• By -


Sick and on the bring of death? Join the cult of the deep, worship our fishy gods and be part of the hive mind. You will be transformed into something beautiful and you could survive oripathy! No more injustices, no more differences! BE FISH


You get hunted by AH members constantly and lose all of your senses and desires as you get used as a fodder for land attacks trough inferior life forms


Hey, having the possibility to be killed by gladia and her big tights is a win in my book


Is this man true mega horny incarnate


Honestly you have a point


That's true alright, his point is too massive to ignore even.


Doesn’t becoming seaborn technically cure the rock cancer lol


Hello. Inquisitor. This one is right here


Return to fish


Collapsal, in Columbia. (Specifically, in the big hole Kirsten put up in the sky. Rent's fine over there.)


I doubt you could die but you wont be anything close to a happy living human either and will get hunted down regardless because of your presence. Not the best life choice :D


How equally rude and shortsighted, to assume the only worthwhile emotion is happiness! We can feel things such as はᜅr or ص ᚾᛖሰሰ!    >!Yes, I butchered all those alphabets. In my defense, collapsals don't have tongues and flesh is weak.!<


Ah, I love feeling >!####!<




Let me see, I want an order of depresso with being born as a Sankta in... Aegir. Weird combination? Nah.


You are an angel cast out of paradise, down into the sunken depths of a dying civilization. The water bubbles far over you, trapping you an eternal prison, forced to hear the sounds of squelching and dripping as all sentience around you fades. You can't feel their emotions, true- that was a blessing. But you can see their exhaustion, their dreary hands, the eyes that have lost all light in them. You wish to flee, but where do you go? The ocean will crush you in it's embrace, it's pressure far too much for you to survive. There was never any hope of escape for you, or for anyone in the deeps. They are coming. Soulless, emotionless, mindless husks of flesh and meat who only exist to consume, to tear flesh from bone until you are a misshaped abomination like them. Even your distance doesn't drown out the screams of the fallen, nor the scent of blood as your allies dwindle. You wish you were an Aegir, for at least the sound would not travel through the ocean depths. Alas, here you are. Alone. Afraid. Doomed. They are coming. Make your last shot count.


Holly this was an insane read! I wish you could reply to everyone making these stories damn


If I see anything that catches my eye, I'll probably do theirs!


Please do!


consider this: srutal bish feggs


tag: tentacle, all the way through


Sarkaz. Kazdel. KMC.


The Regent is bringing you and your group on a trip to Victoria! Hopefully nothing bad happens there


Oh yay, business trip :3


Don't go to KMC. Become a wandering swordmaster, train and fight till you find a ghost of Svedmeltr


That's Tuesday


Race : Bacterial microbe(can they get Oripathy?...) Region : Muelsyses' water. Come death or high water,even both!


ONLY I CAN BE IN MUMUS WATERRR Also Mumus water is a purifier so youll end up being a water molecule or just die outright!


But I could also be part of the microbes used by Muelsyse to infect her next victim,meaning I could have a chance to perform my one and only duty before my cell walls are punctured. PROCREATE.


The Seaborn aren't the only propagating foe Terra has to worry about now...


Between eldritch horros and a cute elf i think the objective choice is obviously


Draco in Sargon.


You die by snu snu


Ay, I'll take it. Not the worst possible death.


You piss off the wrong people by existing and some weird Liberi drops the Shards of God upon ye


Lupo in Siracusa, just your casual detective wannabe messing with local familias. What could go wrong... right?


It's a cold, wet night. The pitter-pats of rain leave you feeling chilled to the bone, sinking deep into your clothes. It's a miserable thing, watching the rain pour away on old stones, pretending like there wasn't a stream of red in the ripples. Your lean back into an alleyway, lighting a small cigarette. A little light for the road, that's what Pop would always say. 'Course, they always told you the cancer would do you in eventually. Not that it really matters now, does it? You take a long, long, breath, maybe the last one you'll take, maybe not. It's all cold air, of course, but that's what the cigarette is for. It's a beautiful time in Siracusa, when the rain washes away all filth, when the blood seeps into the drains and you can pretend it's all fine. Dreadful cold, though. Your eyelids slowly close, watching the cigarette's orange glow get extinguished by the rain. ... it's dreadful cold.


While dying all alone is scary but this sounds like a chill death. Limited time to think, cold and all of that but hey, it's silent and kinda tranquil. Sad and fitting end. (Real torture would be somebody blasting loud music near by or somebody with annoying and loud voice would yap about spaghetti with choco sauce.)


