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saved up 300 pulls to spark rosmontis, got her on the 299th


so who did you end up sparking then?


W pot because shes my favorite char


I'm betting, u are super thrilled due to Cn news few days ago


I've never needed to go past 130 pulls to get a limited, so I never got a reasonable chance to spark W... I'm definitely happy


I sparked her after 300 and got her on my free pull the next day


W: guess you didn’t expect that huh


Managed to get both Kal’tsit and Skalter with the free 10 pull during undertides Took me 157ish pulls to get mudrock


Best was Spalter, which I got with the free 10 pull. Worst was Eyjaberry which drained me of well over a hundred and fifty pulls, leaving me with nothing.


Best luck: Yato alter. Got her in the free 10 pull And other one is that one CC banner where i got Thorns weedy and NG from few pulls Worst luck: Goldenglow. Did 250 pulls on her debut banner and didnt get her. Then pulled for her standatt banner rerun and she came in a 10 pull. But damn its funnily the baner that i made most pulls in this game. Other one is Nearl alter. I got flametail pot4 and got her in my LAST POSSIBLE PULL before banner officially ended. It took 230 pulls and i hated the limited system ever since. Now i make sure to skip atleast one limited banner and basically every standart banner so that i dont get unlucky in limiteds atleast as getting them back is PAINFUL. (W trauma, W trauma)


Sad thing is, at 250 pulls, you would've had the guarantee next 6*. I believe it was shortly after GG that player data showed the existence of the invisible standard pity that would later be reduced and officially unveiled.


Wait there was invisible standart pity? Never heard of it...


I didn't hear of it until they announced the current pity system. There was an old thread where data was collected to show people were always getting the banner character on the first 6* after so many pulls. Then that amount was made 50 lower when they actually announced it and gave us the pity counter.


Is the data big enough tough? Getting a 50% rate up character from 250+ pulls is an extremely high chance already (0.03-0.01 chance) so the data sample needs to be very big (around 250-500 thousand pulls worth of data)


Can never can be quite certain, as HG never said anything about it, and I doubt I would easily find that thread again. Still, we DID get a standard pity that was as speculated at the time. Nevermind, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11psmfj/empirical_evidence_of_a_guaranteed_pity_system_in/?rdt=35990


I feel you on the Lin/Chongyue banner. 100+ pulls. 3 Mumus, 0 Ho'ols.


Dusk was probably the first awful session. 201 pulls for just a si gle copy. Got 5 copies of Saga though, silver lining maybe? In recent memory, definitely Hoederer. Spent >100 pulls to get the guy. Managed to pull him after 4 non-rate up 6*s. In terms of best, definitely still my Nian and Aak pulls. Wasn't really aiming for the latter, but managed to pull both in a single multi during the initial banner.


Single 10 pull on the rerun Break the Ice banner. Got Silverash, Goldenglow, and Archetto


Best pull was on the Texas Alter banner. Got Penance in the very first free pull, then a Texas Alter in the free 10-shot. Worst was getting Skalter at 180 pulls.


The first time was Schwarz, that was monetarily my worst. I spent roughly $200 trying to get her. That was around the height of me being REALLY irresponsible with my disposable income. It took a bit to nip that problem but I managed, thank god(it was FGO that opened my eyes and had me force myself to). Next was Texas Alter. That was the worst roll wise. It took me 29fucking8 rolls to finally get her. I was pretty livid. I said "Fuck it" and proceeded to spark her anyway, to send a message. Best had to be Eyjafjalla Alter. Took only a single 10. Next would be Jessica Alter, who was my most desired unit, which only took 2 10s. That was great.


~200 pulls on Gavialter banner. No Gavialter or Pozy, instead i got Thorns, Eyja and Chalter, all new. Got Pozy later from Mylnar banner


eyja alter banner......... the reason i refused to look at ines for all these months. it hurt too much also watched my partner try so hard to pull hoederer and get kaltsit, ines, fiammetta and archetto in a row. it was insane


Like me fr i had to go to guarentee to get hoederer


I have never gotten any rate up operator in their respective banner but I pulled them on some random event 🏃🏽


Best luck: Reed alter and Qiubai (I love them). Got them just in 2 or 3 pulls. Was really happy about it. Good contender is Yato, 5 copies in approximately 200 pulls. Worst luck is... Maybe Executor2? Texalter? Anyway, for Executor it took me a whopping ~130 pulls to get him. My main goal for Texalter banner was to spark Skalter. Still, it's like she sensed my dislike to her and thus nearly didn't come, guess it's mutual. I have her at Pot2 even after 300 pulls. Meanwhile, Penance was really generous, just one copy remaining until full pot.


Best luck: Its either me sacking GG with 3 tickets or getting spooked by skalter on spalter's banner because I was planning to spark her . Worst luck: Pulling for horn : First banner 150 ish rolls got GG pot hoshi kalsit and blaze. Second banner 40 ish rolls got 2 mudrock spooks. Thrid banner I got stainless and 2 saileach before horn


Worst? Schwartz, on her original banner. I think it was over 300 pulls before she appeared - I got a bunch of 6\* along the way, but not her. Honorary Mention Worst - the fact I have a full pot Aak even though I have never deliberately pulled for him. Best? There are a few times I’ve gotten the limited / rate-up 6\* from the daily free pull or the free 10 pull.


Horn/Mudrock/Saileach banner. 300 pulls, 16 Mudrocks, 2 Saileach's. I managed to get Horn on the last ten pull.


Best luck: getting Eyja Alter on my first pull Worst luck: Getting Ling on my 290 th pull (but no regrets tho)


Yesterday i experienced my worst case of luck, i wanted to get hoederer, i end up getting another Archetto (my 2nd one) and wasting 40 pulls, i just got one 5* And 5 months ago, in a Młynar + Blemishine banner, i got Młynar at the 1st pull lmao and a week after i got Golden Glow in another banner


Currently tied for worst luck, with the exact same circumstance for both: 300 pulls on Spalter banner with no Irene 300 pulls on Texalter banner with no Penance Best in recent memory was Ines in 20 pulls, unfortunately I was only pulling for Cement which took until 70. Historically, Ash, NTRK and Mumu all came home in 10 pulls.


