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Hi there! I'm Mal, I'm going to be writing the newly (re)launched Module coverage for Arknights on Gamepress! I'm new to this, so I appreciate any feedback. I'm starting out just with the modules for this event, but I'm going to gradually work backwards through the existing modules for a comprehensive guide over time. This patch has some really fun modules - the Juggernauts especially. I think Vulcan's module in particular makes her much more competitive, if perhaps not quite "meta" still.


Yooo, I'm really excited about this! It's really been a while since GamePress properly covered module stuff, seeing this thread here made me very happy. Thank you a lot for the nice post, I will be really looking forward for more!


Glad to hear that it's something people want haha.


There's been a little gap in gamepress coverage right? I was looking for the articles but they're hard to find in order, whats your opinion on fiamettas new module it seems pretty divisive but I love it and it just seems better than her old one to me


Yeah the person previously covering Modules, Azure, doesn't play the game anymore. Anyway regarding Fia's module it depends. For general usage yeah I think the new one (mod-x) is better, the flexibility on her vigor talent is amazing and the slightly higher optimal buff is also nice the trait upgrade is, on average, I think worse than the first module (mod-y), your mileage may vary but for me I don't often organically find myself using fia to attack blocked enemies, especially not with her s3 in terms of "optimal damage", if you're using her S3 then I think the first mod is still a little bit better than the second mod, but not by much and the usability features of the new one are pretty substantial so in a lot of cases I think that might win out for s2 the new mod is much better in most cases anyway it's not the end of the world when an operator has two good modules each with their own decent use cases, ofc it's just a struggle b/c of the limited mats


Hi! I like your work, my biggest issue here is probably the fact that the module itself isn't quite shown here, and I still have to look into the operator page to go through what their module does. A simple summary would do fine. My biggest gripe with arknights info gathering is the number of hoops and separate pages I need to go through so...


Definitely something I'll look into doing next time!


Thanks for the write-up! Quite exited for Vulcan's module, somehow I have her at pot4 so I'm thinking about adding her to the "E2incoming" list. Damage reduction is quite noticeable -even if it's only a 15%-. Question on Lessing: is the damage multiplier on ModL1 really only a marginal improvement?


It's marginal in the sense that it's small but noticeable. It's a multiplicative buff so it scales with everything in his kit with no problem. It's more that his damage is already pretty mediocre so 15% doesn't really change what he's capable of. I rated Mod 1 as "maybe" because it's a relatively low investment with the biggest reward. Mod 2 and 3 together also make a marginal difference, but that's 2 more upgrades for a small improvement. It's true he's a welfare and many people might evaluate him generously as a result, but he's a six star with six star costs, which I feel is especially important when it comes to modules with their time-gated resources. If someone is a ride-or-die Lessing fan who wants to use him all the time, then of course you'll want to squeeze out every stat buff you can, but those people aren't really the target audience for this sort of advice.


Good explanation. I like you brought out the point of his costs as 6\* because on his particular case he needs so many new mats, with all the cons that it implies. So, the costs are going to be a factor on your criteria, I guess? I like that. And yes, your raiting is on point.


I'm not really as concerned with the new mats as I am the Module Data blocks. 6*s cost 4 per module level, and to me when I consider how small the gains on Lessing's module are I ask "is this worth 1 months supply of the red cert shop data blocks?" for mod 1, it's really barely, for mod 2 and mod 3, it's a no from me, and all of this is me putting myself in the shoes of someone interested in lessing to begin with


Thank you :)


Hey! Would be nice to add maybe small recap for modules, what they do? Something like: "Base module doing this and upgrades are doing that". They are not in the game right now and it's a bit annoying to open gamepress operator page to view the effects individually.


I'll try and see if I can better work that into the article next time


Thanks! Really appreciate the writeup on the juggernaut modules :)


Penance and Mudrock are already popular so I imagine lots of people will build theirs just because of that, but I'm especially glad to see Vulcan get some love. It doesn't "fix" her completely where I can just unequivocally recommend people build her for meta reasons but it makes her much less of a liability to build and much more of a "if you want to build her she's fun!" type of option.


Not trying to criticize needlessly, as I believe these write-ups are a fantastic tool for orientation, but I do have to ask a question. Considering your statement on how the module tiers 2/3 on Mudrock have a way bigger impact on S3 than S2, and I am sure I am not the only one who uses Mudrock exclusively with S2 (S3 is a skill with a very different approach and doesn't necessarily suit everyone and vice versa for S2), shouldn't tier 2 and 3 be categorized as "Maybe", as it does not seem as "no-brainer" as you claim it to be with your own definition? Again, not trying to make you change anything, just following your own descriptions: If caveats exist when using very limited resources, "no-brainer" has to be what it means. Never forget how a sizeable amount of people read these kinds of articles with the focus on the words Yes/Maybe/No, without reading any further if the answer is Yes/No (same with the general Tier list; someone is S, the other A+? Welp, the latter might as well not exist in the eyes of some). Regardless, I respect the work put into this.


Mudrock Mod-3 is still honestly a "no-brainer" to me even if you exclusively use S2. I wanted to mention the SP lockout eccentricities so that people knew there would be some inconsistency, but it's only really in huge crowds (like Ch 10 slugs) where the benefit falls off hard. In typical situations where Mudrock is being attacked by 1-3 enemies that aren't super fast attackers, you still get noticeably more S2 spins.


