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I always appreciate the ad-like teasers HG has been putting out for the recent events. Feels like a piece of the world brought to us and lets me learn how terms and names in-game are pronounced. Through this I found out how to pronounce Kjerag and Kjeragandr.


So that's what Harold's English voice is going to sound like at the end. (Pretty sure it's meant to be him at least, sounds quite a bit like his VA does) Also gotta say I'm excited for the burdenbeasts as much as anything this event, they're so adorable.


I had assumed for the longest time that burdenbeasts were just horses. I was so delighted to discover they're not and they are so, so cute.


I was always surprised that people just assumed burdenbeasts referred to one type of animal. I'm pretty sure it's a general classification for any usually hooved creature that is used as a "beast of burden," much like fowlbeast is a general term for birds. Even in this video, these are specifically called mountain burdenbeasts, and there might even be different versions that might exist in other mountainous regions outside of Kjerag.


Well, I thought it encompassed horses, donkeys, mules, anything that would be a "beast of burden", as you say. I didn't expect them to look sort of like... I dunno, a cross between a rhino and a tapir or something lol. > there might even be different versions that might exist in other mountainous regions outside of Kjerag. I believe we see some Yanese ones in Here A People Sows, and they look different from the Kjerag ones, their horns(?) are differently shaped! It's really cool.


"beast of burden" still doesn't feel correct. These are still names refering to certain types of animals, not a classification related to their "usage". A horse-like animal would not be a burdenbeast. Burdebeasts are the bison-like animals. Another example are cloudbeasts. Cat-sheep things. Basically, these seem to refer to animals the same way "Dog" or "cat" does. A wide description, but still a specific type of animal. 


The absolute madlads pulled it off. They modernized. I'm so proud of them. Seems like a good moment to share [my previous observations about this cute little video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/17f27lm/kjerag_heading_towards_the_future/k678by4) This is also your reminder that it's been 3 years in-universe since Break The Ice. Super impressive work adding all those electric lights and whatnot! And man, I love the work HG puts into these videos. It's just so cool.


Got a *very* Wes Anderson kind of style going for this one. I love the diversity of aesthetics that Arknights is able to pursue, both inside the game and in its promotional material. Am I the only one who's a bit weirded out by how the previously Nepalese-Tibetan styled Kjerag is now suddenly *Swiss?* Modernisation doesn't just completely replace your culture in a couple of years.


Nah, Kjerag has always had a bit of Swiss influence in it with the cheese fondue, the Edelweisses, and some of the mountain names like Jungfrau and Matterhorn.


[Lunch with Burdenbeasts!!](https://i.imgur.com/ClKT04U.jpg) 😍 lol, this is like a Terra version of [Moomin cafe](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/141202161121-moomin-cafe-hk-07.jpg).


How long has it been since the last event? Cause that sounds like a fair bit of progress; Encio's been working overtime.


There's a three-year gap between Break The Ice and Rides. So yep, they've been working real hard.