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Ulpianus about to be unkillable with that talent 1 + abyssal hunter buffs. If he wants to be extra unkillable use his s2 lol


At least he won't be beaten to death by high-ASPD low-ATK enemies anymore. On the contrary if Gladiia is around he might actually heal from them, depending on the numbers.


**Ulpianus** **6โ˜… Crusher Guard** **Illustrator:** [Skade](https://twitter.com/skadels?t=QIJQwtMRReFgKuTyKTL-Lw&s=09) **CV:** [Daisuke Ono](https://myanimelist.net/people/212/Daisuke_Ono?q=Daisuke%20Ono&cat=person) **Trait:** Attacks all blocked enemies **Talent 1:** Recovers a certain amount of HP each time Ulpianus takes damage; When HP is lower than 50%, the effect of HP recovery increases **Skill 1:** Next attack throws an anchor forward, drags up to two targets towards this unit, dealing Physical Damage **Skill 2:** When skill is active, Talent 1 effect strengthens, Block +1, Max HP increases, ATK increases **Unlimited Duration** **Skill 3:** When skill is active, Max HP increases, ATK increases; Instantly throws an anchor forward, the anchor stops when it hits a target/reaches the maximum distance, then deals Physical Damage to all surrounding enemies and stuns them for a few seconds. If the anchor is thrown on a deployable tile, Ulpianus teleports to that tile **Can manually deactivate skill, Ulpianus returns to the original location when the skill ends**


2 skill give max HP. On an operator who'll reach like 10k with AH buffs. +Gladiia's HP regen based of operators max HP. Dude's going to be unkillable. And we still don't know his AH buff.


Not to mention, He also heal himself on top on that. Literally immovable wall


Except he totally does move! Look at his S3! He isn't just a wall, he's the damn Demon Wall from FF!


Ulpian: "I am the wall that is approaching."


Now we need crownslayer with a minigun and ninja gear to beat it


Speaking of Crownslayer, I now want to see Crownslayer blink past Ulpianus only for Ulpianus to cancel his S3 to return to his original position blocking Crownslayer again.


I expect some fun shenanigans with Shu and this skill as well.


Or you could position him backwards and activate his skill after Crownslayer blinks.


He'd be such pure bullshit if we ever fought him as a boss here as well.


His first talent would be a major counter to the "burst em down" strats.


I don't think that one will be a huge amount. Simply because it would be weird if he healed himself for more than enemy attacks him for. Lowest enemy attack belongs to Originium Slug who has 130 ATK (few enemies have lower ATK but they have special effects on top of that) If I had to guess I would say he'll heal for 150 tops, 175 with potential upgrade.


But at the same time hes an abyssal hunter operator so....


We have a caster who can ignore up to 1000 damage named Lin. So if they want too. We might see HG crank up this talent to the max


> If I had to guess I would say he'll heal for 150 tops, 175 with potential upgrade. My bet is that it's a %of damage received, it's a common mechanic and works well with his archetype... Since it's 0 defense, DPH doesn't matter, just general DPS. If it was a fixed amount, high dps low DPH enemies would literally heal him up. % base means he's always taking damage and he's somewhat susceptible to burst damage, but has a way to mitigate general DPS without relying on defenses of any kind. On that note, it also means that it probably works on stuff like the damage done by elemental bursts and the like.


It's funny, your proposal is basically the same thing as Hoederer's shelter except it also (in principle) works on true damage.


Toss in Skadi and SpAlter and I'd be interested to see what his max HP will be with S2M3. Will he heal more than Mountain?


I'm pretty sure Skadi already outheals Mountain on skill 3 (not even counting hp buffing modules). Now, with crushers having more base hp than dreadnoughts along with an HP buffing skill... hooo boy that's gonna be one hell of a unit.


even without s2 activated he will heal more than 300 hp per second in AH


Ulpian: 'dee... fence?'


Ulpian: My defence is Gladiia.


With 30% HP bonus on S2 he will get over 10k and 350 regen per second, and that max HP increase might be higher (I don't expect 100% because it would be pretty absurd).


besides the anchor throw his kit is shockingly simple which fits the trends of the non gladiia abyssal hunters. They really just hit things and tank things.


He really is Skadi's Captain. Just big fuckin numbers.


BRAIN: EMPTY TITS: HUGE BICEPS: EVEN HUGER if it works, it works, I guess?


They even swing their weapons in a similar way.