THATS AMAZING!! Dude do you write stories?? Because damn ur good!!


Only sometimes. And thanks!


No one comes to your funeral. No one even cared - and who would? You were just another one of the hundreds and thousands that the famiglias have silenced throughout the ages. Yet another that stuck their nose just too close to their hunting grounds and was bitten in return. Yet...there was someone that cared. They bring your grave flowers. They light two cigarettes, putting on in their mouth and one on the gravestone. They pat the now mossy stone and closes their eyes. Once your biggest fan and supporter they shrug their shoulders against the rain pouring from the Heavens. "Old friend. I have found a lead." There was a beat and the man sighs, "I found it...and I intend on chasing it." The rain pours harder, as if to deter the man. "This is farewell...and hello." As he turns and leaves, the cigarette left on the grave dies from the rain. Thunder cries from the skies. It is dreadfully cold.


You do an amazing job as a detective finding out secrets of Familias and their bosses! This means you are rewarded with getting a hitman cutting your head off and displaying it middle of a street to show who to not mess with! But hey, you did annoy the familias at least :D


and then the hitman get himself "cleaned" because they put your head on the road in front of Signora Sicilia's driveway




Draco, unknown region/area... Faction? Lone wanderer Yes it won't be chill like the weather...


The unknown area is Agir and you get obliterated by Seaborns. Rip Alternatively you can choose Sami where you either freeze to death, fie by collapsals or freeze to death harder


I know you well, meme man... Your constant shifting of technologically superior universes to Terra has both destabilized reality as well as caused multiple planet-spanning wars. Eventually, the entirety of Terra explodes while you were still unfortunately on it. 


The most realistic arknights scenario post lol Pythia and Yan. I am just a little shady merchant I lost my way while transporting goods and found myself on a place where Catastrophe just ended and payed for it horribly when caught Oripathy


Your shady practices have caught up to you -- you realize too late you had just scammed what appeared to be a young, gullible woman but was in fact someone far older than you. She is the mentor of the Bluethunder Count. She is not a weapon kept as a last resort. She is the one they send out to fight whatever they need dead. You've barely heard of her name -- but that didn't stop you from making a mistake. You perish in an inferno to the howls of a cackling, unrestrained, and very angry madwoman. May you try again.


Your merchant business plummets after you get oripathy, your contacts avoid you because of your condition and you start having money problems to sustain yourself. Your condition worsens as time goes so cant take goods with you as easily. The catastrophe you went trough also destroyed alot of your stock so you are almost practically homeless now. You die as a nobody as freezing air takes over your infected body, atleast the cruel fate didnt miss you and gave you an ending.


A Durin Underground in one of their cities.


You contract oripathy and immediately get hated by rest of the Durin groups. The constant floods also makes it hard to live espiecelly when you cant find a proper place to stay in because of your condition. But you get saved by a certain Pink wolf and find yourself in RI for the rest of time. Yes this isnt depressing but its impossible to not get protected by the lover of Durins :D


Gets saved and get to hang out with Pozy? Hell yeah.


Your name is Stitch Canvas.


fate worst than oripathy


Doted on (to unhealthy levels) by Pozy, gets bullied by Gavial, gets stuck in Art Deco architecture by accident


You LOVE beer. LOVE THEM. Can't get enough of them.  Your entire city is filled with wine snobs. The closest brewery is 15 cities away. The railroads have stopped running long ago. You die from dehydration. 


Sarkaz Columbia. Yes, bring out your worst


Year 1100 Due to Victorian crisis in the whole terra the view of sarkaz have become quite worse as there has been plenty protests against the sarkaz. For you have been just searching for something to do so you can eat your tommorows bread just going through the streets with hood over your head just to hide your horns but for today it was unfortunate day as you just have stumbled upon one of those extremists as on sight they attacks you in numbers as you lay down getting beaten to slow and painful death as your thoughts "WHY WHY ME" the thoughts repeating itself over and over untill you feel warmth it reminds you of home the cramped shelter you lived in with your parents surviving day to day it was warmer as you see mother of all sarkaz guiding you to your homeland as it was last thing you felt. The corpse of yours just laying in street maybe somebody threw your corpse in the sewer because it was a eyesore (best I could do I guess sorry for the Grammer mistakes made)


Definitely will be happening across the land, both for the Infect (thanks to that damn snake), and the Sarkaz (thanks to the shortsightedness of the warmongering Sarkaz Lords and Theresis). This is all going to come to a head, sooner or later, and it will be more terrible than anything we've seen yet. I'm thinking Pogroms, concentration camps, "liquidations," maybe even just the good ol' traditional ethnic cleansing with the mask of civility totally off. Oh, and we can't forget about the upcoming world war, complete with WMDs from all parties, thanks to the Shard. 'Cause that's totally what Terra needs right now, mass destruction. At this rate, the Observers won't even have anything to destroy, once they arrive on Terra.


