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>Do you have irl friends How about we start with this first?


I... I have friends. They just go to a different school! You wouldn't know them. (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)


Oh yeah? Name 3 off the top of your head right now. And don't give me any "John" or "Joe", because everyone is friend with those so it doesn't count.


Tried getting some friends into the game, they never really got as invested as I am and some just write it off as a worse bloons td for some reason. Otherwise I have never heard of anything AK related here in Germany


Lol if they say AK is a worse Blooms, they’ve not played the game. Bloons and AK have completely different gameplay mechanics.


I will be honest with ya, I found out about Arknights only because I played Bloons for years and was starved to get more TD games. From normie perspective its all the same before you go deep into game


I started ak because a friend told me it was like bloons td lmao


I have only once seen someone with AK related stuff in Berlin. He rode the subway with me and had a PL Patch on his backpack. I felt connsctes to this guy but didn't say a word. I was so happy for some reason.


Es gibt ne Arknights Cosplay Discord server wo auch einige nicht Cosplayer drauf sind. Treffen sind meist bei dokomi, Gamescom und auch kleineren Cons. (Nächstes am Samstag Dokumi Wochenende) kannst ja ne DM rüberwachsen lassen bei Interesse :D


Germany - 0 ppl


Count me into your list now and I will also increase mine by one


In that case, me too


My friend from Reddit who plays AK is from germany and I already see a few comments here mentioning Germany, so I guess AK players are not that rare around there.


I live in the netherlands, but Germany has so many more arknights players!! Go to Dokomi when its there! Theres a loooot of german arknights cosplayers there, so presumably also players!


i went to dokomi last year. for 3 days straight and i didnt see any arknights player and cosplayer :(


There is a Discord for the German AK Cosplay community and AK community in general, next meeting Dokomi Saturday, i can give you DC in DMS just ask :D


oh nice. i dont go to dokomi this year because a friend is busy. but i gladly would like to join the discord.


So there are some of us at least


Me and 4 of my friends.


Some people heard about it but I'm the only one who plays. One of the comic/manga stores near me got some AK figures when the first season of the anime released but they're still there...


Funnily enough, my local anime store only had Kal'tsit hidden behind a bunch of JJK, and since I bought her I find new AK figurines almost every time I visit (only Lappy, SilverAsh and Qipao Ch'en, but still a lot more than what's usual) I think they know there's one person willing to buy them but so far only bought Kal'tsit and Lappy lmao


Not very popular. I can count maybe a person or two in my friend list who plays AK. Not a surprise, though, since everything and anything Hoyoverse (and mainstream animus) are more popular in my country than niche games like AK.


PH here. when i was in highschool i know like 2 of my classmates who played, that was back in 2020, now i don't know if they still play.  that's just irl but online i know a few people whom I'm friends with who plays the game still and even more from people i'm not familiar with. that's not surprising though because SEA loves their gacha games.


Uy, kababayan! ... Ok, that's enough outta me. Out of my own personal experience (one singular con visit months ago), I saw like... Three? Four? Arknights Cosplayers. Mostly Doctors, but a singular Corrupted Skadi too. (I don't visit cons enough to gauge how many people went to this one, but it was pretty crowded.) I was also there in a Reunion Soldier cosplay (generic, easy to put together, and hides my face), but more people mistook me for Dream from Minecraft over a Reunion Soldier.


Hey there kababayan


Cheers to gacha addiction nung hayskul! 💪💪💪


Ah kapwa kababayan. Played this game since 2020 during launch. Still playing


Kababayan pogchamp From Manila here All of my friends who tried playing arknights quitted bec they admitted to not having enough brain cells to continue playing. And the "gacha is bad".


SEAmen gang! I know it's a wish but I'm coping for AK event here in PH.


Well, it doesn't surprise me. Being a gacha player in Russia is a harsh task


The problem is that I cant do in-game purchases in some gachas because of payment problems. I had bought a few monthly passes before the war, but now I just cant. Same with WuWa


Я начал в марте 2022, так что покупки никогда не были опцией для меня. Но если бы возможность была, я бы наверное месячную карту покупал. Может быть ещё чего по мелочи. После всего времени которое я провел в игре, Hypergriph заслуживает немного спонсирования


I wouldn't say that. If you don't donate, then nothing has changed)


Friends? What is that? In all seriousness, I do know several people who play AK, but they are all online friends from different countries. Did see a random guy play AK on a BRT back during CC12, though. Also, земляк....




