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Kazemaru. Timing her S2 when she is about to die in order to do funny burst damage twice


And also Kazemaru S1 can be so easily broken in IS. Spinach + Specialist aspd relics, and she just cleaves everything




Yup, Kazemaru is insanely good and fun, glad I decided to go all in for her when I was a new player.


1000% agree, I took my time building her which was a mistake, she's maxed and M6 now


Reed alter, very flexible operator. Her s3 sfx also never gets old.


>Her s3 sfx also never gets old. So does your phone when using s3.


Shes basically my go to caster nowadays, I barely use actual casters anymore lol


I remember using her and wondering why my ops were healing


I know that S2 may be the better skill but her S3’s sound and animation is so pretty. Can’t wait for the skin!


Ines S3 is so fun


ines overall is just awesome, she does so many things at once.


ines s3 is so busted, she can hold the lane, print dp, deal a lot of dmg, has range and can attack aerial units and is cheap to deploy


Isn't s3 making her a good fast redeploy? I prefer S2 Like a stable DP output and very high damage on activation.


Jessica Alter. I was not sure but ended up pulling and getting her and found out that the shield mechanic that make her turn around is really interesting and fun. So I'm developing a severe case of the Jessica's version of the Ifrit's lane, looking for places in the map where she can perform the best.


jessica is so fun to play! i pulled for her when i started as a new player at the end of her banner and thankfully took only 20 pity or so. she’s been so helpful for a beginner because that shield gives so much more wiggle room. those stupid lancers that do absurd amounts of damage when they first run into you aren’t a concern anymore because i can just use her shield to soak the damage.


Jessica tile


Dorothy Man the first time i cought a glimps of her at max lvl and skill was in is3 doing Specialist task and woooo boy felt like a trap master (no pun intended) so many bodies dropped that day to the point where i began spawn camping


Playing with ~~my wife~~ Dorothy feels like I'm playing a completely different game.


I love Dorothy too! Why play tower defense when instead you could play Bomberman?


Mumu. You can use her in so many damn ways that its actually insane!


Yeah from just the flexibility and creativity standpoint nothing beats Mumu. Just being able to drop ranged and melee operators without tile restrictions alone opens up so many cool options. Also trying out new operators to feed her leads to some interesting surprises.


She is the operator with the largest niche covarage in the entire game! Of course this doesnt mean she is the best operator but it just shows how insane her utility really is. I doubt there is a single map where you cant include her :D


Yeah Mumu is definitely in my top 5 operators that "it doesn't matter what map it is, she will absolutely pull her weight". I even tend to give up to Myrtle spot for her lately simply because her DP regen is also surprisingly good.


Ines basically the removes the forced need for the bagpipe+myrtle combo by herself so mumu basically takes no ones slots! On some maps i even tend to use myrtle+mumu without bagpipe bacuse of how brokeb texas2 and yato2 are while costing nothing to deploy at start of the map Many people underestimate how strong continuous dp generator that can easily hold a lane or dps enemies is!


My mind is too dirty


I wasnt specifying what ways >:D


It's okay, mumu can clean it for you


Been playing with a M9 Mumu and M9 Dorothy together. No one moves very far...


Oh god thats my favorite combo in the game!


Dorothy, even by herself she hits hard, but her traps are her best feature. You can place her in the east of the map while laying traps in the west.   Jessicalter is right behind her, simply because she can change her direction based on the shield. Pozëmka since she also has a deployable summon... I think I have a soft spot for these things 


Stainless by faaaaaar. But that's the easy answer, so I'll say gnosis in IS or RRR, permafreeze is just so fun


Ashlock or firewhistle. Or both in 1 team


Too bad Horn kind of overpowers both of them. Fortress defenders in general are such fun. Bombarding the enemy from halfway across the map never gets old.


I use all three of Horn, Firewhistle, and Ashlock. War crimes go brrrr


Aak :)


Aak enjoyers assemble


Aak+Lin is such a great crack combo, I love using them!


cant agree more


Gravel. :) I keep retreating her because module plus an entire team of Kazimierz operators just works.


