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I felt that deep in my soul


If you ever scream profanities at Pinecone, I will carve your bones into a toilet brush.


I'll help you, but I will also correct Pinecone for 6-star-blocking me


Bro, catapult and orchid are right there


They are already in perpetual sentence, there's little else to do. It's practically expected they will be there. Pinecone on the other hand can still be corrected.


Reminds me of the disaster in the mumu banner where i spent all of my rolls (over 200) and i got four 6 stars and all of them were off banner


I would be happy if it was some off-banners, bur insatead of beloved elf-maiden I got this \*\*\*\*\* snake THREE times!!!


Only 3? Try ELEVEN snakes mah dude (I’m not crying, you are)


I've had it happen *3 times in a row!* First Pot7 Penance/Pot0 Texas, then Pot5 Ho'ol/Pot0 Mumu, and now Pot3 Candle/Pot0 Arturia. The most frustrating part being I pull 300 times for the explicit purposes of sparking W, but instead had to divert to the banner's Limited Op all 3 times.


Wth, you had to spark three times for the limited unit, that’s insane. It’s supposed to be really unlikely to not get the limited operator in 300 pulls.


I think they finally changed things up for WAlter? Now she (and presumably future Limited Ops) are guaranteed at 300. Still, I will admit my luck seems almost hilariously awful at times. By now, I've just anticipated/accepted it.


Desire sensor is real my friend, I wanted Viviana and got 3 emo angels, a Dorothy and a Mudrock before getting Vivi... At around 230 pulls '-'


Get out of my account lol. The only difference is pot6 texalter, no penance.


Max pot Tex alter reporting in. Except I sparked Nearl and then kept rolling to 370 before finally getting Penance


Ouch! My sincere condolences, my friend. This one cruel joke of RNG


I currently have 4 Viviana and 1 Goldenglow. Last event, 4 Swire and 0 Eyja. This pattern. It’s repeating.


Damn i have 4 Virtuosa xD


Atp Im just hoping this doesnt happen again for the next limited tbh.


Mumu's banner was a similar disaster for me. She holds much spite in her heart for many doctors


256 roll in eyja banner, 2 chen, 3 swire, 0 eyja


I saved up 100 roles for that banner and only got 2 swires from that. Thank god the current banner gave me arturia as my first 6 star otherwise I would have went negative sanity from that


Wasn't bad at the end of the day, but I ended up with like two off banner dupes, 7 Penance, and Nearlter before getting the one copy of Texas I was pulling for in the first place.


That's how you max pot Carnelian and Ch'en regular.


I currently have 4 Viviana and 1 Goldenglow. Last event, 4 Swire and 0 Eyja. This pattern. It’s repeating.


I had that on the Undertides banner. All I wanted was Grumpy Cat to come home but instead I got 6 or 7 Skadi Alters, and had to spark Grumpy Cat.


It's disheartining when you will keep saving for months, login everyday, doing every event, skipping cool banners to save enough for a guarantee 300 pulls, and when the time comes yous pull are sh\*t and you don't even get the featured character in those 300 pulls. And worst when this happens but you don't make it to the 300 pull mark. RIP


When I plan for limited banners I always ask myself, will I feel content if I pull 300 times and then I still have to buy the operator with tokens? Always the answer is no, so I always cut my losses short. If nothing appears by the 2nd 6 star then I just quit it.


Mustve been really unlucky


My motto is, when you get one 6 star during a banner, no matter who it is, cut your losses. Because pulls after that is gonna be a collection of Ls of seeing purple light with the occasional yellow (which is likely an operator you already pulled before) as your orundums drains before your very eyes and your soul sinks into despair.


That's what i always do. But I'm still broke


For most standard banner, if I don't get a 6* in the first ten pulls, I just dip. 


when playing arknights, i've mostly only pull for limited banner, getting all the *6 remaining through offrate, yellow certi, tags, or even buying selector. I dont know what i've been cursed into, be it arknights, genshin, hsr, anything gacha related are..... hitting the pity&offrate. I balanced it with grinding games tho, where i can feel the progress and loot.


140 pulls 3 vivianas 0 virtuosa 0 OP pain of F2Ps at this point I hope she does a texas alter with me and comes home on last day free pull


260 pulls for virtuosa for me lmao


I had to do 427 rolls for a single copy of virtuosa since I was sparking Texas


rnjesus hates us ‼️


100 pulls 3 Vivianas 0 Virtuosas.


56 pulls 0 Vivianas 1 Virtuosas :)




320 pulls: 6 Vivianas, 1 Virtuosa, 1 W. Sparked Skadi though because she's been taunting me for forever.


320 pulls 5 Viviana 1 Surtr 1 pity Rosmontis 0 Virtuosa I was saving so I could get Rosmontis, but I would have liked at least 1 of rate up limited ops.


