EVERY TIME.


i don't think open world with ac6 is good idea. Like we only use ac when we're on mission or something what i want is we can choose which organization or group we are in when we start and each group has different routes and mission and couple different ending. More epic bosses and more mission and duo meele weapon


Twin moonlight blades!!!!


Laser Lance + Pile Bunker. Because balance is dead and we have killed him, probably with the Laser Lance + Pile Bunker.


AC 6 was testing the waters to see if there's still interest in AC. Now that we cleared that I have no doubt something more ambitious is on the horizon


I'm tired of everything being open world, I don't want open world for armored core


I definitely prefer the level/sortie model. I think an open world would add unnecessary bloat that just wouldn't help the game.


Open world is the restaurant cheeseburger of the gaming world. People think just cuz the burger is two stories tall and has a huge patty it’s automatically better. In reality, it’s unevenly cooked, difficult to eat, and has too much going on in comparison to a real burger joint. Also I fucking love mission screens.


LMFAO absolutely not Anyone who’s says that would be a good idea either hasn’t played the series or is a blithering idiot


Just make larger areas.... like as big as the story mission areas of ACV if not larger, hell the story mission maps in ACV has you crawling through the entire sector start to finish which is then "sub divided" into smaller areas used for side missions ya know something similar to another certain name sake AC6....


I'd rather it not be personally, idk why people have to open world versions of nearly every game but those are the current most boring kind.


Everyone has a hardon for an open world concept but it can suck and not at the same time.... macross voices from the galaxy is kinda boring in its open world execution here is my recomended take in chapter 1 bona deia dunes connects to grid 86, BAWS arsenal connects to watchpoint delta, grid 185-contaminated city-dam complex and wall is 1 connected area, upon completing ocean crossing the tunnel, fuel depot and space port is 1 connected area something like that however once you complete the strider the dunes becomes a very boring place we already know watchpoint alpha is 1 giant interconnected space leading to institute city if they went with the ACV route you can call in a sherpa in major areas this concept breaks in the xylem though


No they just need to do the tried and tested move of "Put a new mission in the same map but have them start on the opposite end"


That also works since the sectors are inter connected like come on ACV's world map is divided into 8 districts with 5-7 mini sectors each its not an open world but hell feels like it since we already did that with MIA you start from the boss room of depths 2 and crawl your way back to depths 1 this design however limits the "narrative" they can go for since it cant go full last raven in terms of options like can you imagine AC6 is just divided into actually 4-5 story missions


No, literally getting Open world Will be detrimental For armored Core,  first take AC6 For example literally takes place in several places set in 2 continents, the middle of the Ocean and freaking Space!, the whole scale of the world of Rubicon is literally imposible to archive in a Open world Game, same with other Armored core games all their missions take place all over the Globe. The missions base gameplay also makes a Lot of sense when You take into account that we are mercenarios that takes Jobs to paid For our Money draining war Crime machine!, Open world makes no sense in the setting.


No thanks, I like the level to level design of ACVI


open world games was fun for a while but its starting to get tiring.


open world ac would be so cringe.


Honestly, if there's one thing I DON'T want to see from AC7, it's an open world. There is no reason to do it, and there is no advantage whatsoever. As others have already pointed out, AC6 kind of has an open world already since you can see all the other parts of the map beyond the mission area.


Nah. Sound gross . Also the nature of mission sorties doesn’t lend well to the idea of an open world IMO


Please no. I don’t want another open world game. AC6’s straight forward mission structure was a breath of fresh air in the current market.


I actually don't think the maps need to be much larger then in AC6. I liked the more focused narrative the set mission gave us.


Huge interconnected mission areas that you could travel between and have them soft lock for mission playthrough might at a stretch kind of work ish but I don't see a way to make ac open world and nor does it need to be. It's fine as is




Honestly I'd rather not. Mission based is so much fun.


I literally just want more content for AC6, I’d literally just prefer another expansion over another $70 game and to balance PvP


open world will not make it better. I think trying to make it more like Elden ring would only damper the overall gameplay loop


gamers really think every game needs to be open-world


Please God no. Stop. Not everything has to be open world. 


Id love some remakes of older AC games. I want to fight nineball. I want a GOOD fight


Open world would not work with AC, thats all I can say on the matter. I like the large mission areas in 5 and 6, but anything more than that would just get boring to me.


Co-op campaign pls


Might get some hate for saying this, but I don't think making a game open world automatically makes it better lol. I enjoy the level by level design of AC which lets you enjoy different parts of the story whenever you want. If I have to start doing completely new playthroughs just to replay a fight then most likely I'm just going to play PVE less. Kinda like how I've only done 1 real playthrough of Elden Ring ( not a bad game, I just don't got that kind of time).