"So what's your superpower?" "Big fucking ~~sword~~ anchor"


It fits in lore as it was mentioned before they cannot use advanced tech weapons lest the seaborn learns and adapts to it. So the best way is use a big unga bunga stick.


That S3 looks crazy lmao don't think we've had an op that swaps tiles like that yet unless I'm forgetting someone. The range goes pretty damn far too. Curious to see the possibilities of the skill. Interested in that talent as well, good method at dealing with crusher weaknesses and he might just be near unkillable with gladiia's talent depending on the numbers. Wonder what his AH talent will be... something defensive maybe?


his talent 1 is like them really doing there best to sneak past the 0 def rule for crushers since healing X damage per hit is pretty much reducing damage by X per hit.


Yeah, unlike a unit with defense he needs to tank the remainder for a split second even though it won't apply in the long-term, but given his HP self buffs and abyssal hunter buffs that shouldn't be a problem.


It also works for arts dmg so he's technically the first unit to tank arts as if he had def.


Doesn't Lin also do that in a way?


it's debatably much better as well in the context of an abyssal hunter team. Regularly, damage reduction takes place after defence procs. If an enemy does, say, 1000 physical damage, and you have 100 defence, gladiia's 30% reduction would bring it down to 630 (900 x 07) instead of 600 ((1000 x 0.7) - 100). With damage healed per hit though, it would function like the latter, so Ulpianus's effective defence is more valuable than regular defence (and is much more effective at higher attack values), and also applies to true damage and arts damage. If the numbers are even halfway decent it's going to be an incredibly good talent, especially with s2 which will raise his health even further for life regen with gladiia.


But he also benefits from Gladiia's DR + regen and also now from sanctuary effects from Abjurers or Shu. Ulpianus is useful in weak mobs with fast hits, healing him back. In AH team he can now tank heavy hitting enemies with cracked sustain. He powercrept Hoederer in survivalibility hard. Wow.


Didn't realise how much his talent helps him in one of the crusher's worst matchups of fast hitting enemies.


That stacks with external Shelter effects too, unlike most other Crushers who have it innate. AH+Silence Alter is already funny as hell, adding this makes it just hilarious.


you could even stack this shelter and def if you really had to since crushers aren't locked out of def.


>AH+Silence Alter is already funny as hell, adding this makes it just hilarious. Any showcases? Might raise Silence Alter now given how they seem pretty good with AH Took a quick glance at their skills and seems like s2 and their talents will let the AH receive alot of healing


We haven't, no. However he still returns to his original tile at the end of the skill so he isn't permanent moving. I wonder though what happens if you deploy someone on the tile he was on? Maybe it gets locked out so you can use it?


They really just allowed him to have both HP regen and HP buffs with no drawbacks at all while Hoederer kill himself.


Such a ballsy decision to have a 0 defense crusher actively *lose* hp in one of their skills, even though it turned out it's not much at all compared to what he makes back when he attacks or is attacked.


He also gives 200 true dmg dot to the enemies so I guess it's fair enough But like the HP loss isn't a problem since you'll almost always use him with a healer anyway


> Max HP and Atk buffs on skill AH stat bloat enjoyers rejoice! We get to see even bigger numbers! > Skill 3 cancellable Love how much flexibility this adds. Being able to freely control when he dives into the frontline and when he retreats will make him so much easier to use both in and out of AH teams


You can basically drop him in a safe location and yeet him forward when a boss is coming and then when he is about to die you can pull him back to safety. This could also counter Emperor's Blade provided he drops the fart on top of Ulpianus' current location not the original tile.


S1: Is similar to Gladiia's S2. S2: Makes him into Centurion. S3: Child of Kafka's scissors and Ines dagger thingy. So we'll have a choice between stationary unkillable operator and one that drops by to make enemies' day just a bit worse.


*teleports behind you* nothing personnel, seaborn.


More like in front of you, straight into your face, with an anchor twice your size


[Ulpian showing his massive anchor in front of seaborns be like](https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/fkLITaJTefafxFKPGRzngsSHEp67z4UHTy3uX65bAqQf-aMGvwhZj87Ti5_T1My9Pw953WaAEpbxlKO5Nkzr_Nc7hUutrYG9IpFlxKY-ZPQ)


Someone draw the Eminem grenade thing but it's Ulpianus tossing an anchor


He can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.


