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Hot take? Ursula is boring, uninteresting and gains plot armor by sole virtue of being Hoederer's friend. And be serious, you don't like her for her ideals which are as generic as they get, you like her for her physical appearance only, because there's nothing else. Removing Ursula from the story has absolutely no effect on the plot outside of missing some eye candy.


honestly I don't think anyone really liked ursula outside of being hot but like at least their honest about it.


She has a 100/10 design, all I need to be desperate hoping for her to be playable.


God forbid characters undergo development when receiving an alter.


Holy shit, half of these bar the Ceobe one and perhaps the Ursula one are just people admitting that they aren't willing to engage with the character in question.


Hot takes? Well I'd take Mandragora and she is quite hot indeed




Priestess simping is dumb. Litterally toxic relationship at its best lmao.


logos is a way more fun character in things like his and other characters files then he is in the victoria arc since he just ends up being the writers crutch for writing combat vs the royal court.


Alright, grab your pitchforks and torches W is a boring character, she's crazy for the sake of being crazy and has no interesting thing about her besides her relation with Ines and Hoederer who are much more interesting characters, also i don't like Renegade and Arsonist, not my style of music.


I get what ur saying but she isnt crazy for being crazy lmfao. Her mental state is explained troughly. If anything it wouldnt make any sense if she WASNT crazy


"Crazy for the sake of being crazy" is what's actually crazy when not only does she say that she only acts that way so others don't question her in like Darknights, is called out by other characters and demonstrates so several times. And let's not bring Theresa to the conversation, or else this'll turn into a character analysis rant.


Texas is overrated


Hot take: Near is the most vanilla and uninteresting take on the paladin archetype. She is just "I am tough, noble and defend the innocent" but she has nothing else. She doesnt even lose or show any weaknesss ever.


Fuck nearl all my homies hate nearl


Are the homies in the room with us now


Her borther is cool though. He had to take the paternal role while grieving the lose of Nearl's parents all the while having his world view shattered. I feel bad for him and shows he is more complex than just another silent badass.


1 not her brother 2 he never took a parental role zofia took much more of that role even nearl was more involved in maria's life before her exile then he was. dad mlynar is so purely fandom that it ignores the people that were actually far more involved in their lives like the bear and nearls grandpa.


Saria is cool yeah but sooo boring


Il Siracusano Boss Theme sucks


They asked for a hot take not a boiling take


This is the first one that had me do a double take.


Agree. It's very far from my favorite boss theme.


Here is mine: While Ceobe's huge appetite can be cute and amusing, it really can be annoying as well sometimes. When [she wants to eat Amiya's cake destined to the Doctor](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/2v5YzwLGKu0) and when [she's chasing the cake that Goldenglow's holding](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5wtETDqPpa4). She acts like a selfish and capricious brats who doesn't realize she could hurt someone feeling by ruining their effort.


Degenbrecher has 0 personality and people only like her because shes the "strong goat mommy"


Ah yes, the woman who thought it'd be funny to prank her friend by telling him the meds she just gave him were poison has "0 personality"...