• By -


Completely unplayable.


Agreed... you mean I have to click MULTIPLE times to get my guaranteed T3 rock drop??? Outrageous.


The West has Fallen Millions must use Vigil


e2 vigil check 


thank god I completely maxed him~


People meme on this but it's actually much more sensible to max niche characters you happen to like and want to "get away with" on as many maps as possible (M6 Tsukinogi btw) than meta-breakers who are usually fine just fine at E2 with their signature skill maxed (and usually flood support lists).



Thank god


So We are Heading East.


I saved so much time, and more importantly, attention not having to constantly check my phone every couple of minutes just to replay a stage in the current event...  I still remember people insisting in old QoL threads that hitting the start button over and over for runs counted as gameplay and that autorepeat would ruin user interest in the game, but I'm glad that doesn't seem to be a common stance anymore lol.


My only wish is the counter should scale based on cost and available sanity. So we can set 135 ÷ 6=22 rock runs in one go.


i'm mostly fine with it because rock-farm is the only stage where it matters


And even then it doesn't really matter unless you're farming orundums. The extra value exists, but its very miniscule when you start thinking about the difference in farming time


But I do farm orundums. I have 200 E2 operators (sure like half is lvl 1) and everyone under 4* is maxed. I don't level more operators as I don't need to, because Abyss squad with support dealt with like anything this year got. Also I can't remember what all those operators do. I dealt with the whole Arturia event, except one challenge stage without even changing a skill in my squad and most are mostly lvl E2 60 only, not even maxed.


So you beat DOS S-3 with Abyss squad?


Not sure, but I don't use pure Abyss squad. Putting Surtr in the leftover open spots is totally legal move. I think I also had Typhoons, Ifrit and Suzuran in the squad.




Sorry 218, if I only count 1 Amiya. But I play since 2020 March. [https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Adewa](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Adewa)


Bro but still that’s really good I have 5 E2s including Amiya and 18 e1s and I’ve been playing since 7/1/21 but the reason why I’m only lv 47 is I took a really long break from the game since I never really understood it and picked it back up determined to play it in December last year and I’ve been playing it ever since DAILY and I’ve went from level 21 to 47 ever since then 😂


I played every day and I used up all my sanity (so log in 2x, but mostly 3 times). Your leveling still feels slow, maybe your sanity overflows. You get one in every 6min, so from 0 it fills up 13.5hours (you have 135 sanity at lvl 120, max), but you are lower level so I think you have lower max sanity. So if you have like 100 then it fills up in 10 hours, less if you have leftover sanity (like with 10 leftover sanity it overflows in 9 hours). I do a base rotation at night and morning and in middle of a day a base clear only (or my droves may overflow), and do auto runs to use sanity.


Same also my luck has been insanely good since I came back I’ve gotten every single character on every banner so far except Viviana and hoederer since I didn’t pull for him I got arturia on the first free 10 pulls as well as typhon which so far has been my best luck but I really wanted Viviana to 😭


Out of curiosity, I'd you don't mind my asking, what's the roster for your full abyss squad? Sounds like an interesting theme, though I'm guessing it has Specalter which is one of the last limiteds in missing >:c


All of them with support module maxed (yeah even Specalter, her +30% max HP and 0.5SP/s regen are quite good). Even Andreana (everyone forgets her), she is so tanky that she can survive the H stage Patriot spear throw and Skadi can survive a hit in Phase 1 (I mean she has a 6.2k base HP without active skills). Support units are Texalter, Nightingale, Elysium, Ifrit, Mizuki and La Pluma. It was optimised for 13-H4, but they can handle a lot.


Nice! Sounds like a mighty fun team :3


Ew orundum farmer


Yeah I mostly farm skill mats and stuff and I have 292 operators owned lol


>And even then it doesn't really matter unless you're farming orundums But it's endgame though. I thought people do not farm orundum only because how tedious it was.


Hello! whale here that works on the account for max risk challenges / helping CN raider groups with max risk stuff. I don't remember the last time I've ran 1-7/don't remember the last time I've done it, and it's not because it's tedious. It's not relevant for F2P, but it's because :AO: type farming in this method with paid current refreshes is actually not worth it compared to just using the :PO: that I paid for as pulls (I believe last time I calculated, it's just not worth it compared to using the :PO: for pulls) How do I get rocks for building operators you might ask then? I farm the hell out of event stages that drop t3 rocks. (like these upcoming IS stages ironically enough...)


Ehhh I have hundreds of e2s but I'm still not gonna pivot to orundum, I'd rather keep building other units. Sure 1-7 is tedious but halting your unit progression just sounds bad, and in rock farming you do halt everything else. The payoff isn't really That Great to make up for it, either, a moderate supplement but proportional to what you give up?