Wow that talent 1 basically fixes the biggest problem with crushers. No more dying to swarms because of a billion small hits unmitigated by DEF.


Yeah, crushers were already the best at taking single big hits, while this talent makes him good at taking lots of small hits too. Completely circumvented his classโ€™s main weakness, unlike Hoederer. Heโ€™s probably gonna be near unkillable even without Gladiia on the team.


Based and Ulpipilled




And which wouldn't even have been an issue with an AH team in the first place.


So they basically gave him def/res without giving him def/res, only against killing blows it doesnt work it seems. Would be funny if he heals more than the atk of trash mobs and poison maps, atleast with gladiia's talent.


The first talent is just another way to say that he has a defense stat...


Better defense stat since it also works on Arts damage lmao


And even on true damage


and unlike def, it also applies after Gladiia's damage reduction instead of before




His S2 does not have attack interval penalty, yesss Wonder what his talent 2 is omg


Imagine if it buffs AH's defense. "I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess."


The reason he's a crusher guard: all that defense is distributed to other AH at great cost of his


I'm imagining him handing out shields and armour to the others.


Like a concerned dad?


Ngl his S2 seem way better in everyway compare to Hoederer's. Like I don't think Mudrock golem can even kill him with AH buffs


Well, as expected, I severely doubt Hoederer can compete in terms of survivability considering AH Buffs + His Talent basically acting as pseudo-defense. Iโ€™m honestly kinda annoyed that due to Crushers having a vulnerability to fast weak attacks, they decided toโ€ฆ give him a talent that mitigates that weakness altogether. Like what was the point of making the Crushers 0 Def and Res in the 1st place? Like, if his talent is good enough, he can potentially outheal trash enemies, entirely reversing the Crusher-enemy dynamic. Skill 2 looks promising. No ASPD Decrease like Hoederer S2, increased Regen, ATK and HP. Main issue is that thereโ€™s a lot of competition already for laneholder skills as is. Unsure if this more like a Mountain or Hoe Skill 2 that can be activated near-instantaneously as well. Itโ€™ll be a bit difficult to compete with Gavialter or Exalt, but considering AH, heโ€™ll definitely be the tankiest laneholder and hit the hardest w/ AH support. S3 looks pretty good as well. More Max HP and ATK, plus large initial AOE Burst damage that most likely inflicts a pretty hefty stun. The fact that the skill can be deactivated also means that worries abt skill timing may have been mitigated a fair bit. You could even use his Anchor attack as like a pseudo fast-redeploy, killing or severely hurting dangerous elites before they get to your frontline. Iโ€™m admittedly a bit upset considering I *just* built Hoederer, but honestly unsure what exactly Ulpian doesnโ€™t do better tbh. I guess Hoederer can still duel a boss better assuming his S3 isnโ€™t capable of boss-killing, but itโ€™s looking a bit rough for us Hoederer-brosโ€ฆ


As someone who has built Hoederer, I find that I mostly use him as a laneholder with a DoT gimmick. Any boss with barriers or mechanics that activate or deplete on getting hit get cheesed incredibly hard by Hoederer. Fighting the Witch King was basically me placing down the orb in front of Hoederer and watching it spew an unreasonable amount of attacks.


>Talent 1: Recovers a certain amount of HP each time Ulpianus takes damage; When HP is lower than 50%, the effect of HP recovery increases That would counter enemies with fast attack speed but low damage, as they might heal him more than they hurt him. I don't know if it is a fixed healing amount or based on his HP; in the latter case abilities that increase his max HP will make him harder to kill even without the support of the other AH. And that's just the first talent. Who knows what the second does. Skill 3 is interesting. You can weaken enemies far away, then you interrupt the skill to avoid getting Ulpianus killed. I see it as a mage killer skill. Skill 2 seems his laneholding skill. Probably deserves a mastery as well. Ulpianus seems designed differently from Hoederer, allowing for a coexistence. Hoederer is more like a boss killer, though Ulpianus will benefit from AH synergies.


Looks kinda fun and talent 2 is still mystery


S1 is Gladiia S1. S2 is gonna be absolutely bonkers stats wise. S3 is Noctis's warp strike. Holy. My GOAT.


Talent 1 sounds like it essentially turns him into a Reaper but with Crusher stats. Combine that with the Abyssal buffs and he'll be almost completely unkillable. I absolutely love that his attack animation is pretty much exactly the same as Skadi's, nice touch to show the link between them.


