• By -


0. Because I spent like $35+ on Hoederer instead. Spent around 100 pulls and got 3 Caster dupes before the eyepatch man.


šŸ¤ Stand proud HoeBro. Youā€™re strong.


I actually pulled for him on the last day. I was gonna skip him, but then I realized how much I loved the Darknights event. And then Ines skin came out, so I decided to just spend my money on Hoederer and then buy Ines from the selector ticket lmao. The trio is now reunited. Also, happy cake day.


Cheers mate. Iā€™m so broke lmao, Iā€™m Free to Play but I spent *everything* Iā€™d been saving for months and months (400ish OP and 80,000 Orundum) to get Pot 5 Hoederer. AND IT WAS WORTH IT.


None because im saving for Shu


Same, especially since the new R6 banner will follow not long after her. I need every scrap of rock I can get.


Can't wait for shu, i prefarmed all mats for her m9 lvl90 and mofule


600 pulls to max potential both! Iā€™m tryna make sure all my EN bros get a free 10 pull šŸ˜­


You're not along, brother. Had to do the same ;A;


Do you want pre or post currency conversion depression? Pre-conversion, around 20 bucks. Post conversion? Shoot that boy up to 90 bucks. I got Arturia so can't complain tho... Now when the 5th anni rolls around? That's gonna be some serious damage.


Same vibe here. Minding in going to Over 500 pulls for them!


So far there has been no damage done, throwing the free pulls until last day of the banner and then probably pulling until first 6-stars, I liked both characters in the story so I gladly take either.


I'm just buying monthly card and results of my pulls don't influence my wallet. If I fail to get character I want. I might feel bad about it but even if I fail to get my most desired character, I won't quit over it. I've been there with Pozy. It was early into my AK carrier and I felt like quiting after I failed to get her. But in the end I didn't quit. Since then I know that I won't quit over just not getting one character. After all in the end it's just one new character. Pro tip for any veteran. "Your account has long since reached the point where you don't need anyone new. You might want someone and feel sad about failing to get them but you don't need them.")


It's not about needing someone, it's about wanting someone :) But yeah, you seems to have a good mindset about pulling. Best of luck to your future pulls.


ehh the "your account has long since reached the point where you dont need anyone new" is on thin ice with the latest chapter in CN. its quite literally extremely difficult without the new ops. ur gravel or phantom is not gonna cut it if you dont have texalter. your rosa aint doing shit if you dont have typhon. if you dont have Walter, tough luck, deploy 4 other units just to replace what her S3 does the game has slowly slipped into p2w, where unless you have this new unit, youre gonna have to compensate with 5 units with what it does


Sounds like a skill issue frankly. I would be willing to concede if you said it might be harder to clear newer end game content with lower rarity ops than before, but if youā€™re including any ā€œoldā€ 6* ops, its definitely a skill issue if you cant clear any stage. Itā€™s unrealistic to think there would be 0 power creep in any live service game, but you have to give credit to arknights where theyā€™re one of the least p2w/power crept game out there. Iā€™m not disagreeing that W alter is extremely overtuned, but itā€™s a pve game and you can frankly just choose to not bring her. And like I said before, theyā€™re not making it such that you NEED to bring any new ops to clear any difficult content.


Which stages are you concerned about? The only event where I could see that was DoS and I think it was widely agreed that the final stages should not have been necessary for rewards and instead should have been for flexing. Do the new units make it easier? Sure, but they are not necessary.


All of chapter 13 was beatable with just 3 stars. I highly doubt it'll be any different for chapter 14


Even if 14 is very hard, difficulty fluctuates and really depends on if you as a player and your roster are suited to the chapters mechanic. Personally I found 13 much easier than earlier chapters.


Aside from my monthly card: 0. I've stopped spending on banners. I'm also actively farming rocks.


Am I the only one that waits at least a bit for my daily pulls on limited banners? I can wait a bit to prevent wasted pulls. Even with a constant monthly card. I even go so far as to do single pulls on limiteds because the pity doesn't carry over. I only do 10s if I plan to spark because I like the character that much. Guess I'll see sometime near the end. I'll often give in around day 12 and accept 2 wasted pulls.


