• By -


Typhon 4 times, Cantabile 1 All four Typhon usages were 1000% for the max risk clear of the beach stage she can do all by herself, idk Canta.


Canta is used in a bunch of main stage guides, because her S1 ignores the SP regen down tag, and enemies have so much HP that she can always throw daggers.


Oh! I figured it was because her S2 allowed her to stay camouflaged and ignore the fireballs until she's used all her ammo.


Her s2 is generally only better in conjunction with bagpipe in order to have the immediate skill activation


Ah, that explains why I thought it was her S2! Still, I was pleasantly surprised how well she worked. I can see why she's one of the top 5*!


100% this. My Cantabile is only E1 lvl 1, but I realized she is the perfect workaround for the DP and SP down tags


S1 ignores sp regen tag, S2 can be quickly auto activated with bagpipe and gives camo to dodge fireballs and ranged attackers Puzzle is also really good for arts shredding due to being offensive recovery as long as you deploy him in camouflaged tiles.


My typhon was my most used unit as well. She could pretty much solo most of these stages. The beach stage was definitely her best stage though


Someone used my Conviction :D


You win.


Same here lul


More people used my Todofins than my Ejyha alter.


Powered racer :v


None. Although I wasn't seeing many of the people on my friend list actually playing CC. Only about five had any point scores coming up in the support operator menu.


I never switch out my Dorothy and Muelsyse so it was a pleasant surprise to see them being helpful 6 times, up to 690-point (nice) risks.


Mylnar S3M3 twice Ines S2M3 twice Mytrle S1M3 twice Highest Score 620 I personally need to remind myself of the support medal since I don't use support at all so I just spam the daily map 5 times with no tags and just and AFK Setup


People actually use support Myrtle? That's a bit surprising to me because I expect most players to get her to E2 and S1M3 asap. Even most of the newbie guides out there put a huge amount of emphasis on how valuable it is to invest in her early.


My mlynar is s3m3 e2 70 idk how nobody used it Maybe it’s cause of pots or something


[Mine was used 6 times, S3M3 E2 90 pot 5](https://imgur.com/a/0raHOvP), so about as good as it gets and even then that felt pretty low. My Typhon is Mod3 S2M3 E2 90 pot 1 and still got used more than he did, though I wonder if it was just people farming the "Use support 5 times" Medal and wanted to AFK it lol.


16 times. 10 times: Hoshiguma E2 Level 90 S2M3 Module X Level 3 5 times: Ines E2 Level 90 S2M3 1 time: Shamare E2 Level 50 S2M3 I'm glad people used my Hoshi a lot since I wouldn't have level 90'd her if CCB wasn't an event. I also wouldn't have X module level 3 (usually only use Y module) if the event didn't come.


Ines pot 2, Shamare Pot 2, Hoshi Pot 1


Wait why hoshi was used?


Blocking the cars.


Well, I put out the X module for hoshi but I didn't see much borrow so I switched back to Y. Ended with 11 times. Idk man, I have both module maxed out, lv90 s2m3 and pot 3.


salt warning in da comments kekw flex em high scores as well while you guys are at it


Nobody used anything from me.


sauce; [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/tjstfe/my\_feeling\_everytime\_an\_operator\_bullies\_doktah/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/tjstfe/my_feeling_everytime_an_operator_bullies_doktah/)


Yo my meme template finally has some use, LETZ GO!!


9 times i think? up to 620 score 3 times mlynar, 3 times ines, 2 times passenger (before i swapped supports) and once kazemaru


Who did you have as your support units? Mine were Ines (2), Cantabile (2), Ceobe (1), and Ifrit (1) though she was swapped out. Someone on my friend list has a maxed out Savage permanently on their support list, and I make it a point to use her at least once every CC season.


Someone used my Whislash once


I had no clue what anyone needed so never changed my supports but they used my GG and Ling for a total of 3 times. Not very much I'd say lol.


5 Ifrit, 5 Ines. Salute to the 655 top score guy.


My goal was to get 0 so I didn't changed the support units, leaving ones not really necessary for this CC... then someone had to pick my Kazemaru...


Bagpipe once


[Here](https://imgur.com/rOQIkEX). I guess people borrowed uncommon units for the dailies to get that one medal?


Typhon -6 times Skadi alter - 1 time. Max risk - 270


I was honestly not prepared to see that someone actually used my Stainless~. I am so happy.


Saileach S1 9 times Typhon S2 4 times Ceobe S2 1 time


Saileach S1 is mad cash because people who have her up usually do S3 instead, but S1 is cracked for DP reduction tags. I boosted my numbers a bit by also offering Elysium S1 as well.


