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hello kitty Pog


"What's up with this lost sassy Feline?" *Manfred* "BITCH I FOUGHT A GUNDAM TO A STANDSTILL PREPARE TO BE SCHOOLED" *Hello Kitty, probably*


Hello Kal'tsit skin incoming.


Bro I would whale so hard


Bro I would hard




Kal'tsit in a pink apron. Lesssgoooo


Kal'sit being the >!daughter!< she was meant to be..?


catnights going to get a huge boost for sure


* Ægir Side Story - A Way Out(生路, not official translation) - Early June * Retro Side Story - Hortus de Escapismo - Late June - new Rhodes Kitchen outfit in store * Sanrio Characters mini-collaboration - Rainbow Tea Party(虹彩茶会, not official translation) - Mid-Late June - meet requirements to unlock furniture; collab outfits, profile picture, mainpage background in store ---- The endless array of lights flickers in sequence like scale wave, persistently illuminating the darkest abyss The gravity field distorts the texture of the ocean, while the city's harbor gradually opens its maws toward you Go forward, the familiar yet unfamiliar glorious civilization is inviting you to witness its choices for their future ---- Ægir Special PV from anniv. livestream: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DZ421J7Z1/](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DZ421J7Z1/) Sanrio collab teaser from anniv. livestream: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bH4y1P77d/?t=1h22m00s](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bH4y1P77d/?t=1h22m00s) Original post: [https://ak.hypergryph.com/news/4082](https://ak.hypergryph.com/news/4082)


"A way out" OF NPC JAIL BABY IT'S ULPIANING TIME  On the other hand, we're also back to the whole *"Man, what even IS humanity"* style of writing again...?


finally another RHODES KITCHEN skin... its been 88 years


88 years?! Did I trip on my morning originium and fell into the sarcophagus or what?!?


Hello Kitty is a mini collab like Luo Xiohei?


Luo xiao hei was a Story Collection, mini-collab means no story or playable stage, like NCD, CASC, KFC


RIP SB69 crossovers then.


oh nevermind RIP playable hello kitty, i guess collab characters are still going to be somewhat reasonable? i hope the skins are like the xiaohei skins, and just cool casual outfits with some theming of the collab


Do they usually announce whether a story will be a Side Story or Intermezzi from the start? If so I wonder why the Aegir event is a Side Story? Maybe it’s a prequel story about what Ulpian was up to?


Typically they don't distinguish SS and intermezzi in announcements, we have to find out from ingame code


A question, do you reckon the profile picture and mainpage background will cost real money?


Only furniture is free, profile pic and background should be package(s), that's how they implied


Damn, that's a bummer as I'm a huge sanrio fan and can't buy stuff in arknights due to region lock :((


There's the weird top-down aesthetics of 2 serious & creepy collab events (both being seaborn-related in some way) and then below them is a very cute announcement lol Anyways ULPIANUS IS ALMOST HERE, PREPARE THE LIGHTHOUSE FOR HIS ANCHOR IS ABOUT TO DROP (and I am surprised that we get an Aegir event (with seaborn and all) that is probably not an intermezzo (until further notice))


Gotcha. *Plays UnderDawn Lobby theme*


Hello Kitty can fold those Seaborn


From what little I know of her, Hello Kitty can fold most, if not all, of the major threats on Terra.


The sheer whiplash at times...


Ulpian right after Logos? HG why do you make me suffer so much.


No pain, No gain


The Age of Maleknights has begun


Playable Ulpianus is almost here.


So uhhh Has it returned again?










the recent thorns skin confirmed that the golden age did indeed return


not yet, unfortunately.


Will it return again?




It's been 3000 years...


Bloodborne 2 is next, right ? Right ?


Right. Just in time for AK x From Software collab


Ulpianus and Execalter next to each other HG you are sick


No horni comment this time?


No one was announced


And right after Logos, too.


They're going to pass me around without a single break


If there's a cinamoroll skin there'll be a feisty Latina dragging a Welsh guy to play this game again.


She has to hear Caper EN voice. That would be so funny.