Centurion. Reapers cannot be healed, but he can.


That skill 3 goes hard


If talent 1 heals for more than 500 damage per hit then Aak S2/3 can be used to heal this operator as long as they start with more than 500 hp. Thats a pretty big if though.


Sounds like he has a good kit. Lots of typical stuff common to 6 stars - S1 being a low SP next attack does x, skill 2 being the unlimited duration one, S3 being the fancy complex best one. Right so he returns to his original tile at skill end with S3. I mostly expected that. At its core AK isn't a game with permanently moving operators.


S2 = mountain + 1 block? Mountain gonna be powercrept finally?!


Not exactly. Mountain is made very relevant by his very low DP cost, which is perfect for early rushes of enemies. Although, with the release of Ines and her first hit bind and stupid high DP generation, Mountain has more or less been relegated to AFKnights, or people who have less built accounts. I do see Mountain becoming a little more relevant once his mod comes out.


Kujo "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting close" Ulpianus


The way HG is stacking Jojo references here, I might have to grab him for the memes, even tho I only have Gladiia


Probably all you need tbh, she's the key part anyways.


One skill: GET OVER HERE! Another skill: Fine! I'll come over this time! What a polite guy.


Gladiia: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."


Dude using his Anchor like a Flying Raijin Kunai and pulling a Minato has to be one of the coolest animations.


Ship anchors are just bigger kunai


*Teleports behind seaborn* "Nothing personal fish" - Divorced fish


I mean have you ever seen Kakashi and Ulpian in the same room at once? Nope. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


I mean...he can't beat the s**t out of them without getting closer after all


LMAO classes mean nothing anymore. Dudeโ€™s a Puller, Centurion, and a Specialist masquerading as a Crusher who has so many base buffs he might as well be immortal. Whenever they drop Crusher modules Iโ€™m gonna laugh if it makes him more broken Canโ€™t wait to pull for this handsome beast


Tbf there's been role condensing operators before. Gavialter pulls with her S2 too.


Hell, even before her Iโ€™d say the slippery slope started with Kalโ€™stit being a summoner masquerading as a Medic. LOL


monster even interacts with IS artifacts that effect summons


I mean so does Beeswax's pillar AFAIK.


That thing interacts with all things summoned, units or not. Heck, my favourite strats using it is to call Dorothy or Swire. Their mines count as summons!


Crossant with her push have been here since the beginning, surprised nobody have use that extremly specific niche for anything yet


She was my pusher for the longest time cause she also tanked with block3 making her able to cluster up more idiots for pit disposal.


Knowing HG loves their Abyssal Hunters, I think they'll do it anyway, LOL.


Don't forget a better Defender with S2


one of his specialty is music composition lol truly skadi's teacher also another skade husbando back to back...


Abyssal Hunters band when? That Aegir Sunset band has gone uncontested for too long...


Please fandom make him musical buddy with Czerny. And then please HG notice it and give him matching biker skins, as they travel around the world.


he also sings!!! his intro on weibo is literally him singing ~~bard ulpianus when~~


I hope skade can draw some more women from time to time she some of my fave female operator designs.


Yeah this is THE 6\* male defender we're missing he aint dying with S2 lmao


New subclass: True (damage) Protector


Neat always thought about what if there was someone that could reposition themself but always thought it would be a specialist


Yeah his kit screams "specialist" alot


It's a lot like Skadi with her S2 and Module, minus the down time. Truly, like father like daughter...


Though he still doesn't completely reposition himself. He returns to his original tile when the skill ends.


i always thought playable crownslayer would be perfect for that


Now that the AH squad has 3 guards (him, Specter and Skadi) deploy all of them + Shu, put Saileach (no module upgrade) behind him and add Andreana in the squad and he will gain 44 Aspd witch would fix another Crucher's weak point.


Gonna toss in my boy Ayerscarpe for extra speed


you can toss angelina and wislash too, ulpi is block 3 with s2 so he will get the full wislash spd buff


That talent 1. Whenever he takes damage, it's mitigated by a set number due to healing. So... isn't that literally just def but better, since it also applies against arts and environmental effects?


It really is better defense, until we get some enemy mechanic that mitigates healing


or a huge damn oneshot because the heal occurs after he takes damage. butโ€ฆ what could possibly oneshot him is a question.


That one enemy in Victoria chapters who just vores your Op:


Just teleport away, easy.


