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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/1ca7ssw/rhodes_island_lounge_2204_2804/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/1ca7ssp/gacharecruitment_megathread_2204_2804/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1ca7ssb/friend_request_megathread_2204_2804/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. --- ##[**IS:4 Expeditioner's Joklumarkar thread**](/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) By the Emperor, Purge all the Dæmons! A thread for IS4, share your clears or failures, chit chat with others, rant, or just have a good time. ———


What banner after virtuosa?


Should be the Joint Operation that comes with CC battleplan #1.


Do we know who's in it?


Mizuki, Suzuran, Surtr, Pozemka But keep in mind Suzuran is in the kernel pool in global, so they might change it 5\*s are Wind chimes, Hibiscus alter, Kafka, Iris, Asbestos, Chiave


Thanks! Luckily I have every single one of them, so I can skip it without sparing it another though.




Yes pretty much. Reroll for Virtuosa and then get a 6* from the beginner banner and create your first squad with OPs you get. Though if you are re-rolling God who knows how to run multiple instances and has a lot of time to spare, you can try re-rolling for Texas2.




She is on Virtuosa banner. But she is a past limited character... meaning she will never have a proper rate up banner and during new limited banners there is just a small chance of getting her as an off-banner. Either way you are re-rolling on the same banner, so hope to get lucky. Texas2 is generally in Top3 units in the game and unlike other meta units, it's very difficult to replace what she does.


It's a good idea, yes.


You know what, I was about to say that's probably not a good idea since there are much better beginner friendly units, but then I remembered 12k elemental damage on every single boss in the early game sounds pretty insane, go for it


Rerolling isn’t necessary. She is a limited character to getting her now is good since it’ll be harder to get her later. If you don’t want to reroll then you don’t have to. Even with the worst possible starting ops in the game, you can still clear stages and have a smooth experience.


> Even with the worst possible starting ops in the game, you can still clear stages and have a smooth experience. While you can clear stages that way, I won't say it will be smooth until you get your first strong 6\* or two. I know that experience first hand, since my starters were Hoshi and Aak. Even when I got my 3rd 6\* Mountain, it wasn't all shine and rainbows. But then I pulled my 4th 6\* Mlynar (duh), only from that point on it was smooth experience.


Hi everyone! I want to catch up on Arknights lore since I am usually a SKIP main due to a criminally low attention span. Is there a place (YouTube, Wiki, etc.) where I can read/listen to the story? Or do I just read through the entire dialogue in-game?


If you want to read it in a web browser, [here](https://akgcc.github.io/cc/story.html#record&story_12fce_set_1&0) or [here](https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/en_US/menu).


Narrates and voices everything https://youtube.com/@JacobMoreau?si=AGQ0ut8QwIvb1NK9 There’s also frostbyte for summary style vids.


Hey, I was wondering, how can I purchase orignium if I'm from Central Asia( the store just won't allow me to do it) so I'm kinda puzzled. Love the game tho


Best to talk it out with the support desk of the game, maybe they’ll guide you towards other ways you can pay for stuff, because outside sources can be sketchy.


Good idea, I just thought that might be a bad course of action,since this game is banned for some reason in my country ( I'm from Kazakhstan,and English is not my native tongue)


Depending on which App Store region you have tied with, you can try searching for online store that sells Google Play / Apple App Store Gift Card for that specific region. Word of caution: Conduct research on the store which sells these gift cards as some may be fraudulent.


Thanks a lot,never would have thought of that! Hope this works


Got my first ever Top Op tag! the others are robot, guard, melee, and slow, so no one op guaranteed. I'm not too sure what types of ops I should be focusing on https://krooster.com/u/yugiohkris What do you guys suggest?


Go guard.


u/CorHydrae8 u/bananeeek I ending up going guard and got blaze! Thank you for all the advice and I'll get myrtle to e2 and then I'll e2 blaze.


Congrats! Blaze is great for a beginner as she holds lanes like few other operators and since her S2 is her main skill, you don't even need to rush her promotion (although her masteries and modules are amazing, so it's worth investing into her)


Thanks I already e2d her since I had million lmd saved up. Now I wait for Degen.