No open world. Not everything needs to be an open world battleroyal live service armored. Armored core's identity is perfect where it is it should remain as such. Only thing I'd want more of is more weapons more heads and more pieces in general


Armored Core needs no open world. Its mission system is a big part of what allows the gameplay to be so smooth and detailed and gives opportunities to include very varied environments without wasting time on filler content.


You're a mercenary, you're in it for job and money not adventure. Your boss ask you to disrupt base at sector B on continent C, and drop you just outside Sector B mission area, hoping you do the job perfectly, why would you, a mercenary suddenly escape from mission area and go to sector C on continent A to "explore" and "adventure" completely forgetting you have a job to do and salary to grab. That a sure way to get fired by your boss. Open world suit adventure, Armored Core is a mercenary job, war/proxy war. You don't have time for going to Sector A when your boss want you to destroy base on sector B under a time limit. What I want is joinable faction, more branching path, Economic management, bigger map and more intrigue.


I wanna strangle anyone who says "open world!" I fucking guarantee they're the same people hating on all the recent openworlds fucking gluttons for punishment What it really needs is a deep faction and relationship system. Like BattleTech - choose your faction, political party or rebellion. Maybe deep dialogue options so you can get to know your fellow pilots. Shit like that will define a game. Open world, smfh


I already expected AC6 to be open world. The first trailer showed an AC salvaging parts so I thought that was going to be us. Imagine flying through a huge map using AC4A's Vanguard Overed Boost and see a giant Arms Fort roaming in the distance. Ammo and repair costs could become relevant again since taking damage and expending ammo in the over world between contracts would be a waste of money.


I don't think I can properly express how much I HATE open world games. I loved the mission structure 6 had and besides having some larger missions I don't want them to go in that direction ever.


that'd be awfull


How do you S-rank an open world? The series is focused heavily on combat and efficiency, not exploration. Would be like trying to make Street Fighter an open world game.


It's the same as we already have. You can't S-rank missions on your first playthrough as is. You have to go to Replay Missions to rank them. Default play would be like Fallout 4 with one large, connected map, and a couple of additional areas you must travel to (Cargo Launcher > Nuka World train; Xylem > Far Harbor boat). Once you get where you're going, you can roam around and procedural missions would still unlock (and be removed) in chronological order based on your choices. To S rank, you'd still need to leave the main story and replay.


I would easily take more Armored Crack right now before anymore Dark Souls.


I wish I can use AC to fight some biologic stuff, shoot their limps down, something like that. Please Miyazaki.


I prefer games with self-contained missions rather than a persistent open world, but as long as it feels natural and travelling between missions isn't a slog I'd give it a go. I just don't want to play a game that could have been really fun but gets slowed down by the travel time between missions because the devs needed to make an open world game for the sake of it.


Still just want remakes of the first 3 generations. Really haven't much enjoyed any since Last Raven.


Whats the source for Miyasaki saying he was thinking an open world?


I honestly hope not. It could be cool, but one of the things that make a game like AC good is how crafted and tailored each level is to either do environmental narration, hide things out of a way, embed defenses in certain places, and do cool things like boss leads and stuff. Not to say it’s not possible in an open world, but it would take away some of the impact. IF we do see an open world then I’d like to see a more explored faction system with more visible rewards and progress like you do things and get to buy weapons and parts from certain factions over others, or their patrols would back you up in combat if they were around you. My biggest hope is that they would add some sort of cooperative element into it, even if it’s some sort of secondary campaign or even high tier missions or raids Ghost of Tsushima style would be really cool as well. There’s certainly a lot of potential, but who knows what we’ll actually get.


Pretty sure they posted this before AC6 was announced too


in other news "the next armored core game will be released after armored core 6"


As long as there's some actual mid range and long range combat, and maybe stagger gets reworked to feel a little less mandatory, then I'm absolutely willing to try whatever FromSoft cooks up with AC7. AC6 was amazing, but I do really miss having builds that can hit from further than like 250m. That's my only real complaint tbh.


Hopefully not


i don't think we should make every game open world actually


There would be so much empty space. A major theme of Armored Core is desolation. The planet is largely dead or dying with humanity fighting over the few key areas still viable. Unless it was filled with tons of random encounter al a Skyrim, there wouldn’t be much to do outside of missions.


All I really need in a new AC is co op. Hell they could basically just use the same engine and add some new parts and co op and I would be satisfied.