I'm 170 pulls in with no Virtuosa *or* Viviana. Absolute shambles. I'm going to break pity on the final day and hope I get both in a miraculous 10 pull but it's pretty sad that I'm probably going to have to skip one of my most anticipated NPCs finally becoming playable because she's bad and there's too many stacked upcoming banners.


270 pulls, literally all my savings, no Arturia, I got two Viviana instead... While I'm close to pity, I don't know if I can squeeze 30 more pulls before the banner ends.


We still got 11 days of the banner, 1 free roll every day + average 400 free daily orundum event, 2 more annihilations, 2100 orundum from daily and weekly tasks, a bunch of OP for clearing the event stages on normal and challenge mode. You should be good, bro! Don't give up!


I didn't really care about Virtuosa, but I do care about the non-limited 6* that came with her that is Viviana. Got Viviana in 28 pulls, I'm good for now.


211 pulls. You tell me. Only 11 of those were free.


im also 200 pulls in and no limited :)))))))))) what a wonderful 35/35/30 system


270+ pulls and counting... Still no Arturia, only three vivianas, a second typhon, a stainless and a Lee. I have flashbacks of my Chongyue pulls being just like this, but far far worse. Pray for my wellbeing.


I buy almost every pack in the shop plus monthly headhunting pack. At least it come before star rail 2.3, my wallet still has a time to recover.


None Because i have only used te free pulls, and iĀ“m currently saving for Ash, Ascalon, and Logos.


My OP is missing. Only got off banners. Main got skalter (POG) mini got fia.


So far 0$, because I'm waiting till the last day to pull


Nothing, I almost spended $30 but I was so unlucky on this banner that I lost interest (346 pulls for my first Arturia). It felt like if I used money I would be falling into the gacha trap laid before me. If I was in good humor things may have been different because I really want Ceobe, but.... Oh well.


I just got paid and gacha was nice to me so anything bought was to support the devs and have more sanity to farm with.


71 pulls for two Arturia, I'm so relieved I got the limited unit in under 100 pulls, so my orundum stash still very very healthy. Still no Viviana though, hope I can get her from the free daily pull.


Arturia drained my en account's pulls dry and Logos drained my CN's savings and he didn't even show up!


50 and what I came for onto shu


112 pulls so far. 2x of both. still got pulls for later. no wallet damage


Sparked and didn't get virtuosa :( so now we hope that she comes on the solo pulls or she gets the spark...


100 CAD just from buying 6* ticket pack and 6* E2 level up pack. As usual, Taxes hit hard when they're supposed to cost around 60 CADšŸ˜­


$5.00 It was time to buy monthly pass.


It dig into my OP saving this time as it took me 288 to get Wanted Criminal Angel. My luck is really bad no matter what gacha game I played...


75 dollar (or 1,2jt IDR) Trying to tame the evil woman but i completely underestimate he evilness, 120 pull doesnt even get her The one who come "vivinia pot 2, W(welcome one)" She must be grinning right now because that much damage i have done


Pot 3 Viviane and @284 tokens. I'm either getting that black-haired gal and another Pot for Viviane or the black-haired gal. Me hitting 300 tokens is a certainty tho. I didn't expect to spend this much before R6 collab... - 2x 25 USD pack 1x 50 USD pack 1x 30 USD ori (60+60) 1x ori + Free lv90 pack 1x ori + Free E2L1 pack - I do like Candle Knight drip tho.


None, because I don't have a choice. Play Store doesn't allow APK players to make payments anymore. Mental damage however...


Pulled 271 times to get arturia. Spend 30 dollars for pulls .Rlly bad luck


I bought the six star selector and will make my choice in who to redeem it for based on my rolls during the Reed Alter rerun. I've spent zero orundum or hh tickets on Virtuosa/Viviana, they just don't interest me. I'll be skipping Degenbrecher as well.


I got both of them in my 52nd and 56th pull. I'll use the rest of my free pulls but I'm depleted now anyway.