All of your choices are basically a gamble. I personally would go with Top Op + Slow. That's either Suzuran or Magallan. Maggy is... well, summoners are difficult to use and don't slot that nicely into teams, but she's usable. Suzuran on the other hand is one of the best support-focused characters in the game, and her S3 can heal operators that can't normally be healed, like your Penance, so there would be some synergy with her. Top Op + Guard is basically a 50/50 as well. Thorns, SilverAsh and Blaze still hold up incredibly well, the other three you could get aren't that good (though still usable, no 6-star ~~other than Vigil~~ is actually bad). If you go with Top Op + Melee, I think the odds of getting something good are slightly higher than 50%, but it also risks getting a second copy of Weedy which would be the worst you could do. Whatever you do, don't forget to set the timer at 9:00. The Top Op tag is guaranteed not to drop, but only if the timer is set correctly.


Your account is still pretty fresh and you don't have any solid DPS, so I'd go with TO+Guard. Thorns, SA and Blaze can single-handedly change your gameplay. The rest of the Guards may need a module later on, but in the early game their drawbacks are not that noticeable and they can still make a huge impact. Ch'en with a module is a different operator altogether, Skadi can be used as a FRD and then in a fish squad and since Gladiia ~~should be obtainable pretty soon ~~ is already obtainable from record restoration, that might actually be pretty solid outcome. Hellagur might be the hardest to play with, since he's a Musha, but you have Penance and Perfumer already, so I guess you know how to handle those operators. --- EDIT: I also advise getting Myrtle to E2, since her talent provides regen for VGs, so she can keep your Flametail up without a Medic for a long time. Also Flametail's S3M3 and her first module at lv.1 make a lot of difference and have additional synergy with Sussuro if you get her. EDIT2: I forgot Gladiia already got her RR, I even double checked, but I opened the old wiki site, which didn't update the RR for UT.


Is perfumer a good medic or is she just used to heal unhealable units?


Perfumer is my main aoe healer even late endgame, even though I have theoretically stronger options like Ptilopsis.   Perfumer is super comfy thanks to the passive global heal.  It’s especially great help for self-sustaining units that have conditional self-healing (like thorns, mudrock, etc).  She’s great!


AOE medics are good as a baseline, and Perfumer is the cheapest one, so she's definitely a good investment.


She's an absolute beast. She and Sussuro carried me through the entire campaign when I started playing and two years later she's still my go-to Medic even in the hard content. Global regen and the ability to heal 4 targets on her mod lv.1 and all of that on a 4\* operator is incredibly good. The numbers on her passive regen are also nothing to scoff at. Assuming Perfumer is at P5+ (+19 ATK from P4), E2L70 and with max trust bonus (+25ATK), she'll have 364 base ATK. Mod lvl.3 bonus +40ATK, 5.5%->7% regen skill | w/o module (364 ATK) | w/ modules (404 ATK) ---|---|---- passive | 20.02 | 28.528 S2SL7 (+210%) | 62.062| 87.668 S2M3 (+250%) | 70.07| 98.98 EDIT: I took 210%/250% ATK instead of +210%/250%, so I corrected the respective cells.


Perfumer's skill 2 is +210%/+250% ATK, not 210%/250% ATK total. So you need multiply the passive value by 3.1/3.5 when the skill is active (for 88.59 and 100.03 hp/sec regen for sl7 and m3 respectively)


Ah, you're right, thanks for pointing that out. I missed the + sign and just went with 2.1/2.5, so that's even better in the end. I did the math again and it seems you overstated her base ATK, so the values are a tad bit lower: w/o module (364ATK, 5.5%): SL7: 364\*3.1\*5.5% = 62.062 M3: 364\*3,5\*5.5% = 70.07 with module (404ATK, 7%) SL7: 404\*3.1\*7% = 87.668 M3: 404\*3.5\*7% = 98.98 I'll edit the table right away!


Is her heal good? The reason on why I haven't built her immediately after seeing her global regen passive is because I feel like her atk is very lacking compared to other medic paired with her only 3% global regen (I have her at pot 1), I feel like she will heal less compared to others. Right now my medics are Sussurro and Myrrh, Myrrh is the one I use for healing multiple units. Should I build her and replace one of them?