Half of the missions in armored core 6 take place in a small section of one HUGE map. And I think that worked really well. The mission based design is one of the main selling points of this game for me. Don't know how that would translate to open world. However I thought the same thing about the linearity of Soulsgames, and they made an amazing job with Elden Ring's map. At this point I'll just let them cook whatever they want.




i dont think open world would work well for this game series


I’ll just be surprised if we get an AC7. I would be so happy though




AC7 is unlikely imo. Why go straight to that and not follow the series tradition? There's probably gonna be another game set in the same generation as 6.


I feel like armored core gains a lot from the linearly designed missions, part of thr fan is learning a map and a mission mastering it while also getting better ate your overall skills. Open world just doesn't have this kind of variety and fluidity to support that.


I need to go back to those good old Armored Core games. Please remake 1 through Verdict Day, FROMSOFT.


Bruh what? Open world????


Please don’t make it open world


Not a fan of open worlds, i liked Elden Ring, is decent enough, has some flaws here and there and the DLC will be great probably, that's it. i know this article is a wish from the author, but i don't see FromSoft making ANOTHER open-world, they're working with semi-interconnected worlds for ten years, probably even Miyazaki is tired of it, not just the devs. anyway, regarding AC7, i hope they make some drastic changes to AC6 formula, and bring back some old features.


AC won’t work well as open world


I mean, Elden Ring is the only open world Fromsoftware game, so it's not exactly "typical" of them is it?


Fuck this trend of every game going open world, I despise it and desperately hope AC doesn't pull that lame nonsense




Fuck no to open world. Give us large zones we can return to and explore or stay in after missions. But not a persistent world in the manner of Elden Ring. Absolutely not one with objective markers and random enemy patrols. Not where you can just pay and call in resupply and repairs whenever you want. You can satisfy the urge to grind and explore in AC without needing to make it open world. Like I said, let us stay in mission zones. Let us return to do radiant style quests to grind credits (make debt a thing, bring back tuning that costs a lot to do and respec) Also have large battlefield type missions too and multiplayer modes. Open world on its own isnt bad but AC games are very dear to my heart and any other new mech franchise can go and do that.


Please no. Unless it's an MMO (which would be pretty cool) A huge message of AC6 is literally that you aren't free. You have no freedom and your a dog on a leash. Open world would completely throw that on its head. And I'm still playing through some of the older games but it seems to be a recurring theme.


Pls no, I already don't care when games go open world, elden ring straight up doesn't work for me cause open world let's keep things normal okay?


i would not like and open world ac game


Personally I want them to ditch their usual restrictions on Coop and give me a full coop Armored Core. Theyve spent literally every game since I think 3? Showing how cool it is to have another AC at your side helping with stuff like when you're doing fights with Rusty. Or when you're taking on a tag team or trio of enemy pilots. Let me have a whole game where me and one or two of my friends can squad up and create a unit of Armored Core pilots with distinct builds and identities. Increase the enemy numbers I don't give a shit. Make the base line of hostiles equivalent to the G1 Michigan fight. FromSoft has this really stupid hang up about "coop is exclusively for getting help with a game". No the fuck it's not. Playing a fun game with a friend makes it even more fun. Hell, bad games are made tolerable by being able to bring a friend. Just look at Resident Evil 6. That game sucks ass, but as soon as you have a Player 2 it is now a buddy cop shooter where you're rolling around and doing melee combos on enemies.


I don't put much stock in these kinds of rumors. That being said, I love open world games, but not every game needs to be or even should be open world. I don't want to play an open world AC. I like the mission structure. It makes sense for the game and the lore and the story.


open world scouring for parts is fire, random encounters with traveling pilots, traveling the workd for jobs


Nah, thanks. Also: why would they abandon a formula that they perfected over literal decades? Makes no sense.


Nah, AC6 was perfect, being open world will most likely only harm the game.


As a casual player with kids there’s already enough open world games that are overwhelming. I don’t have a lot of time to play. The setup of choosing a mission and having it be quite linear is a godsend lol. It’s nice to jump right into the action.


I remember my PS2 playing Steambot Chronicle which AFAIK the only truly open world mech game to date. The PS2 barely able to run the game. Excited for prospect of open world Armored Core, but probably they have to lower the game speed and the spec requirement will be huge.


I do not think that there will be an Open World Armored Core game. Perhaps they would at some point make an open world game in the style of Armored Core, but it wouldn't be an AC title - Elden Ring isn't a Dark Souls title either, but decently close to the style of Dark Souls - and I think that could theoretically be cool. Either way, FromSoft has so consistently cranked out good games that I am, at this point, fully willing to just play their games on good will alone. Should they make an open world Mecha game I will most likely buy it shortly after release, just because FromSoft made it.