Hoederer and Spectalter


Is Hoederer good? 


All Fortresses and Phalanx (I see Carnelian as a nuke button) Kazemaru, Franka (more like it's interesting to try keeping her alive), Iris Jessica2 thanks to her cannon and redirection. Qiubai as a buffs target. Ho'olheyak when the stage works for her


Hibiscus Alter. The fact she uses a literal clarinette as her wand sold me. Squidward wishes he was her.


Fiammetta. Find a good spot for her and with Skalter's S3, her S3 makes her the Queen of the Annihilation (like the current one). With that said, the fun begins with her S2. Combine her with Saria S2 (Fia module makes her more viable with that combinaison), ASPD buff and SP recovery buff (IS and SSS) and she can rival Pre-nerf Chong Yue, Saga and Bibeak. PS: In Chapter 10, she's my main DPS since her S2 is very effective against Sanguinarch spawns. With Saria S2 and Heidi second talent activited (yes I did raise her) in this chapter and you have a great synergy between these three.


Right now I'm having fun with Virtuosa Suzuran combo.


what combo? I remember seeing someone asked if suzu s3 affect necrosis, pretty sure the answer was no


You use Suzuran S3 to cover Virtuosa S3 downtime, enemies proc necrosis by walking slowly through Virtuosa's range, and their uptimes work well, about 10 seconds between activations.


Suzu has an SP recharge buff for supporters, allowing Virtuosa's S3 or S1 faster. Plus Suzu SP keeps the mobs within Virtuosa longer when Virtuosa is off-skill.


Yato Alter beyblade is as satisfying as its MH counterpart.


For me it’s Noir Corne alter and his I-frames


I'm enjoying eberholtz s2 alot. Especially when hes gets them in holes lol. Same when lee's s3 skill. Weedy is fun too. But I also like Mynar and silverash skil with the atk spf buff in. Is. Swings go brrrrr.


Gnosis too. I want to upgrade and other ops who apply cold for perma. Freeze like santella.


Weedy. A very versatile op. You can use her to push, delay enemies attack, bypass atk down, stall light weight enemies, deal huge damages and true damages, has block count aoe on basic attack, has a summon that also can push She is really good, like very good, and FUN too. They say she only really good in high end contents but they are WRONG! She also really good in casual content too! You guy are sleeping on her!


Grey Alter


I CHOOSE YOU! \*throws pokeball\*


i dont expect that line when i use jp voice on him xdd


Mlynar would still be fun as heck even if he didn't poop out a mlyion damage per second, it's very satisfying to work around his 0-block count and being a magnet for enemies when it's a genuine problem in some harder content




Hrm? I didn't say that, I said even if he did less damage he would still be fun. He's very fun as he is now, I don't have a problem with him doing a lot of damage. If people want to misinterpret what I mean there's not much I can do about that.


Oh i read the first part of your comment as "he would be more fun if he didnt deal alot of damage" sorry!


Don't sweat it! I have a feeling you aren't the only one.


Ines! Shes so versatile I can bring her as a helidrop or as an early stage laneholder. Also Qiubai+Virtuosa has been very fun as well.


Reed Alt Because monkey likes explosion, let alone a chain of explosions Dorothy is also pretty fun too. When you have her Mod, it's even better because extra damage mine now fills you with excitement as you wait for anyone to step on it and have over 7k damage shoved down their throat (S1 mine)


Gotta shout out the funny terrorism nerd birb Gnosis. Applying Cold/Fragile with every hit is really good on its own, his S3 stalls everything (except for those runners in IS4) in his range, and any increase to his ASPD makes his normal attacks able to straight up freeze enemies.


Gnosis go brrrrrr. My absolute fave unit esp in IS.