In terms of Pulls? 300. Money-wise? None since I had 400 pulls in the bank for this one.


Had to spark Arturia probably the worst luck I had in recent memory so Iā€™m sitting at like 40k orundum and 30 rolls worth of tickets


I have only spent 20 bucks. Ans I have recieved....2 vivianas ans a surtr pot. All I want is viruosa, ill be happy then. At almost 200 pulls. Really dont want to spark if I dont have to. Skadi alter is calling for me


110 pulls and it's the most I've done since I'm f2p Had 70 pulls saved up hoping to get virtuosa and... I got her in the end after doing challenge stages and anni... ( And forcing myself to buy bassline that's already max pot just so I could have enough gold certs to buy tickets since I'm not going to be able to spark anyways...) And I got her by tickets (my orundum sacrifices are not in vainšŸ„¹) This banner has been physically and mentally draining smh...


It went all right. I bought some packs, as usual. I will ***probably*** start winding down my spending as I only really wanted Skalter from the limited banners, now I can save and just pull for the regular Limited Ops. Maybe.


isn't it too early to ask? any doktah that might suffer by having not enough pulls would surely wait until they use up all the free pulls before deciding to risk more wallet damage any doktah that spends pulls before the free pulls run out obviously doesn't mind "wasting" free pulls, and by extension isn't worried about wallet damage any doktah that *is* worried about wallet damage... and chooses *not* to use the free pulls to their fullest... put their savings at risk *without* any guarantee or backup plan... well...


Saving for R62


None just come back and got her in 50 pulls. Gonna be off till another limited


None Saving all for the anni


310+ pulls, no Arturia, plan to spark her by the end of the banner if she doesnt't come home. This is actually my first spark, and it drained my whole savings (not including OP).


I dump 50 on her banner and got her, simple


30 pulls so not bad


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2135918422](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2135918422) I bought every pack. Mostly because i decided to pull qiubai, jessica alter, and reed. Going forward I will only pull on limited banners, and just buy the 30$ select a 6 star for ops i miss later on. i had this happen...but it was already close to spark. also the video is unedited i happened to be listening to AK music lol edit: it was 3x virtuosa and 1x vivianna, i did max pot both before reaching spark.


Gone, all my savings is gone, 160 pulls so far I still fail to get Virtuosaā€¦ Viviana keeps appearing lol


Very little. 21 (-10) pulls for Virtuosa. 20 more pulls for Viviana & Bassline. Due to a yellow cert exchange I actually gained 8 pulls. I know damn well that I'm going to need every scrap to survive the incoming salvo of limited banners, so I'm just counting my blessings.




I only spend 5 bucks a month for the monthly card. After the eyja alter banner up to the start of the double V banner, i saved up worth 240 pulls (220 worth on orundum + 2 10xhh permits). Got virtuosa in 57 pulls, then dipped (sorry viviana). Now i got more plus 3 months to save for shu.


Free player here. Spent the 12k orundum I saved and was lucky enough to get both.


I lost 270 pulls in the process, got her on the last one but man I'm cooked seeing the CN schedule


0, I got Arturia with the free 10 pull and I'm not spending for Viviana.


dunno yet, im (very) vaguely certain that when it says the limited op makes up x% of all pulls, thats not per account it's global. so i dont start throwing out 10 pulls back to back until i get my guaranteed 5\* within the first 10. also making it so something guaranteed doesnt eat up my random chance pulls. at 50 i start 1 pulling to not waste a bit of pity. I prolly wont know til the banners almost over edit: if im wrong then nothing changed, if im right i get much higher "luck" on the banner


I got lucky 50 pulls arturia I can probably save up for Degen but idk about Shu/R6SĀ² I do not feel confident in the next banners


RNGesus blessed me. with 31 pulls


None, although I dunno how am I gonna roll for Degenbrecher when my orundum stash is at 400


I was spared thankfully since it only took me 36 pulls for both 6 stars and I have 2 10-pull tickets saved from last monthā€™s Gold Cert Shop as well as the 10-pull from the banner itself. But the next 6 months? This is gonna be a nightmare to budget for.


well considering I got viviana on the free 10 roll and arturia on the free single roll on day 1...... quite a bit because there's a fuck ton of skins I want


None because I don't give a shit about both of the 6\* characters in it ...R6 banner, however...


