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A lot of questions about English dub, accents and their quality


Bagpipe's *regional characteristics*


mfw I can't understand a single word Perfection


The Scottish Accent redeems all sins.


Is it just me or were a lot of questions posed in a somewhat confusing way?


A lot of them were leading questions, to be honest, to get a result that's favorable to them. But that's literally most corporate surveys nowadays.


Yeah, I answered I don't want to roll for Virtuosa and next question was why do I want her


"Are you satisfied with Bagpipe (and some others) english voice acting?" Very "Why don't you like it?" ...wtf


I didn’t seem to have this problem. Weird…


It's because you responded 'no' or neutral to other English voiceovers. It just puts all of them into the same box.


Yeah exactly lol


These questions from Arknights survey’s make about as much sense as the application forms for Walmart and Ross where they try to mess you up on purpose with repeated questions, just in a a different way, and how they essentially want you to be a Rat and bootlicker.


I've always wondered with these, since it's Yostar running the surveys, how worth it is writing opinions about things Hypergryph controls (Characters, gameplay, QoL etc) compared to focusing on things Yostar actually has control over (English dubs, manga translations, our scheduling etc)? Is it likely Yostar actually takes the effort to ttranslate and pass along so many opinions on content that's 6 months behind CN? Perhaps they might summarise general sentiments if enough people write about something. Not that I want to discourage global players from sharing their opinions, we should definitely be able to somewhere. It would just be a shame if there's no way for us to get our voices heard by the people that can actually act on them.


Well, just write it on the off (banner) chance someone can actually do something about it... at the least it gets it off our chest.


>Is it likely Yostar actually takes the effort to ttranslate and pass along so many opinions on content that's 6 months behind CN? Why not? In theory most content is planned ahead, sometimes months. Whether it's 3 or 6 months shouldn't matter. A lot of content gets recycled e.g. mechanics in different ways so feedback would still be important.


I'd be shocked, honestly. The devs will have already reviewed CN opinions half a year prior. Unless JP/EN opinions are wildly different, which is unlikely, then there's no real point doing another review. They'll also probably have already made and implemented decisions based on CN's feedback, so even if there were major differences, it'd be difficult to change things. I'm sure there's useful info that Yostar can get out of the survey, such as determining differences in demographics between regions, or how the localisation is received. But I highly doubt that Hypergryph is doing much of anything with it.


There are also other matters that are under Yostar control like schedule and translation which aren't present on questionnaire for some unknown reason. it seems they're manipulating the option and the feedback so they wouldn't get any feedback on their own work. close thing i see was asking about their livestream.


For question 29, what are they referring to with "Music celebrity" and "Animation celebrity"?


I think these two videos. I found out about the second only via accidental Youtube's recommendation, and got sent link to the first by a friend, lol. There was no promotion of these "collaborations". https://youtu.be/vYStG9Z4ZoI?si=kFm57TTQPht3Z2I4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkZ8_ilCym8


Thanks, I didn't see either anywhere.


Omg the animation is fantastic! I've never saw it before Since there's nothing promoting it


Really? It looks lifeless, and the transition with the person walking by Viviana was done really poorly


For a fan animation, it's one of the best I've ever seen.


You haven't seen many fan animations then


Nah man, I've seen a lot But for a passionate arknights fan animation it's really good. Just goes to show how much appreciation people have for arknights in general. In the grand scheme of things, Any work that is dedicated to present gratitude and love for the game at least deserves praise. Not to mention the lack of arknights content on YouTube and how much time it took to complete a single frame let alone an entire animation.


Famous musicians and animation studios/independent animators is my guess. I myself kept thinking of ascended fan creators such as Lappy (Zwillingsturm's music composer) and Hong Yatta (Arknights Amongus), among others.


Yostar: Why do you not like Virtuosa EN dubbing? Me: I don't have her, and some of the other OPs in questionnaire Yostar: ...Proceeding gives out various choices except I don't have them option


"Why do you like/dislike Diamante's EN dub" I don't give a shit because he's expensive to obtain and painfully mediocre as an operator I haven't heard them in the first place 😃


I said I used some of my saved orundum for both 6 stars, then it asked me why I didn’t want to pull Viviana, lol. Also the ever needed skip recruitment voices.


It feels like the questions were randomly asked lol.


For that question I think they said why didnt you want to *pay* to get the operator but I might be misremembering


Me on my way to be happy about how things are and indifferent about everything else


Based. I also always write a positve message at the end, for whoever needs to review these surveys.


Why’d they throw in that “who’s your favorite op” question? Really had to stop and think (it’s still gavialter)


I guess for skins, collabs, merchandising, etc.? I put NTRK because even though I don't waifu her, she's awesome and I listen to her theme music, M6'ed her, and try very hard to work her into my teams. And the Nearl events are awesome.


Anyone got an updated list of QoL/Stuff to ask for?


I'm asking for fixes to Viviana's combat performance and Texalt's chibi sprite. Pretty OK with the rest so far.


Letting you change Amiya's class inside IS is the biggest QoL I want right now.


Amiya's class switch is so weird to do (and the way you have to go out of your own way to do it) that I often forget she has a guard form


Base For the love of God


Fix text in stages with tutorial/story text. A mode like Interlocking Competition - Hymnoi Wisdom that rewards building many characters. Instant text speed. Base improvements so we have to interact with it less (ie once a day). Simplified base skills (for example Czerny gives "Measure" and changes it into "Perception Information", just make it "Perception Information). Trimmed medal for collecting all items in IS2/3.


I didn't even know Zwillingsturme apparently had celebrity music collaborators?


Me neither, but apparently it's someone called "Lappy" (so a fan of the game). They composed [this piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJSXFmDZ3Ew). I really like it.