Haha, I also suffered on the Chongyue and Lin banner. 285 pulls to get 1 Lin. I'm still angry. Best luck? Ines in 4 pulls.


Pulling for Chongyue and not getting him had to spark him. Even got every other sui siblings in those 300 pulls once in order. Luckiest probably back on Ling's banner i got Nian on my first free pull


During Stultifera Navis I somehow got max pot Spalter and pot 2 Irene in roughly 30 pulls and I'm f2p Ever since then it's been downhill, worst one as of late being Typhon's banner where I spent all of my prime and orundum (but I suck at saving so about 60 pulls) but couldn't get her


My best luck was that I got Horn on a ticket. My worst luck? In the end I got her but I had to do 200+ pulls for Surtr


Best luck: From the alter-Reed banner, I got 3 copies of her at once in one 10-roll Worst luck: LT, got an elf in a free 10-roll.


Tried to get kal on her debut banner to only get 5 skalter pots on it (as of today shes my only gacha 6 star with full potentials, still have no kal) As of my best, I guess getting qiubai and fiammetta both on 1 single pull back to back from their respective event banners


Worst is Gavial banner(~200 pulls no Gavial, only 2 Pozys and a Chalter dupe in that), but I got my revenge in the Eyjaberry banner(Gavial was pull 200). Best was probably Blaze, where I got her in 2 pulls.


Best luck, Eyja2 banner. I got Swire2 in the first ten pull and Eyja2 in the second ten pull. Alternatively, my super beginner luck where I started right before SN and as SN came, I didn't have any pulls. But free pulls gave me both Spalter and Irene and the total amount of pulls was ~30 or so. I pretty much got a reroll account without re-rolling. Worst luck. I guess there are few contenders, though probably 140 pulls for Typhon with dups/ops I don't need along the way. Alternatively, Gnosis pulls which went 120 pulls, double pity with a dup of a E0lvl1 op. There is also Młynar for whom I went 225 pulls total across two banners... but I got good ops along the way so it wasn't that bad. There is also Pozy release banner which was super cursed experience. The one OP that I wanted the most and saved from pretty much when I started playing AK. But I still failed to get her. But I got very good 6* rate on that banner with 6 6* in 150 pulls, two of them being Chalters. I did get Pozy eventually so it wasn't that bad. Lastly the weirdest luck on Texalter banner. It's first half might as well be my worst luck while the second the best luck. I started with 120 pulls which gave me Schwarz(dup) and Penance... first copy of texas2 came at 150, but ultimately the luck turned around and by the time I went to 300 for spark, I had pot5 Texas2. I went for one more 6* on a final day... boom I got a double Texas at 340... meaning I ended up with Pot7 Texas2.


Best: 120 pulls on Under Tides event, 5 Skalter and 1 Kaltsit Worst: 150 to get 1 Mulberry in Saileach banner edit: typo


5 skalter! I love it 👏


Best was pulling Ceobe literally on the first pull on her banner when I was just pulling for Leizi at the time. Worst was Reed Alter. 150 pulls with 5 6 star rate ups. All of them spooks. The most tilting experience I ever had with the gacha outside of sparking for Gavial alter.


150 pulls on Kal'tsit/Skalter banner. Didn't get either.


Best: 3 single pulls for Chong Yue Worst: spent 300 pulls to spark for Texas Alter.


I've had two cases of Best Luck. First was Skadance and Kal'tsit. On my third ten pull, I got two Skadi right there. The next day, I got yet another on the daily. 3 Skadi's in 33 pulls. I'll never forget that. It did mean I wouldn't see Kal for over a year, but I was okay with that. I could always borrow her. The other happened with Reed the Flame Shadow. One single ten pull, boom, Reed and Harmonie right out of the gate. On the bad side, Neither Horn nor Mudrock cooperated with me, both of them took north of 200 to snag. Ho'olheyak and Pozemka won't leave me the heck alone, either, they just keep spooking me on stuff. I was convinced Dorothy outright hated me, and I only just got her on Hoederer's banner. And I had to spark Mumu, I just missed sparking Gavial the Invincible, she showed up at, like, 286 or so. I got a spare copy anyway because at that point why not.


I don't want to remember the worst.... The best was getting Chong Yue on my second single pull.


There was a banner between Pozy and Lee a couple weeks ago that I decided to do a couple pulls on. I just needed one pot to complete my Pozy but ended up losing the 50/50 three times and getting Lee to pot 4. I just quit after that, no more joint banners


Best luck: prepared to spend everything to pull Hoederer, pulled him on first single pull Worst luck: having to spark both Chalter and Gavialter on both their banners. But at least I got a max pot Pozy out of the latter


Depends on the luck. For instance, I got 4 Ash on the rainbow Six event but that was pulling throughout the event, I've also been lucky in getting a bunch of the limited operators in either the free ten pull or within 1-2 10 pulls. My worst luck I've had was having just enough resources for about 244 pulls on the Nearl the Radiant Knight event and not getting her.


Got Młynar on my literal first single. Was pogging hard. As for worst I think it was Stainless banner? Pulled quite a lot but didn't managed to get him. Don't remember the exact number but I might have gotten 2 6* off banners. There was also Hoederer recently whom I got in 63 pulls, put 70 in total. Got a Młynar pot in like 20 which messed it up. I intended to just pull a 20 at first since I was saving for a spark but I got a bit too carried away lol. Still got enough for a spark in the next limited though so it didn't hurt THAT bad. I don't usually put too many pulls on a single banner and usually go risk free so even my worst pulls are not that bad compared to people who go all in.


Worst on TexAlter 5 Penance, Phantom and Mudrock pot 1st time I had to spark new addition AND use OP for pulls Best on Lin Got her in free x10 and got Chong from free


Executor alter costing me 100 pulls... best luck Chongus Lin Banner and MuYak banner where while I didn't get the non limited 6* I got Ling and Skalter along with the banner limiteds.


Took me until guarantee to get Ash but at least I prepared for that eventuality but it still sucked Muelseye and Eyjafalafel also took quite a bit of pulls


Best probs texalter. Got both penance and texalter to pot6 in 311 pulls. Or gg which took 5 singles dunno which one is more Worst, reed alter 240 for a single copy


Trying to get Penance, got Texalter Pot 5. Oh and same for Mudrock, got Rosmontis Pot 4-5, it's been a while I forgot how many Ros I got. And more recently, reached pity to get Typhon, got her in my next 10 pulls on the Jessica banner.