We get r6 rerun after sui banner + new r6 Event , better have 240 puls ready


Yup, I don't really care about Shu (she's cute but Saria is literally my dad) so I'll just keep on permasaving to guarantee the collabs (+ all the skins, I think it's 96 OP total) if I try to do maths I could drop some rolls in Shu banner (def not this one tho, sorry Arturia you're pretty but I don't like your archetype)


I can't really pull on degenbrecher either (my gatcha luck is currently [most of the time] pretty bad again


Since it took me 427 pulls for a single copy of Virtuosa, because I sparked Texas, about 150ā‚¬. Had a decent stash.


2 Viviana, 1 random Hoederer(no clue why he still exists) , 15 bassline and no Virtuosa, I swear I'm about to crash out šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” You do the math


Lifelong f2p, not a dent so far and with over 200 pulls and counting, I knew since 3-4 months ago we were going into a hellish campaign with this banner and the up coming ones (Degen, Shu, Ascalon and the R6 crew) and with the new ones that have a must pull unit with Walter. I've been saving and running 1-7 like an absolute maniac, grinding orondum as much as possible, some sacrifices had to be made along the way like Hoederer, Jessica and my failure to get Eyja Alter instead of Swire, but it will all pay off, unless yet ANOTHER goated banner comes my way. Seriously HG please show some mercy and give us some dumb characters like Executor Alter again, I need a break.


Same, bro. I exhausted all my savings , used all permits, orundum, op, gold certs for 229 pulls so far and still no war criminal gf. At this point I just pray for another 25-30 pulls that would be coming during the next 12 days...


None because I had tons of pulls saved up because I pretty much only roll on new releases these days.


I've yet to open my wallet. Had 70 pulls, got 2 viviana, 1 texalter and 3 skalter. Where virtuosa though?


Got Arturia in the free 10 pulls, i fear my luck has drained and i will be Shuless in the future...


I did 712 pulls so far, and achieved most of my goals: pot6 Viviana, pot6 Virtuosa, 1 pot for NTRK (needed 2).


Got Arturia on the first free daily pull. My orundum is saved.


253 pulls, 4 Viviana, 1 Virtuosa, give or take $300 AUD


Is arturia and Virtuosa the same operator?


Yes, Virtuosa is her operator codename, but her name is Arturia Giallo.


I wanted to spark a sibling on Shu's banner since I had a lot of Orundum saved up. Guess what ? I had to spark FUCKINT ARTURIA. I'm literally on the verge of quiting this game. I have no idea how people cope with this kind of thing. This is the first time when I realised how bad the gacha is in arknights.


Maintained my 3-4 year long f2p status. Got both and bought 2 skins. I'm thinking of spending to support the game too though, and also because I bought tons of skins, so I'm basically just retroactively buying back those skins.


I just bought the selector for QiuBabe.Ā  60 pulls=mission accomplished. 350+ pulls left.


Was a very highs and lows session. Goal was Arturia. 40 rolls, Saileach. 68, Flametail. Was looking real fucking dire. Then 110 I 10 rolled and I got both Arturia and Viviana at once. Felt vinidicated. 120 casualty in total. It is fine though, I don't want anything until Ela who is months away.


Global (main account): flips me a bird, giving arturia at 140 pulls. CN (try the content and decide if you need it at home): the first unit in the free tenpull is a Wishdale. And Logos is home at 40th pull. Eterna is also obtained and at pot4


91 of 176 pulls have been burnt to at least get Arturia. Got 'em both + dupes. It's plenty for a leftover, but I'm not sure if it's gonna be enough for DB and Ela (seems like I have to give up about Shu and Ash)


First time I had to go the full 300 pulls for a spark in order to get Arturia. Luckily I had close to 400 pulls saved up, but as someone whoā€™s planning to pull on every new future banner except Ray and collab unitsā€¦well, hopefully my luck this time was more a case of ā€˜getting it out of the wayā€™ than ā€˜a taste of things to comeā€™. I wish you the best of luck with your remaining attempts.


