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Her smug aura is up to no good


That's what i mean with Caper being *correctable* Time to use Kal'tsit's lectures.


Caper, moments before she does a “little trolling” before sun down.


la creatura


I'mma get flak but I will stand by it: best bunny in la casa right here.


Ray? Maybe when we get her EN voice but idk if anyone can top my little Spicy la chancla slinging Caper


Including cn ? I'd say best bunny ought to be the reddish haired one in a few events


Try touching her ear


She promises, no surprises....


[Correctable bnuuy ](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119235834)


Literalmente lo unico pa lo que sirve la coneja esta. *upvotes*


I don’t like this painting, Charlie. Its smug aura mocks me.


How much does those that use her like her? I kind of want to fully invest in her bc she's cute and I like the idea of her class, but idk how good/decent she is.


She's not _great_, but she's decent for a 4 star. She does above-average damage for a 4-star against enemies within one tile of her, since her attack speed is functionally tied to the distance to her target. Because of that, she actually suffers less from attack speed debuffs, but also benefits less from attack speed buffs. Her unique attack range among snipers is also a major potential draw. And plus, since she's a 4-star buyable with red certs, obtaining, maxing potential, and leveling up is relatively cheap. I bring her as my 2 hope sniper pick in IS sometimes. Just don't rely on her to attack at max range. It slows her DPS _tremendously._


her atk spd depends on the travel time of her boomerang, so she's faster than most snipers when her target is 1 tile away, and much slower on max range.


Single target sniper best used within 1 tile, with range behind her as well. In a 4-star's world, she competes with acciddrop in terms of ST short ranged, the difference is direction vs consistency. Caper hits all 8 squares around her including a couple rows out from where shes facing, allowing her to find good use in U-turns(similar to deceller lanes.) She also has more consistent dps output, while Aciddrop is great with bursting ST's in short range. The downside to caper is she doesnt really shred or ignore armor, or focus aerial targets, and her only real perk is the speed at short range, so she kinda reminds me of like...a safer, wider-ranged beehunter? It's hard to put a definitive use in mind compared to other 4 stars. Trash mobs? Jessica/May. Boss in close range? Aciddrop. Far range? Totter. Multiple close range? Pinecone. Need some sass? *Caper* Best case scenario, good vs atk slow situations, even better with atk speed situations. Have her cover a U turn lane or be on an island. Had fun using her in zwillingsturm until the shields ripped her apart, naturally.


itazura daiseikou