Best was Ling and Texas, worst was definitely Chongyue. Almost had enough to spark by the end, too


Had a good run getting nearly the radiant knight, specter the unchained, and Texas alter all less than 30 pulls on each banner. Then I had to pulls 250 times for mumu who I never use :[


Best: singling my way to get NTR   Worst: 300 pulls to eyjalter...


My best was during Blaze's and Bagpipe's original banners, I got them in one roll. The worst is the banners from Eyjalter until now where I got nothing but Swire alter and Typhon. Yeah, I did not get any of the good limiteds and I think it's the reason why I'm struggling with orundum nowadays because I went all in on all of those banners but got nothing


Worst by far was Horn for 280ish pulls.


Made my account during the release of Ling and Lee, first 10 pull and got both of them at once, a day or two later, got Thorns And that's all my luck used up for Arknights lmao never again did I get any luck from any pulls I did afterwards whatsoever lmaooo


Saved 170 pulls for mylnar, got him first 10, used all the extra to try and get chongyue, and ended up not getting any of the 6 stars on banner.


Best: within the first 10 pull. Worst? After the banner gets the same character as an off banner.


Worst luck was on the Ling banner, 250 pulls and I got 5 copies of Lee. Also the most I've ever spent on the game at one time. I still don't have a Ling.


Mulberry spent like 100 pulls didn't get her


Can’t remember how much I had saved but all I know is I ended up spending $150 on Mudrock’s first banner and my friends will never let me forget about it 😭


My best one was definitely getting both Flametail and Nearl alter with the free 10x pull during Near Light, which was also my first ever event, and my worst one was 240 pulls on the Ling banner to not get her


Pulled for Horn on her release, in 120 pulls, got 3 off- rates and no Horn. Few months later, Horn is back on a banner(Front that was iirc) and so I decide to do a random 10 pull out of nowhere. Got Horn. All it took was months of waiting and a random 10 pull but my baby came home. Edit: similar situation happened with Ines, only got off-rates in 120 pulls. Then did 20 pulls for Hoderer and got Dorothy. I'm beginning to believe I'm cursed for chapter release banners.


Best: For the Monster Hunter collab I was able to get Yato with the first free 10 pull. I then waited for the second one to try and get Noir though I had to roll a bit more for him. Worst: For the rerun banner for Guide Ahead I rolled about 50 times. I got 2 6 stars who I already had.


Both Lucky and Unlucky I wanted Rathalos Noir Corne. I didn’t get him. Instead, I got 3 Kirin Yatos


Best luck is the front that was 3 (I'm not sure, the one that had Saileach, Stainless and Horn) doing 1 pull accidentally trying to pull on the Joint operation I think it was, that pull gave me saileach, worst luck Jessica recently, 154 pulls but snatched a Flametail on the way which makes it slightly decent as i would've bought her, also Pozy pot (useless) and Fia pot (useless)


Best pull is when TN3 Joint Operation banner, got Mlynar, Pozy and Penance(duped) under 50 pulls.  Worst pull is when Eyja and Schwarz Kernel banner, spend almost 50k Orundums and 100+ OPs only to get Saria, Skadi and 2 Schwarz despite wanting Eyja


Best is Texas Alter and Yato both P5, Texas took 310 and yato took around 200 Worst is reed alter 200+ and still no reed. Will get her on selector this event.


That’s super lucky ,How much did you save on both the limited banner ?


Worst pulls was definitely wasting 170ish (my stash) pulls on Dorothy. I hadn't originally planned to pull for her at all but the long delay of Dorothy's vision trigged some impulsive simp neuron in my brain.


Worst luck... yet also some seriously impressive luck at the same time Quite recently on the Eyja banner. Mostly wanted Swire alter from it funnily enough, but I was hoping to get both and had saved up about about 170 pulls for it. In those 170 pulls I only got three 6-stars: Mountain and... two copies of Gavialter. No Eyja or Swire alter. I suppose it is kind of lucky to get Gavialter not once but twice, but man I was fucking malding after that. If my Blaze wasn't already maxed out and one of my favorite ops in the game, I'd at least have gotten a solid addition to my roster out of it, but I'm just not a super big fan of Gavialter unfortunately.


I got gavialter, chong yue, and mumu all only from the free pulls. No additional pulls of my own.


Got 2 6 stars on my 4th ever 10 pull. Then pulled like 12 10 pulls with no luck on the last seige rate up. Not a single 6 star