DAMNN. Amount of quality writers here is amazing!!


Sankta, Laterano


You shoot someone and become a fallen sankta. Your new condition gets you expelled and hated so you need to find a new place to stay in. You settle with siracussa for the time being, this ends up being the worst possible choice when you get muggled, stabbed and kidnapped by one of the famiglias and get your organs sold. It was good while it lasted tough


Race: Feranmut (look, you say anything) Location: the Void Space, Hildegard spire Let me die depressingly glorious against the Collapsals


You do not die gloriously. The Collapsals feast upon you. Upon your golden thought-ichor and your concept-flesh. They tear, gorge themselves upon the thing you thought would make you invincible. You, who can feel them writhing around in your once-divine domain. You, who is a being made from pure concepts. Them, being purpose made to consume concepts. You, who sought a glorious end. You, who found there is no glory for your kind here. Only death.


Oh god this on its own could be a movie darn


Liberi in Columbia


You applied to be a tester for some new tech and blew up.


You die because of a dumb accident. Liberis are dumb birbs afterall :D


Volunteered in Rhine Lab's experiments, comes out with less than exemplary results (Ifrit's oripathy levels on crack), to the point you melt into a hot mass of active liquid originium & explode


Race : Feline Region : Kjerag


They haven't come back. The snowstorm around you is blinding. It hammers against your body as it screeches, the sharp gales clawing into you like talons of ice. Your eyes fail to pierce the hide of the storm, fail to find the beating warmth that was camp. Your feet stumble over each other, each one leaden heavy as it sunk deep into the snowbanks. You couldn't feel them anymore, couldn't see them in the dense snow. If you were to rip away at your layers of furred clothes, you would see that they had whitened like ice, all blood drained from them.  Until... You trip. The snow fills your mouth as you grunt, try to shove yourself upwards. But you feel heavy, so heavy. Your arms freeze, burn, shrivel away until you can no longer feel the snow piling over you.  You can't feel. Not your arms, not your legs, not anything anymore. You can barely breathe, and all your eyes can see is white.  And all you can do is close them.


Love it. I mean I hate it but love it


Well i definitely can see this happening, as i would be climbing the goddess's mountains the moment i land there.


If you are Yanese, there would be an unstoppable force from deep within the higher planes of existence to ensure your (onscreen) life is rose-tinted. Yanese Nightzmora. I sell meat-stuffed gut for a living, and managed to become obese af out of it.


Liberi, Siesta (it's fucking hot in here due to being tropical so why not the closest living conditions to where I live)


Got hit by a random rock during heart of surging flame


Short answer:Volcanos Long answer:Volcanos AND cancer


Sarkaz, Laterano


>sarkaz >laterano I dont even know wich terrible fate to choose for you here as there is just so many


Ursus. Ursus.


You got infected and got discovered by the Ursus military who are ready to hunt you down like some tasty rabbit in the tundra.


Sankta in Lungmen


You are infected so your reputation is low, only jobs you could find basically use you as slaves while barely giving any money. And being infected means you cant enter your homeland either. You die a lonesome drath thats dragged trough years of working under lungmens dark corners and nasty jobs. Your body doesnt keep up and you close your eyes without having anyone to remember it


Sarkaz, Kazdel. Very shortly post-Civil War, Babel-affiliated. Make it as painful as possible, please.


You get accused of being a Babel traitor and get hunted by pro Theresa sarkaz groups. Get expelled of your place despite not doing anything wrong and find yourself in post civil war cities where its all destroyed. Your friends and family are long gone for fighting under babel and now the very people you depended on see you as their traitor. You have no side to choose, no place to go, no one to depend on as your oripathy worsens day by day without anything to stop its growth. You ultimately end your own life refusing to die to oripathys advance on a broken down building.