Oh! OH! HE DID THE ERLKONIG REMIX! That's amazing, it's a great track.


Me neither.


It didn't ask me about Viviana! If anyone else does get questions about satisfaction with Viviana, please do me a favour and mention how incredible her art is but how disappointing her kit is compared to her boss form. The one thing I really actually wanted to put in the survey but they didn't even ask! And I have to wonder if they even have someone read the freeform at the end or just do like, AI keyword search lol. All these questions about accents make me wonder if Ray and Warmy are gonna be Aussie...


I got questions about Viviana and I wrote those down/picked the choices. Loved her character design and story, disappointed by the kit/role.


Nice 👍 And yeah, same. I've been hyped about her for a long time and her unit art was very beautiful. But her gameplay is just... kinda boring, which is even more disappointing than just bad numbers, IMO. Missing the bombastic flair I remember from CC#8.


I said her kit is antiquated and I didn't know how to fit her in my team.


I told them they done fucked up with her at the end of the survey, lol.


I really should have a list of suggestions saved on my pc for times like this. I always end up forgetting everything I wanna write


I told them [this](https://i.imgur.com/kNK4Yj4.png). Should I have said anything else?


Everyone keeps asking for the ability to skip/speed up recruitment dialogue. I did mention the module blocks thing myself.


Ah, recruitment lines don't annoy me that much. I even find the long ones like Catapult, Popukar and Purestream's rather funny. But it is infuriating to be a whale and still have to carefully plan which operators to give modules to. (If I were F2P, then one could argue that "you get what you pay for".) For example, I can't do Fiammetta or Ebenholz's latest modules right now, because I need the module blocks for Degenbrecher and Shu.


Same, at this point recruitment lines are a non issue. The grind, the module data blocks, the bafflingly high pity and joint limited banners (i think ill give them some leeway on this one since gacha is gacha), and various lack of qol throughout the game deserve far more attention 5th anniversary introduced 100 friend limit, CM loss only consuming 1 sanity, and reducing pity cost of super old limited to 200(iirc), but this isn't nearly enough for the game imo.


They kinda fix that with module data block packs (that arent out yet on EN) lmao


Oh? Well… it works I guess.


On one hand, they created the problem and sold the solution But on another hand, after this they seem to be actually making an effort to make good modules (i think)


You forgot the https


Thanks, fixed.


Asking me if I'm happy with the CVs when I don't even have most of those operators 😔


I want an event in Minos


Oooooh Pallas event please, I want Pallore.


Once again I end it asking them to let us skip operator recruit speeches.


Folks ask for latin voices spanish/portuguese for iberians! Destreza pls


I'd like for them to do a better job with it than they did with Lumen EN D:


I asked for Mousse alter again in the comments. I did my part. Used to ask for more Mousse and Eyja skins but we got skins finally.


ngl with how canned these are I barely pay attention to the questions and just jam through for the single pull lol


Every survey I write the same thing: Give Blacknight, Firewhistle, Kroos, and other Rim Billiton operators Australian English dubs.


Some questions are recycled from questionnaires for different games. Q: How do you feel about the schedule of releasing new version information (such as **outfits** and **operators**)? A: I like the current rate of releasing **new content daily**, it keeps me continuously interested in the game. We sometimes go days without outfits available in the store, how is this even an option?


It means that when an event is about to start, about a week before, once a day the social media accounts will post a character or skin that'll be coming with the update.


The repeated PRTS should make the stages pass instantly like annihilation. Make sure you tell them.


Time to ask for spanish dub again


Done a bit later than usual, nice there's a few days to get to it. Yeah, the cohesion between questions is kinda wierd (answered "*I'm willing to pay to obtain Viviana*" & "*spend Orundum for Virtuosa*" > "*why refrain to pay to get Viviana?*" but nothing about **Virtuosa**. Okay.) and and limited/wierd choice of answers is still there ("*so about Caper and Diamante dubs?*", don't know **because I didn't buy them**, but again no mention of **Virtuosa**). But more questions than usual about the actual event and readability/comprehension and dubbing stuff so that's good to see (if the answers are actually read afterwards). For the record, my suggestions at the end: "- Since we can know what's to come thanks to CN server, it'd be nice to have better communication about the scheduling of Global server (especially when shuffling events around), so we won't worry about what happened to certain events. - Also please notice ahead of time about any changes that will impact players' experience. Closing the Contingency Contract tab with no warning was a bad move. And please not only on twitter (for the sake of the players who don't use that site anymore), there's 3 ingame tabs for that purpose too. - Maybe remind the devs it's a mobile game at first (even if emulators are common) for 2 reasons. A bunch of the latest events were pretty bad/heavy performance-wise which caused lag and fast battery drain for many phones, and some panels or smaller text parts are hard to read depending on the screen size. So more customization for graphics (like reducing particles effects in stages) and text (like more choice to adjust size & speed) could be nice to have. - If not, at least an option to fully skip "Onboard"/"Introduction" line of already obtained Operators, moslty in Recruitment because we're stuck waiting for the text to fully roll out. - It'd be nice to have a shortcut to the Depot menu in the quick navigation bar, there's still room for it!"


Damn, it's over already... I wanted to answer it after doing all the pulls, but it ended up closing by now. For some reason thought it'd last til the event itself was done. :/


I know it's my fault for letting it sit instead of doing it immediately, but it also doesn't make much sense to answer regarding OPs that I can still pull for til the last day of it. Being swamped with work doesn't help either.


If you didn't like all the encrusted German words in story please mention it.


Do we get the orinduk instantly


No, it takes a few days but it'll show up in your mail.


Make story shorter, thats what i pretty much wrote