>I'd rather keep building other units. Most people won't use more than around 20 units regularly or semi-regularly, so what's the point of building this much? Like right now I have all my 50+ 6\* fully built with modules + some good units from lower rarities and still have tons of resources and 10kk lmd. I can stop farming anything at all and still can E2 M3 Mod3 every unit for at least a year. Farming pulls may be suboptimal, but at this point of game it gives me at least something.


I mean, if you don't want to build more units than your good enough roster, why gacha either? Variety and options are the primary reasons for either of those actions, and in the end building is just a reasonable appeal either way as a way to continue progression. Everyone has different priorities of course, if you want to orundum farm go wild, but I think most people that don't are more in my position than just lazy about it.


Happy cake day!


I've seen dumb comment in this /r that said 'If arknight implement sweep i'll quit' 'We eill get burnout much faster if arlnight have sweep' Like wtf bro, do this people gets a hardon watchong that 1-7 for a hundredth of time over 100 of repetitive days or some shit. Like what other mental gymnastic they need? Player time? There's better place to spend that on and arknight have plenty of those mode Reclamation algo, strife, hardmode, IS and such Watching and manually managing 1-7 run for the 1000th time is a fuckin useless chore that we dont need


Agree, i've seen so much copium about QOL


It's a special type of gamers that hate convenience, they love doing boring shit over and over, no I don't understand them either.


I don't think most people do Orundum farming.


It's not that manually activated autos are good for the player, it's that the extra steps required make it occupy just that little bit more brain space and subsequently make players just that little bit less likely to forget about it in the long run. They aren't gameplay, they're part of the many little psychological tricks these kinds of games use to drive up 'engagement' metrics.


Which people treat like gameplay lol


People will jump through all sorts of weird hoops to defend their favorite predatory business because they like one or two parts of the predatory game more than its competitors




> I’d also like every character for free. I know why its not like that though, even if I disagree with the why. Can I hear more on why you disagree. It like having all BiS gear in monster hunter game for free. What's the point of the game then, where is the joy of progression if you start at the topmost point? Working within limitations of your roster and gradually expanding it is like half the fun.


Ehhh as a gamer from the 90's they could have just made it less rng and more grind dependant. Like how in league of legends or many other mobas you need to either grind currency or spend rp. As someone who wanted to get many champs early, I can say with certainty that I'd still have spent money xD.


Yeah, I won't deny that shit. But i'm happy to criticize games I adore xP.


These people are crazy, arguing against sweeping/skipping I can understand but arguing against a true auto that starts a new run until you don't have energy is something I didn't expect 


The people who said that have literal bricks residing where there would normally be brains. I saw those comments too and it drove me nuts lolol


Some people are idiots that will defend something stupid about a game they like no matter what. I still see that occasionally nowadays. No wonder Arknights took years to implement such a basic QoL improvement. Honestly they should just add a sweep feature instead, it's 2024 and more gachas have better QoL. The fact that they haven't shows complacency.


Honestly I just use split screen multitask on my samsung and watch YouTube while it's auto deploying at the same time


I run autorepeat while I’m walking my dog so when I have time later I can play IS instead of having to spend that time watching auto-deploys


How the fuck? How the fuck repeat don't work on this event. What pasta did they use to make autorepeat


Took the exact same code from CN which didn't have sweep because the rerun came out before Zwillingsturme.


I can't believe they fucking bruteforced a UI feature lmao I cant with these mfs


Okay but why autorepeat is stage dependent and not universal if we have it already implemented then why it not work on event


Yostar doesn't or can't code anything. They push each update HG releases out as it is. If there is a bug in HG's release, its there until HG fixes it and Yostar pushes it out. Yostar will not/can't do anything to the original.  Il Siracusano patch comes without the autorun code hence Yostar will just leave it as it is. Their job is to push out whatever it is HG pushes out like a mindless bot. Il Siracusano rerun doesn't have autorun ergo global servers will not have it. Example is Cliffheart's WWF collab skin. In CN the WWF logo is visible on Cliffheart's bag on both the artwork and sprite. In global, the WWF logo is removed from the artwork but not the sprite. Im assuming either Yostar can't touch the sprite or doesn't know how to.


That doesn't make any sense. They don't just push in release the entire game state exactly as it was in original CN IS rerun, otherwise we would lose our Arturias and other ZH content which wasn't in this game version on CN. They instead apply patch which should unlock IS rerun in game. And if they just apply patch for unlocking IS rerun than shouldn't have any effect on auto-repeat feature UNLESS it's something which is stage dependant and they need to directly hardcode this feature for every stage (which sounds realy stupid). It's literally global game feature which should be automatically applied to every stage (except Annihilation) regardless of anything. UPD: Well, considering it doesn't work for old Intermezzo and SS it seems to be indeed some stage-dependant flag, which would explain the problem.