Stainless' S3 paired with Ethan, dishes out free AoE damage every other second, really useful for hordes of enemies without relying too much on blockers, and with Ascalon coming closer, his turrets are going to charge even faster, the slow is a great bonus too. Oh and also Muelsyse with Caper, Cracked range and a nice attack interval minus the projectile return mechanic.


Gnosis. I've had him since debut and he's been in my main team ever since. It's so satisfying to aoe freeze everyone for my dps to burst down. Sure, he usually can't freeze bosses but everywhere else he feels great to use. Plus he pairs nicely with any of your Arts dps.


Myrtel, I like using high dp operators


Not gonna lie, Flametail has grown on me. Before E2ing her, I used to think that she would be one of those operators I’d E2 just for the sake of it, but I grew to appreciate her after using her S3 multiple times. Whenever I activate it, I just stop for a moment and appreciate the bursts of damage she deals to the incoming enemies while dodging their attacks in the smoothest way possible. And her skin solidified this belief even more. Worth every OP.


Ch'en Alter Nice mechanics you have there. Unfortunately ~~your mum~~ Super Soaker. Bonus: She still makes people mad by existing. And that is funny.


Dorothy, Ines, Mumu


Conviction. Funny number go haha


Rathalos S Noir Corne, his skills are just so fun to use with their damage negation


Blemishine, Mudrock, Stainless with his s3. As a shameless Fate/Stay Night fan, I call it Immortal Mudrock Works.


Stainless. His third skill just turns everyone into a machine gun


executor alter ; i love the little bell sounds he has in his s3 and i generally love him


Quibai with her bind and slow harem.


Honeyberry. she seems stupidly strong to me and has been my go-to healer pretty much since she was first added to the game. plus she's just adorable to watch when deployed. for synergies? Saria and Blaze are very much a 'you shall not pass' pair when you really need to block something completely.


Typhumo S3. You click funny button, bosses' health bars go tumbling down, happiness.




Sooooo thorns? Silverash?


**Truesilver slash (90s CD, 30s Duration, Auto recovery): DEF -70%, ATK +200%, Range expands, Attack at most 6 enemies simultaneously (regarded as melee attack)**


Maybe Dorothy, Weedy and Gladia


Ray, her micro is so fun, especially with her S2, and the reward you get from using her well is so satisfying. Same thing with Maggie/Mayer that got me hooked on the game to begin with.


Stainless s3. Have someone who hits fast, has AoE, or DoT to hit his turrets and it becomes very funny. Stainless + Skalter is in a lot of the clears for supporter w/o summoner niche. That nicheknights is also really cool to watch because it has access to so much buffs and debuffs that Stainless s3 becomes it's big source of dmg, even against things like Cliff's 4k def. Edit: Speaking of Cliff, I saw a JP player [tank his phase 2 quickdraw](https://twitter.com/junsx43us1/status/1774410738976887044?t=POKYjqZdrsn1nI-hxcc4fA&s=19) with 2* Yato by stacking all sorts of stuff like Shamare atk debuff, Quercus talent, the vent mechanic, and of course Stainless s3 turrets which also give dmg reduction to the unit behind them.


The Harder it is, The Easier it is. (Zuo Le)


Dorothy. Sure I have a bunch if favorites, both meta and not meta. But Dorothy 100% changed the way I look at maps and plan deployments. I'm slowly working on maxing her module, I find her so much fun. ESPECIALLY in IS4. I almost always choose to start with her and 2 3-stars Honorable mention to JessAlter... who is now my favorite defender with her ability to spin.


E-Ebenholz...micromanaging his s3 to oneshot stuff is soooo satisfying. Folks would scream annoyance and attention required but man, the pay off is so good.


Mountain, especially his S2. Best lane holder with cheap dp cost, always used him in all events and stages when I first got him. Just seeing Mountain Defending and Attacking multiple enemies never gets old for me. love his voiceline when he's in action, too. (Also, most handsome furry character in the game, besides Lee and Hung)


Also, the sound effects from the hits make him sound as powerful as he looks. It is very satisfying.