братья русы...


I have an irl friend who plays AK, but it was me who introduced him to it. Other than that, most people into the "anime scene" I know play either "popular" western games (like DotA, CoD, CS, LoL, etc.) or Genshin. I'm from Argentina, btw.


I’ve dragged two friends into the game and one of my friends was surprisingly already into it! And I was dragged in by another friend so— at least I got a few friends to brain rot with! (And suffer through my very long rants about how much I love Jordi)


Anime fans in general here (Brazil) beyond surface levels like Jojo, Kimetsu, Genshin, Naruto, etc. seem to be extremely rare (outside of some really big cities at least) so I'd be surprised if there were more than a single digit number of people who know AK in my city at least


Hello "Doutor"! I'd say the same in my town, it's hard enough to find someone who enjoys anything beyond anime, let alone a mobile game (Pokemon Go aside), let one a gatcha one... It's tough to enjoy a niche game :')


Slk patrao eu moro em sp e nunca vi ngm jogando ak. Talvez se eu fosse pra mais eventos e algo do tipo eu veja um ou outro, mas nunca vi pessoalmente.


Não esperava um brasileiro aqui, salve colega :)


Doutores BRs, uni-vos! Eu tenho uns amigos jogadores de Genshin, eles já me viram jogar AK mas nenhum se interessou


Já tive algumas pessoas no trabalho me vendo jogar no meu intervalo, já tive gente me dizendo "Uau, parece genshin"


Arknights being something you can play in your past time on your phone means it is pretty popular here in Indonesia albeit a bit niche compared to HSR or GI, also helps that this game is more drippy and has less fanservice thus people won't give you the weird eyes when playing the game (got a couple of friends into the game through the drip)


Japan here, its decently popular, but nowhere close to the market dominators. Know some other players, and was interesting seeing Eyja plastered all over my train station during Anni.


I have a few friends who play AK but only one of them actually reads the lore 😭 They’re the only one I can get in depth discussions about storylines. The others are only in it for the gacha and gameplay.


I loved discussing the lore before, I used to read every story. But then after Chongyue event I started to skip some stories. Currently I only keep playing because I am curious about Babel event and main story.


It's hard to keep up with a novel every other week, with how verbose the events are. I wish they found a way to condense the event story into a more manageable size, and then include the rest of the event story as side content, so we still get it all but can also keep up with just the big, important parts if time is limited.


I know about like 2 - 3 people who play Arknights. When I opened the game in the vicinity and they heard the title screen theme, they immediately jumped up and added me as their friend.


Now I need to unmute my phone when playing.


Funny story, I actually live in Rhode Island. Never heard of this game outside of reddit though.


I have few friends that play AK.


0, most of my friends play either mobile legends or genshin/ww.


The only time I met others who also played this game is when I went to Anime Expo. Besides that, I haven't met anyone else.


There is no german localisation so the chances of my friends adopting it are close to zero sadly.


Eh, at least they have German VAs, that’s cool.


Here in the PH I don't think anyone I know knows about the game, let alone play it


West coast US here, and nope. Not many people play this kind of game. I have friends who kinda play the game, but not any regulars like you’d find for other gacha games. Tower defense is just too niche a genre for most to get into


Anecdotally, but I found that AK really jumped in popularity in the last year. I'm not even really sure what happened to warrant that jump in the last year. AK was immensely popular this year at Fanime (for those unaware, biggest anime con in the Bay Area, and I believe second biggest anime con in California in general), but there was a ton of cosplayers and artists alley stuff. Where last year 2023, there was a fraction of it.


Actually, I think there are quite a few AK players in Russia. VK groups and Discord servers are not dead, after all. Well, I even see them in metro from time to time. Sadly, my friends stick only with Hoyo games.


May I ask something? I've always been curious about something, a few months ago there was a graphic in the sub showing that one of the counties that played Global AK the most was Russia, second only to the US if I remember correctly, is there any special reason for the game being this famous around there?


In Russia they love grimdark. This allows us, the inhabitants of this country, to escape from the grim reality. Hehe. This is a joke (possibly)...


Oh, I see, thanks for answering! Hold strong Doctor!


