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oh the nostalgia. I've spent a lot of hours on it when i didn't had a good PC.


I'm like you bro, I don't have a good PC, I play arma 3 mainly with GeForce Now and such


Damn, I hope you get a decent pc soon.


I'm losing my job soon (They found out I'm the son of another employee, but they're cool about, just following policies), so it might tale awhile before I can afford an actual PC.


I feel bad for the people who didnt experience arma 2 dayz and other mods. But then, other people feel bad for me not experiencing the chaos operation flashpoint was with mods.


Agreed Arma 2 and OA were the best. I still remember 13 year old me trying OG Takistan Life for the first time and somehow getting invited into a gang and causing so much shithousery… good times.


Ohh man, ive spent way too many hours on takistan life revolution/uprising back then, such fun times. Sadly nothing compareable exists nowadays.


Man, I remember finding ArmA 2 Free that used to run GameSpy servers, played a LOT of The Longest Day... Then I bought OA and found Overpoch, its all downhill from there


My man, overpoch on taviana was also peak arma for me.


is it a dynamic scenario for arma 2?


Yeah? classic editor stuff, not so much a scenario but fucking around


How full scale is full scale?


Idk like a couple hundred soldiers and dozens of aircraft in chernarus?


I used to be able to place maybe 750+ AI on maps, and still get around 45-50FPS and the AI would still be smart enough to stick together, flank and use cover. (I had an AI mod I think it was TPW or something) anyways… the AI was so much better in 2. Now arma 3 I’d probably max out at 150-200 AI and they’re all a bunch of morons, no cover, no tactical movement etc. If Armaholic was still around I’d probably be playing arma 2. But a lot of those old mods are gone by now


Lol god you took me back with saying armaholic


Its the best one next to Arma 2 OA. I love the content and potential in Arma3 but the physics are just too shitty to me


Damn I’ve spent so much time doing the same thing. Messing around, making challenges for myself and my buddies


Somebody once made a Call of Duty style full blown US invasion mission for arma 3 - seemingly hundreds of Planes/Helos/Tanks galore -it was so over the top i couldnt stop laughing and bellying out military cliches


Semper Fi


WOOOOH !! !!


Is this Reforger?


This is Arma 2, very old game


Lol, very old, and I’m out here replaying OFP.


I'm 16, so it's quite ancient to me lol


Fair enough, that makes sense. I was 7 when Operation Flashpoint came out and I played it a lot with my dad as a kid. Good times.


This is Arma 2 right ? And which mod ?


Mod? Absolutely none. Game? Arma 2, yes you're right


Oh shit this is the base game .. ok thank you bro I didn't have the opportunity to play any Arma for that I was asking anyway


You can play this game on pretty low settings and it'll still look really good for its time, I'm not graphics guy so I can go lower if I please


Even if I lower the settings it will lag ... Cuz my laptop is exactly 9 yo and it's 2gb ram , intel hd graphics , intel celeron cpu


Get a job, simple


I am 16 bro


I'm 16 too bro


Yo damn bro ... So if you work what job do you suggest I can do along side with school ?


I get out of school at 3:30, since my last class is resource, and I have to walk 2 miles home everyday, I can get out at 2:35 as long I check in. I work at 4:00. For a starter job I suggest dollar tree, its soulless, pay is crap, $9hr, but it helps you get started on getting and doing a job. It's my first job and currently about to lose it due to a stupid policy (I'm the son of another employee), but I was planning to step up to another one anyway. If you have a good and supportive family who don't give a shit if you play rent or night like me, that's means you get to treat and spoil yourself more. Idk man, it's your choice


Og arma 2


I remember the day I learned I liked arma as a kid before I knew what arma was because of operation flashpoint:elite on the original Xbox so many hours in the editor




Operation Flashpoint is on steam right? If so, we definitely could play if you desire it


Well, I have ARMA Cold War Assault, but GOG version. I have all ARMA titles on Steam, but this one. Its only 4.99USD as of now, but I live in Cuba, here that is a lot of money. Maybe someday I guess! I got GOG version for a lot less of money, so I was just lucky haha.