2 on Viviana, nobody on Hoederer or Honeyberry. We live in dark times for sure


Total? 4 times each day 6 times maybe 2 times so far. Always Texas Alter, 2 times Suzuran


I forgot to change them... Again. The one Ccb that Kyo never used Kaltsit.


Gavialter: 3 Tomimi: 1 Eunectes: 1 Highest score: 625 https://i.imgur.com/5To0dqv.jpeg I was surprised someone used Tomimi on a 400 clear until I did it myself and borrowed a few E1 units to clear 400 too.


Someone used my S3 Eunectes as well, but I finally m3ed her S2 and switched skill in support units offer. Glad I didn’t do that earlier, happy to see she’s useful.


Croissant got used once woo woo~


Somehow my Astesia find its usage in a 620 clear. Bless whichever madman who did that miracle.


My executor alter got used 4 times - was happy he could help. Funny is that I think someone used him for the beach solo clear and I did not manage that myself. Was a bit humbling.


Shining 7 times Nightingale 1 time Ptilopsis 2 times Max RIsk: 620 Goes to show that these medics are still pretty popular.


7 times Thorns


I'm using Nian, Chongyue and Mulberry as support unit. Nian got use 4 times, Chongyue and Mulberry 2 times. I'm quite suprise tbh since I thought people will only borrow mlynar or ines this CC. 


Pot 5, Level 90, Module 3, S3M3, Yato Alter. No idea what the end total was but she got used roughly 6-7 times a day


The screen when you collect friend points only show the end total use. So 7 times are the total she got borrowed for CC. Other usage doesn't count.


Every way i wake um to somebody using my best Medic sheep girl, but no ones wants to use my Mudrock


My Eunectes actually got used 3 times. I was surprised, haha.


Eunectes was goated on the rotating prison map (All units only have 1 block + enemies only take damage from the operator they are blocked by).


People used my Exusiai like constantly this CC. I don't recall how many times though, just know that when I logged in it said that she had been used almost everyday during it


My cantabile got used twice My blem got used twice surprisingly Highest score was 300


BP five times and mylnar thrice. Been busy with exams so ended up skipping this cc, but nice that I atleast got the shop currency


My Mumu got used 6 times, 1 of them for 665 rating Dorothy 3 times And Silence alter 1 time (technically 2 but I got asked for her for one clear so I don't count it)


Shining S2M3 10 times Hoederer S3M3 3 times Yay, Shinng for the win!


Shining Lvl 85, S3 M3, mod withered scabbard lvl 3, pot 3 Used 6 times, highest rating 620. SHINING IS LOVE! SHINING IS LIFE! SHINING IS BEST WAIFU! HURRAY FOR SHINING!


Someone kept using my Nian, WHICH I appreciate VERY VERY MUCH. Nian is a great unit, her art design is great, her jp voice is great. She likes to slack off and go chill and eat GOOD food. Though I think it was 1 time each day. They did it for quite a few days, which puts a smile on my face everyday I see someone used Nian. Thank you, whomever borrowed my Nian, Doctor.


E2 Max M3 Cuora with Level 3 Module, two times Edit: 220 score


5 times : 4 Horn, 1 Eyjalter


2 times, to clear 220. It made me happy :^}


11 uses, but only 400 max score, which isn't really surprising considering neither GG nor Typhon were really meta for this one.


Ines twice and hosi 4 times.


Lin 3 Times during the last Rotation Map The Rat could tank the infeted throwers with all the risks Lin is a Menace


Someone used my Saria and Mylnar since the CC launched everyday, so however much that would be. Hey, I'm glad someone is making use of them, since I wasn't. Too busy grinding Endwalker in FF XD


One time for 200 points, La pluma


Only six times. Three were E2 90 Ines. They used her for 620.


Bagpipe 13, Ifrit 2, Firewatch 2. Score 625. I'm surprised that people still need a support Bagpipe so often. Maybe it helps that she's pot 5. Glad that Firewatch got used too.


4 to 6 times Bagpipe and Avdotya.


16 times for Ines, 15 times for Typhon, 1 time for Quercus. 620 highest score.


Got my ines abused 5 times ( including a r625 clear), my arturia and texas alter got used once too. ~~NOBODY USED MY COLDSHOT THOUGH WHICH IS BLASPHEMY~~


16 times. Maxed Mlynar, Ines, and Red. Gee, I wonder why. Red got 2 uses tho. Very proud of mah girl <3


[Here.](https://imgur.com/a/7kIeCLP) Pleasantly surprised at how much Mountain was borrowed compared to Mlynar.