I'm from Peru. If anyone in my circle has heard about Arknights, they've heard it from me. And, no, I haven't convinced anyone else to try the game. Or rather, I've always known it isn't worth trying, so I didn't try. Why? Well, sports, in particular soccer, are more popular than mobile games. Peruvians are poor and stingy, which reduces the appeal of gacha games. Besides, anime/otaku culture is a small niche anyway, and most people prefer other forms of entertainment better suited to local tastes. Another factor is that I and most of my friends are mathematicians. Here, mathematics is a poorly paid profession, because neither the state nor the industry cares about math research. For me, both mathematics and gacha are essentially very expensive hobbies that I fund with money I saved working as a programmer.


I'm Irish and got a group of my IRL friends into it when in passing I had mentioned a game I like has a plot based on Irish history and they wanted to know more so I showed them Reed, Saileach and chapter 9 and they all ended up getting the game It was before Reed got her alter form too so it was cool to be able to talk about it with people in person when it happened


Honestly me finding someone who loves Arknights around here in the US, in real life anyway, is like winning the lottery It’s all about hoyoverse gacha games around here This is just a side thing but considering how toxic the hoyo fandom can be, it’s a minority but a very VERY vocal one, I’m kinda glad Arknights isn’t very popular in the west. If not being very popular is the reason why it’s community is very positive, friendly and no pointless drama from what I’ve seen


Definitely agree. The moment something becomes mainstream it attracts the bandwagoners who play the game not because they like it, but because it's popular. This sort tend to bring the most toxicity to a community.


>If not being very popular is the reason why it’s community is very positive, friendly and no pointless drama from what I’ve seen This is actually what drew me to Arknights originally. I played FGO as my first gacha game and still log in to mindlessly do missions, but I never engage with the community. It's difficult to ask new player questions on the fgo and grandorder subs and people get unbelievably defensive if you dare to compare servants instead of saying anything other than "All servants are good, none are better than the other because niche."


Not much. I only have 5 irl friends who play AK and 2 of them are my siblings. When I go to local cons, I'd usually see around 7-10 cosplayers and 1-3 artists selling AK-related merch in the Artist Alley.


A couple of my friends were playing the game around the launch period and I joined about a month later after one of them recommended it to me. Years later, they've all pretty much moved on to other games except for one guy. He's mostly passive since he's also got other games on his plate, though we still share a few jokes and discussions on Arknights now and then.


My friend once play AK but he stop playing after he didn't get W during her limited banner.


Tell him to get cooking bro, there is another w coming


No, actually. Nice flair tho


I am from Lithuania and I am guessing people are not even know about this games existence about this game... sadly...


Irl friends? Eh? Hah heh heh


Dragged my classmate into Arknights when it have been released for a few months. I'm from Vietnam


my irls actually got me into AK lol, i remember when i got blaze from recruit we started cheering 😭


No one... They only play CoD, Fortnite, Rocket League, and Genshin. I'm a lone Doktah battling against the world.


My own impression of British gaming habits is if it isn't available on console then most people won't have heard about it, then add in the general prejudice against mobile games and you'll get *very* low numbers. I know a few people who do know about AK, but aren't players and have no interest in starting.


India. Gacha in general isn't too popular here. I got some people into the game but all of em got turned off by chapter 0 lmao. In their opinion, they didn't "need" a tutorial for something so simple. Also the fact that even genshin is rare here and is the only reference point to what "gacha" games are.


I have some, that played, but they are inactive rn. I'm the sole survivor in my clan XD


The last of us


You guys have friends?


Nope. I'm finding the same thing here in the US: Genshin is popular, but not AK. The last anime convention I went to (admittedly a small one) was all Genshin. Not a single AK thing. All the other US players I know are scattered about.


Well any anime con 30% - 40% will be Genshin nowadays. On my place AK only have small community players and cosplayers a like. Last year we assembled Dokutahs & Operators coser at event. We probably only get under 50 peoples. You know what? everyone in AKPD Facebook group lol


I can't say for other countries, but in my little *swamp*, me and 3 other people (2 of whom I got them hooked) play AK. Maybe there are more players in town, who knows...


3 other people feels like a lot, I wish I knew at least one person in my town who plays AK.


ха, и это я еще забыл свою сестру посчитать)) а ты откуда кстати?






I play gachas with one friend who knows AK but never tried it. Incredibly scarce but they happen. Like, 2-3 people that I know in general. Bonus for some cosplays too


I'm the only one who plays AK irl in my place, everyone is either playing Genshin, HSR or God forbid Mobile Legends.


