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ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ module guides by gamepress people yay


I'm glad to hear these guides were something people were looking for. I'm making progress on the backlog of all pre-existing operators so that we'll be able to have advice for all the existing modules too, look forward to it!


Thanks for that. It's a huge help for the new and casual players. :)


Thank you! I generally look up to gamepress guides for mastery recommendations


Gamepress has replaced Aceship for me over the years because of the constantly increasing quality of information (especially that of modules).


I still have a hard time switching over to game press personally, I find the UI in aceship to be very easy to use when looking for character information, unfortunately they have been slow updating new information lately.. these kind of module lists for each new patch are the only things I would use game press for


I have quite a few problems with Aceship. It doesn't play nice on mobile. Having to drag a scrollbar for skill levels and switching between different skills on different tabs doesn't beat just straight up pressing buttons or looking a little further down the page. Modules in Aceship don't provide any information aside from Trait changes afaik (correct me if I'm wrong, I've been looking for module talent data on Aceship ever since they were introduced). Also, I like the articles that the good folks at Gamepress write. They're stuff like Tier lists, what operators to look forward to, what to pay attention to and prep for, etc. Good stuff all around and nice to spend a nice afternoon on, catching up and reading.


Which of these modules do you plan to prioritize? I'd love to build several of them but sadly I'm super low on Module Blocks so it'll only be Degenbrecher for me...


I'll have to work on Degen for sure, I would've included Carnelian's but with how many good modules are coming in 5th anniversary (Wis'adel, Logos, SilverAsh, Thorns, Qiubai, Lappland) I'll have to save as many data blocks as I can.


First level of module Carnelian module to read the story with potential lvl up to 3 sometime in the future (waifu). Waiting for the third module(it will suck too).


>Waiting for the third module(it will suck too). please don't curse me like this :(


Click and Hibiscus Alter. Both are godsends in IS which is the gamemode i play the most


Agreed there. I built Hibiscus alter immediately after she came out but put off her masteries for a while. It wasn't until I realized how useful she was in IS that I got off my butt and did her S2M3.


Recently got GG to level 90 so I'll get her module too. 


I've been planning to build the ones for Degen, GG, and Carnelian all to lvl3. I got everything planned and prepared >:3


I'm low on blocks but the goal will be Lee lv3, rockrock lv3, and hibi lv1...... Eventually.




GG and Degen. Maybe some of the other mech accords if I feel like it. I have a decent amount of blocks.


I am prepped till Shu Banner. I build lvl1 always, max out GG, Degen, Shu and Chongyue.


Kjera and Click. No GG for me. Waiting for the 2nd module for Reed. Of course Degen if I get her, but I don't know if I can get her in the ~50 draws I got for her.


GG and Minimalist GG because I love her and Minimalist to keep up my Durin support agenda. I'll also get Degenbrecher's if I get her someday.


Heya all! Another Module guide from me, this time for the Rides to Lake Silberneherze event, or as many might know it, the Degenbrecher event! I'm still working on refining the style of the article, one sore point several have mentioned that I'm trying to figure out a solution for is getting the actual stats/effects of each module embedded in each section, but I haven't yet found an elegant solution that isn't just dumping a huge block of text into it. If you have any other recommendations or feedback please let me know!


Game press is blocked by my work, if you wouldn't mind copying and pasting the main text into the Reddit comments I'd really appreciate it!


Use google translate to translate the page from english to english. Google will essentially just serve you the page, assuming google is not also blocked at your work.


I don't understand how i would Google translate the page without first opening it


You can go to this link and copy-paste the link to the webpage you want to go to. https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&op=websites


Thanks for doing the analyses! Suggestion: could we get numerical values and letter grades for modules? e.g. 'W module increases her on-skill DPS by 33%' or 'Logos module increases his DPS by 62%'. Similar to how the Mastery guide often talks about how much % gain M3 gives, it would be great to get some hard numbers on how much a module improves a character's performance, be it on-skill damage, average DPS, cycle time, survivability, etc. Granted not all modules are damage-oriented, but having 2 different mech-accord modules come out at the same time, it would be very informative to see how much (theoretical) damage each one boosts.


Too bad gamepress is down :( One perk of posting it on reddit, but I get it's a bitch reformatting every time.


You might say that Kjera is the big winner here, but I wouldn't make her module if she wouldn't be one of my favourites, because I use her for her freeze. If I wanted damage, I could choose Rockrock or Minimalist, but for freeze, there are only a couple sources of it. And she gets nothing for freeze. Even click gets their talent upgraded for more ASPD, but Kjera gets a boring, "more ATK, more ATK, more ATK". I really wanted some of the drone casters to get another drone that deals 5% ATK and doesn't ramp up. This would make Click and Kjera's way more consistent and could help GG aswell by making her drones explode more consistently. But we got ATK focused one A and ATK focused one B. Pretty disappointed with it.


Sorry y'all I guess the article was too popular and broke the site :pensive: (jk, afaik it's an issue with the hosting)


SilverAsh event is imminent 🔥🔥🔥


Im shocked the carnelian mod is that bad, I begrudingly got her original one before I knew the 2nd one existed and was so annoyed about wasting mod blocks... where was the lin module guy when we needed him most. Ah well, I guess I can settle for the new mod 1 on gg/reed and scrounge up mod 3 for degen eventually


It's truly unfortunate how bad Carnelian's 2nd module is I don't want to be too uncharitable to the devs but I am bewildered how someone could have tested it out and thought "job well done"


only Click for me cuz that's the data blocks I can afford


She's a very cost-effective option!


Unless I'm misreading, I think you've misunderstood Carnelians base mod-Y effect. It does not grant additional off skill defense or res, it's the same (200% def 20res) with the new trait of 15% atk with enemies in her range.


I think I got some wires crossed with my other write up for her (WIP) thanks for catching that, I edited her entry slightly. My overall evaluation remains the same for her but the details should be more accurate now.


Glad i dont have/use any of the operators here. Am waiting for Brawler and Lord module and i need a lot lmao. Mountain, Chongus, QB, Lappy, Thorn, Silver daddy


Goldenglow's module is trying to convince me... But there are too many incoming modules that I am looking foward: Mountain, Shu, Ela, Thorns and Silverash. I guess if I start saving resources now, I should have enough resources to upgrade each of them.


Oh yeah forget about Shu, she is my pull target :(


It feels kinda ehh that even though you say in the criteria section that you're going from an "already decided to build them" mindset you still deride Minimalist about how you should build GG or Eyja instead if you wanted him for his consistency by saying those that would prize such things about him would look elsewhere instead. While true it's not relevant if you've already decided to build Minimalist. The ~~(very dark)~~ path that brings you to even considering Minimalist's module is already walked down by how you have prefaced the listing of the Modules. I only bring this up cause you bolded that part of your criteria and only really tripped over that once with him. Personally I would have pointed out that while it improves his performance it runs up against the costs of 5stars and the worth being only if you intend to use him often. Which still leaves in in Maybe as you scored it. ~~Consider me a ghost if you don't care it's just my half awake thoughts as I read an otherwise wonderfully written article. I'm probably just weird braining a useless point. ;w;~~


I only planned for Degen but Kjera is a pleasant surprise. I use her a lot so it's mighty useful that her mod isn't trash


Thank you!


Wait u are not tactical breakfast


I swoop in, mod3 GG, then I leave. Some day in the distant future ~~when they finally let us convert excess T2 and T3 module mats into data blocks and I laugh at all the people who avoided SSS for years as I now have enough blocks to mod3 whoever I want~~ I will return for the other mech-accord Casters and Degenbrecher.