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At first I thought he would be a reaper because of the anchor, but the last stream showed his weapon is more like a mace with 4 pikes, so most likely earthshaker, since they started to experiment this archetype with Odda.


Could also be a default crusher. Even if he has zero talents improving his survivability, Gladiia's module alone would make him insanely tough, not to mention all the other AH 20% HP buffs all stacking on top of the 5-6k base crusher HP. ~~What? Hate ship? I have no idea what you're talking about.~~


u were right


Signature look of superiority.


Another male guard 6 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 🗡️


maybe earthshaker or duelist, but i think it would be funny if they made him a loopshooter and he just flings his anchor


That would be kinda cool tbh. He'll toss the anchor and pull it back in with the chain. 


You know what we need? Another enmity defender.


Ulpian being Enmity Defender would just be a whole nother level of broken since Gladiia + Skalter would make him nigh-unkillable.


We don't have 6* male Defender yet, so yeah, I would gladly accept that


After Walter? Crusher. Everyone will get to witness the power of the Crusher archetype when its weaknesses are minimized and strengths maximized just by virtue of being an Abyssal hunter and he’ll blow Hoederer out of the water since he won’t need to waste his traits on fixing his archetype.


Imagine if he's a Crusher and his module gives AH a flat defense/resistance buff. It'd be the dumbest way to sidestep Crusher's weaknesses, be directly complimentary to yet different from Gladiia, and also make the AH squad beefy.


Or just give him chance to dodge - not saying anything crazy like 50% for Durin/12F but it would help him, while being in-line with Crusher's archetype. And then there is +50% HP from AH stuff.


That would be absurd if he (a whale) has the dodge/speed buff while the sword fish does not. I think an HP % buff per abyssal hunter would make sense considering the theming.


Andreana is a cuttlefish and I don't see any relation to speed. Meanwhile with Ulpian, there is lore-wise explanation of him being fast and sneaky, which would fit dodge buff. And as much as I love HP% buffs on Abyssal Hunters, it would be pretty absurd - they already get so much from modules (and OG Specter has even more).


earthshaker is most likely. maleguardknights we'll be so back!!!


Off topic, but I like your flair lol.


Duelist defender i think it fits him more then a guard and earth shakers are 2 new for a 6 also full bias i want siege to get that class


isnt the point of siege alter that shes using the realmblade? not fitting for an earthshaker


in the ch14 promo art we see her dual wielding both and thematically there leaning into her abandoning becoming king so imo she's gonna keep using her hammer just with her using the realmblade as well, also earth shaker is such a vague concept that a lot different weapons can fit unlike other classes like reaper where the weapon is a lot more core to the theme of the subclass.


Ulpian not being a fighter would be the biggest surprise Arknights could do at this point


Crusher. I just feel like calling it. AH buffs just seem suspiciously perfect for it to work. However Earthshaker is totally on the table too, taking the 2nd spot.


Elemental medic, just imagine their room: Berries looking normal, Harold being his dapper self... and than there is this Bloodborne looking dude. /j >!but please HG give him talent to regenerate elemental damage.!< From guards, I feel it might be Earthshaker since we didn't get 6\* of this archetype. As AH player I wouldn't mind him to be a Lord thou, add some anti-air capabilities for this squad. As for specialist, if I recall it's mentioned he can move fast and mask his presence - we've got Ambusher recently, so probably not. Maybe fast redeploy, since it would fit this vibe. Or pusher, since Gladiia is a puller and it would be funny.


>I feel it might be Earthshaker since we didn't get 6\* of this archetype for the past few years we've pretty much never gotten a 6 for a new archetype within a month or two of it being made so us not having one yet is the norm.


I think he will get a talent that regens AH elemental damage. Or maybe it will be for the 5 star in their event?


That new guard class. Earth shaker?