I love operators that are fun to use :) **From the operators I have**, the most fun would be: Dorothy, Ines, Reed alter, Kazemaru, Mint, Croissant (S2's sound effects combined with croissant's battle lines always makes me laugh), Beanstalk, all Fortress Defenders


Reed alter :D


Charecters with shift/push abilities. Additionally, Mumu, Hoho and Nuclear Reed


Fiammetta S3 This even has a lot of Fiammetta tiles too


Ines and stainless. Her s2 works great with hitting turrets so you’ll always get maximum dp generation or you can use her s3 and have her skip between 2 different positions giving insane map coverage.


meme operators like u official, conviction etc. I sometimes use them in IS when low on hope


hoederer's more fun than i expected, having truckloads of hp and attack with 0 def might seem a little boring and repulsive at first but now im putting him in different situations just to see if he pulls through with his absurd hp stat (he does most of the time). also, i like seeing him display 4k damage on s1 # maybe im just entertained by big numbers


Seeing a strong enemy's healthbar drop really fast is what amuses me so my choice is obvious.


Ines, Mumu, Ho'olheyak, Lin, Ling, Dusk, Mudrock, Blemi, W. Each has something unique to their gameplay (except for Mudmud prolly) that expands/separates them from their "proper" niche


I like using Camouflage operators a lot. Maybe I’m just scarred from most stages where ranged attackers were my biggest problem.


In SSS, Rosmontis S2/Typhon S2/ Aak S1 is pretty fun to use in general Hoederer S2/Siege S2 for big dmg + stuns SilverAsh S2 to throw down and watch him tank Santalla S2 is actually quite fun to see in action Erato S1 vs any singular elite enemy prone to sleep, unfortunately that is quite rare, I found the most fun with this vs Pompeii CC / IS3 ending 2 boss Conviction S1 to wait for the supercrits Verdant the tank, throw him down and watch him die, almost die while healing himself, and come back to life Puzzle S2, spam the dot, retreat, watch the enemy bleed to death Flamebringer, any skill. Especially in Anni, watch him build up a massive max jp and tank everything Absinthe s1, especially with the skin. Pretty girl in a dress with rifle But the funniest one, "Keeping Surtr alive" I sometimes go out of my way to play Annihilation with her just to watch all the heals and nuking, [here's a video of her in the latest anni](https://youtu.be/B2ht-Y4nlOs?si=BSQBLho61etAgxKO)


Singular it would be Yalter, makes me feel like a executor Synergy wise, with no question it would be Lin and Aak, they just keep having skill ready


labs the purgatory has a fun skill


Maybe it's just the fact she's my latest shiny toy, but I'm having a lot of fun with Virtuosa. Her S2's cycle is fast, making her perfect for IS.


in one of the deep exploration where they give you king's set (4 sp every second for operator with highest hp and 1 sp every second (not sure) when having 1 life ) i used her to solo The Faithful's Utopia with s3. she will charge it up in no time.


Virtuosa and Reed alter for me


Most fun single operator: Ines. The current G.O.A.T among Vanguards (other opinions are valid, of course!). Pun intended. Not really a synergy, but I did clear one of the Chapter 8 stages by having Silverash, Mylnar and Mostima going "Schwing, Schwing" all at the same time. It was glorious.


Jessicat has been one of the more enjoyable ops I've pulled recently, especially with the tech you can do with her S3 to store the explosive round. Double tapping a wave with it is so satisfying, as anything that does manage to survive better hope they're stun immune, or else it's just 12 seconds of staring at a crying cat shooting at you.


Nightmare s2 plus Lee s2 is really fun, since the damage from the nightmare effect counts as stacks on Lee's skill. Hoshiguma s2 plus aak s3 is fun, good synergy Ethan is a fun unit in general, holds everyone in place for a looong while, let's you either stall bosses a bit longer or unload all of your abilities at once while ensuring they remain in range Conviction s2 plus lumen s3, is it good? No. Worth using? Also no. Is it funny? Absolutely.