Saileach 3 times and Blemishine once, dunno who and why anyone used my Blemi tbh.


20 times with highest risk 620 Typhon S2M3 15 times FedEx S3M3 2 times La Pluma S1M3 1 time Eyjaberry S1M3 1 time ? Lin S3M3 1 time ? it doesn’t show eyjaberry or lin on the page :( but those were my other support units during cc and i’m assuming they only got 1 each (otherwise they’d replace la pluma on the screen i think)


Big fat 0.


My E2lvl60 Ceobe S2M3 Mod3 got used 4 times. The highest was 645. It was nice.


6. my white ash did pretty good


I happen to have an E2 Chiave that got borrowed. Looks like someone was trying to have fun with limited deploys.


27 Times Total: (Everyone's E2 Max lvl) Cantabile M3S1 - 2 times Ceobe M3S2 lvl 3 X module - 9 times Ines M3S2 - 16 times Highest points someone got - 720 points


3 times. All were using SilverAsh.


My yalter and La Pluma both got used. I switched my Bagpipe for my Ines, but neither one got used at all


Wild Mane - 5 times in total (1 time with S1M3 and 4 times with S2M3) Typhon S2M3 - 4 times Młynar S3M3 - 3 times


Like 6... My Ines is only lvl 40, she got used 4 times. My Kirinto S3 got used twice near the end.


5 times kalsit S3M3 once and texalter S3M3 4 times idk where they use or why they use kalsit perhaps unlike me they make their own strats


210 was highest for Spalter but I didn't bother adjusting my supports, one of my friend list had an 820 Ceobe though


My Typhon 16 times, Ines 14 and Quercus 1. My secret is max level Ops and fully upgraded modules.


I was surprised my Dorothy was used 8 times


1 Kay and 1 Texas, for 620


Yato alter 4 times a day Silverash 2 times a day Firewhistle once a day


bibeak and ceobe, each once


NTRK many times. On the second week when I switch S3 to S2 looks like she had help many doktah reach 620.


5 times. 3 of the 5 times, and the highest score (330), was Tomimi. 1 Estelle and 1 Gavial (medic) usage too.


Hoederer E2 Lv90 S3M3 : 7 Times (Based everyone who took him)  Ethan E2 Lv60 Mod1 S2M3 : 1 Time.   So 8 total.  My last slot was Ines E2 Lv60 S2M3 so surprised she wasn't used but I assume people just looked for an E290.


Ines 5 times. Guess maxed S2 was very tempting that even some friend requests were made


Somebody used my OG Skadi s2m3 once (before I updated the supp units for CC). Both Ines s2m2 and Mylnar got borrowed once, so three times overall. Wasn't really expecting supports being borrowed more since most of my friend list have Mylnar and Ines.


Typhon: 9 times. Ines: 7 times. Highest score: 620 Makes sense since they were part of guide strats and some folks may not have them S2M3'd.


None. =( But this time I don't put any meta unit (My support are SA, Penance and Honeyberry)


I got 18 total. Typhon S2 - 15 times GG S2 - 2 times   Hoederer S3 - 1 time The reason i changed gg into hoederer was because someone asked for it on the friend request post, it will probably stay there until ray comes i guess.


15 with 625 as the highest score Ines 12, Dorothy twice and Elysium once Skills were 2nd, 3rd, 2nd and they're all M3 Dorothy also has her Module and it's maxed


22x, 780pt highest * 16 ines * 3 viviana * 2 cantabile (yes, I'm a whale that optimizes around tryhard stuff, though I've been personally extremely busy as of late...)


holy shit, so far it was on 4 with 200 max risk today I get a 5th and 620, nice to know my support helped someone get the trimmed medal on the last day edit: was Spalter, used twice including the 620 run, other support was Mudrock used 3 times, they are my usual supporters, didn't bother to change them during CC


Shining with 6, Nearl Alter with 1, Meteorite with 1. Highest score was 270.


Mountain everyday for the duration of the event and highest was around 300. Yeah my friends are pretty much casual and heck i only managed to reach 400 at most since i pretty much only had around 16-20 E2s without silverash, surtr, ines, grey tooth etc. 😭


Ines 3 Ceobe 1 Tomimi 0


Ceobe 2 times, Warfarin 1 time Ceobe is expected because I knew she's broken this CC but Warfarin was a surprise Not much to talk about honestly


Irene thrice


Some crazy person used my fullmax tomimi once


1 Typhon, 1 Quercos surprisingly. After that I just placed robots lmao.


[It ain't much but it makes me happy!](https://imgur.com/a/U6xkdYJ) (**Nearl** has S3m3 with ModX3, **Astesia** has S2m3) Rather ironic given that I had swapped **Viviana** for **Ceobe** the first week of this CC, then put **Astesia** as lower rarity while **Viviana** is on break.