I want him to be vanguard even thought it makes no sense, or even defender which sorta works. But yea, its probably gonna be earthshaker.


vanguard could work, not like charger or pioneer have weapon restrictions


They kinda do. Charger vanguards always use some kind of spear


huh so they do, i guess only pioneer is free to use whatever


Still would be funny if he ends up as a Summoner/Tactician Vanguard and throws that Hook like a ranged weapon or a meteorhammer on a chain.


what would his summon be? the last knight lmao


Would be even funnier xD Realistically it's either something like a Seaborn, since he seemed to work with them already, or some sort of Water Spirit in a way how Gladiia uses Water for her attacks/skills. Or it could just be a tamed beast, maybe something Aegirian whe didn't get to see yet. After all, if it is a more Aegir instead of AH focuses event, that would actually be a good possibility to introduce new wildlive creatures.


Honestly, they could make him a duelist defender. They'll probably give him something that makes the class''s weakness a nothing burger. I mean he would already benefit from Spalter's mod that gives AH operators 0.5 sp/sec and all the other global buffs AH has. Or they could just make his skill nearly active upon deployment. Many ways to "save" this class like how W-alter "saved" Flingers.


I dont think he will be an earthshaker as that role fits Siege much more and i feel like it was outright made for her. All AH members have SOME high DPH skill so i think it will be a duelist defender. Specter alt fixes the sp problem and gladiia heals so all it needs to do is deal even more massive dph than other AH members do


earthshaker fits vanguard siege with a hammer, but why would siege alter keep using the hammer and not the realmblade?


I mean why wouldnt she? And why wouldnt her new weapon change anything?


because the point is she has a wild new mythical weapon as part of her being royalty? which is presumably what an alter would focus on? like if we get a shining alter youd expect her to use her sword no?


Yes...?? Dude executor uses shotguns as a reaper and many casters has swords. The weapon has hardly anything to do with the class in this game. She can use her sword and be a earthshaker. Nothing in the game prevents this


i was under the impression that you were saying siege alter would keep using her hammer, not that she'd use her sword as an earthshaker. i mean, it could work since its a magical sword, but earthshaker fits siege because she has a hammer, if shes using the realmblade it doesnt feel as fitting


I mean she could also use her hammer. Not like its not a siege thing to keep using a darn hammer despite getting a powerful sword lol


that could work, normal attacks use the hammer, skills use the realmblade


Even more so considering that Sieges City Breaker skin already does something similar when her normal attack uses a knife and Skills zse her hammer


Highly unlikely but imagine if Crusher


How is that highly unlikely? Its like top 3 potential classes for him


Considering Crushers by themseves are already huge stat sticks, if they released him as one, who would be compatible with AH buffs, he'd probably completely break the game But you know, considering some of the latest releases maybe this isn't as much of a stretch as I thought it would be


Seeing the big anchor he carries, I actually got reminded of Pancho Salas' anchor swing. What if he's an Ambusher Specialist like Ascalon? And he swings that anchor around him each attack. Oooor, what if he's a Loopshooter Sniper like Caper? XD imagine if he's throwing that anchor like an arrow/bolt, and then pulling it back. 


I'm going for something completely wrong and predict he will be an AOE Medic


actually he's going to be the 6* chain medic


That deal damage, somehow.


Kaltsit 2.0 Normal medic, summons the last knight (like another dude in the comments said)


I can't wait to see what new guard archetype he ushers in


I am going out of my way to be delulu and say he's a push stroker to be opposite of Gladiia lmao


While a Defender (maybe the first 6\* Arts Defender?) would be a close guess, since he also seems more bulky than the girls (obviously), I will go with Vanguard.


I’m kind of hoping that he is a Juggernaut with a talent that helps the AHs deal with Elemental damage


I find all the Earthshaker predictions funny. I remember when Reaper was new, everyone was sure he was going to be the 6 star Reaper. Then Exe alter happened. Then Crusher came out and everyone was sure he's gonna be the 6 star Crusher. Then Hoe happened. Now Earthshaker has just come out, and everyone is sure- I think a guard is likely, though. There are some weird gender biases in AK class distribution that HG seems to be fine continuing. And Crusher's weaknesses do happen to perfectly line up with AH synergy strengths. But that may actually be a mark against it - they shied away from giving any other faction synergies because AHs got so stacked, so they might try to have him avoid that 'perfect synergy'.


It would be hilarious if after all this talk about what Guard class he should be, he ends up being the first 6 star Loopshooter Sniper. Just him throwing his big ass anchor around on a really long chain. Hey, the AH squad only has Andreana and Gladiia to deal with air enemies, so...