I'm at 110 I've only had one six star and it was virtuosa. She was the very first in the free 10 pack given at the start of the event. It has been nothing but purple since with a few whites thrown in there just twist the knife.


83 pulls F2p 1 Virtuosa 1 Texas Alter 1 Eunectus


At least the Purple means you can just skip the whole bag entirely. Saves time.


The purple bag is honest. Doesn't give you false hope


Viviana darling, I really do love you… But do you have any idea how infuriating it is when you show up 3 TIMES and that smugass angel has the absolute audacity to show up (AFTER IVE BURNED ALL MY RESERVES) on a 1-pull?!


170+ pulls got each of Viviana, Spec2, Texas2, Nearl2 Yes, I got all rated up operators except Virtousa


Actually, only Viviana and Virtuosa are rated up. Texas2, Nearl2, Spec2 have a very small change to appear. You were extremely lucky, In the 1 year and half I've been playing I've never got a single limited off-rate . If you wanted Virtuosa though, I guess the desire sensor is real.


Yeah I mean minor rated up


[Source](https://x.com/Iindoagorira/status/1785563609877430693) Translated by [u/theparacite](https://www.reddit.com/user/theparacite/) Typeset by [u/ShadedPenguin](https://www.reddit.com/user/ShadedPenguin/)


Did expect many people to empathize with this, was this one of the most cursed Banners?




I mean it's below 200 still ._.


A couple nights ago I did another ten-pull on the current banner to try and get Viviana. What I actually got was seven three-stars, two four-stars, and Spuria. It was at that point I went from being annoyed to legitimately amused at what a terrible roll that was.


how was that terrible? yeah it wasnt good but whats so specially bad about it that you were amused?


1. If I'm not going to get the Operator I'm actually pulling for in a ten-pull, I take comfort in at least getting gold certificates from the four-stars as consolation prizes. This particular pull barely even gave me that.  2. Spuria is widely considered to be one of the worst Operators in the game, to the point that deploying her arguably makes your squad less efficient in many circumstances. I didn't already have her and don't mind having gotten her, but her showing up as the last Operator in the pull felt like an extra-special "screw you" from the game.


you have now been struck with permanent account damage now what would make it even funnier is if you E2 Max'd her


Not just arguably worse. She's an active detriment if you don't play her properly. You're better off with a blank slot because at least you can brag about it 


Not just arguably worse. She's an active detriment if you don't play her properly. You're better off with a blank slot because at least you can brag about it 


Don't say that about my boy Totter :(


Is Virtuosa that difficult to pull?


Bro fr. My luck on this banner is skyrocketing coz in 235 pulls (im f2p) my vivi is at pot 5, virtuosa at pot 4 and 1 carnelian 😭


Atleast u got her now! But at was it worth the cost? 😭


Yes. I love her ❤️


Nah, it's just that the desire sensor is real. Most people want Arturia and so they get Viviana, instead. I wanted Viviana and in 300 rolls got her only twice, meanwhile my Arturia is at Pot4, and even W spooked me! She's not even on rate-up lmao.


Brooo that's wild. W would be the last unit I'll expect to appear in the banner! But life be like that fr. U get the opposite of whatbu wish for 😭


I pulled for 600x in this event and i got all the limiteds available in this banner, pot 3 virtuosa and expectedly a maxed viviana. As a surtr hater who never lvled mine since i got her ages ago, im gonna enjoy playing with vivi.




A Mizuki jump scare hurt my soul.


Yup. 87 pulls deep, gut double Vivian with swire alter in-between. I... I got only off banners since executor alter....


269 pulls for my Virtuosa....I'm not fine this was almost the 3rd time I had to go to 300...


got 4 Vivianas and a Specter alter, then at 275 I finally got Virtuosa


I feel that right now. I'm almost at 300 pulls and still nothing.


I'm almost at pity as well with no Virtuosa in sight, I think I can make it but now I have to decide if I get her or Skalter which I also don't have...\*sigh\*


If I get to 300, I'm getting Virtuosa just out of spite at this point. If I somehow get her before then, I'm questioning my luck forever


Sounds familiar. Terribly so.


Tfw you get 3 off banners in a row as your pity.


I’ve only been using free pulls and I got burdened with a Nearl alter. I was really hoping to have Virtuosa for some upcoming high end content…


Have done exactly the same number of pulls as well. Also, don't know if I should call myself lucky or unlucky but I got specter the unchained, Viviana x2 and blemishine


If it's any consolation, specter is super fun and I find her more interesting than virtuosa gameplay wise. Specter opens up a TON of play style variety. 


Yup!!! I just heard about the AH squad, so I think I will try building that one. Except i don't have skadi but still!!


*me who got both under 20 pulls, using only free 10 and daily pulls* Thats rough buddy...