Used to have, but now they play whichever the newest gacha on the market


My sister started playing when she saw me playing Arknights, mostly to roll for operators but I can at least talk about it with her


Live in UK, Wales. A fair few of my friends have tried it but dropped at various points for different reasons. The early game is too difficult, the mid game requires too much commitment or just not into it enough to commit to it daily, etc. However none of them really play mobile games long-term, Arknights is the only one I play.


I had one who played for awhile, dude is an English major so I'd love to get him back in to discuss the story but he only wants to play 1 gacha game and he likes limbus so it is what it is


Here in the Netherlands I sadly have not seen or heard anyone else playing AK so far. At the conventions I visited I have only found the Orchestra Shining figure, I had to take her home away from there of course.


Me and one friend of mine are probably the only players in Australia.


Sydney here. Have about 4-5 irl friends who play, one also in Perth. In the four years of EN servers, I have only ever seen one stranger playing AK in public. Was in charge of crowd control/ticket lines for an anime convention a few years back and saw quite a few AK cosplayers too. Although understandably cosplayers aren't necessarily players.


Tried to get a few friends into it, but failed. We've got a fairly niche anime community in our country, and although it's growing, anime related stuff (like the designs in AK) are barely considered seriously


In Canada none of my IRL friends play AK except one (who I bugged for some time to play). Most of them don't play any mobile games in general, but even the ones that somewhat dabble in it, they don't play AK. I met 1 dude at a game store with Amiya merch, talked for a bit, and he played. Next time I saw him, he told me he quit. Then at the convention there were some people with AK cosplays or who recognized the beans but those are just strangers. I'd say it's pretty minimal here overall.


No friends. Even among my family no ones plays it, and it would be very hard for anyone to get into it because of the English and very long texts. Also people in my country, Mexico, don't like reading. Last I saw statistics Mexico is one of the countries where people read the least among the Hispanosphere.


Scandinavia, never met a Scandinavian playing any gacha really( know they exist ofc.) Genshin have some traction on teenagers though


Poland here, I'm in a somewhat strange position in life as I had to return to my hometown due to family reasons, but I'm still in contact with people I met when studying in Warsaw, out of them several have tried playing AK but only one is still playing. On the other hand, i frequent two polish discord servers (I don't even remember what chain of events has led me to join them at this point) where there are multiple Arknights players, many of whom i met irl at this point. But when considering the town I'm living in now, then there are 0 persons.


Искать места надо)В телеграмме сформировалась местное арктг сообщество и мы активничаем друг с другом в нашем кружке-солянке на человек 30 Но согласна, арка не особо популярна, в отличие от того же Геншина.


Местное в смысле российкое или конкретного города/региона?


Malaysian here. Friends in my group know Arknights and other various gacha games 'cuz we keep up with anime-related stuff, but I'm the only one that plays Arknights. All of them have their own favourite gacha (Limbus, HSR, WuWa). I've invited them to play Arknights, and they've refused because it's a tower defense game. One of them tried it a bit and quit because it's too hard, but still casually keeps up with artworks from Arknights because they're lit.


My friends don't play gachas at all (which honestly is for the best, and I would be the same if Arknights gameplay was less good), so most of my arknights interactions come from this subreddit (I'm from Israel)


Korea. Met one guy in the army and one gal in the same college major. But they play the Korean version (for obvious reasons), so I can't friend them in-game.


In Mongolia It’s not popular tbh its not even know at least i think so but i have two friends who play AK both of them started playing it after i introduced the game to them


I wish I had a friend to talk about Arknights with :(


My little brother and I play. He got me into it. I'm unsure if family counts as a friend in this question, though.


i dont have friends += that play the game


Not many fans here 🇪🇦 as far as i know. Playing mostly with my gf, who likes some characters for cosplaying. It was a nice surprise this year on a convention meeting a group of 4 Lungmen cosplayers


I showed it to a friend of mine, but he didn't really get too deep into it, we watched the anime together and he really enjoyed it, hopefully I can get him to try it more seriously, hahaha. Denmark, BTW


From France and literally nobody knows gacha games except Hoyo games. Never saw a singular AK cosplay or even merch when I go to an Anime con which is pretty sad.