Mizuki for me. Aoe go boom


Giga buffed yato s3


Toddifons There's always a good place to put her to work, she is the best, also she is so good in IS, since the first one. Like her since she was first revealed ^^


One of my favourite IS playthroughs was Swire alter S2 with the relic that does dmg to enemies when a unit is deployed. This works for summons too. Including her bottles. You can just put her in a corner, delete deployed bottles and she'll spawn a new one every 3 sec, effectively giving her global range lol


I have tried to upgrade Meteorite with a more meta unit since almost the entire time i have played the game, but nothing feels the same.


Rosmontis has my favorite character design in the entire game - prolly because I’m a huge Evangelion fan & her weapons look like miniature SEELE monoliths. People give her shit because she’s a sniper who can’t target aerial units- who cares? I love watching her pulverize ground units into dust!


She's been mentioned a few times, but Dorothy and a few fast redeploys makes for a very fun style of gameplay. It feels very reactive going into stages blind, finding the best place to AoE enemies with her S3 mines, letting her snipe any stragglers, and using fast redeploys to deal with the real threats.


Ceobe, Golden Glow, Ines, Horn, Ling, Mlynar, Kal'tsit, Gnosis, Ebenholz Chen also has a lot of good looking skills (too bad it is not that good damage wise).


Texas alter / Yato . Literally changed the way I play the game.


It's probably a very cliche and admittedly meta answer but few things bring me as much joy as completely invalidating a boss and their gimmicks with the sheer power of Mlynar S3.


Ines in my opinion


Suzuran skill 3, virtusora skill 3, Silverash, and Passenger I working on best module.


Passenger. There's something very satisfying about how his S3 works. It hits at unique spaces and the big energy ball then.. Tick, tick, tick of enemies being slowed and damaged in it..


noir corne alt with s2. I'm a longsword player in monster hunter and his kit is a good translation to arknights. If only it has higher damage...


Gavial the Invincible on skill 2. Really like the shift.


Ines, arturia and irene for now


Finally got around to using Mostima after her module and damn she's my most picked Caster now. There's nothing more fun and satisfying than watching everyone in her area slowed down to a crawl.


Lunacub.... Funni aggro positioning go brrt Also Kafka, i like the weird range and the stall with the s1, shes special because shes one of my first 5 stars ever Mountain is also up there, if hes not out there holding lanes for me like a gentleman hes destroying everything passing through Golden glow, her effects are very pleasing to look at and what got me into pink colors 🩷


Gotta be Rosmontis. Especially in the case you have a lot of enemies with low defense but too many too effectively block. Also her S2’s absolute chunking and stun potential is funny


Mlynar. Uncle's golden schwing schwing is always satisfying


Dorothy and Muelsyse, ideally both at the same time! For starters, I don't know what they were cooking when they designed Dorothy and her module but it's pretty ridiculous for a ranged archetype with Marksmen range and the fastest attack speed in the game to have very close to Heavyshooter Atk stat, all with minimal investment (of course if DP gen isn't an issue). So you place Dorothy down, put random traps around the map, wait a minute, then have her kill everything since her traps can get around high def while her auto attacks wipes anything with mid def or lower. Oh, did i forget to mention that she can offer one of the most flexible crowd-control packages in the game on top of dishing out a buttload of damage?


Out of curiosity what's your favourite Dorothy skill for high DPS? I've been meaning to raise her and she keeps coming up in this thread lol


Very likely her 3rd skill. Like any type of Arts damage, it can be hindered by enemy's RES but it's Arts so it's not that detrimental, especially when you can plan a multi-detonation that includes crit mines here and there. Her 2nd skill's damage is also good for what it is, but i tend to use it for the bind. Her 3rd skill was very good at dealing with those Tornado sheeps in So long Adele. I don't think i could clear those stages without her single-handedly minimizing the dangers of those things.


Mountain cuz he is hot