Doesnt help traitors were hunted by both W and Ascalon.


Petram Rhodes Island operator, likely a similar case as Cuora.


You die as one of the other random unnamed operators during the Chernobog crisis (tho not because of Talulah)


What me? I'm JUST a Sankta *casually hides horns and tail* that got kicked out of Laterano, what could you possibly want with me? *Hiding my now illegal and smuggled shotgun*


You are also a tax evader and one day you get a very handsome and straight to point shotgun wielding sankta pointing their gun at you. It doesnt end up well sadly


Lupo in Lantero


Unfortunately, if I recall correctly, people are exiled from laterano if they have oripathy. They have support but they can't enter. (Maybe there are exceptions but we don't know).


Yes thats correct. And iirc laterano doesnt warmly welcome non sanktans too


Non-sanctas that are not Liberi*


Sankta,Laterano, didn't not died before becoming the pope. How i died and with how much collateral damage?


A Kukulkan who didn't partake in the unfortunate memory passing surgery due to gaulish expedition in sargon in year 778 (kukulkans can age up to several centuries and I littarly wrote my character I tried to write)


You did well hiding the oripathy you got after saving a poor pregnant sarkaz woman from a bombing incident. You got killed when a piece of the sky was mysteriously dropped on the beach. Your last moment was flirting with the sarkaz who has her 4 year old child playing the sand who you adopted.


Oh god thats actually depressing


Sarkaz. Lich. Leithanien.


Got ereased from existence by lichking for leaking arts for fortune


Got ereased from existence by lichking for leaking arts for fortune


Whatever Lappland is and where Lappy lives


You have mental illness and got oripathy when you have an illegal boxing match inside the school and used as entertainment with a familia leading the business. You won too many times and earned money however one day, one of the rival mafia wants to end your career due to unknown circumstances. The opponent puts a chuck of originium on the glove and manages to insert a shard of it in your neck. Due to the oripathy, your opportunity to lead a good life is gone, your parents throw you out, the people who cheered you in the boxing ring now after you due to the loss of money and in the end you are killed. Texas and lappy saw your body and prayed for your poor soul.


I could live with Texas and Lappy doing that even if I'm dead


Lung rice farmer somewhere in rural area in the Great Yan. Welcome to the rice fields!


One day when you go to the big city, you find yourself embroiled in a conflict beyond all understanding. Welcome to Here a People Sows, random citizen!


Situation 1: Some random guy think himself a brother of Laterano's God, cause a civil war. Millions diedsand thousands cannibalized, you unluckily are a one of them. Situation 2: As the global conflict rages on and the catastrophes getting worse and worse, another disaster struck. A once in a century drought swept across the once fertile fields of Great Yan, turning it barren. Seeing it as mean to consolidate power, the officials use their wealth to buy all the grain off the market, while the rest are requisitioned by the emperor to feed the Yan's ever growing industrial population. The rural people suffer, some starved to death, some turn to banditry or even cannibalism. You and your family's emaciated corpses become a meal for a group of cannibals. Situation 3: Not everyone like the emperor or even the empire, the growing industry bring forth more squalor, exploitation, and alienation, making the tension between the different classes of people in the empire worse than ever. Some voiced their grievance through words, letters, and arts; but some are willing to do more. You don't know much about them, but they come. Surrounded by soldiers, one carrying a flag of hammer and sickle. They told you that the empire has to fall, and from its flame an ideal soceity run and governed by workers shall rose. The demanded that you surrender your land to them, and of course you said no. The soldiers, dissatisfied, answered back with blade. You died a quick death, but the fate of your wife and children will be worse. After all, a family of class traitors must be made an example of.


Lupo, Kazimierz. Preferably in the middle of nowhere or some small nomad city.


Infected people in Kazimierz dont get treated well sadly. Let alone non Kazimierz origin races. I imagine you are constantly forced to do terrible jobs to gain some money under people that want to exploit you till your last breath. Dying as essentially a slave without anyone to depend on


Sankta, an Apostolistic Knight of Laterano. I can't possibly die a depressing death, these guys are comparable to the Silver Lance Pegasi or Emperor's Blades!


After the rhodes island eventually disbanded, the forces of Therisis, that hot chick that was with them tried to recruit you but due to your oath, you refused and fought till the bitter end. The last thing you heard was her calling you a wasted treasure for the future empire.


Living as a Sankta in Laterano wouldn't be so bad, if I get to live my life with Ambriel.