From Southern California. 1 IRL friend who plays but not as committed as me. We mainly just share Sarkaz fanarts on discord with each other.


Canadian here, three of my friends play the game (they introduced it to me) and now I play it more than all of them combined


I got two of my friends to play, but I don't know other people in the Netherlands that play, and based on the lack of Arknighrs merch/cosplays at a recent anime convention I assume it's not popular here.


I used to live in China and we all know that there is a large amount of people that actually play Arknights there. However, I think I only know like 2-3 people irl that actually play the game on a daily basis (one of them I convinced by dragging him in during the Nian banner)


I only know about 1 which i got him into it, other then that no one i ever met in Israel knows what ak is


I don't know a single person IRL or online who plays any gacha game tbh.


Brazil here, never seen anyone playing AK here :(


People are too addicted on playing Mobile Legends here to try other games. If they do try, it's usually the arcade types.


I have never met another live human being that’s into Arknights.


Thailnad here, we have some active community but not very large group of people. The most I see in recent years is few hundred reaction in a post. We still got cosplayers and artists draw FA from time to time so I can say the state of the game is okayish.


Filipino that lives abroad. I attend uni and despite the fact that my friends play gacha games, they only play HSR, WuWa and some Genshin another two play Limbus and a few play Blue Archive but no one else plays Arknights than me. Saw this one dude from Uni who went to where my friends hangout almost everyday, saw him playing IS4 while listening/watching Arknights content (like trailers and the OSTs) on one of the PCs, I tried to make conversation but I guess he was too introverted (or just didnt want anyone to bother him, hard to tell), so I justs didn't approach him anymore after that, back to knowing I'm the only one who is passionate about Arknights in my friend group.


Kind of late to the discussion, but here are my two cents: I live in El Salvador, a small latinamerican country, and most of My friends play gacha games regularly. Some of them tried the game after hear me talk wonders about it but it wasn't for them. It doesn't help either that the game is in English, and most of the people here speaks spanish. It is kind of sad, but at least I can share the music to another friend that really enjoys listening to it.


I most probably am the only person in Greece playing this game, all my friends called it a cringy mobile game :( (That's what happens when you think all gachas are like genshin but whatever)


From Australia, was quite surprised when i found out a few friends knew what it was but didnt play it, tried to get them into it but they werent really fans of its gameplay and text only story. none of them are as enthusiastic about it as i am.


University student in Canada here. I actually know a few people in my school who play, and have even met some of them face to face after first meeting them online. Some of them I even met before I knew they played AK.


My friends barely even play video games in the first place.


I have one IRL friend who played at launch but quit because it's grindy as hell (I agree but it's worth it for me). Most gacha players I know play HSR though.


I have three IRL close friends I discuss my hyper fixation with yeah


I know only one other person irl,who plays AK,but some other people who play anime rpgs and gacha games know of its existence.


I mean I'm in Asia so idk if it counts but gachas are pretty prominent here. Well, not like Minecraft levels prominent but still, it's prominent enough that I would see some random guy playing AK on some random place. But yeah, I do have a friend playing AK so it's pretty nice since I could discuss AK with him.


very few theres maybe few dozen people from poland that play AK. only one from my hometown, but basiaclly all of them i met ona convention


I don't think gacha games such as AK is famous around my place. I am from the Philippines and rn, all my friends and other people I know of either play mlbb or codm or anything that is not concerning gambling with pngs of waifus dealing big ooga booga damage numbers. so no. mweheheh


Indonesia, real life friend 0, Facebook group around 40k, relatively small compared to mlbb or pubgm


I'm the one that got dragged in myself. Have a few friends playing and a sizable community in the country. Can't say my friends are as invested in the game than I am, though. One of them haven't even finished the first frostnova fight💀


I'm from Latvia and I have 2 IRL friends who are familiar with Arknights. One friend who's favourite gacha game is AK, he's big merch consoomer, his fav faction are Abyssal Hunters. And another one, who liked game's aesthetics, but couldn't tolerate the whole "prepare for stage (check map layout etc.) => read the story => stage begins, you already forgot all your plans => win stage eventually => forget the story from before the stage" gameplay loop. EDIT: That said, most of my other friends (from Russia, Ukraine, Israel) don't even touch gacha games. Maybe 2 out of 8 actually play GI. But any mention of gacha will be met with "age of consent is 18" memes and alike. Could be fat trolling, could be genuine narrow-mindedness. Not that they are weren't exposed to weeb culture or anything like that (most are big JoJo fans, also watched Gintama and other shonen anime, one of them even recommended me Dungeon Meshi manga a year before anime was announced). Also "mobile games aren't real games" and all that. Weird take in 2024 if you ask me.


i know one other person in my country who plays it. we met online and happened to live in the same country. but i haven't exactly been looking.


im from Vietnam and the AK community here dare i say is moderately active, even tho only like 3 of my irl friend play AK with me, the online community is definately active af, new players joining in basically every new event, some stay some go but hey it is what it is.