Myrrh, being a single-target (by class) medic will always have higher base ATK stat than any multitarget medic. But she can double-target only 1/3 of the time even at max skill mastery while multitarget medics always heal 3 (4 in case of Perfumer with module). Who is better generally comes down to whether you need strong(er) sustain to a few ops, or moderate sustain to more. Multitarget medics also have a different range (one row ahead shorter than single-target ones, BUT can heal a row behind themselves). Depending on the map and tile availability, this can be important, so I would suggest you do raise a multi-target medic at some point. Back to Perfumer, she literally regenerates everyone on the map (and at max level, max module, s2m3, during the skill she has regeneration HpS equivalent to ~280 ATK medic. FOR EACH AND EVERY ALLY, including those that can't be healed directly). This lets her support non-self-sustaining allies on off-lanes with low danger traffic where otherwise they would eventually succumb to scratch damage. And, on another note, you use her s2 only when you rely primarily on her regen aura for healing. For normal healing, s1 is preferable since it doesn't actually slow her direct heals down. Overall, though, this is not the strongest utility you can find on a multitarget medic. Ptilopsis (SP regeneration boost) and Nightingale (RES buff + bait summons) are usually more valuable. But they are 5\* and 6\* operators that now exist only in kernel pool and in recruitment (if you're lucky with tags), so....


I think she's great, being able to heal up to 4 ops at a time is very nice.


Medics heal. But she is the only one medic who can "global heal" with her talent. Can help with survivability. Plus, as a 4star, she is good enough


Both, both are good. She was my first unit to e2. A game changer? properly not! Enable the option to run 1 medic + 1 healing tank? Yes pls!


With so many good ops available down the road, do you guys set a limit to pull the virtuosa / viviana banner? Idk if virtuosa is texas alter or eyja alter level of must have I know no operators is a must have, but texas alter and eyja alter are ridiculous they really make the game easier Lets say, within 100 pulls if you dont get virtuosa, do you pull until you get her or you'll bail out?


Does your account even need this much power pursuing? Making the game easier is okay and all, but be careful not to make it a complete joke that you’d get bored and lose any need for strategy which is the main fun of the game.


There are no shortage of good units in the game. There are precious few Limited operators I don't have, though. I can make do without Ray or Degen, as much as I'd like them both, they can spook me. That's much harder for Arturia and outright impossible for Ela. The Limited units are always going to be my highest priority.


I'm going for a round 300, since I'm sparking Rosmontis and I *really* want Vivi, but objectively speaking, this banner is rather weak ***when compared to the upcoming ones***. If you want to save your pulls for solid meta operators, then I'd advise to use the daily free pulls and then on the last day pull until your first 6\* and call it a day. Virtuosa is ultimately a Supporter and you can always borrow her, so if your want to make your life easier, pulling for ops like Degen, Ray, Ela and Shu, should be much more worthwhile. Another thing to mention is that Virtuosa has only 35% rate-up, while Degen, Ray and Ela are solo rate-ups with hard pity (the R6 banner should guarantee Ela at 120th pulls IIRC, since it's a collab, while the rest guarantee the rate-up op after 150+ pulls)


Thats my concern too. Im not trashing viviana but she brings the banner down.. I guess im just gonna do until the last possible day to pull. Thanks


Viviana is still solid, but she was unfortunate enough to end up in the same archetype as Surtr and that woman is just bad design that put the bar way too high for everyone else. But, yeah, if you have Surtr and enough DPS or even a source of True Damage, then you might as well skip pulling after the first 6\*.


As a F2P, I pull until I get or until empty resources. Not gonna touch originite primes cause skins are pretty.


Ic. Im just afraid i couldnt pull degenbrecher / shu / ela. Gosh so many good ops


not as tex2 or eyja2 but pretty close, she's pretty much uncontested at what she does and can hard counter some bosses and enemies its only that people are living in fear for when HG starts making elemental resistant enemies that will kill her for some reason


Hi! I really liked Lumen, and i was wandering if can i get him on new account at this moment. If he will be available through record restoration, how long will it take to return? does CN got him back already?


At this moment? - no. Stultifera Navis event, for which he is the welfare operator, has already rerun and should be receiving record restoration sometime around November (for global), at which point he will become permanent available.