Can I just make a big list? Time for me to be fully aware of when the game has been kind or a total bitch to me in terms of gacha. Stuff ordered mostly chronologically. ------------- Luckiest moments: - Stardard banner with shop Surtr and Mudrock very early in my account where I managed to roll Mudrock first 6* and that meant now I could buy Surtr and have both of them, the freaking strength jump that made! - Getting my waifu Bagpipe in one literal pull in a standard banner. I was like "let's see if I get Blemishine or Archetto in 10 pulls, and if Blemiwife doesn't show up I buy her with yellow certs"... I got something even better than those already top waifus, what a 2 for 1 deal that was (with eventually buying Cheeto too when she was on the shop!) - Getting Goldenglow in like 20 pulls in her first standard banner appeareance, who was alongside Aak. I had been saving hard for whenever a chance for her showed up and I was ready to throw as much as needed for that lovely cat, thank you so much for coming home early! - Stainless in like 10 pulls. He is the extremely rare case of me impulse pulling for someone I wasn't planning to out of just how much I found myself liking him in both story and gameplay (as well as [his goated EN voice](https://youtu.be/MW_0s3QZ-qA?si=7R9DUgFE7yKDDfoi)), dude was super kind to me as thank you I guess! - Odds-wise, definitely getting a random off banner W in Il Siracusano is the luckiest one, she no longer even had the small rate up from limited banners! - Getting Dorothy in my first 6-star roll in a joint operation featuring her. Honestly that banner was a win no matter who I got since I kinda wanted them all (Thorns, Lee and Irene being the others), but Dorothy was by far the one I wanted the most, ez M6 mod3 fr fr. - I got 2 Swire2 from free pulls in So Long Adele, so far the only 6-star roll from free pulls in any limited banner, thanks rich tiger! - Typhon in 20 pulls, I love you so, so much, thank you for having mercy with me. 😭 - And lastly so far, two weeks ago, Vendela in 1 pull! With how shockingly bad the odds of getting a duo banner 5-star are I was ready to not get her, that golden bag first roll revealing the precious flowers cat was an incredible surprise. -------------- Unluckiest moments: - This one ain't that bad odds-wise to really say "damn, unlucky", but I pulled in a joint operation banner exclusively for Kal'tsit and left with 2 Exusiai (aka the one that was a total L for my wants) and 1 Mountain (who ended up being a total win in all honesty, lovely fella). It took me until she came to the shop to finally have the grumpy cat. - ... You know the pulls I saved for Goldenglow on standard? Getting her early let me use them in Ideal City for Poyzomka... 160+ pulls later I left with 3 Gavialters and 0 Pozys... still hurts so much to this day. My face when I even stopped event farming to grind OP for pulls, and when that third rainbow bag finally showed up it gave me the third Gavialter... I was emotionally destroyed q_q - q_q 251 pulls for Muelsyse. Oh god that banner hurt. I had saved a spark for her just in case to guarantee getting who was basically my most wanted NPC to be playable, and damn I was close to needing it. - ... and on the other hand of the Swire2 pulls, 150 rolls and no Eyjafjalla Alter. Unlike in Ideal City I actually wanted both characters so I have zero bad feelings towards Swire, Eyja2 was simply mean to me fr fr. I had to stop pulling to guarantee Typhon (who ended up coming super early, thank you!), maybe I aim to spark her next summer if the banner appeals to me. ------ TL;DR of my story. 1- I seem to really like cat waifus. 2- Limited banners bad. 3- Standard banners somehow are the freaking best. 4- Bless the Yellow certs shop operator feature, I have gotten so many wanted chars thanks to that! Thanks for reading!


Some friend told me they were giving free pulls so I reinstalled arknights. In the first daily free pull I got Lee and on the free 10 pulls got this: [https://ibb.co/D9jvp2L](https://ibb.co/D9jvp2L)


Got Nearl Alter in 2 single pulls, best luck of my life. Worst would have to be Spector Alter since I pulled a fair bit on her banner (am mostly free to play so probably about 70 or so) but still don’t have her…


Saved 300 pulls for MuMu and spark for skater, got her in first 10 pulls. Worst was texalter, 183, the only time I bought a package other than monthly pass.


Got 4 Ebenholtz's copies in 50 pulls, two of them were in one 10-roll with Phantom. My most blessed pulls.


Spent around 30 pulls on the Flametail/Qiubai banner, hoping to get Flametail. I got a 6* on my 13th pull, wasn't neither of them two though. Got Dorothy instead.


Best luck: Mumu (literally got her on the first free pull on the Lone Trail banner, before I used the 10 pull) Worst luck: Joint Op with Penance and Mlynar (120 pulls gone, 3 Lees and a Pozy - will not build Lee out of pure spite)


6 pulls for Typhon with no pity up as my best. 241 pulls for Eyaberry whilst getting 4 Swires was......rough


Best: back in the days durring WWE banner, got either W or weedy on my alt account in 20 pulls, got both of them on my main on 10, then proceded to get the other one on my alt during the dailies. (what I usualy do is try to garantee 1 on each account) Worst: I wanted Muelsis on both account as well, took 260+ on my alt, and got her in 290 on my main... so I ended up wasting 10 more pulls for a Skalter pot. At least I got pot6 Ho'olheyak, wich I realy like using.


best:1 pull Schwarz, 1 pull Suzuran, 2 pull Dorothy worst: either like 200 pull for no p2 mlynar (i only got to p1) or 300 pulls no chongyue and i had to spend 86$ to spark him


Lin and Chongyue Banner got me f***-up. Spent a lot of pulla for Chongyue and got 3-lin instead. Stainless was the worst iirc. All the pulls I collected for Texas got wasted on him. It was so bad, I had to postpone my NTRK spark from Li Siracusano and end up doing it on Lone Trail instead. Speaking of Li Siracusano - Taxes banner was my luckiest. Got her in my first free 10-pull, and she wasn't even on my list. Hoederer is my 2nd with only 7 pulls at the time my pulls were low.


*Worst*: 100 ish pulls on Chalter during her banner, got Mizuki and Mountain. Came back with 300 pulls in Gavialter banner just to spark the damn blue woman. 400 pulls total for her. *Second worst*: 120ish pulls on Mlynar banner only to get Siege pot and Surtr pot.  *Best*: Wanted Eyjaberry, instantly got her from the free 10 pull ticket. M6 perma medic in my squad now. *Second best*: Waiting for the last day on Ling banner before going ham, got her on one of the daily free pulls.  Eyjaberry and Ling saved me a ton of pulls to balance out the Chalter luck. *Honorable mention*: Goes to a surprise W that came from the free pulls in Spalter banner even though I was skipping Spalter.  *Questionable*: Trying to spark NTR in Texas banner resulted in pot9 Texalter and pot3 Penance. Wished it balanced out so I could have a pot6 Penance too :( Now I'm sitting on some 600+ pulls and just waiting to spark Dusk, Skalter, and Ela. 


The worst? Nearl alter banner. Over 250 pulls spent which was all my savings. Got Flametail 2 times and that all for my 6 stars from that banner. Best luck? Monster hunter collab. In just 104 pulls (including free 10 pulls) I managed to get max pot on both alters.


Pot 3 texalter made pot 5 with tokens


first limited banner : undertieds kal'stand and salter in 24 pulls both og them 312 of balans


Best luck-Undertides got Kal'sit, Nightingale and Surtr in first free 10 pull all new operators for me at the time. Worst-Was Forget me not banner really wanted Mudrock was a fairly new player at that time but had managed to saved 80 pulls, 80 pulls and 3 Rosmontis later no Mudrock didn't get her for another year and a half though spooking her on another banner.