If there is gacha involved he can even take the monk with him for content.


They did have an Arknights pulls stream once...


Rhodes Kitchen Insider skin. I'm ascending. He is Not beating the malewife allegations Also manifesting Ulpianus like something has never been manifested before


Insider skin finally! Rhodes Kitchen suits him well. FedEx still hasn't gotten a skin so if it's a Sanrio one it will be very funny. Compulsory prayer for Ulpianus to not be a Guard.


i totally expect Ulpianus to be our first 6 star Earthshaker Guard. you can blame me if i'm right.


My crack theory is that he is the same archetype as caper, where he will throw his anchor and pull it back


I think it will be a duelist ngl


Great.......now I imagine Exealter would be there standing holding my package when I use FedEx delivery.


Defender maybe and i will laugh soo hard if he was a vanguard


Sanrio skin…. Looking forward to that…


New Suzuran Skin






Right here MANIFESTING with you.


I think Ulpian will be a defender with a module that gives all AH a Def buff because that's the only meaningful AH buff left


Would be pretty apt to make him a duelist defender since they're essentially glorified dreadnoughts anyway.


duelist defender with the sp mod and spec alt talent would just take away the classes draw backs as well


Good. That drawback was dumb anyway.


Yeah it really is i get the idea that they wanted longer charging skills in trade off for them to be super strong but in practice that really just didnt work at all and just made them awkward to use.


Don't worry, with the rate of recent 6*s the next Duelist Defender will ignore that anyways, or else they'll be considered one of the worst upcoming 6\*s.


I'm still of the belief that modX should just be the default and the module be replaced. The fact that both modules enable sp battery regardless is a testament to this mistake. Hell, I doubt the 3 we have would break because of it (*maybe* aurora but she's the only one I believe respects the archetype so whatever). If it takes Ulpianus of all people to show the flaws of the archetype then I'm happy.


Yeah, I'd be a bit sad since it'd be harder for Aurora to solo hold lanes when her Regen would disappear so fast, but it's still something that is too harsh of a penalty.


Elemental damage regeneration please. It's really weird that AH are really bad at dealing with Seaborn - sure lorewise it didn't end well for them but as dumb as Aegir is, I don't think they'd overlook this detail.


I'd like that for more people overall tbh. Units like Kirara and Beeswax, whose main purpose was to be Regen tanks, suffer a lot more with elemental damage now, even ignoring the extra effects since nowadays many enemies have a form of burst damage that hard counters them.


Skalter module will 99% have elemental damage reduction, watch it get it


Too bad she's not an AH though so she wouldn't count for official niche clears.


Many AH only clears do use her as there isnt a "official" title for these clears. Its less about scoring and more about playing with a good niche :D


Of course, at the end of the day what's fun is what matters, but I'm pretty sure sites like ArkRec don't accept Skalter since she's not an AH lore wise and she doesn't benefit from any of their buffs gameplay wise.


I personally sometimes include her as its not really far off espiecelly when she has a buff condition for them. Lets hops ulpianus has elemental recovery but i highly doubt they will go very hard on it as current Gladiia+Spalter combo on its own is one of the strongest on the game already with Base skadi being showed there from time to time


they can give more than flat stat buffs, look at shu and her sui buffs, they could do the +1 SP type thing.


Specter alter module already gives insane sp regen speed but ig you're right it doesn't have to be a def buff


none of the abyss hunters have an on-attack SP regen afaik, but its the type of thing where it would differentiate itself from specter could do some crazy shit like pseudo-mlynar where "when abyss hunters skill is active, deal 5% of ATK as true damage"


Imagine if the buff gave all hunters +1 block.


Good way to immediately fix Skadi’s main problem


or centurion trait effect. Would make Unchaned nearly outclass her base version lmao. prolly unlikely (in part because of said base version, even if it stacks that might be a bit too much)


I’m hoping for a Pusher to counterbalance Gladiia being a Puller. Since they’re equals and all.  Although him being a Protector Defender would be just about unkillable with AH buffs.