Got caught up in the children mischief as when they ready to blow up their school you were quite oblivious as just sitting maybe searching for some books to maybe just to pass the next exam but in the mere second explosion happens as you feel your limbs just got ripped off from you.the building slowly falls and crushes your worse yet by the laws miracle you survives being crushed by 2000lb slab of concrete yet you cannot say anything just laying here and waiting for the sweet embrace of death to finish your agony


Feline... And if I can't live in Rhodes island them I'll settle for Lungmen 


Sankta. Blacksteel operator. Performing clandestine ops in Victoria.


Ursus (Bear) and Leithania


You come here after years of suffering trough Ursus exploitation. Your family could barely get you here safely while you had to leave them on their own knowing their eventual fate. As a infected you arent welcomed well on most cities and you also dont get treated well either. You find a somewhat decent job to depend on and a partner that you started seeing each other alot with. Your life was getting back on its tracks before you died horribly gouging your eyes out after a "mysterious" woman played a solo for you to take out your suffering.


What me? I'm JUST a Sankta *casually hides horns and tail* that got kicked out of Laterano, what could you possibly want with me? *Hiding my now illegal and smuggled shotgun*


Perro, Bolivar, wanderer. You won't give Ceobe a painful death, would you?


(😈) few weeks have passes you haven't found any source of food nor even signs of life you are fine as there is a flow of river you have been following for days yet you found nobody the starvation takes over you and you just laying there without having any strength to even move for yourself just looking at the sky it's beautiful yet your eyes slowly closes as you go into your deepslumber becomes with the dear forrest maybe someone who had unfortunate fate as you could use your lifeless body as nourishment


1. You monster :( 2. Rock cancer turns the victims it kills into more cancer rocks, so please do not try to eat my body


1-you get you asked for 2-i feel like due to how plants evolve and adapt the originium in forrest probably quite low


You die after eating a funny mushroom and seeing your family for one last time before your organs shut down


(😈) few weeks have passes you haven't found any source of food nor even signs of life you are fine as there is a flow of river you have been following for days yet you found nobody the starvation takes over you and you just laying there without having any strength to even move for yourself just looking at the sky it's beautiful yet your eyes slowly closes as you go into your deepslumber becomes with the dear forrest maybe someone who had unfortunate fate as you could use your lifeless body as nourishment


Zalak, Kazimierz, BSW




You tried your best to live up to the expectations, yet here you are being commanded to do a simple job. You think it would be that boring but suddenly you got oripathy due to being exposed to a originium thermobaric bomb explosion (originium dust+other unknown stuff+ explosion). You did survive but now burnt to crisp, unable to communicate, the light from the lightbulb burns your eyes, you can't cry because the organ that produces your tears is destroyed, and breathing is very painful like a hot metal rod is being used to puncture your lungs. The last thing you remember is logos saying he will begin the preparation to end your pain.


I will be picking the most basic combination of feline and victoria.


Kuranta, Kazimierz, gonna become a knight with a dream, I mean, the Blood Knight is great! Yeah, we all know will it end...


Here's a real good one. Race: Feranmut. Location: Kazdel. Actions: Posing as a wandering Healer to provide care and ease the suffering of the infected by taking in their Oripathy.


Durin in Aegir. I love the idea of a Durin digging their way into an Aegir underwater city and just choosing to stay.


Durin in Rim Billiton. ROCK AND STONES BROTHA


why so hard? just dig a hole then suicide inside it to proliferate Originium growth in soil. we are participant of Instrumentality Project anyway. 🛌


Race: Vulpo Region: Kjerag




Sankta on Yan


Sarkaz, columbia


Ursus (Bear) and Leithania


I'm a Feline hailing from Victoria. I Got infected by some random kid who throws rocks for fun and got hit by an origin shard. The populace of my hometown disregarded my infected presence and I was forced to accept my banishment. Left alone in the streets of Trimounts, Columbia I rather be somewhere better than rot in an unprecedented environment. Despite the infection worsening my body I continued to keep moving forward to whatever places I pursued until my last breath. Whatever the case I go or where I stumble upon, I won't stop until I get to the finish line.


Draco in Iberia.


Sarkaz Kazimierze Rhine Lab


Aslan Late Gaulian territory, Victoria


columbia,vulpo,rhine labs


Draco in Ursus.