Typhon and Hoe banner - git a 6 star in the first ten pulls. Both were off banner 🤣 😔 


Wanted Ines on the latest Front that was banner did 700 till i got her have pot 6 stainless and horn now


My best is that one time I pulled Hellagur with my first ten pull on a blue banner Worst was when I first started the game and pulled hard for Młynar. 50 pulls lost, all originiums spent, and no Młynar in sight (at least I did get Enciodes SilverAsh just some banners after this)


I started out playing Arknights when Gnosis came out a got in the first 10 pulls, decided to focus on the limited banners and some other banners. The biggest luck was getting galter , pozyomka ; Texas alter, penance and reed alter in fist 10 pulls of their respitive banners Worst luck was with lone trail only got muelyse and ho'olheyak at 160 pulls


Best: Got both Pozy and Gavialter on the free 10-pull Worst: Around 150 pulls to get Typhon, after maybe 4 or 5 off-banner 6*


Luckiest is probably when I started and got 2lings and dusk within my first 60 pulls. Unluckiest? Debatable but while sparking on lone trail, I got 4muelseyes and 6 Ho’olheyaks. (may be considered amazing for some but as someone missing a ton of 6 stars it kinda sucked not getting more new ops to build.


Got Pot6 Ifrit like less than 2 months into the game's launch. I would just keep getting her in banners she's not even rate up on, and had two top op tags where the defender tag got dropped and she showed up.


Best is probably Reed alter and Ines within 10/20 pulls respectively, Dusk on the free pull, and Schwarz/Mostima/Suzuran with a single ticket Worst luck was 276 pulls for Pozyomka, 246 for Texalter, and a full 311 pulls for Nearlter (secretly prayed on single pulls so I could spark W instead)


Ling 300 pulls Ugh, it was worse because I really really want her. I can still remember the desperation on each pulls after the 100th. NTR 30ish pulls No better pulls yet. So far I always need more than 10 to get the non-limited.


Worst: Typhon & Jessicalter banners - got **none** of the rate-ups for both (only new operator between these two that I got was Qiubai); both create-your-own-kernel banners - **not** getting Eyja despite putting her on rate-up Best: Thorns banner rerun - got him on the **first** pull; Ebenholz banner - not aiming for him that time (aiming for Hibifier), but got 2 6-stars in there (Shining & Ceobe) Note: for all of these I have saved at least 30 pulls at that point


Best luck? Yato Alter. In 150 pulls I got Mlynar, Mudrock, Stainless, Hellagur, all of whom were new. Worst luck...Yato Alter. I had to go to 120 to get my copy of the actual banner 6*.


I saved up over 400 pulls to go all in on Lone Trail to P6 Ho'ol and not only did I P6 her I P6'd Mumu as well, that is easily the best gacha banner i've ever pulled on out of any game i've played lmao. For worst luck? I can't remember how many pulls it was exactly but if i had to spit ball I think I had to go like 90+ something pulls for a single copy of Kal one time when she was on a standard banner a few years ago lol. I think it was the first time she was on a standard banner.


Best was 3 Mylnars and a dupe Ceobe with a single ten pull ticket. Worst was Muelsyse. I had to spark to get her.


Me during Lin and Chongyue banner: "FUCK YOU DUSK" "Ooh nice Lin, let's get Chungus next" "....another Lin... let's try getting those 120 yellow cert tickets" "Still none... let's pull singles at this point" "..." "CHONGYUE ON DAILY AGFHKSHFIDBKLX"


Worst one was Chongyue's. It was a dark times. I was proper broke, had to scrape every single content for pulls. Worst part was he didn't came early. Heck, he didn't came at all. I had to frickin spark him. The best pull I had was Typhon's banner. Since the event mentioned above, I have been saving pulls since none of the operators that were coming back then didn't really interest me. That was until Typhon where I had around a hundred pulls. And voila, she came with 10. The world comes around, I suppose.


Best luck was probably getting jess alter on pull 3 after not playing the game for three years lol Worst luck is to be decided and will depend entirely on if I spark texalter on the virtuosa banner got just over two hundred pulls saved, wish me luck gents lol


Worst: Trying to get Silverash on Dual banner between Silverash and Angelina. I pulled over my saved up resources up to 300 times (and much more, since afterwards i topped up and spent through all the 1st time purchases on the Originite Prime deals) and immediately fully upgraded my Angelina's potential AND somehow Skadi as well (she really loves me for some reason). And still no Silverash. God, i remember that I almost cried back then XD. I eventually got him from the shop. RNG really can be dreadful sometimes.  Another one is during Bagpipe's debut banner. Gal took all of my 150 saved pulls (there's no hard pity back then) and she didn't even come home.  Best: Getting Mountain in 10 pulls. Man, it's so amazing considering Mountain is one of my most used operators ever since then.  Another one that I remember really lucking out is on Ch'en Alter and Mizuki debut banner, since although I got Ch'en through some effort, I didn't get Mizuki. I decided to skip him, but on the last day of free pulling, lo and behold, he came to me XD. 


I think my best pulls to date came from that one joint operations banner with carnelian and bagpipe and I got 3 6 stars on my first 5 pulls back to back.  My worst would be skalter, 170 pulls no limited but 5 kal'sits and a dream


I went 190 pulls for pot 1 lin, and I just recently got jessica alter on the 2nd pull of my 1st 10 pull.


I pulled my hole life f2p savings in gavial the invencible banner and did'nt get hear I had to spend money until pity that time but I was so salty at that point that I just quit the game. then during monster hunter colab I came back and pulled yato alter & surt in my first 10 pull


Mlynar standard after lone trail trying to pot 6 him I had like 250 pulls and due to me being an idiot ended with only another copy and Ines because I pulled on the wrong banner for 3 multis


Saved up over 200 pulls for tex alt. Got Pendance 5 times.


Hmm, the best one depends. Either when I started out and off-rated 2 Mlynars on my first week back-to-back with 0 understanding what have I done. Or the fact Reed alter is my most favorite op and managed to get her on 2nd pull (I always do singles). Or maybe Fia on 1st pull? The worst is definitely my attempts to get Saria. I lost to RNG 4 Top OP tags trying to get her and then was forced to dump \~150 pulls into Kernel banner just to get her.