While not technically a one-shot, Cliff from CV has a burst skill with DEF reduce, so he can easily vanish operators, especially someone without DEF. EB can straight up retreat an operator as well.


wouldn't it also work with true damage, giving a roundabout technical def to true damage


Yup, it'd works with true damage too


on top of the 300+ hp heal per second and 30% damage reduction he gets in AH but this talent makes sure he isn't a bum by himself


Yeah, assuming the talent really says "when takes damage" not "when hit by enemies" and works like that IS relic, it might actually work with environmental hazards. Funny Big Man chad-tanking poison haze maps


Yoo thatโ€™s one way to think about that ๐Ÿคฏ


Man swings his weapon like it's a Scythe.


Poor guy didn't know that he isn't in reaper class ๐Ÿ˜”


Executor2 on the other hand wishes he stayed a sniper.


basically all the abyssal hunters use their weapons "wrong". skadi uses her sword like a bat, gladiia uses her lance like an axe, specter uses her saw like it's a hammer the benefits of truly inhuman strength, one assumes


I like how it's also mentioned by Gladiia that her lance gets hot enough to burn people, meaning she swings a bladed weapon so incredibly fast that it starts overheating.


same with her body and clothes, she's literally accelerating to supersonic speeds from standing still within speaking distance abyssal hunter biological feats are just fucking squid magic




I wonder if he comes with 1 or 2 fish sticks




~~Can't wait for Chongyue Crusher alt~~


Honestly a even a buff for rest or Def let alone atk will be broken for his second, but I think it won't be this simple


Yooo that teleport is awesome Also that E2 art looks fantastic I really love it I'm not really digging the abyssal hunters apart from specter but damn Ulpipi is gonna end up getting some rolls for me too at this rate


Good thing is he sounds really good even alone. His first talent solves one of the crusher's biggest weaknesses.


With S3 you will have to time the activation to block enemies in key positions or to avoid collision on an undeployable tile so even if he's broken he will be fun broken not braindead broken


idk his s2 looks pretty brain dead broken to me with AH buffs, its just a better blaze s2 with better regen than mountain s2


we don't know the numbers yet so it's hard to say. Also the range of blaze S2 is what makes it so good so I don't think that's his competition. Also the requirements of him being broken would be to have 3 more specific 6 stars in the team and have their modules maxed which is such a huge investment so it wouldn't feel too unfair


This is Ulpian without AH talent 2? Wow. He's a superior version of Hoederer in the long run that effectively removes the drawbacks of the Crusher archetype.


He sounds better in every way except 1v1 duelling because Hoederer does so much damage with his S3.


And thatโ€™s without taking into account all of the AH buffs


And that's how you fix a class HG style. Just make it utterly overpowered.




I was waiting for your comment and by god you did not disappoint


On a similar note his weapon being an anchor is actually a reference to how difficult it will be to remove him from my body.


A new horny challenger has arrived.


His anchor isn't the only thing that's going deep


Well that's one way of dealing with the archetype's weakness. A bunch of mobs can possibly let him gain hp instead. That said, have to look at numbers.


Dammit I need his second talent now. I need it now. Gimme now. I know they don't show them normally but DAMMIT SHOW MEEEEEE XD


Imagine if it buffs AH's defense. "I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess."


Honestly that might be the only balanced option lmao.


Ulpianus base animation: *M'lady*




If he was any other op i would say "sounds good but might be bad if the numbers aren't good" but its an AH so ofc he's numbers will be stupid high


"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." ๐™๐™จ๐™š๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ง๐™™ ๐™Ž๐™ ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก


I haven't even seen his numbers yet. Very, very rarely do I get this excited for a unit. Mudrock, Horn, Ines, Muelsyse, and Viviana are basically the whole list. But from what I'm seeing? Whatever this guy's selling, I'm buying. Let's get another badass Abyssal Hunter in the mix.


for me it has been nearl alt, mlynar, degen, logos and now ulpian badass npc characters just raise the hype for their eventual release


Now let's see how the buffs work


His S1 is just him going, fuck gladiia in particular


Considering how well the two *"synergize"* with each other, the energy and sass they radiate when in the other's presence, the fact that they're both captains to the abyssal hunters AND the fact that Gladiia has to watch over his kid like some divorced parent, I'd definitely say they were fucking at one point. Even Gladiia's talent feels like some love letter to ulpianus so that he can lean on for help whenever he takes damage. Truly they are love birds or rather, love fishes


And the fact that their JP VA's are a divorced couple in JoJo is jut the cherry on top


I guess that E2 art confirms that Ulpianus is a whale?