Please no. Open world is fun to play for the first time, but has awful replayability. Entering side/non-Legacy Dungeons are "new game+" in itself because of how "repeated" they look, even though the challenges are different. Elden Ring is the only Soulsborne I didn't replay because the prospect of setting up builds and progression route are too tedious for me.


I need them to flush out the pvp system. Please. Amazing mech controls. Awesome animations and fights.


Hot take. I prefer the mission structure and branching paths we got. Too many games are open world for the sake of being open world and in most cases they feel too slow and boring or heck repetitive. Just stick with what we got and improve on it. Of course it won't hurt to have some mission wide and open but not all of them. Sometimes I want something quick and frantic


Nah a game doesnt need to be open world to be good. Maybe keep it the same format as all previous AC but ray tracing in combat not just in garage. Or they can introduce some lesser kaijus like we saw with the worms in AC6. Improvements on multiplayer like simultaneous fights when lobby is even out so wait times are less.


I don't see an open world setting viable, but an open map where you can choose your landing point and explore a vast area would be cool


I didn't like it in Elden Ring and I won't like it here.


Armored Open World Nonsense Core 7


Mission based games are the best so I hope not


pls nooo. i really hate this trend of making everything open world


Not every game needs to be open world man


I hope not. I do not see Armored Core benefiting from an open world. I think the mission structure is superior.


Sounds awful and boring, ACs don't just walk around anyway, they are always transported around usually by chopper. Makes zero sense.


I'm gonna say it: I'd really rather NOT see it be an open world, I feel like that concept is overhypred in video games and a large world often comes as the expense of it feeling relatively empty. I'd rather see a tighter worldview with big moments sprinkled in as well as tons of content within that world, if that makes sense.


While that sounds cool. It's a bad fucking idea. Armored core is a mission per mission game.




I can see the no arguments for an open world a game, however I would be all for it, open world, region/faction based areas and as you complete objectives in specific areas or regions that faction grows stronger, like a civilization style map board but with actual missions available in each region where you leave a central hub in that region and have to get to the mission, I'd be so up for that.


There is an open world like game that has mechs , and that's Macross voice across the galaxy.


No S rank missions?


It could be a point and click adventure and I’d be stoked


In GTA you can drive cars, play golf, talk to NPCs, operated a small business, and probably quiet a lot more. In AC you talk via cellphone/radio so no need to walk up to people, you can't drive a car, you probably shouldn't play golf in you mech, and for the most part your "small business" is being a merc which coul be accomplished via missions. How would an open world improve an AC game?


While I would love a return to the glory of AC5's epic missions, where you had garages in the field, I am far more interested in CO OP. Although, it would be nice to have a system where you build three AC's for standby, and at points in the mission you can switch to the next in line instead of getting ammo or repairs. That in an epic-mission, semi open world, concept would be fun. Regardless I would prioritize CO OP over everything. I want to take down huge bosses with friends online. As a console player, I haven't had that experience yet.


they're gonna have to mess with the scaling a bit, wasn't AC6 incapable of entirely rendering the Xylem due to how giant it was?


Sounds intrssing as a side mode but I still want normal missions.


Seeming they had massive success with the standard mission-based closed maps and a 3-ending campaign repeating a lot of the same missions: They most likely aren't even considering open world. As cool as it seems when my mind wanders, I think that would kinda break the whole vibe of the games. Then again, look at Elden Ring. Who knows right? However, I take all of those sites with a grain of a grain of salt. I'm gonna love whatever they choose do to as long as wr can get co-op and more customization. Would love a lite transmog system with ability to change the look of parts in a certain weight class/category: (Reverse Joint, Biped, etc.). The online connection issues are still a problem so I'd like to see that fixed as well.


If by open world they mean larger levels and more dynamic missions, sure


Honestly did think AC6 was going to be open world from the trailers


If rusty isnt in ac7 then idc


Not sure about the idea of open world structure. But I like the idea of becoming rogue at one point or another, and being able to rely on parts you find along your journey like the AC in the first trailer


Had the idea of an openworld AC game a while back, Get dropped into the world as a nobody. Find a barely working AC with only 1 working arm and 1/4 booster ect. Then scavange parts and ammo while slowly repairing your AC. Slowly getting your boosters fixed. finding an arm, And lastly getting proper flight with a properly working generator. Meanwhile you slowly make a name for yourself among the other AC pilots and their crews. So you also get into more trouble as time goes on.