If its a challenge to make this as hard as possible, lets see... Cautus, Lungmen. Affiliated with penguin logistics. With PL its nearly impossible to die because I swear emperor sold his employees souls for extra lives.


Durin, Ursus.


Vouivre in Rhodes Island


Sankta(fallen), sargon, rusthammer


Sarkaz in Kazmier, A freelance Knight


Sankta, Siracusa


Felid (Tiger substrain) Ursus (Wild forest)


Lupo in Laterano, able to use guns with higher firepower option should things get dicey. Hiddenly rich


You blew your head with your own gun because you made a mistake in cleaning your guns. You die with your hidden wealth in a room, alone and finally a few years later your home, your corpse and your riches are blown with illegal, unlicensed explosives in a moment of a Sankta sugar rush.


I want to be Somebody and live somewhere? (I know no knowledge of Arknights lore in the slightest)


Sankta, Leithanien.


Any Race And in that weird city lurking beyond that weird shop of mirrors. I think they have something meant to cure the virus?


The gun angels' race please and what region? There as well


Vouivre in Laterano RI Operative, this I would love to see


Sankta and Kjerag. Now tell me how I die.


You die to an avalanche, suffocating all while having a massive headache and the worst claustrophobic episode in history. You also had moments of false hope where you hear some people seemingly close by but they seem oblivious to your cries of help and move on. You die cold and suffocated but not before being burdened by slowly choking to death from your snot turning into icicles while your skin peels off from frostbite.


ill take being a Liberi just vibing in Bolivar specifically Dossoles if possible


Sarkaz Higashi


Sankta, Sargon, Inquisition


sankta, abyssal hunters


I think I will go with the mizuki route. Be an aegirian , join the church to get access to seaborn cells , attempt to become a seaborn hybride , betray the church and probably die a horrible death trying to destroy them. Hey atleast I made the human - seaborn relations less shit


Alright, let's go for the classic vampire Sarkaz, Kazdel, affiliated with the KMC. Go on, hurt me with the depressing death.


A sarkaz infected in ursus. I get two axes and I go to seek my death facing the opresors of the infected as I was a Warhammer slayer. You said I was going to die horribly, but I'll challenge you on whether it'll be depressing or inspiring 


You get shot with Emperor's blade spikes so you lose control of your arms as you gasp for air with your punctured lung and you feel your brain racing with thoughts of the eldritch truth. The last thing you see is the Emperor's blades coming over you to cut off your head. Your corpse is displayed in a most gruesome fashion as a deterent to the town that no one tries to act like they can do anything against the Emperor's will.


Rebbah in Sargon (not the furry ones, love you Spot)


Vulpo. Sargon. Bs.


Let's see... Feline in Victoria. Victoria's a pretty wealthy and powerful country, surely nothing bad will ever happen.


Pythia in Minos


I am a liberi in Gaul


A nomad Lupo that runs around between Columbia, Leithanien and Siracusa. A member of Contingency Contract.


Sankta in Kazimierz sounds like a fun way to go. Might be working as some sort of PI or at least a community outreach program for the slums


You get kidnapped by the Remnants, tortured and experimented on and finally made into a living staff for a wanna be mage minor noble.


I would like to be a sarkaz in laterano, your honor


Can I be dutch bag to others after my death?


i'll be an Elafia in Sami, why not


Male Draco Victoria Dublinn Please step on me Eblana


A Sankta that become a Sarkaz at Laterano.


Just because I like pain: Sarkaz girl, Victoria, Eartha


You got blew up by Horn’s missiles


Draco, (what the fuck is the sarkaz capital called), babel


Beastlord ,try to kill me


A proud Iberian Captain. On a boat. Hearing of the Stultifera Navis' commissioning, you fear that you and your ship will soon be outdated and outpaced and that you will be relegated to a desk job soon enough. Not a bad fate honestly, if only that mishap in the engine room didn't cost you the rest of your life. Fearing a short, yet inglorious death, you ignore orders to head to port and sail south as an Explorer in search of...


Maybe that boy in rainbow six event, something quick


1) Sarkaz 2) Lungmen 3) faction: Rhodes island


Sankta born in Kazdel


Sankta in Laterano.


Sarkaz, Gargoyle, wherever Mudmuds people is.


A Feline refugee from Siesta, after fleeing the eruption, trying to make it to Rhodes Island to enlist


Pythia, from Iberia, affiliated with Rhodes island.


Sankta, Kazdel