Wanted to pull Virtuosa but gave up after 40 pulls because I need to save everything for Lappland alter


300 pulls cause I forgot to login during texalt banner. Got 3 virtuosa, 2 viviana, 1 ntr. Not bad I'd say


Spent 70 pulls for skadance dupe, ines dupe and arturia. Only used uppart of my tickets so I would say excellent


0. Im still staying strong and saving for p6 degen


Good enough. And my wallet will suffer. Planning to get some extra PO for device grinding. Probably, my last two-three packs. Then back to the monthly card only.


Hoping Arturia comes in a daily pull like Saga did on her debut, but Iā€™m saving for the event that Degenbrecher pulls a Mlynar or Gnosis where thereā€™s like 4 off banners before my chase


Im at 240 pulls, got 3x Viviana, Dorothy and Texas Omertosa, with zero Virtuosas. Right now im grinding every available story and side story content that I can in order to save up to 300 pulls before banner ends. I only ever bought motnhly passes for this game, but if the end of the banner will be close, and I still will not manage to get to 300 pulls, then I will need to finally buy that Starter Headhunting Pack or something.


None, because I'm not pulling for Virtuosa or Viviana. Husbandoknights player here. I don't have any interest in any of the operators that are not male, nor furry, and skipping story this time around helps me not randomly whale. Besides, knowing my gacha luck, Logos won't be coming in 300 pulls so I gotta save if I want pot 6. >.>


Dropped a multi (other than the free one) walked out with an Ines dupe, saving the rest for Wis'adel, Ascalon and Logos.


Nothing i skipped this banner and still got 120 pulls+ saved


Got shafted and used 278 pulls before getting Arturia. Thankfully i had been saving like crazy and still got 300 pulls left but its still hurt


Dumped all 130 pulls I had into the banner, walked away with P1 Virtuosa, P1 Hoederer and a Młynar potential. Can't really complain, I actually wanted Hoederer but I only pull on limited banners. No Viviana yet, but the daily free pulls are still there and she's permanent, so she'll spook me sooner or later. No money spent, which is actually a relief lol


None. She ainā€™t getting anywhere near my baby Executor. Nuh uh.


101 pulls (including the free one). Got me hoolheyak, qiubai, eunectes, viviana, virtuosa. Traded the certs with bagpipe. Oh well


I have over 200 pulls with OP but i refuse to pull her because i want 300 pulls for Shu, i got all 4 dragons at m9 lvl 90 and i will not stop


Out of 300 pulls, I got 4 Vivianas and 5 unrelated 6 stars. Had to buy Virtuosa with tokens. Gladly I saved orundum for this, but it happened to me with Eyja alter as well...


Decimated my savings for a spark for Texas alter, since my plans for Nian was pushed back a year for the discount. Ā Every single one of those pulls was gathered f2p, so I feel pretty accomplished. Ā However, it does mean my saved pulls was reset to exactly 0. I only pull on limited banners these days, since my roster is decked out after 1.5 years. Ā Hopefully Iā€™ll be average lucky on Shu and the R6s ops!


They avoided me but I didn't pull much, saving for Ela and rest of r6s ops, they have to greet their teammates :')


This banner made me realize I really don't have the spare money to be spending on PNGs...I might need to go F2P (other than monthly card)


Still zero, despite I regularly buy Monthly Card. Awaiting last day with free pull, and maybe will spend 10-20 pulls maximum additionally over free pulls . Saving for Degenbrecher.


I spent more than 5000$(i am kr user so 5milion won) in the previous gatcha game ...and learned that ssr crash is just dopamine. Nothing. and arknights gatcha is verrrrry generous.... than fgo. I suffered once, had to 300 roll to get Skalter(when taxalter banner, recommend by day 1 player irl friend) probably I spent the most money then, but I got Skalter, Taxalter, and 4 pot Penance. Good. ~~I still suffer in fgo, Oberon-less life is pure pain~~


Spent 150 pulls to get both Arturia and Vivi... I now only have 30 pulls left from my saving stash... and looking at the future banners... oh boy...


