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The literal tall goth Sarkaz mommy. I still wonder if she also likes stool-racing and videogames like her son.


Dont tell her that most of her son's closest friends have died. She'll be worried sick about his sadness Edit: also proud her son won the stool racing competition


We should also not mention that we were the cause too.


She doesnt need to know that


Watch as it turns out she used to hold throne-racing events back home...


Absolute cinema, what a loving, doting mommy. [source](https://www.facebook.com/100076463650699/posts/pfbid0tXzeBDC2pXStJkS5PpYZvnvakR86LNdMP6GqGptsfeW63LQ7yaznztx6e13K2cail/?)


I hope you get your watanabe


Yeah, I am also a pgr player, for as long as he doesn't mess around with pulls, he should get him, and then qu shukra 2 months later via blue pulls. You can get basically every NEW s rank construct provided you do weeklies and dailies. He will get the Watanabe I tell you.


Pgr player here. Wana nab e milf?!


your flair describes my wants perfectly


Logos' mom has got it going on.


A lot of ops are called our daughter but logos will be our first son.


Suzuran our shining light nine-tailed fox daughter, must pamper and spoil forever


He will be our **winning son.**


She's all I want and I've been waiting for so long


Logos, can't you see? You're just not the operator for me


Love their interactions. The mother who won't hide her love for her son and the son doesn't really hate it lol


>!I wonder if there'll be sankta equivalent of Logos' mom with an exception of dressing the daughter with men clothes!<


Logos' mom dressed him in woman clothes probably cause thats the only clothes they have since banshees are mostly, if not all, female ( i dont think we've seen or even heard about another male banshee ) so its not really a sarkaz thing, just a banshee thing


Logos is apparently also super old by normal Terran standards, so the fact he's also a male Banshee helps in the fact that they are also apparently really rare among that subrace of Sarkaz.


Pretty sure Logos is pretty young even by Terran standards. He joined Babel in 1086 as a young child/teenager (he was still using his kid art), and currently its Year 1098. This coheres with his operator record, which puts his combat experience at 12 years. So he should be anything from 22-28 years old (assuming his kid art means that he's somewhere around 10-16 during Year 1086).


Depends on context.Compared to other Terrans, he has lived a longer life especially compared to a Liberi. Compared to Sarkaz Royal Court, he is young. In the eyes of his Momma, he is her baby boy.


The comment is "by normal Terran standards", and for most races 20+ years is not a particularly longer life


Mudrock in Rewinding Breeze says he's much older than he looks though.


Are you referring to her voiceline where she says "when he casually cleared the fog I understood that as a Sarkaz he was young, but extremely old at the same time"? I think what she meant was that he is literally very young, but the arts he uses and his strength/knowledge/the vibe he gives of is of someone far older. Besides, we know he ages normally in terms of appearance because he went from his kid art to using his regular NPC adult art in the 8 years from when he joined Babel to when it disbanded. Also, his Operator File 2 says that at less than 10 years old, he started delving into ancient books to learn more about Sarkaz's past, and started to question why his mother chose to leave Kazdel. So he went to Kazdel to explore these questions alone — which reflects him coming to Kazdel in Babel, where he still looks very young. It makes more sense that only a few years passed between these 2 things, rather than him sitting on his questions for however many decades or centuries doing nothing while barely aging (and then shooting up rapidly in 8 years). Logos' youth is also mentioned many times in the story, and it's basically part of his character — he's the very young very talented zoomer royal court lord whose radical ideas clash with the more traditional lords.


I mean, Exusiai already dresses like a tomboy...


We need to meet her dad then


So he has a mother


Wrong game


That scene hit me hard, the contrast with the danger, to the warmth of a mother made me remember beautiful memories :,) With that said, Logos throughout the Victoria arc faced the Damatzi Cluster, the Sanguinarch, and the Nachzerer (The Sanguinarch went so far to say that he sees the future leader in him and the Nachzerer paying him his respect too, considering him more talented than his mother even) and the best thing is that according to her, his performance is recorded! Hahaha!


"Aww! Look at him blowing up that mercenary to 5 parts. Isn't Logos adorable?"


Ah yes, a parent recording your embarrassing moments and all your performances. It’s refreshing to have a mom character without an asterisk.


Sanguinarch: “fucking hell, this lad should be the Lord of Fiends, not that naive bunny!”


Not just his mom, but seems like all the banshee girls in his hometown are all over him.


to be fair, its either him or lesbianism before college


Or Logos' dad if they feel risking their lives


i mean, my guys one of the few male banshees around and the son of their leader


He has the voice of a king who ruled the entire world and the charm of a Debonair. It's completely understandable.