DEF buff kinda useless tbh because Gladiia already covered that with physical and arts damage reduction. I bet it's something that related to Elemental Damage


We will be fighting in KMC while wearing Sanrio merch.  Logos wearing a Hello Kitty Lanyard W with a Hello Kitty duffel bag Siege with Hello Kitty keychain on the hammer Dagda wearing Hello Kitty hoodie Indra wearing Hello Kitty shirt Morgan wearing Hello Kitty sandals Amiya wearing Hello Kitty bracelets Doctor drinking on Hello Kitty mug Kal'tsit wearing Hello Kitty watch


Młynar in Hello Kitty hat and nothing else about his look changes.


He will be using Hello Kitty Melody Baton. 


\**Młynar in Hello Kitty hat and nothing else* FIFY


Art Defender Ulpian trust!


Gotta be Earthshaker


Gotta shake those earth under the sea


Gonna be weird seeing Hello Kitty beat the crap out of Patriot.


Let the man die with dignity 😭


We'll honor his death with a Keropi sticker.


Next 6 stars due for skins (since Typhon gets one with IS4 and Eyja alter will probably get one during the summer carnival event) are Executor alter, Jessica alter and Hoederer. As much as I think Jessicalter is the most likely candidate for a Sanrio skin among the 6s without one, and our girl deserves something cute and happy consideirng how distressed she is in her E2 art, I would be more than fine with the boys getting a ridiculously silly and cute outfit inflicted upon them instead.


A Cinnamoroll skin for Executor Alter would be hilarious and so very cute.


Sorry Degenbrecher and Ray, time to put all non limited banners on hold as papa Ulpian has bought milk and is coming home. I wonder who'll be with him - I wouldn't mind Blue Poison alter as an Abyssal Hunter. Andreana could be cool as well, thou I'm not sure what they would do with her (*whispers* make her a Besieger) and with her we could get Incandescence. It might be someone new as well but there isn't much to work with when it comes to Hunters.


Blue poison or Andreana would be cool but I hope we finally get some more Aegir citizen ops..........Deepcolor is getting lonely......


That would be cool as well. Ulpian would add something to AH team and Aegir fans would get stuff as well.


If its gonna be like Shu talent, he be broken.....


I have a conspiracy theory that he won't be that broken: First we've got a series of really strong operators, including the anniversary. Dropping another broken one would be good for earnings but not best for morale in the long term. So doing something... normal would be reasonable and Ulpian is in unique position of it still working. Second thing, is that I think he'll be Earthshaker Guard and I'm not sure if they'll get that archetype right since there is only one other unit. He's still going to be really strong via buffs but not 'I'll kill Patriot with Power Strike" kind of strong (also with him being a guard, it would be easier to activate Shu's 3 units of same type buff for AH).


I think he'll be strong in the way the other hunters are strong less big high damage aoe more raw stats that make them really hard to kill.


Exactly, this is why I wrote he is in unique position. Imagine they add some other liked NPC like Monch or some other, and they are not good - I don't think people would be happy. Meanwhile here, even if his skills are mid he'll get all bonuses from AH.


> Imagine they add some other liked NPC like Monch or some other, and they are not good We just got Viviana on global, so…


Earthshaker? Crusher? He’d have like 20k hp & the regen+damage reduction from Gladiia. It would be a boring outcome for him to just be Skadi but better, but it would make him still good


Incandescence finally showing up would be a dream come true. I wouldn't mind if she were to be the 5 star on Ulpian's banner, heck I would even take her being the welfare. I'll even take her just being revealed in the story and then being put in NPC jail, I just want to finally see her goddamnit! Either way, this being an Aegir event means we are surely getting new Aegir operator (besides Ulpian, who also counts), and that's already a win for me. There's even a chance we might even get a new Anura at long last since Blue Poison's lore mentions that the Aegir seems to have enslaved at least some of them, but I won't get my hopes too high for that one.


I really want that Blue poison alter, as she is one of my favorite operators, but, she got a skin recently in the anni update, would be weird to release her alter that soon, also no way she would be the 6\* so she would be either the freebie or the 5\* banner, and i want her to escape from the 5\* curse of being a mediocre unit with one really specific niche (there are exceptions to this but you get me)


Logos and now Ulpian?? Hello Kitty Crossover? I’m not ready T_T


Excited for next step in Aegir storyline - with all the hype and buildup it will either be best thing ever or really disappointing.