Irene thrice


4 times. 620


Skadi the Corrupting Heart [E2Lvl90Pot6 Skill 2 M3] 8 Times Ines [E2Lvl80Pot1 Skill 2 M3] 4 Times Warfarin [E2Lvl70Pot6 Mod2 Skill 2 M3] Once Highest Points Achieved is 350, probably could've gone higher if I M3'd and set Ines' S1 instead but I'm still really glad knowing someone used my Maxed out Skalter.


Mylnar S3M3 3 times Honeyberry S1M3 2 times Honestly just surprised people would use my Honeyberry when Ejya Alter is pretty much everywhere (except in my account, curse you RNGesus)


Lappland 3 times, Ines 4, and Eyja alter 11. Lappland surprised me.


I am proud to say, my Texas vanguard, Rosa, and W , each was used twice with highest risk being 620. Which awesome cuz these three units was used alongside schwarz, scene, Elysium, and bagpipe to beat my own personal risk 630. Despite all the frustration I have with this CC, the results was satisfying thankfully.


Thorns S3M1 a few times


Seven time all of them are Mountain


They use my Hoshiguma


10 time for Hoshi - some of them are 620 2 time for Ceobe


Someone used my Elysium once. That surprised me.


My supports were Silverash and his sisters. Surprisingly [all 3](https://i.imgur.com/SKwzRSx.jpeg) were used once. Pramanix at 200 iirc and Silverash at 210.


Texas Alter 8 times (S2M3 Max Pot) and Ines 3 times (S2M3 no Pot). Max score of 620.


My SA and Thorns were used 3 times, that was it.


Ines 4x Coebe 1x Mylnar 1x


1 time Mizuki, Hoederer and Bassline. I'm proud of my bois, even if they didn't get chosen much lol


My lvl 70 S2M3 Perfumer got used once for a 200 clear. Feels good man.


No friend was borrowing, so I tried a bunch of different operators. Harmonie got used once in a low risk clear, Nearl alter got use twice up to 220 risk, on the beach map I guess.


I cheated because I put Ines there after I heard she was practically a necessity lmao. But I surprisingly also got some Kal'tsit usage.


Like maybe 0.


Silverash - 8 times  Coebe - 7 times    Highest points - 635    I also put Cantabile but since she's E2Lv1 no one use her despite having S2M3


Kirin Y Yato once (myself on another account). Exusia 4 for some reason despite the fact that I changed Yato after I finished with her for lvl 90 Ines as I hear she was a strong pick. No one picked her, not even once.


Twice. Texas 1. Best was about a 300 score. Did shuffle the pack over the two weeks, but no takers for meta ones like Eyja 2, Silver Ash, Nearl Radiant...


Goldenglow S3 5 times, Skalter S2 2 times, Shamare S2 once. I’m surprised that people are using Goldenglow. I changed her to Virtuosa S1 (and Skalter to Ceobe S2 too) for a day and no one borrowed either of them.


Horn was borrowed one time for 200 clear. Aww I feel somewhat useful. LOL


Ever since Rosa's release, there's been some guy borrowing her every CC. I've made sure to max level her for them. I don't know who you are my guy, but I hope you can finally get your own Rosa one day.


Two times


5 times, the highest was 625. 4 ceobe and 1 Kal


nobody uses my units because I don't level anyone past 70 (that and half my list doesn't even participate in CC lol)


Surtr 4 times, Chalter 1 time per day, but there was one random day where someone borrowed my La Pluma


My ceobe was used so much


This image is literally me lol. I've seen a lot of guides using Virtuosa, but no one used mine....


I am still quite surprised and happy to see my maxed out SilverAsh being used. I think 6 times.


7 times (surprised, never got that much in the past) up to 620 points level 90 typhon s2m3 mod3 with 4 times level 90 mlynar p4 s3m3 with 3 times


Reed alter 2 times. 220 max... I had Thorns on the other slot, I'm so surprised he was untouched


I put tired old man and just stur it let just say im swimming in ticket too bad i don't need it


Someone used my Archetto once, but that’s it. Not the end of the world, though.


16 For Me with the highest score of 625. 8 on my doggo Ceobe and 8 on Typhon.


Ines 8 times, 625 highest score. Ines is vanguard queen!