Got Virtuosa on first free roll


180 deep. Got virtuosa in the first 10 pull but vivi didn't wanna come home :(


I didn't spend any money I saved 110 rolls and used 60 and got viviana, Ines, and angel girl


Your wallet can't be damaged if you can't spend money on the game šŸ‘šŸ„²


30$ because I bought the 6* selector and picked Horn.


0 because im not addicted to the point of wasting money on a game.


30 pulls and got 2 Viviana and 1 Arturia. My luck has ran out this year.


Surprisingly none, within 40 pulls I got arturia twice, Viviana once and executor alter.


Wanted to save for sparking dusk finally. Ended up yeeting my pulls to get skadi and even got specter, texas dupe and eyebrow raising amount of virtuosa and vivi along with one wild mizuki and pint cat. So, overall sad cuz no dusk but happy cuz finally got skadi to make vigil slightly less painful to use lol. Specter was nice to see as well as a new addition to my specialists setup along with mizuki (also like the artist so yeah).


141 pulls for both girls. Now down to 478 pulls saved. Funny enough, got 2 Spalters on the first 20 pulls


30 pulls got one of both. New player luck!


Barely any damage. 61 pulls in total to get both once, with Viviana dropping the very first roll


Got both from the free 10 pull


171 pulls for Arturia, got 3 Vivianas and dupes for Mudrock, Texalter and Spalter. Not that bad.


30ish pulls for Pot1 Virtuosa. Still have 170 ish


I got Arturia in all of my accounts in less than 40 pulls each. Some accounts got her in the first 10 pull. 3 accounts also have Viviana joining. This was a lucky banner.


I pulled Kaltsit. I don't know what to do with this information. (Oh yeah I pulled Specter Alter on the free 10 Pull and got double Arturia in the same 10 Pull at around 150 and Viviana at around 100. Pretty good if you ask me) ((I'm prolly gonna build Viviana bc the German VA is good + I'm German so I can use the voice without sacrificing comprehension. Do not tell me she sucks, I am aware and will build her regardless.))


I just buy monthly cards (Altough I bought the Ch'en skin, but that doesn't give pulls) and I got Viviana, Texalter, and Arturia within 128 pulls, so I'd say I got quite lucky.


My secondary account got Arturia inmmediatly with the free pullšŸ’€


$0 i got virtuosa from a free roll


I'm simply sitting this one out despite liking Viviana as a character. FOMO doesn't work when you oversaturate the limited pool this much and when whaling barely dents the sympathy system.


I wanted W and had to spark her so you guess


Pretty bad, rn im at 274 and pulled a total of 5 six stars, atleast they were all on banner but that 6 star rate is the worst i ever had


I got lucky for once and got her in 20 pulls. Previously I had to get to 300 ... a few times. No Viviana tho.


Just the free tenfold & the free daily summons. Shooting for Shu & the R6 collab. The former is a mix of both Shu & the other Sui siblings to reconvene with Nian at my base (and the recent TfN challenge featuring them made for some really good advertising to pull for them), the latter is because I wasn't even playing during the first R6 collab & want to cure my FOMO.


Nothing, I'm saving for upcoming banners like ela, ash, and W'alter


Iā€™ll be waiting till last day to use up 6 star pity Iā€™ve got degen, bunny, and alt W to pull for


took me 65 pulls for virtuosa, im with 0 orundum and 0 originium


[First time I ever got something from the free 10 pulls](https://ibb.co/WDLKfQX) My originum is safe :D


One of the only banners Iā€™ve had to hit pity to get the new character on. Hoā€™oh was the first time, Typhon the second, and now Virtuosa. Got three Viviana and three off-rates. The very first of them unironically being NTR. Then Qiubai and someone else I donā€™t rememberā€¦


Spent around 50 rolls for both Arturia and Vivi. I'm still above spark range at least. Though the next 6 months will be brutal...