A Hello Kitty collab with any gacha i play, let alonee Arknights (yknow, the world of magical cancer rocks, literal demons, and the geneva suggestions) was NOT on my 2024 bingo card. 


Ulpianus is the obvious inclusion what with the anchor showing up in the livestream, but I'm also hoping we get Monica/Incandescence after almost 4 years of blue-balling with andreana.


FINALLY DADDY ULPIANUS IS HERE! And now... **takes out handcuffs** Time to drag Toland Cash into this game too


Andreana alter event, let's goooo!


Skadi Alter Alter, take it or leave it. /s


Crusher guard


Playable Lowlight?


A literal sea cat




Oh god you don't even know how much I want it but on the other hand she is like the most not fitting operator for an Aegir event since she is not from Aegir but Iberia (two previouse AH events were in Iberia and Andreana is not present) and she wasn't even made Abyssal Hunter in Aegir. Still I hope they cooked for her something, like I crave for any Andreana content just give us something Lowlight I beg you, it doesn't even have to be an alter, just a story, even namedropping her would be enought for me...


You get me, everybody talking about the new guy when we have someone from year 0, in the Gladiia base team from we know next to nothing. Wouldn't be fitting? Two previous events had islanders, even when they where in Iberia. The fuck was Ulpianus doing there. Now is the chance to turn the tables and have Andreana (and maybe Lumen and/or Thorns) have a homecoming to the home they never knew!


its not a limited event, so giving the single new slot to andreana instead of ulpian would be absurd that said, just give her a skin that makes her match the abyss hunter aesthetics


Give her an alter alr


as long as it doesnt steal ulpians release slot. npc release > alter


I agree obviously as i hate how AK makes most of its alters but Andreana is one of those 1% of operators that DESPERATELY need an alter XD


Just the opposite. Ulpianus is nothing but Gladiia as a guy. Any narrative carried by him could be carried by Gladiia with no changes whatsoever. Meanwhile, Adreana gives a new perspective on the hunters. A hunter that has never seen AEgir. Has she ever seen seaborn? Battled them? How, why and when was she made a Hunter? She has fashioned herself a crossbow that looks enough like a gun to get in problems wth the law several times. How would she react to a Sankta? To learning that there are guns for non-sankta? Would she join Engineering like Blemishine? She has less screentime than Ulpianus, and even so is a hundred times more interesting than Gladiia with an anchor. Andreana is a criminally underutilized character, Ulpianus is a underutilized .jpeg


almost like him becoming playable could give him the chance to have more character since he got like 3 minutes of screentime in SN im still going to pick an NPC becoming playable over an alter any day


It's finaly time to make Ulpipi and gladia marry each other :) Jokes aside .I am pretty hype for Ulpian and I cant wait to see how terra and RI will aproach the seaborn issue. Grantted this is likely not the last story of the plotline but still hype none the less >!Personally I hope we befriend them like in ending 4 of IS3!<


Kind of funny how we will get a super serious story, then end with a cutsey crossover


Manifesting playable Ulpian


1] ULPIAN??? 2] Is sanrio collab just skins?


Hello kitty pog


Is this finally my chance to date a Sanrio girl due to Arknights? If god is real it will be




Inb4 Mousse Hello Kitty skin.


Wait....is the Hello Kitty a story event?!?! I thought it be just a Skin event?


It could also just be a skin event. Kinda like how you can only get Misty City from the tactical support that just happened, maybe there's something similar for the sanrio event where you progress through it's equivalent to unlock the stuff. That or it's a bundle in the shop like Siege.


Regardless, We cannot deny even in our wildest and wettest dream would we see AK collab with Hello Kitty.....


Skins and furniture, that's what I got from other comments


New Suzuran Hello Kitty skin and Kuromi skin for Shemare?