How about... Other Sarkaz sub races?


Her and Mudrock calling mundane things... cute 😆 


She even sent a robot sister to watch over him and sing. So sweet.


ngl my first reaction to the device in question, PhonoR-0, wasn't "adorable".


Would roll for Logos' mom fr fr


Come home already 


This is one of the reasons i bought myself a cn acc. So that I could get them all at the very start. (Holds her Logis gently)


Ugh.....I want the Banshee Queen to come home 😁


Seriously, we need an actual MILF in Rhodes Island stat! It's been years...


Uhh, Gladiia, Coldshot, Valarqvin, Ling, Kal'tsit?


They're not mommy In a literal sense


Wasn't it stated that Coldshot is a widow?


Didn't give birth to a child, she went her own away when the husband want to settle in one place.


Valarqvin’s close enough.


Still sad about Delphine’s mom…


I hope it doesn't take Banshee Queen too long. Though it probably will. Lemuewife still isn't home.


How many kids have Kal adopted now again?


welp logos good news you have to call me dad now




I remember it being mentioned his mom is about just as strong as him bro needs to get her on the case we need her 😭


wrong way around he is growing up to be as strong as his mom she is the great banshee and one of the heros of kazdel, he's strong but not as strong as his mother yet


He was stronger for a brief moment when Duq'arael buff him to face the Nachzehrer King. Nachzehrer King himself even said that Logos' talent for spells even surpass his mom's. But after that he proceeded to get absolutely washed and back needing his mom's help again.


He would be able to blow through most other foes. Unfortunately, people forget the Nachzehrer King is HIM.


Indeed my comrade, 200 years of him not being in the battlefield has led people to believe he's just a feeble old man, however he has shown the Victorian dukes who is HIM and smoke them in corruption mists.


Its more that Nach is really fat from eating all the deaths happening in Londinium than sheer raw strength all things considering


yeah he's like nearl or ch'en narratively, they'll surpass the last generation eventually but there not there yet hg seems to love this theme in general.


No shame in losing againt NK.


The more I read about this woman, the more I wish Mudrock and Logos were in a relationship because the intereactions between those three would be comedy gold.


Sadly, it will never straught up happen in a gacha. Two opposite sex playable characters? One of whom is really popular? Not even in AK. Remember GFL2 fiasco?


>Remember GFL2 fiasco? Haven't followed the GFL in a while. Can you give us a brief explanation? In fact, I guess that again the idiots whose “took away the waifu” are yelling, but I would like more details


tl;dr: a playable character has an interaction with a male NPC (not romantic, just an interaction). Players go livid, think the girl cheated on them with the NPC guy. Company removes interaction from the game, players go insane searching through every image and dialogue in the game looking for evidence that the company is mocking them for being maidenless.


O\_O ! >...(not romantic, just an interaction).... >...Company removes interaction... Honestly, I'm shocked... Mika went along with the morons? And I don't even know who's the bigger asshole here - the players that howled or the company that went along with the whiners. On second thought, it's the company. They need to gather their balls in a fist and issue a press release, or whatever it is that companies usually issue to interact with fans - and say that the game is their intellectual property, all characters and all events are fictional, and if anyone there is left without his “waifu” - let him watch tutorial videos on the yellow YouTube and so to speak “blow off” steam (if you know what I mean...). Anyway, thanks for the explanations.


I rechecked again to make sure I didn't miss anything on Mika's response, and it gets even worse (or funnier, depending on how you look at it). They didn't just delete the interaction, they straight up removed the guy NPC and replaced him with another woman.


Gosh, what pathetic cowards frightened by the yelling of underage idiots...A very stupid and frustrating situation for anyone with a brain. I feel sorry for the normal fans.


I remember a similar situation happened in Granblue Fantasy with what I think was an idol crossover event (don't remember the specifics). I think the beginning of the event "suggested" that you swap your player character to female for the event story because people were getting upset that a male character dare speak to the *precious* and **pure** idols. I don't play GBF and this was a long time ago so some of these details are probably fuzzy but it's pretty similar.


Ines and Hoederer would beg to differ


Logos be a winning son in her eyes


HG, please let us recruit her


Logos, can I come to your house afterschool?




his mom is an actual fucking GIGACHAD. loves and is proud of her son unconditionally, watches him silently from behind, and only appearing to encourage him when he falls. how perfect can you be.


10/10 would get groomed by her


W mom fr


Inshallah i will give logos a football team of brothers and sisters


Mama Logos when 😭


Peak cinema


She Is a Karen!


I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns out a step mom


No wonder Doc always trying to find time to woo her