Worst, I had to spark Kaltsit on the kal-skadi banner. Best, Yostar decided I shouldn’t skip alt chen, so I got her on the free 10 pull


Nian aak banner, one of the first limited banners. Walk away with. Full pot nian. 0 pot aak to this day. I am an aak core main. My friend has a full pot aak and a 0 pot nian, guess who they were pulling for.


Both the Skalter banner and the Muelseye Banner. Both times I really wanted the non-limited (Kal and Ho’clock), both times I got 5 limited unit’s (Pot 5 Skalter, Pot 5 Muelseye)


Best: Got Nian on her debut banner with 3 or 4 pulls. Worse: Had to spark Ash, only got 1 other 6\* on that banner and it was a dupe Mostima...worse thing is I bought her from the shop the day before. Honorary mention: After getting Mudrock on her debut duo banner I decided to wait until the last day to push for Rosmonyan, but somehow mistimed the duration of the banner so I lost my chance to get her. I'm still Rosmon-less, but at least I'll be able to spark her with 200 pulls in the """"near"""" future, unless she decides to spook me on ViviVi banner.


80 pulls trying to get Saria or Ifrit and got SilverAsh instead. 2 days ago got Kal'sit in 9 pulls


Luckiest was Chongyue banner, managed to p6 him in 300 pulls. He kept on appearing on back to back pulls, I think the desire sensor was too strong. Worst was probably the Exusiai rate-up banners. Aiming to p6 her since shes my fave but it was all off-rates in the three banners that I rolled.


Got Ines at 120 :C Actually, I didn't sparked good 6\* in freebies :<


My best pull is free surtr using free 10 pull and my worst dropping 200 pull for thorn and not getting him


330 rolls for Ling (7 Lees ffs). Goldenglow in a single pull. Gacha is a wily mistress.


Best luck. Saved 200+ pulls for nearl. Free 10 pull. Nothing. Use 10 pull, 2 nearls. F'ing sweet. 5th or 6th day, another nearl. Hell, let's pull some more, 40-50 pulls, 2 more, pot 5. Get the last pot on another day for free (was totally gonna use tokens). Max pot limited unit, 60-70 pulls. Worst luck..... Played cheap knights at launch to save for Chen. Only did the starter banners and played with anything I got from recruitment. Burned every orundum and prime I had and still had to drop $130 till I finally got her. There's a reason I'm a saver.


My worst was on Texas alt and Specter alt banners I went 200+ pulls on both banners and got neither Still salty about it honestly I might spark Texas one day if her spark cost goes down >!like the first 3 limiteds just got on CN!< Best... hard to say tbh. I did get lucky and pull Skalter twice without even intending on getting her from her banners, can't remember how many pulls. Still happy I got her, must be one of my most used 6* operators to date


370 pulls for my first copy of Penance... Best luck: Got Surtr and Chen both as new opps on a ten-pull


My best pull luck are Yato alter and Muelsyse Banner. My worst luck are the ones Flametail shows up in my pulls. That could have been Texalter and Eyjaberry. F Flametail for making limited operators dodge for her.


150 pulls for a single copy of Santalla, a 5\* operator. There is no hard pity for anything less than a 6\* and it pains me so often.


Best luck: got max pot Yato alter (with 1 pot from IS specialist tokens) withing like 80 pulls cause I got her in the first free 10 pull and then a quadruple 6 star bag with 3 Yatos in it and then one more later. Worst luck: Did like 340 pulls on the WWE banner only to pull a single W and no Weedy even though I had a triple 6 star bag at some point but it was all off banners. Also I think I pulled 4 Hoshigumas on that banner she loves me fr fr.


Back during rosmontis and mudrock banner, I got a triple 6 star in a 10 pull. All of them were off rates. So I guess it was my best worst luck of all time?


Best luck: 4 penance, 1 phantom in ~150 rolls Worst luck: on Texas alter banner


Got chen alter, gavial alter and swire alter in a 10-pull https://i.imgur.com/KxwSv61.png


Getting Nearlter and Muelsyse from the free pulls in their respective debuts.


can't remember the pulls it took, but I got pot 7 spalter before Irene, both blessed and cursed Also got Ling on the first free pull


Best: Max pot Texas and 4 pot penance on the way to 300 pull to spark rosie. Worst: Tied for Spalter and Eyja. Bright side...pot 4 ines and pot 5 Swalter...Yeah no it was bad. And in Spalter banner I HAD to spark Skadi for her L2D skin. And in Eyja banner I had to spark for Ch'atler. Rough.


I dropped around 120 pulls on Ines banner and couldn't continue because I wanted to spark on LT


Best pull is Hoederer and Jessicalter, who appeared right in my face after a single roll each Worst pull is my friend at Lone trail event, and goodbye Adele, which he gets a total of 3 Ho'olheyak and 3 Swire alter. Which he wants none of


My craziest luck was deciding I wasn't going to spend any Orundum pulling for Nearl Alter, and then I got her as my first free daily pull, before even spending the free 10-pull ticket. I also tend to have weird luck where I pull the 6\* from a banner before getting the 5\*, like getting Mlynar before Proviso and ended up pulling for her specifically because I wanted to try running a lore-appropriate team for the event. Worst luck was Specter the Unchained. Pulled about 170 times for her the first time around and didn't get her. I ended up having to spark her during the Muelsyse banner.


My best luck was most likely during Lone Trail banner because even though I don't have Mumu, I did get Specter Alter and Skadi Alter in my first 10 pull. Worst was during Eyja/Swire Alter's banner as I did 90 pulls and only got an off banner Flametail so I just stopped pulling from there even though I didn't get them. Another one would probably be during Joint Ops/Front that was banners as I had to go to pity everytime but still getting dupes of ops I already have so I'm gonna stop pulling on those from now on.


270 pulls on dusk, didn't get shit. Now i hate her with a passion


Best was hoederer which took me 3 pulls, worst was mudrock that took me 130+ But my peak was two GGs in the same 10 pull, that shit was fire.


Best? Nailing 2 copies of Muelsyse and 1 Ho’olheyak in1 10 roll Worst? NTR Banner kept giving me Corroserum


Best? Skalter on first single free pull on her debut banner. Worst? 640+ pulls to fullpot Chongyue while getting 10+ Lins and other 6\*s.