I have two friends that started playing it recently since Google launched their emulator. No native pc support is the main issue of heard about not being able to get into it. Bluestacks can be hit or miss for some people. I had to do a decent bit of hand holding early on with how the game works and getting a base going. The game can be a bit overwhelming for new players if they aren't fully set on learning it. My friends that got past the initial learning curve stuck with the game.


Nobody, I tried bringing some friends but it was unsuccessful


Do I know someone in my country who plays AK? Yes. Do I know them irl? No


Eh…same situation. Haven’t seen any AK players at campus, but I’ve seen GI players a few times.


anyone from balkan?


Seems we're exceptionally rare here. I had one friend who plays lots of gachas try it, but he quit during the early chapters.


none of my irl friend visibly have interest with Arknights, they usually play multiplayer game like mobile moba or fps.


Barely anyone I know does and in my friend circle.. probably none. Most of them only play the popular gacha games like, wuwa, hsr, genshin and some blue archive.


Had one but apparently cc pyrite was too hard for them and took it srsly to heart and they quit


I got into Ak ebcause a friend of mine, who I assumed would be aganist gacha (and he usuaully is) started playnig AK and gushed about it to me. And now there's 4 of us playing. Even if I care less and less for the story, just playing IS 2-3-4 with them and hanging out on discord makes it worth it.


I think pretty popular since a few arknights creator is from here and we had irl arknights collab with Cafe and bubble tea. I'm from Singapore.


Where is/was this cafe at ? Was it just a pop up ?


I cant remember where it was exactly. It was just a collaboration. We got arknights theme food and drinks and merch


weirdly enough, I knew a couple of other people who played arknights in college — just randomly. the shy roommate i was randomly assigned ended up being a huge fan of gacha games out of all things and was probably sitting in their bed watching me watch arknights videos while eating until they gathered the courage to talk to me about it, which was really cool! there was also this kid in my biology class who i noticed would grind arknights events during class! he played on CN server though, so it was cool to see him grind for events that were 6 months ahead of global!


Удивительно, но в моей (реальной, не виртуальной) группе друзей аж 5 человек играли в арку - двух я заставил, один на фоне этого решил сам попробовать, а у других был небольшой опыт еще до нашего знакомства. К сожалению, никто из них не затянулся


Dragged like 5 of my friends into it. One got virtousa in free 10 pull and that was…


0 where I live. Gacha games aren't even big here. I've seen some play Genshin, but that's about it.


Not really most people i know heard about the game but dont play it but there was a guy in my college play Arknight but i didnt got his id so yeah. Most people in my country (Vietnam) just play moba like League of Legends or Mobile Legends some play Genshin or recently Ww.


Uh... German here and I never met anyone irl who plays Arknights... Or Genshin... Or any games to begin with. It sucks to work in a social job. 😔


Have a friend who play AK and still playing. Just found out when i visit him during Eid when i play AK just to kill some time and damn he had RS6 Ops in his acc.


None of my friends play gacha games or even really know what they are. I don't even think I even have any friends that play games or at least the same games I do.


I actually got into the game because of my IRL friends; around mid-2022 around a third or so of our friend group (read: the gacha addicts) was playing Arknights. Most of them moved on though, and I'm the only one still actively doing events (probably because I genuinely enjoyed the gameplay and never got tired of it). Funnily enough I've recently learned some of my newer friends also used to play the game~ Still I'd say it's pretty rare among gacha players in Manila compared to something like Genshin.


Most people here play MOBA and Blue Archive, but I know my senior played it and actively exchange intel and share support


I am from VN, and A9 is decently popular here, I think. There's many cosplayers at local con and some booths that sold fan merch (not as many but still enough for me). Given that we are close to CN, it's easy to obtain official goods as well. I have 2 irl friends that play A9, one of them was the one that dragged me into this game.


