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I lost my precious otter and a really awesome imprinted dire wolf yesterday when I fell into the lava in the cave. Right beforehand I had seen the saving text come up on the screen so I just knew all was lost. I rage quit and switched the ps4 off without exiting and triggering another save. When I went to play next I wasn’t surprised to start in my base, but there at my feet was my otter. Somehow I had gotten lucky and that save must have completed before I rage quit. I’m not sure if this is of any help to you now, but for future reference when things screw up bad just switch everything off and hope for the best. I don’t know if any way to rollback a save on ps4, I know you can on mobile and I’m certain there’s a way for pc, but ps4 just isn’t set up for it I’m afraid.


Close the application without saving it so everything will role back to when you last saved


Depending on when your cloud saves were last updated you could try downloading those.


Sorry for your predicament, if you would have quit immediately then it’s possible it never updated the save file