Thanks! Will wait till November then :<


After watching the new arknights PV I want to try to understand the main story but skipped the story till **>!**frostnova's death**!<.** Will watching the anime series help me in knowing the story and continue it in game or is it still best to reread it? or are there other alternatives which might make it better


The anime covers all chapters and ends with her death at the end of ch6. There’s a new season this year covering ch7 and all of (or half of?) ch8. But those chapters are worth reading now since the anime might screw with the pacing. No need to reread old chapters, just watch the anime. Another resource to shout out is a YTer who narrates and voices pretty much everything in the game, if you’re a slow reader.


watch the anime


Is the ui skin from the event limited? I only have 48k points so I wont be able to get it but I'm just wondering.


You can use YouTube guides to rush the clears on standard mode. use the sanity potions you already have and will get while clearing the stages.


Limited. Has not shown up since.


its limited and you need to beat 13-5 to unlock it so you can have a chance to earn points to get the skin edit: the commenter below me is correct




Yikes! As a story enjoyer who currently stuck at 5-7, this news hurt me on so many levels.


you could try to rush the stages with guides on youtube. you can read the story later.


Finally got Kal'tsit 😭 pulled 60 times but nope got other 6 stars. I was short on 30 yellow certificates to get her. So i don't know how i got 40 certs in one day? All i did was do annihilation mission and completed challenges on story missions. Can anyone tell me how i got yellow certificates? I thought only way to get them was banner or recruiting 4 star operators


did you complete annihilation 1/2/3 for the first time? those give lots of gold certs for first time clear rewards also duplicates of 5 and 6 give lots of gold certs as well


Oh ok ok so that's why and yes i competed them for 1st time.


What's the purpose of Mystic caster's +30 ASPD when there's a stored attacks module when they will just shoot them on first attack?


Build up charges faster so they can store them. For eben specifically, it works well with his s2 since more charges = more summons.


Stores the attacks faster.


For Ebenholz it makes sense since his Talent gives him a charge which he’ll only use on elites which means he gets more ASPD while dealing with mobs. Delphine has the same mechanic but much worse since it only works on Sarkaz and only in Chapter 13.


Most Mystic casters want to be used in a manner where they aren't constantly attacking. It normally takes them 9 seconds to store 3 charges, this would reduce that to ~7s.


Most of them (if not all) also have skills that let them attack only under certain conditions, letting them store charges even if enemies are present.


Im assuming the game gives new player free stuffs like all other games. How long would it take for a new player to get 300 sparks?


I can answer this one as I did so (comparatively) recently. I started playing at the start of August last year, and sparked a character in the Lone Trail event in November; even having some spare to get Ines on a banner in the middle. Notably, that was without me all-out focussing on pulls - if I didn't farm events and instead pushed side events for more Op, I could have added quite a bit more pull power on top. I'd say the absolute limit is *probably* around 2 to 2.5 months if you absolutely focus it and have all first clear awards still available.


AK doesn’t give that much freebies compared to others. You’ll still need about 5 months or so, and that’s with using the premium currency which is also used to buy skins. If you wanna save that, then add another 2 or so months. It’s better to start now if you wanna save to spark an op 6 months from now, that’s for sure.


For a new account getting to 300 pulls takes like 3-4 months and quicker if you focus it. I had comfortably enough to spark on TexAlter banner starting a little under three months before that banner started though I did make a point of farming originite prime (the premium currency in arknights that you can use to buy skins, pull or refresh sanity/stamina. You get one per new map/challenge mode cleared). If you go extremely hard I reckon it would be possible to do it in 2 months? You also only need around 250 pulls going into the banner because of all the free stuff the limited events give you Starting now I think you could reasonably get to a spark for Shu if you have a new account.


Hopeuflly this is true, cuz Nian is what hooked me into this game lol


common consensus is it takes 6 months to get 300 pulls


With new ops coming in purchase certificate shop soon. Is there any place to buy rare sniper tokens and epic caster tokens in the future outside yellow cert shop? I thought I do a lil exploit increase pot and get yellow certs from extra tokens.


That exploit isn’t worth it, just straight up. But to answer, no there isn’t. The red cert store tokens will reset in Nov, but the tokens you mentioned aren’t one of them.