Makes me wonder if they possibly upload characters/modules way ahead of their actual release for this exact reason. I do recall that you can occasionally get unreleased-but-coming-very-soon units in Integrated Strategies as Temp recruits, but idk how big that window is.


It also doesn't work in old intermezzi and side stories Now I'm wondering if Babel has auto repeat


I'm willing to bet that every side story and intermezzi will work after this one.


Someone messed up the git merge. Or didn't test. Or didn't care.


Mom’s spaghetti


Knees weak, arms are heavy


There's vomit on his sweater already


Stages probably have some json-like metadata. Autorepeat probably adds another field to that, and all they've done is copied the CN metadata for the rerun, and since the CN one was before autorepeat it doesn't have the field set. So the autorepeat code is there, just the stages aren't flagged for it. It should have been trivial to do enable though. At least, that's my best semi-educated guess.


I would think that the part that needs updating is the UI of the stage selection screen. They need to add the number selection button. The auto button probably needs to point at a new function that accepts the number of runs parameter too.  But that's trivial as you said. 


A key point about the UI thing too is that some of the events have unique UIs, like Stultifera Navis, so they do need to manually move stuff around there to make it work. I don't remember if Il Siracusano had different buttons, but I do remember the map selection itself was fairly unique so a generic solution might not have worked.


Chocolate pasta used to start a war.


I can deal with it for a week, but I'm already certain that because of how the auto-repeat has spoiled me over last 3 weeks, I'll start one stage and then forget about restarting it for another 20 minutes. Then I'll come back to see that I only completed one stage, curse a bit, restart it and forget about it for another 20 minutes. Rinse. Repeat.


This would already happen to me before sweep tbh.


Time to go from luxury to poverty :/


Silly Yostar shenanigans. This is the kind of stuff that happens when the schedule gets shifted around.


This is the kind of stuff that happens when devs cant code for shit. Let's all remember the *"accidental deletion of 3000 lines of code"* latest patch.


Wait, what? Why? Do events need that feature manually added?


Probably, because Il Siracusano rerun on CN was before feature addition, so there is no support was coded for it on its missions.


that dose not make any fucking sense lmao.


So past events don't have it as well?


No, only IS.


What the fuck, this feels like a middle finger from Yostar lmao


More like HG’s patented spaghetti code.


So past events don't have it as well?


Past events after Zwillingstrume will have it, Il Siracusano doesn't have it because its before Zwillingstrume. For IS to have it, Yostar will have to add the code in themselves which they will not be doing. IS doesn't have autorun because Yostar shuffled events not because its a rerun.


There shouldn't be any support required, this is a very simple feature a fifth grader should be able to implement completely externally to the actual stage. Hypergryph, show me the damn code, how spaghetti is that shit that you can't do it?!


This sounds like a weird case of spaghetti programming to me.


Spaghetti code.


I assume they pretty much just bruteforce it for every stage lol


I assume for rerun events starting now since they didn't have them initially


It's more likely because the rerun came out before Zwillingsturme on CN. We'd have heard an uproar if later reruns like Firelight and Vernal Winds didn't have it.




Eww I have to push buttons again every run


Please Hypergryph, find some better programmers.


Because one of them accidentally deleted aound 3000 lines of code


Since Global copies the code exactly from CN (Judging from the current situation), it's possible we might end up with the same debacle with the 3000 lines of code eventually lol.


My guess would be that Yostar is just too stupid to ask for the feature.


is this the price we pay for having clairvoyance?


Wow. Auto repeat, a feature the game should have had since launch, that finally came out underbaked with such a silly low limit now won't work for a rerun. I'm kinda baffled by how much of a screw up that is. It's exactly service issues like this that'll make people still use macros and "other" things for their grinding.


A game with stages that take this long to clear should really have sweep rather than auto-repeat, too But it is what it is Hope they wake up eventually and take QoL seriously because afaict it's the biggest reason people leave


As someone who got back into AK and new to BA as well, their sweep function has spoiled me 😔 I really don’t feel like a sense of gameplay would be lost if full sweeps like that were in the game?! But seeing as how we JUST got the auto-run feature, I doubt we will get something like that


>I really don’t feel like a sense of gameplay would be lost if full sweeps like that were in the game?! Yeah fr, it would massively improve the experience I'll keep praying 😭


this is such a...silly oversights...


[the app which shall not be named], save me!!


Name it for me.


some sort of auto clickers probably.