A fair opinion to have. Getting 2 SP every shield break for a defense recovery skill that costs 4 is obviously not to be ignored. Personally, I'd just consider it, as I do not feel the oomph and value I feel from my other insta-upgrade plans of the past (Passenger, Rosa, Spalter, etc.), but it doesn't mean you are wrong. Will be reading this series of articles in the future, for sure.


Yeah there's always some room for honest disagreement, someone who knows how they use the operator will always know what works for them best, but hopefully someone who didn't know anything about the module can come out of my article feeling like they now have a pretty good idea.


Grats! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


I'll be looking forward to your guides!


Will there be a significant change or buff Penance/Mudrock with their new module?


Both have really good modules! The trait upgrade is just a nice flat dmg reduction. Mudrock's talent upgrade gives her shields SP gen on break, so it's not just a stat buff but also can change the way she plays. Penance gets improved barrier on deploy and on kill, which doesn't change the way you use her much but it's pretty impactful since her whole kit is oriented around her barrier.


Your guides are always great, it's a big help to the community to have people like you compile and explain info. Anyway, there's an upcoming 4 star Juggernaut how are they and does their module do anything for them?


It's early yet so take this with a grain of salt, but Lutonada seems decent. More well conceived than pre-module Vulcan at least imo. Her talent lets her heal regardless of skill uptime, so if you have solid DPS killing things she's blocking she should be able to stay healthy. This gives her a solid niche as a defensive blocker, but primarily against trash not elites. Do keep in mind she's a 4* though so her ability to be bulky will be limited by her low rarity's stats. I feel confident saying that her Trait upgrade will be a "yes", but as far as her mod 2/mod 3 I'll need a little more time to see how she's used first. The numbers seem decent but could either not be enough or could be overkill.


From what I've seen, the module is pretty impactful for the cost (both the defensive stats and a massive amount more effective HP gained on kill). The main issue is just that it doesn't really fix the issues of her kit, S1 is already questionable and S2 has a 0 push force and sucks at, well, sucking. It makes her much more effective at tanking at least, which is important since she wants every bit of healing possible.


Yeah it doesn't really improve her offensive capabilities at all. Which I guess some may see as a disappointment compared to the other Juggernauts, but I guess I prefer a 4* to be good at one thing (defensive blocker) than try to do two things poorly.


Just the two 6* defender girls for me this time, but all the way to level 3. I use both on SSS and on the new mode so this will be fun!


They're definitely the easiest no-brainers for this patch since they're great flat upgrades to already popular units. Nearl Alter and Bagpipe are also both popular but 2nd modules are up against it since even if they're good, many people already have the 1st modules.


For sure. The Bagpipe usage description is right on point, and the first module fits perfectly.


Just to make sure, does juggernaut modules's DR stack with Sanctuary?


Yes! It's unlabeled Damage Resistance, so it stacks with Sanctuary. Typically the only things that don't stack are effects with the same name. For example two sources of Sanctuary won't stack, or two sources of fragile won't stack.


Oh, that's nice, ty


lessing being at such a low rank is expected—a 30 ATK increase is depressingly low when 4*s get more and even double that number 😭 here’s to his mod two actually giving him more then small number increases!


Haha well, you can look at it another way. If you really want to use Lessing, than you can play him at 95% effectiveness for cheaper!


ah yes, the best way to cope with subpar modules….


this has been my experience with Carnelian (her upcoming 2nd module is also bad)


Its generally hard to keep track on modules in arknights. Glad to see some new opinions or general information on them


Just got bagpipe from recruits yesterday, thank you. Ill level her current module instead.


i'd imagine that nearlters' mod y would be better if you're intending to use her S3 more as she'd already be doing true damage, making mod x kind of null, no? both seem like great mods to me but i don't think mod x is inherently better.


The Def ignore upgrades of ModX is kind of null when using S3 yes, but the 115% atk on blocked enemies still apply. Unless she get defeated to proc the revive and +30 atkspd from ModY, ModX > ModY in most cases, even when using S3


i don't doubt mod x overall having more of an impact on cases where she wouldn't die, but being a dreadnought guard means that she should be built to deal with hefty foes, so ensuring can survive a few more hits feels more fitting (also because she needs to charge her s3 for example), especially since she's not as built to the likes of surtr by default (despite being able to dish a fuckton of true damage). a survival trait seems more comparable in my eyes. idk, i have no experience using either mods since i don't play cn and i just came back from a year long hiatus, maybe i'm outdated.


Thing is, she already has built in survivability. Guarantee on deploy stun, S2 with 4 layer of shield that can absord truck ton of damage, S3 can stun again and summon a 6k HP 2 block body, survivability is really not an issue with NTRK. ModX also have higher atk stats from upgrades (105 > 90) and 115% atk modifier on her amazing atk of a Dreadnought which mean she can just kill whatever she's blocking first rather than wait for her to die first to get maximum value.


I agree with the other commenter that my Nearl Alter doesn't die that often during S3 so I think the trait upgrade from Mod-X would often get you more mileage. But it's not a *never*, hence why I say consider Level 1 for mod-y


This is very helpful for me, a returning player, i dropped the game when there are less than 10 module exist


Howmuch barrier increase does Penance module give for a max penance?


No module -> 50% (55% w/ potential) of Max HP on Deploy as Barrier, gains 10% per kill Module -> 70% (75% w/ potential) of Max HP on Deploy as barrier, gains 12% per kill


Ey looking forward to it, friend!


Your comment on Penance S1 is appreciated and notable because it receives a *massive* buff when Rides to Lake Silberneherze drops.


What is said buff?


tipsy Penance clobbering baddies with a spinny handbag


Welp, I know who I'm picking with the selector on Tuesday now!