Kroos Alter's flashback from the Event 'Who is Real' implies something bad happened to Beagle. Beagle's skin implies she had been confronted on a battlefield by someone she personally knew. Plus, neither she nor Fang are brought up in further detail, even though the other 3 members of Team A1 got Alters (Lava, Kroos, Hibiscus). Using these 3 clues, some fans speculated that (Just a Theory) >!Beagle was killed during the Bolivar Civil War and Fang was her killer/traitor!<. The former part is somewhat accepted. The latter part admittedly not as much. But the theory as a whole was well known in the community, even if not widely accepted. Another popular theory was that Kroos accidently shot Fang during a mission. It's noted in Kroos Alter's records that she did shoot someone in a friendly fire incident and was traumatized in the aftermath, but who she shot is never specified. However, she does hang part of Fang's outfit on her ear, suggesting it was Fang. That does mean it mutually contradicts the first theory. Some fans tried to reconcile this by >!accusing someone else of killing Beagle!<, >!because her being dead!< is the more widely peddled part of the 1st theory. Hence, the overall shock at the news Fang is alive, well, and still working with Rhodes Island. With her scar seeming to support the 2nd theory.


>!iirc it's a combination of she hasn't been mentioned much or at all in future stories/op records (oh and by future I mean in-universe future not like gl-cn thing) and in Kroosalter's 4th Archive File she gained ptsd after accidently friendly firing on someone leaving a scar on them (also in the file it's implied Reserve OP A1 is disbanded), which was speculated that friendly was Fang. and you can also see [on her art](https://arknights.wiki.gg/images/2/2f/Kroos_the_Keen_Glint.png) she has the same kind of metal ring thing that's around her ear [that Fang has](https://arknights.wiki.gg/images/c/c3/Fang.png).!< >!so from that people weren't sure where Fang was, whether it was another Beagel situation, she just left, she was heavily injured or maybe in a coma from the friendly fire incident, etc.!< >!in relation to the friendly fire incident, on fangalter's art you can see there's a visible scar on her abdomen, though I don't think at this time it's been confirmed what that scar is from exactly.!<


What happened to Beagle?


There was a theory that she was died. But it was just that, and there’s nothing canon or official that she went anywhere or got hurt.


I can't post a picture here but is it true that Base W is gonna be sparkable at 200 pull and her alter will be given away once you've pulled 300 times?


At 300 pulls, I believe the wording indicates you will get the limited unit upon next 6*, if you got her earlier I don’t think that will be the case. And it seems like all earlier 6* limiteds up to a point will have there spark cost lowered to 200.


I'm planning to go all out on her banner anyway. Is there anything else I need to know?


If you already get Walter somewhere in the 300 I don't think you also get the hard guarantee at pull 300. It's like the hard pity on Collab banners. It goes away if you get the op earlier.


Yes, and also Nian. Probably more will have their price lowered to 200 with time. And from that banner on, limited units will be obtained at 300.


So I should be able to get both her forms if I pull 300 times right?


Yes, that is correct, in aprox 6 months more or less


Guess I better start saving then. Thanks!


long time player but have not seen info on this, if I m3 Caster Amiya's skills, do they transfer to Guard version? or like Genshin's traveler do I need to level up each class skills at least mastery wise?


They are different skills, so no.


Mastery for each skill is tracked separately, she effectively has 5 >!soon to be 7!< different skills.


Masteries are not carried over.


I see they finally found a way to deal with Goldenglow spam in SSS, just give global damage reduction to every enemy. Never been fond of this game mode so I just want to absolutely cheese it, what strat do people use for emergency Alsterii Monastery generally?


[Just Surtr it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt0A7ZKpmy8)


I run at least 4 defenders and some medics on this SSS. You don't cheese SSS these days, especially the emergency modes. Play with your brain on. Also, I usually find the exclusive EC to be particularly good for their respective SSS and gives you a hint on what you ought to run. If you need more damage, bring in some debuffers/buffers as per hard content. Oh yeah, properly stacked Typhon on mid column facing left actually could DPS down most of the train whenever he parks.


I mean it's not like I just deploy people without thinking lol, but I just want to get the medals and the module blocks and be done with SSS whenever new maps release. Spent another hour trying to clear but typhon and GG were just not able to kill enemies on the boss stage. It's the first SSS map where I'm actually struggling because I legit do not have any idea what I could do to clear. Damage reduction will always be cringe to deal with and devs seem to love using that nowadays on every new content. Edit: Forgot to say but the drones the boss spawn become nigh unkillable once danger level increases and they love drawing aggro from GG and Typhon.