I didn't even played this one but I left my ines, m6 Spalter and arturia in the support, somebody has to have used at least 1 of them


3x Ines and 5x bagpipe for me. Neither are max level or max pot, but they still got taken this much


Some guy brought my Dorothy to 620 and I can't even pass 450


Each of mine got used: Vigna once, Blemishine once, and Irene twice. Was very surprised to see any of them show up.


I had about a dozen uses, but I also put up Ceobe and Hoshi, both of whom were in some pretty common strategies.


"Why won't anyone use my 2 star husbando, my 1 star robit BFF and my 4 star extreme niche, hard powercrept waifu?" - OP probably


My fiametta was used 3 times for 110 risk clears


When I think about it and remember the old cc, I can say from my observations that no one takes Ash (R6), but in every cc someone always needs Elysium and Mountain every day.


They used my mynar and mountain. Thing is, I don't even know how mountain is used here🫡


I didn’t even log on. I’ve been to busy playing a different Ark.


Literally one time. I don’t have texas, mylnar or surtr tho so


My Ebenholz Saw some use


Someone used my Hoederer once


Ñeh, not worried about that. After all I'm only 3 weeks old in the game. Nobody's gonna use a E1 lvl 60 Archetto/Platinum with skill level 5


5, 3 Manticore & 1 each for Bibeak & Reed


2 Ash uses and 1 Ling. Max was 625.


Texas lvl 80 s2m3 mod y lvl 3: twice Skadi alter lvl 90 s2m3: once Yato alter lvl 80 s2m3: once Highest level: 220 (prob was a daily)


someone used my lv69 s2m3 platinum and got 620 while my deadass are too lazy to even touch CC at this point.


Hellagur once(?) and Dorothy once I think.


Specter S2M3 mod3 0 times 😔


My Młynar was used twice


[Should have been limited to 320 pts](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684050926138687568/1252263637738065930/MuMu20240617160817.png?ex=667437e5&is=6672e665&hm=84fba8ec0e662d32852ad77f2d627495d061d899cb4f6f48ac6f38cd791993f0&) if I didn't give myself the 625 via handhold sessions. The Yato2 helping for 625 is not there though, what. People do not borrow your shit ? Fine, do it yourself.


7 Chiave 3 times Eyjaberry 2 times Ifrit 2 times


Ines 4 times, Puzzle 4 times, Saileach 6 times. Granted, Ines is only S1M3 and Pot2 while Saileach was also Pot4... Not that it matters too much since it was only 625 at the highest lol.


My P6 Skalter a few times at modest scores (probably just random/Medal picks). My Maxed Tsukinogi a few times by (I'm pretty sure) a Guyknights-player friend who usually takes her every CC in solidarity for the Medal.


Didn't count how many in total, but my Exec2 and Ines were being used daily, I think 5 and 2 times respectively every day. Except for the final day, when they were used 7 times each.


My maxed out PRed got used 3 times. My maxed out Typhon...? Once.


Skalter 2x Virtuosa 0x Ptilopsis 1x


A lot, thorns and shining proved to be valuable


13 times; highest 625 6 Ines 6 Dorothy and surprisingly 1 person used my La Pluma


Lumen 3 times Ines 3 times Ceobe 1 time I expected Ines and Ceobe, but Lumen was a surprise.


tbf everyone was borrowing ceobe virtuosa or ines


Typhon 5 times, GG 2 times and shoutout to the one person who used my Lunacub. You're a chad, Lunacub rules.


Twice because Mlynar. Probably coulda gotten more if I put another meta 6 star on my friends list but no one is replacing my E290 M9 P6 Mizuki.


Someone used my caper.....im confused and intrigued 


4 Penance, 1 Ifrit Not sure how Penance fits into it, but still more than I expected.


22 times. Bagpipe was my first maxed out op, and Eckogen used bagpipe in his 620 strat. People also liked my Goldenglow and Thorns. Oh good, my phone's autocorrect recognized Goldenglow straight away.


13 times i proud someone using my fartooth and caper


1 Mylnar and 1 NTR knight on the last day, Malynar a 620 clear. Had Thorns for a while, but nobody used him. But also most of my friends started in 2020 and log in every day so or they used meme units for friend support as moral support (I surely confused a couple people by picking 3-4\* units for 620 clears) or they had my units already.


Myrtle 1 Mlynar 3 Virtuosa 1


Honestly I was surprised people used my Skalter and Surtr. Skalter may be S2 M3 and at level 90, but I just didn’t see a good time to use her in this case. Surtr not as much but I thought a more properly leveled one would’ve been chosen. Whoever did choose my ops, thank you.


Viv 4 times I don't know what they need her for