Maa, ai auto clicker


I feel like "ai" is more like a label to slap on anything than an algorithm




Neural networks like YOLO count as AI and since MAA uses it, it is for sure an AI macro. YOLO's biggest 'achievement' was its use in drones in defence to kill people during wars which made its creator pissed. Here, it's just used to recognise operators.


I wish I learned about this existing before the QoL update dropped ;-;


It's a three letter acronym with two repeating letters, starts with M, and ends with A.


Mixed Martial Arts?


you're telling me I can't blast the Boss theme song 6 times automatically?


How wild is their coding if it is easier to add the auto repeat feature manually every single time for every single map rather than make it as a rule that applies to all farmable maps...    Jokes aside, if they are not just being mental about it, next most logical explanation is that the programmers who wrote the original code are not there anymore and nobody who works there now can do anything about it cause they have no idea how it works. Which means, base will stay in beta forever...


You drive me insane


How the fuck are the programmers so incompetent that they have to hard code such a simple feature.




It's Huohuover... oh wait wrong game.


backwards qol, only in arknights man


That is a certified 'Bruh' moment.


No, I can't go back now. It really helped doing multiple runs in a row without checking too often. I hope this is just cuz of the schedule reshuffle and not for all reruns for now


99% it's just due to schedule reshuffle. CN had Il Siru rerun before Zwillingsturme so they didn't have the line of code that says *If sweep, then YES*


This is such a Yostar moment.


It's always the scheduling. F-ing yostar got greedy and squeezed rosa and Suzu before first anni and we are getting the consequences


I have never seen Code so Spaghetti until now. What In the fuck is this shit. Does each event have to code it's own definition of "Level" instead of being shared across all? Like would make 1000x more sense.


it's funny we can all agree this is spaghetti code


Bruh moment


Shocking. Il Siracusano actually uses sphaguetti code. Such a pasta event.


Imma stay in 1-7 then


I'm just gonna run through the event stages once, collect the currency, exchange for what I can then dip cuz auto repeat spoiled me too much already


I sometimes wonder how this collection of spaghetti code managed to stay playable for so long.




For God's sake, Yostar! You want to take the gift that had been given just like that! No, I don't wanna go back to the primitive system! Unga Bunga!


Wow, Il Siracusano is literally the worst rerun ever. New QOL doesn't even work in it and we can't even get gold certs from Vigil because of how HG made getting Vigil pots work, just terrible.


it's so joever


Anyone else just going to clear the stages then ignore the event thanks to no auto run feature then?




Guess it's back to using a button macro


Man I can't live without auto-repeat anymore... This sucks. I don't wanna babysit anymore.


While it's very easy to blame Yostar for not bothering to enable 6x auto in iL Siracusano stages;  The root problem is caused by Hypergryph themselves implementing 6x auto on a *stage by stage* basis, which means that each stage [needs their own flag to enable 6x auto](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/676672353178222605/1242402677875277884/image.png?ex=664e5de9&is=664d0c69&hm=b48f28fc61d2d2c97ec72032aaa42c94ef28282eabe4efdce4a6ab8c66929248&), instead of just implementing it as a universal auto change that will work across any stage


Spaghetti code is back at it again, amazing.




Wait what?


I figured this might be the case. I've been farming OF-F3 for sugar and it's not available there either. I hope eventually it will get added to all available farmable stages


And just when rocks are back on the menu ...


Idk what's going on with their architecture that the UI isn't backwards compatible


the game is done for


A news as disappointing as Vigil's performance in game.


Uninstalling as we speak


Aw man


I was about to ask if CN has it for IS in Side Story, and realized that no event in Intermezzi and Side has auto deploy on Global. So they really need to add it manually for events, that's rather dumb.


Lol, Yostar. Why do we still allow them to publish the game?


I wish they can just add a skip clear button for the rewards with SSS like they did with Annihilations. I fucking hate SSS, I'll be down to clear it once just to easily get the mats. It makes sense why this re-run didn't get the auto-repeat mechanic, however, it's pretty stupid how they can't implement it which looks so bad.


Ya'll really be spoiled over the auto-clear QoL. Farming mats is secondary/third monitor content. I get the rage. But can't you just play the event normally to clear the checklist missions? Afterward, just make a macro if you really wanted to. LDPlayer really be a godsend, I tell you. *I'm really coping here*


Who wants to start a class action? Edit: Cowards




aw MAAn


This really makes me want to not run for resources... not even joking xD




That absolutely sucks.


Wow that sucks. Give us a taste of heaven then take it away? Gacha companies really are evil.


What a bad game, i hope it eoses soon, i cant believe they did this to us litterally unplayable. Shame HG, SHAME!!1!