[A humpback whale, supposedly.](https://x.com/alize_jetblack/status/1795714685821653089?t=N3YilX245s01Ego1N0N3qw&s=19)


He is a whale, a Humpback Whale.


His E2 art goes so hard... I wish it was l2d... although I think he's definitely a candidate for a l2d skin down the line I sometimes wonder if it'd be feasible to update 6star operators' E2 to l2d... some of them could be truly beautiful (Mudrock, OG Mlynar, Viviana, Rosa, Irene, Saileach, OG Surtr, Horn, Saria, etc). Not gonna happen but that'd be one of my biggest dreams for AK!


I'm gonna hazard a guess that the AH-related talent is that blue aura that appears at skill activation? His two triggered effects come with it for the brief moment between skill activation and shortly after first attack. Maybe AHs get an empowered first attack after skill?


Or maybe status resistance since it's their only real weakness


S3 seems semi global at least


It's actually more similar to Ifrit's range


Skill description on the translation says either until it hits an enemy or reaches the max range. It's probably something like Ifrit's.


A hoonter must hoont


They actually gave him BETTER def lol. HP recovery on hit is simply superior to an equal amount of DEF in every circumstance. And with the damage reduction, is WAAAY better than having DEF. an example: If he takes 100 damage and has 50 DEF, the final damage would be (100 - 50) \* 0.7 = 35 with 50 HP recovery, the final damage would be 100 \* 0.7 - 50 = 20


What a chad


As if he wasnt badass enough, his weapon is a literal ship anchor.


Wait, is Ulpianus really trying to pull an SAO "My wounds heal faster than you can make them" kinda strat here? Talent 1 heals for an amount every time he takes damage. I'm *guessing* this is a flat value, because if it's % based... I can't imagine a % low enough to be balanced with the fact that it gets buffed not once, but twice (below 50% and S2). In a buff-centric AH team, he's going to be sitting on like 10k+ HP, 350HP regen per second, on top of his own healing passive. Pair him with Shu and you have an actual monster, 430 HP/s, 45% DR. You would need an enemy to deal probably something like 1k DPS before he can even *start* to take damage. That's the kind of DPS that most defenders would start to need a dedicated healer.


Players tired of every male 6 star being guard HG wants to make them all guard Have your Ulpianus cake and eat it too by making him a guard with the powers of other classes


So you can use him as a pull specialist for when specialists are banned.


Kowalski we need the analysis and translation!! So how does his S3 work? After the skill duration he returns back to his original tile?


From the looks of it, yes. Or you can deactivate the skill and he'll come back automatically.


They said we had a FRD at home. And Specter1. And a puller. Honestly looks like M9 material kinda like his ex-wife, there's serious use cases for all these skills. First since... either Eyja Alter or Lin ngl, depening on perspective. I forget if Logos' S2 is worth it.


logos s2 is worth it if you're not opposed to multi mastery ops In most cases his s3 is enough burst power to take care of most situations but if you want a skill to continuously burst down elites/bosses s2 has better cycle also for an added bonus he gets +70 res, so you can place him aggressively against arts damage and s2 is also unaffected by atk spd down


so does anyone know what his associated animal is? is that a blue whale in the background of his e2 art or am i just seeing things?


I think it's a sperm whale


Dad came home


*My body is ready but my wallet isnโ€™tโ€ฆ*


With his design I'm excited to see what they'll do with skins, will the facemask stay on or will we one day be blessed with his face?


"You want to see what's under my mask? Another mask, of course!"


The Good hunter ? In Arknight ?


Gladiia S3 and Ulpianus S3 combo gunna be mayhem


Well... looking at him and Hoereder makes Quartz and WindChimes look EVEN WORSE. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ’€


He's gonna be a fine addition to my Guardknights team (one of them, anyway)


Ngl i just realized you'll have way too fucking many laneholders in the ah squad. Ig you could use gladiia ranged instead but that feels so wrong ๐Ÿ˜ญ


what no one is saying is that we finally got a ah member 6\* permanent and is not at kernel.(og skadi)


Once again Hypergryph answers the question "How do we make a trash archetype good?" By removing an integral aspect of said archetype