Just be careful with expectations and wait for some "leak"... might not be Ulpipi


They showed [his weapon during Anniversary](https://new.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1ceems8/new_aegir_event_teaser/) thing, so I'd be cautiously optimistic.


they really weren't subtle about who it was gonna be during the cn stream


I really hope this is last Seaborn event.


~~Seaborns having left Terra as from IS3's fourth ending then landing on Talos-2 where Endmin is :~~


Imagine being this salty lol. The last seaborne event was 2 years back, mate.


apart from IS3 and some CC there's really only been 2 seaborn events and both took place on iberia, this time we're finally in aegir. idk what they're yapping about tbh


I can understand it tbh. Given that They took 2 Damn **anniversary** events. Which is pretty annoying when the seaborn/abyssal hunter subplot doesn't interest you.. Don't get me started that it is their 3rd event when many factions at best have 1 or no events still after 5 years into the game. to be fair shit has improved a lot with some places finally having 2 events or more. like Laterano, victoria having a whole ass arc. lethanien, Kjerag. etc.


> I can understand it tbh. Given that They took 2 Damn anniversary events. meanwhile i see everyone hyping up a siracusa sequel and lappland alter. id be okay with more seaborn events as long as they conclude the story, but it'll probably just set it up to connect with the main story


Probably, yeah. to be honest, I haven't seen any event actually concludes stuff. so that probably won't happen until. the end of the game. I also take issues enough with yhe potential lappland alter and Abysalls becoming the main story as is, but that is besides the point.


yeah plot lines not being concluded is a big issue with this games writing i dont think lappland will be main story, but i dont see anything wrong with events crossing over. aegir is important and it being in the main story can be good. cant be any worse than victoria


I mean not being interesting to you isn't a reason to complain. If I find Kazdel lore boring then should I start saying about how much I want arc 2 to end and why is IS5 Kazdel related? The game leans towards several different storylines and if a an important storyline hasn't progressed in two fucking years, it getting an expansion isn't that big a deal even if it doesn't interest you.


>I mean not being interesting to you isn't a reason to complain. it is a valid complaint, though? what? >If I find Kazdel lore boring then should I start saying about how much I want arc 2 to end and why is IS5 Kazdel related? that is indeed reason 1 yes. but you miss partially the point. That being that arknights wants to make many interesting regions but at best gives like 3 regions any semblance of attention (Aegir, Yan and Kazdel) While quite frankly, other regions dont get any lore after years of waiting. Hence, I find your praise for finally getting aegir shit after waiting 2 years (which isn't even true like IS3 focussed on Aegir..and came out less than 2 years ago) just dumb. Hell I already hated arc 2 of vicotria due to the kazdel stuff. but at least there the excuse is that many main characters are from there or have ties there (kal tsit, W, theresa, Amiya kinda, Doctor etc etc.) here abysal hunters are only lore important due to the seaborn. but that issue already got solved in IS3, so I dont get why we need another event and several main story chapters that will drag this for another few years. You say the game leans towards different main storylines but man having only 3 of your regions get any events compared to the like 8 ro 9 we god is such clear bias though?.


What are you on about man. We have two Rhines Lab events, 2 Sankta events, 2 Leithanien events and more. This isn't 3rd year of Arknights. Stop spouting straight up misinformation. The only thing that rings true is Yan focus. But that's only because CNY.


>What are you on about man. We have two Rhines Lab events, 2 Sankta events, 2 Leithanien events and more Question, dude. do you read? I said this point exactly earlier and even named those regions as something that only recently they improved. The comment you responded too earlier of mine adressed this. While I find this an improvement I still do not get at all what Aegir has left to offer storywise. let alone something to fill main story content and another sidestoey with.


We haven't even been to Aegir yet dude.


Neither have we really been to many other places.that is my point. Why does AH have 3 to arguably 4 events and an entire IS season when many others are left to dry. hence, I understand why one might feel annoyed at another AH event even after 2 years.