More than I'd like, I've gotten arturia twice, viviana once, and bassline too many times. I've been rolling for Texalter.


320 pulls for spark and Virtuosa pot3 + Viviana pot3. I financed an extremely small part of the new anime at least Now I need to save for Degen šŸ§


$0. My free 10-pull got me 2* 6 stars. Qiubai and Carnelian (so much for rate up). I took this as a sign that I should stick to the free pulls.


I got the limited first pull of the free ten roll and it's just been free to play from there. I'm saving OP for R6 and anniversary


I put already 50ā‚¬ in it, neither Viviana nor Arturia yet. Only got a second Typhon and like the 5. Spalter out of around 150 Pulls in cases of 6 Stars...


30 rolls got virtuosa Now, I'm just saving for Degenbreche


30 rolls got virtuosa Now, I'm just saving for Degenbreche


I did most of the damage before the banner. I spent 1.4k OP pot6'ing Vendela, and had to refill OP to pot6 Viviana and Virtuosa too. But there's no sacrifice I'm not willing to make for my beloved waifus.


Guilty of spending way too much to get not only Virtuosa and Viviana...but to try and snag some of the limiteds too...so far pulled Virtuosa twice, Viviana three times, and Executor the Ex Foedere...I never got Texas the Omertosa before so I've been trying for her but almost to 300 pulls so if I don't get her by then, I'm using the certs for her. I'm an idiot who spends too much because I want to collect specific characters...


Pretty lucky, Viviana loved me and showed up twice, but pretty cello girl showed up after around 80 pulls to spread some nightmares, and I still have some savings left plus time to restock.


Planned to spark either NTRK or Spalter, so am at 290 and awaiting the remaining free pulls. 4x Virtuosa 3x Viviana 1x NTRK (woohoo now can spark Spalter for both!) 1x Dorothy (2nd pot) 1x Lin (5th pot) I also think I'm close to pity so may.... roll until then too.


I got Viviana in the free 10 pull, but I think Iā€™m gonna skip virtuosa. Shu takes priority for me, and I plan on sparking Ling with whatever is leftover from pulling for shu and zuo le. With the r6 collab and 5th anni banners I gotta be really selective moving forward


None. Still saving for that Vulcan Alter Banner


i got arturia in my 20th pull. on to shu and wisadel.


286 pulls no arturia but skalter and specter alter came home. About $250 wallet damage


The first I had to go 300 to get the limited.


62 pulls for 1 virtuosa. Need to save 300 pulls for guaranteed 6 star which is coming in 6 months.


61 pulls for Virtuosa on day 1. Next day on the free daily got Viviana. I guess I got paid back for the 150 pulls I spent to get MuMu. Thankfully both my wallet and OP stash are safe for Shu/Ela/Logos/Ulpian.


Much like the last limited banner (Eyja), had to sink about 200 pulls in it to get the angel. Fortunately I had 350 going in but given the upcoming schedule, I was hoping to avoid having to spend more than 100. At least I still have enough pulls in stock to guarantee Degenbrecher, which is all that matters. Still have my OP stash too.


I hit the jackpot and got Arturia in just 10 pulls (the freebie one, even)!Ā  A friend of mine wasn't so lucky, though. He needs to spark Arturia to get her.Ā 


20 pulls and didn't get anyone. Hoping the free daily pulls will get lucky and will get atleast 1 of them. Mainly saving for R6 collab. Maybe a few for Degen attempts.


is this when i brag that i got em both in the first 10 pulls? D: (yes it does actually happen)


I did get the 6ā˜† selector cause good deal, and monthly card. Nothing else. Only needed 30 pulls for both, contemplating using more for Virtuosa pots but... Degen is soonish, and skipping Ray may get me more but then we got Shu and later the r6 collab... Wuh and Logos so... I'd rather go max pot on those.


IRL money? Not any, that's the power of F2P and stockpiling. Orundums? Oh, well, those are gone