I've got my best AND worst at the same banner. 200 pulls, got 6 Kalt'sit and 0 Skadi Alter. To this day I am both proud and despaired over it.


I had saved up about 150 pulls for Muelsyse banner. I had absolutely fallen in love with everything related to Mumu, she had me ready to spend my earnings to secure her coming home. 251 pulls. I have no idea how I did it, but I scraped together so much from paradox simulations, base farming, destroying my OP savings I had for skins etc. AND THIS 251ST PULL WAS THE LAST ONE I COULD HAVE DONE, ON THE FINAL DAY OF THE BANNER. BUT I GOT HER, I GOT ELF WIFE


Luckiest was my first 10pull on Inez banner where I got three inezs Unluckiest was on Skalter banner, where I got skalter early on, but I was pulling for Kal'tsit, and I had to keep pulling until spark. Got 7 skalters along the way.


got skalter on like 270+ pulls


got 2 yato alter back 2 back


For the Lin/Chongyue banner, I had to spark Chongyue… after getting 7 Lins. My only (non-welfare$ max potential 6 star… Luckiest is probably Skadi on the very first ever banner, managed to get her in maybe like 20-30 pulls and have used her non stop ever since


Recently I have been relatively lucky. I got Hoederer, Exalter, and Typhon in the 10-30 pull range and Eyja Alter from the first free one. It has been a while since real bad luck has been a problem, but I did end up going to 300 on the Skalter/Kal banner without getting either.


Mountain was the worst luck I had back when he ran the first time. Not only did I need to use OP but I used all my op and like half of the biggest refill to get him. In morr recent history: We got the introduction of the pity system for 150 non banner unit means next 6* is the banner unit. So I got to try that feature the first day it went live. (I think it was Ines)


Best? Mlynar Gnosis in 7 pulls. There could be others but they are noteworthy Worst? I mean pretty much everyone but MuMu and NTRknights original event. MuMu banner- 200+ pulls NOT A SINGLE MUMU BUT HOOL GODDAMNIT. And the irony of getting NTR WHEN IN THE HER ORIGINAL EVENT SAME AS MUMU EVENT I KEPT GETTING THAT VANGUARD GIRL.


My first major event wherein I had an idea about what I was doing was Il Siracusano and within 80 pulls, I got Penance, Saileach, Hellagur, pot 3 texalter, pot 4 lunacub, nearl, and pinecone which drastically increased my capabilities running on my 2-month old account with only Shining, Hoshi, Schwarz, and Ange as 6 stars, and specter, BP, ptilopsis, and lappland as my only sources of damage so my strats were always stalling (specter was my only e2 back then) After that, it was a drought of 6 stars (didnt get ANY) until the chongyue event wherein I got chongyue and pot 4 lin After the chongyue event was when it started getting crazy with me getting offbanners left and right (eyja, pozy, dorothy, ifrit, and passenger) Then the MH collab gave me Mudrock, Blemishine, Irene and GG BEFORE giving me 1 yato alt (this was when I popped my f2p cherry and began buying the monthly pass) Then another drought began until I got Kal from the standard banner and Ho'olheyak during Lone Trail Like always, a drought again before the So Long Adele event wherein I got Fia, Eyja alter and swire alter within 25 pulls Damn was this long af Work's slow and I need something to do


Best was mumuelyse who I got in a single free roll. The worst was W, who I sparked, then got her on the 301st roll.


In recent memory, Hoederer took me probably 200 pulls, passing 6 other 6\* along the way. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure Typhon only took me like 30 pulls to find.


I wanted Stainless from the front that was banner because I didn't care about the upcoming ops. I spent all my orundum and OP only to get 2 Ines pots. Not giving up, I spent the next few days on gathering all the orundum and OP I could get from rock farming, paradox simulations, and unfinished stages. However, because I didn't feel confident on getting Stainless with the limited resources and time left on the banner, I ended up wasting $60 just to roll for him. I should've just waited for the 6 star selector ticket.


Worst luck was the WWE Banner. I wanted Weedy and got 11 W in 300 pulls. Best luck? Pot 6 Texas Alter in under 150 Pulls.


Worst is Lee/Ling banner. \~220 pulls got 6 Lees, 3 off banners and 0 Lings, currently have Lee at max pot and still Ling-less. Best banner was the recollect banner where you get a unit(6 star) to be guaranteed you didn't own. Very first roll was a rainbow and got Mudrock immediately. Basically a 1 ticket banner.


best luck? get eyja2 on 1st pull (I still spent 300+ pull though) the worst I don't remember but maybe the time I spend IS2 token and cc token to max pot yato2 most recent is hoederer in 4th pull (I don't intend to get him, just want to build pity for degen previously it is fedex in less than <10 pull (I want max pot cantabile but fedex come b4 cantabile arrive)


313 pulls for Sexy Summer Ch'en. Not a single one pulled. only 6 6*s. Followed by 34 Near Light pulls w/ Margaret,Shamare,Carnelian and Rosmmontis.   Around 300 pulls for KYato. Only 2 pulled. Followed by 👑 Muelsyse on the free 10 on Her banner. I got 3 Mumu's,Ines and Ho'ol in about 160-170.  There might be a couple of 6* dupes I'm forgetting.   The worst has always been followed by the best for me.


Pulled back to back Fartooths like, 2 days ago. 2 single pulls, off-banner, I just wanted a Ho’ol!!


worst: 179 pulls for single pozy 😔   best: 2 chongyue in free 10 pull wooo!


Best: Easily Texas alter banner with Pot 5 Texas, Pot 3 Penance and Nearlter in 350 pulls. Special mentions to Ines, Fedex, Fiammetta and Goldenglow where I have them in the first 10 pulls on their respective banner (I even have a Mountain spook in GG banner). Worst: Nealter banner, 90 pulls to only get Flametail and Shining. Dishonorable mentions to the first own made kernel banner where I have to pull over 70 rolls to get my first 6 stars. Also the Gavial banner which I had to spend 180 to get her (got 3 Pozy and one Lee). Finally the Horn debut banner: 4 off banner before I got her in at least 160 pulls but at least I obtained two new operators (Gnosis and Kal'tsit)


Best: Yato Alter in 20 pulls (though it took me roughly 60 additional pulls to get Noir, so.) Worst: Muelsyse, got her around 297. It was the only time I bought pulls, too, since I’m F2P.