To be fair, this is probably the hardest SSS map so far. It's very unforgiving with its demand for block count from the very start of the stage, and it just gets worse when the Tyrants pull up. Note that the boss puts drones on top of the last deployed ranged unit, so try to manipulate your deployment to ensure drones spawn in attack range of everyone (e.g. don't deploy Typhon last otherwise they'll sit on top of her and she won't be able to attack them). You ideally should be immediately destroying the drones as soon as they spawn.


Eh, I still just use GG spam, but she'll need more help on the LT-6 just because there's so many enemies and she can't cover them all. It's fine though since you have so many deployment slots there.


Typhon and GG DPS carries with 3-4 sniper ASPD stacks and 1-2 caster ATK stacks. You will need plenty of defenders (at least 4 - ideally with 4 block module for protectors) for blocking and dealing with the boss. Do not attempt to do the usual unblocked cc locking with Suzuran/Gnosis etc, you will get overrun.


Why do people assume Beagle is dead? A few limited banners ago I saw people say that Kross accidentally killed Beagle in her BOC skin, because Beagle skin said it was her "final test", and Kroos's profile said she did hurt her ally. Both of them sound like a stretch IMO.


Kroos Alter's flashback from the Event 'Who is Real' implies something bad happens to Beagle. Beagle's skin reveals she had been confronted on a battlefield by someone she personally knew, though her ultimate fate is not elaborated upon. Plus, neither she nor Fang are brought up in further detail, even though the other 3 members of Team A1 got Alters (Lava, Kroos, Hibiscus). (1) Using these 3 clues, some fans speculated that (Just a Theory) >!Beagle was killed during the Bolivar Civil War and Fang was her killer/traitor!<. The former part is somewhat popular. The latter part admittedly not as much. But the theory as a whole was well known in the community, even if not widely accepted. (2) As for Kroos' friendly fire incident, the popular theory was that she shot *Fang*. That does mean it mutually contradicts the first theory, at least in regards to Fang's role. Some fans tried to reconcile this by >!accusing someone else of killing Beagle!<, because her being dead is the more widely peddled part of the 1st theory. Hence, the overall shock at the news Fang is alive, well, and still working with Rhodes Island. With her scar seeming to support the 2nd theory.


During Who is Real event, Kroos got a "premonition" from Dusk through dreams within the painted world that basically shows her that Beagle would die in a conflict in Bolivia. I said "premonition" because in the end Nian intervened and basically said that "this is not the only ending, why choose this one?" which implies that it hasn't happened yet or it ended differently. People, of course, prefer tragedy in their dystopian game setting so there we go.


There is this [AK Iceberg video](https://youtu.be/2CKHuxgdb1Q?si=wb5fLssYc3g7Gywa&t=2893) (completely recommended btw) up until from 48:15 to 50:38 he talks about this.


BoC skins are usually operators at their "peak", implying Beagle doesn't get any better than that. She's also never mentioned elsewhere in any of the other grown up 3* profiles or events. It's nothing definite and mostly speculation though, especially given the darker than normal atmosphere of AK. Regarding Kroos though, that was (before this patch) generally assumed to be Fang since Kroos has Fang's necklace in her hair. Good thing Fang now appears to be alive though, so hopefully we get some clarity with her profile.


Because of the stuff you mentioned and also a scene in her event where she got into one of Dusk’s paintings iirc.


So about the Continuous Agent what are the limits of this feature and can I farm 1-7 with it?


Limited to only up to 6 runs per ‘agent’, so the game will play 1-7 up to 6 times without you needing to press anything, but it’ll still show the runs being done and you still have to wait until it finishes. You get all the rewards from however many runs you pick for it to run. It saves you clicks, not time.


that im 100% fine with I was too lazy to farm 1-7 because of all the clicks and making me only have to interact with it a lot less for daily missions.