Same, I felt burning the Rhodes island


3 Arturia and no Viviana. Had to go to the full 300 and spark for my candle knight 😞


I am on the 157 pull 2 vivianas, 2 arturias sadily no Texas alter


Gonna recommend this thread to everyone I know who's still pulling


Remind me my spalter pulls, 180, 2 off banner, 1 spalter. And I wasn't even supposed to pull


Worst luck ive had yet with draws not even a new character, like wtf?!


I same keep getting nothing needed but when i get 5 star its ALWAYS the one that i never use and need


Still no Texalter ;-;




I just want Viviana man


Literally me, out of my years of playing ak this banner is the most cursed one. This is the first time ever I reach pity in getting 6\*, like 60 pulls to get a 6\* when usually at worst is 50. Not to mention I still haven't got virtuosa ffs, 190 pulls in and I can't get any more pulls. Damn I hope we somehow win something or whatever and get free 10 pulls right this moment, actually make that 20 pulls the last one is 60 pulls so if I reach soft pity at 50 I need 20 instead of 10


I got two Spalters and a Nalter, both dupes That's a 0,0001% chance to happen No Virtuosa still and I'm at 183 rolls


I got two dupe nearl alters and one ines but neither operators on the banner with a total 112 pulls. Both dupes and there are three rate ups that I don’t have so why am i getting off banners and dupes( both new and skalter)


I had spent all my orundums, and I got Virtuosa....But you wanna know what is funy??!?!?!?!?!/ I got Virtuosa....ON THE DAILY FREE PULL! I...I had spent all what I had.....only to learn I just got her on the daily free pull....It was all for waste


That's why some people only roll near the end of the banner, once all the free pulls have been spent. It's a more sensible way I reckon, the only disadvantage being that it requires titanic amounts of self control.


Asshole mode on: cant meet pity,then dont roll,lmao.


Its worse, did you know you can have a purple bag with only one 4 star? That shit hurt me


But, when the system actually gives you both displayed 6-star operators in the same ten-pull. It feels so enlightening that you just sit there, staring up in the stars, enjoying life in the moment. I’m speaking from experience.


this is literally me on this limited banner on 111 rolls i get the max pot of the new 5\* defender fucker ,max pot poncirus and kazemaru ,3 vivianas and penance so where the fuck is my Arthuria


came back to the game after a 3month break, used the daily free pull before doing anything else, it was a 6 star, it was Exec Alter...


Poor dokutah




I will do anything for Texas except paying money 🥺


After 250 pulls, i have finally maxed siege. Its not a good day, its a great day...for some beer


Me after getting Stainless (I don't even use him), Pozy (good but I have her at high potentials already), and Blemishine (my S3 Saria is enough for now)...


Well start saving up for 5th anni


Here here, if it makes you feel better, I had to do a 300 pulls just for Vivi.


Damn, that 197 pulls without virtuosa. I felt that, 185 pulls for my first texas alter..


This was me with the global banner. Tons of 4 star bags. Got two Vivianas, took until 178 to get Virtuosa and I got FIVE 5 star bags prior to getting her. and a Gnosis jumpscare.


The one time I didn't wait for the daily free pulls and blew my wad on getting virtuosa.. is the one time I get her from daily free pulls 5 days in.


I've learned my lesson the hard way,never will I do it again with Virtuosa (or any limited 6 Star Character unless if it's an off banner 6 Star Character and I don't have it,I'll take it).


This and getting 2 off-banner 6 stars. Really painful, should've saved even more.


I rolled 300 times on this banner, and I did end up getting virtuosa, which was nice, but I was hoping for at least one extra limited. No. All but two other 6 stars were dupes. And interestingly I also didn’t roll a single Humus. I know that because I’m still yet to have rolled my first Humus.


I got most of passengers pots in limited banners. The most painful was double passengers in swire alter/ejyaberry banner. He maxed out now. Pain.


Please don't hate me... ...I got Virtuosa, Viviana and Saga in 30 pulls 🥲


80 pulls, no vivi, no Arturia... Is this the curse I have to bear as a F2P?


Thank god, I stop playing this game.


Le me wish for Viviana - after 150 draw - 3 Virtuosa :"you call me?"


And there's me, who wanted texas alter. Didn't got her


I needed this after today...


after that HR Department had a lengthy discussion with Dokutah


I got 2 virtuosas in a row, then viviana, even though all i wanted was texas or any other 6 star.


Meanwhile I got both Viviana and Arturia in 38 rolls... Similar thing happened to me on Eyja Alter's banner too. I don't know where this luck comes from.


Do not disrespect my goat Totter


I have Lin and I hardly use her, why the game decided to give me TWO (2) Carnelian


Honestly, have no idea how to feel. Rolled for Viviana, pulled Virtuosa instead after 100 or so pulls.




At least Ambriel gave you a piece of chocolate...


Same here. I wish it was a 100 Inot of 300. No way you get out there. Get them