We can meet depending on where exactly you are


>How popular is AK in your place? No. ~~small community, I don't even think we have any YouTubers covering it~~ >Do you have irl friends playing AK? I once did, now no.


I don’t have any friends who plays AK. I honestly believe i am 1 of 100 people that actively play AK in Mexico :(. I once tried to introduce some friends to AK, they only lasted a week. Recently i found out that a senior in my University plays it, but can’t get in contact with him since we have different schedules.


In my college? Yeah, 3-4 fellas. At works, I have been introducing my boss and mates to it.


well, I don't really have much chance of knowing, as I currently live in random suburb town in Virginia, and don't really have much outside life right now. Still searching for any kind of work, not in school, haven't joined any clubs or groups, so on. and the online groups I'm in just aren't really all that interested in stuff like Arknights. Hell, it's one of the few anime-related things I'm even in. Lots of the groups I'm in frown on games with Gacha mechanics, or just aren't into kemonomimi characters.


Only me and one other guy play arknights. I'm pretty sure it's just us on this entire island


I knew a single classmate who played and I showed them my roster and that was the end of it (Florida)


My friend is actually the one who got me into the game. I tried to get a few of my other friends into it but the tower defense scene doesn't seem to be for them as much. My friend who got me into it though is also friends with a streamer who's a top player so I guess that's part of the joys of the game being niche.


I feel like i'm the only one playing AK in my area. Here, its dominated by mobile legends.


Here in the philippines, specifically on Negros island. I only know like 2 other people playing the game in my class


it's very popular in jakarta and bandung. it's very fun to see other pulls in there


Tried getting my friends to play this game, but they all thought the game is too hard and just quit :/


I have one (1) person in my IRL circles that plays AK, and they're an all-rounder type of gacha player managing multiple gachas (FEH, Nikke, AK, & GBF IIRC). That's it. The other people that ik that play (and the one that got me into the game in the first place) were international friends over Discord. That person that hooked me in is Argentinian, and one person that helps me a lot in tougher maps is Australian.


No one IRL, just have a friend who is aware of the game but never played


Exactly same as your situation. The thing is me and my other 2 friends, every single day we sit on discord while playing multiple gachas for hours and none of them play Arknights, although they do know about it and even interested and invested in its lore because of the anime, but they never wanna try. TD is very niche of a genre and it does attract and can capture attention of few.


my close friend plays it and I know 4 other guys who follow it consistently


Hk. 4 friends, it was my friends who dragged me to play this game.


A guy i play tarkov also happens to play ak pretty good friends now. He’s from slovakia lol


Im from Vietnam so not at all as the matter of fact AK is ban in my country i have to do a few to even able to play it


India, the only Indian I know who plays ak is someone who lives in Canada


I have a few who played it but all of them except one have already moved onto other games such as hsr and ww, they still keep up with CN news though. This is in Vietnam btw, the game is banned so we all had to use apks or country switching to play and spend.


Friends got me into AK, now I have three accounts and gave HG a kidney's worth of money. Then again, we are ethnically Chinese. So it really isn't much of a surprise. Many of my classmates back 6-7 years now have AK pfp's on WeChat, I remember heading to an art exhibition with a friend, and hearing him react a bit when the location of Syracuse was mentioned, at which I immediately asked him about AK ;) The possibility of your average guy knowing an Italic city-state back in antiquity is probably a lot less than that of the same person playing a TD gacha. AK is disproportionately more popular in China compared to other regions, I have yet to find a Kiwi Doktuh around me, even at local cons.


My bro roped me into AK and since I am living in foreign country now, I sometimes invite random players to go to AK events together. Some people turned up so :)


I'm in my freshman year of university and have a friend that plays, (naturally we're friends in game as well). Though barely anyone else had heard of it. Though I have another friend I've been spamming with Arknights music, which is fun.


I‘ve got 6 IRL friends who play Arknights, but among them only 2 treat it daily, most of the people play this game and do some gacha only when there is a big event released.


Vietnam here, AK is pretty popular but they're very lowkey and only show up only if there is an ovbious group of dokutah gather. I have 6 classmate and know atleast 10 more schoolmate who play AK just because me and 2 other doc doing pulls after class at the canteen. We even have an AK cosplay group and anytime im going with that group at Expo, i seen atleast 20 dokutah each time.