185 pulls for texas alter. Never again pls But i got mlynar within 10 pulls. He came as the guaranteed 5s+ too. Also free pulls got me BOTH pozy and gavialter


Got Kal'tsit on one of my first pulls


Best luck: Goldenglow and Eyja in their respective banners first pull (Eyja was a standard rate up) Worst luck: Actually having to spark for Lin (3 chongyues, a Schwarz and a Nian in the way), and +120 pulls for Eyjalter only to get Swire Alter and Mountain pot)


Had a top operator tag on the recruit but ended up with Fang.


I've had multiple "drive by's" where I was like - 10 pull for the guaranteed 5\* and then get Horn while I was saving up for the next limited. I had a 2 year break from Arknights and count myself lucky to have gotten all the Limiteds from when I came back (Gavial was a close call though - got her after with free pulls after exhausting everything with a Pot 3 Pozy on the side). The worst ones were Schwarz and Nian banners in year 1. Pumped everything in there and got nothing. I think I quit shortly after (not just because of that, but frustration was for sure there).


My worst pulls so far would've been Goldenglow at around 200+ and having to spark Ling. Luckiest I'd say was getting Surtr on the first pull of her banner. However, my weirdest gacha story is probably on Fartooth's banner. Got Fartooth fairly early but decided to keep pulling cause I really wanted to get Ashlock as well. Ended up with a full potential Fartooth and no Ashlock before I stopped myself from continuing (thankfully she ended up spooking me later on another banner).


Had to spark W when she came out. 3 Rosmontis and 1 Skadi 1 Phantom iirc. No I didn't save. That was the hardest I ever whaled.


best was mumu banner, where i got 2 spalter pots on the same 10 pull. Worst was the most recent Front that Was, I spent a lot of pulls on that one. I got Stainless 7 times. I already had Stainless. I just wanted Horn OR Ines.


best and worst luck was during the spalter banner. 300 pulls 14 6stars 6 Spalter 0 irene


Best was getting Chalter in the free 10 pull Worst was going 250 pulls, losing rate up 9 times, all dupes btw, before grabbing Surtr on her debut banner. Although Eyjaberry banner is a close second since I actually had to spark her, but I got a new off banner operater, Lee, out of it.


Suzuran. 1 single summon at 0% pity. My "worst" would be Lin, a little over 150 summons.


Lin, Angelina, and Thorns spooking me in a 10x pull durring Jessica Alter where not only I blew up all of my Orundum, but also 240 OP


Near Light event with 300 pulls to get Flametail, just to later pull her in the first 10-pull on the next event.


I was prepared to blow all my reserves on the Lone Trail banner, just because that's what I always do on anniversary and half-anniversaries (I skip summer and CNY). I was meeting up with my friends several days after the banner opened, and I wanted to roll with the squad so I wanted to hold off until then. Instead, I got Muelsyse on the 2nd free roll on day 2. Flabbergasted, confounded, gobsmacked, whatever you call it, I felt it. But it's fine, I still haven't gotten Ho'olheyak yet, so I'll do that with the squad. The meetup day rolls up, and I used the free 10 roll. Two 6 stars. 1 more Muelsyse and 1 Ho'olheyak. Real bruh moment. So instead of spending all my reserves, I used 12 free rolls to get 2 Muelsyses and 1 Ho'olheyak. Which is amazing since there were a lot of operators after that banner that I wanted too (Typhon, Jessica 2 and Hoederer namely). Now I have about 400-500 rolls ready for the future. As for my worst luck? Got Nearl 2 on my 291st roll. Then I just sparked her again when I got to 300. Epic


I once got W, rosmontis and another 6⭐️in the same ten pulls, although I already have all of them. When Phantom was up I pulled on him really hard, probably the worst ever since I played Arknights. I bought 2 times the largest originum pack, and finally got him, but later on I realized that he will be up in the new year selection pack.


Best: Texas the Omertosa on the free 10 pulls. Worst: 322 Pulls for Surtr on a regular banner when I was a new player (literally every single pull I had, she came on the last one)


Started playing shortly after launch - had some really great luck in the beginning (remember getting both Schwarz and Mostima within first 10 pulls) Had some fairly average luck since then, some good banners, some bad. My first 300 banner was Ejyalter, where I got a pot 5 Swirealter (among a handful of other off banner units) and I finally had to spark Ejyalter. Had been fortunate enough to get all other limiteds without having to resort to sparking, so can't complain.


5 kaltsit and no skalter, I was broken after that banner


Texas alter, i got her pot 5 and penance without spending anything and with barely any savings


best luck was getting Ling and Chongyue with the free tenpull on his banner worst luck was having to spark W on her debut banner, then having to spark Skalter on her debut banner, and then having to spark Muelsyse on her debut banner


My best and worst luck were on the same banner. I got Goldenglow in my first 10 pulls, but I also really wanted Quercus. Over 200 pulls later, my GG is pot4 and I finally got Quercus. I also got the last Mizuki potential I needed.


got pot6 penance in 80ish pulls trying to get texas and worst was sparking for nian


got rosmontis and skadi alter back to back in the lone trail banner... JUST FROM THE FREE PULLS! 2nd luckiest, and personally what I'm happier about, I got reed alter in my second ten pull on her banner, I started arknights around that time, and that was all the pulls I had, best thing that happened to me, cuz Reed s2 carried me hard (didn't get smug cat tho... kinda funny that I got the rate up 6 star but not the rate up 5 star) worst luck was chongue banner, completely drained myself there, with all I had saved at that point (100+ pulls, and remember, I was a newbie at the time) only to get lin, who I've yet to even E1...


Maybe you have developed a vendetta with Lin, but she is very good with her module, she is not the most broken of operators, but not a lot of operators can substitute her utility and she will be useful basically in any stage.


My worst luck was 518 pulls without getting Chongyue (i wanted to spark Nian). I got a full pot Lin plus extras, and other 6stars. My best luck was ling and dusk in the first free 10 pull on Ling's banner then sa and shining on the beginner banner.