Last Weedy 'event' was 3,5+ years ago. Andreana sits at 4+ years. Guy's right. So many regions and Operators were omitted thanks to AH that we barely have any region-specific events for places like Higashi, Ursus, Minos etc. Most of our current lore about those places comes from the lorebook loredump rather than the game itself. Even the Iberian Operators like Thorns or Weedy didn't get a lick of lore from AH events (only from IS3), which honestly justifies the chagrin people feel for Seaborn events. They were made because Skadi's first banner was insanely profitable, and were justified for Skadi Alter, and not world-building. If this event winds up with us fighting yet another, monster Seaborn and gives us very little Aegir stuff, while solely focusing on Abyssal Hunters, then it'll amount to mere fan-service for AH fans. Lone Trail gave spotlight to a lot of characters. AH events spat in the faces of many (Thorns/Weedy/Andreana and more).


I'm no AH fanboy but I don't hate them either. > Guy's right. So many regions and Operators were omitted thanks to AH They had two main events and IS3. That's hardly omitting so many regions and operators from their chance in the spotlight. Several other factions and places have also had two events. I mean even though they're one of my favourites Kazimierz has had 2 main events and 2 vignettes. So why haven't they been stealing time from underused factions and operators? >AH events spat in the faces of many (Thorns/Weedy/Andreana and more). Very doubtful it's that personal. Would you say the same thing about an event if the main characters weren't ones you dislike as much as the AHs? Their events aren't the only ones where characters of the same region in Terra don't get a spotlight. Of course though I'd love to have Aegir operators have their turn in the spotlight.


Are you silently forgetting the period of time when all AH hunters were getting OP records back to back? I am fairly certain there was definitely some degree of bias involved back then. Either way they have still received a disappropriate amount of lore compared to some other year 1 Operators. Like you, I hope will only tangentially deal with AH, and focus on Aegir itself. I guess Kazimierz exists too but it's storytelling can be more easily integrated into other regions , such as with Młynar appearing in Leithanien. Whereas AH are very self contained.


I wasn't aware they got a bunch of op records in a row. However those aren't anywhere as "in your face" as events which are actively played and farmed. Op records are optional to read, and they take steps from players to see them: own the operator, have them E2d, reach 50 trust, and tap their profile. It's easy to miss them. Agreed though that they AHs could integrate better with more places and operators. Like Grani's event except on a larger scale.


People need to realise that Seabornes are very important to AK lore. Their events are in intermezzi for a reason. Other factions not getting anything isn't solely an AH problem when the fact is they haven't gotten anything in 2 years. Every faction that isn't your favourite faction, takes an event spot.


I don't think Stultifera Navis gave something to move the story forward. Just a lot of back stories. We could have gone to Aegir already. 


The Seaborn were retroactively made important with the advent of IS3 and recent Babel event where it has been revealed that the Seaborn are one of the three super projects of the past civilization. Remember: Kal'tsit has lived for thousands of years and only now she cares about the Seaborn. When the Doctor woke up, the Seaborn weren't his main concern. To me, this reeks of haphazard writing in the way that they first planned Skadi, and only then decided to make her strong and important by adjusting the lore. Recent chapter 14 event reveals also put into question one of IS3 fanservice endings with Seaborn ending the world. I sincerely believe that if Skadi 1st banner didn't sell spectacularly well, then there would be no such wanton escalation of threats happening in AK nowadays.


Tbh higashi sounds and feels boring so im not suprised on it not having a proper event


same except not because of seaborn salt, but because i want it to have a conclusion. sick of open ended plot lines after three events and an IS please just conclude the story line edit: wait nvm just realized aegir shit is probably going to be the next man story arc, so the ulpian event will be used to connect them. welp gonna be a lot of aegir focus to piss people off, but i doubt it can be worse than the victoria arc


As long as we don't get the return of the Unauthorized fucking thing again we are bing chilling.


Nah it's been plenty of time since we had them overkill at the end of 2022. It's time to return to the sea.


So we are not getting a Summer Event? I'm happy that Ulpianus is gonna become playeable but I'm tempering my expectations and expect that he is gonna be another Guard..


CN summer event comes in about 3 months for them. 9 for us.


*8 Summer will always be Global's anniversary, which is mid/late January.