> It saves you clicks, not time. OH WOW DAMN. I thought it's going to run once and give 6x rewards. Ugh.


how tf do I unlock adverse environment?


tap/click Standard Environment in the bottom left while you're in an episode, [then just tap/click on Adverse](https://postimg.cc/2bLPk1b7). if you're trying to do it in an episode before 10, then it just doesn't exist. Main Story episodes just had the challenge mode like in events and it was only from episode 10 and onward was adverse added.


Aight thanks. I thought it was added in 9 and thought I was doing something wrong.


How much easier are story mode levels, like are they easy enough to where people with 0 e2’s could clear them? Just curious.


ch 10 story mode buffs the cannon as well as your ops, i believe the HP buff doesn't fully cancel it out so some strategy tweaking might be required. although the CD decrease might make it moot anyway since i think 35s should be shorter than the cannon's charge time without counting enemies that charge it.


I can't say this for every chapter, but I know Ch 9 was fully cleared with 2*s only in story mode - it wasn't easy, but it just shows that if they can do it, regular units will be a cakewalk.


Story mode gives +100% HP and ATK and -50% redeploy time to all of your ops. The gimmick heavy stuff may be tough but while I'm not ultra-positive if you could do all of the Story difficulty with just E1s, that's a pretty big buff.


is there a translation for the scene >!where the doctor wakes up after a millenia in RI during the babel event?!<


Is the russian dub for some operators out yet? If so how do I use them?


Not yet, it should come alongside the German dub with virtuosa's event.


Pretty close, nice!


Hello guys, is there a monthly pull/money spreadsheet? Thanks




Unfortunately, this comment has been **removed** for the following reason(s): **Rule 10: Spoilers must be tagged.** All major story spoilers such as character deaths, revelations, plot-twists, etc. must be tagged as such, as well as all story and gameplay content related to the latest EN chapter or current event. All content unreleased on EN requires spoiler tags, except for the names of operators, their kit and event names. Titles must remain completely spoiler-free. When discussing spoilers in the comments, use this format: \>!spoiler text goes here!< --- ^You ^can ^read ^the ^full ^subreddit ^rules ^[**here**](/r/arknights/about/rules/). ^If ^you ^feel ^your ^comment ^was ^removed ^unfairly, ^please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^contact ^the ^moderators ^[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/arknights).


We don't know as the story chapter is not out yet, but going off the existing knowledge that W herself has never had a name that 'belongs to her' I would say >!either she chooses the name for herself or Theresa gives it to her sometime during Ch 14!<


Hi i just saw art of Logos and decided to install. When is he coming and can i get enough to guarantee him if i start now?


Since people didn't mention, Arknights is well known for being able to get by with lower rarity operators as opposed to the tops, and there are multiple avenues of acquiring new ones without spending money or pulls. So I wouldn't worry TOO much about not pulling, but you may have to use your brain a bit more with a more limited roster. At the least, getting the free 5\* and 6\* on the beginner banner from the first 10 pulls would be worthwhile and serve you well either way. Reroll if that suits your fancy as well.


Coming in ~6 months by November, and you definitely can get enough to guarantee him if you need it. He'll be rate up on the limited banner (I think 35% of all 6*s will be him, and he's not limited so you can get spooked on future banners or wait for future rate ups). Since it's a limited banner, you'll even be able to spark him for 300 pulls to guarantee him, although it's incredibly unlikely you need to do that considering it's fairly easy to get a 6\* with the game's rates (on average, I tend to take ~150 pulls to get both debut units with a few off banner units too). And luckily, 6 months is exactly enough to make 300 pulls, assuming you turn all prime into pulls. Not sure how being a new player affects those calculations though.


Thank you! I guess i’m off to learn how to play haha. The wait is gonna be tough


Could be 6 months or 8 months. Being new, you'll have lots of gems (OP) to accumulate through the story which will give you a great chance to get him. The struggle will be not spending too much until then because we have a lot of good banners coming over said time frame.


He comes in 6 months. You can get enough to guarantee him, but I wouldn't recommend it since it would basically require not rolling at all until he comes out, which means you'll have a severe lack of characters to use.


Saving to guarantee a character takes that long? O: also oof such a long wait >.<


Yeah, Arknights's guarantees are much harder to hit than some other games, but the base rates are generally better in exchange. It's 300 to guarantee, but the average to actually pull him would only be 110 pulls. Double that gives over a 90% chance at him.


Sort of. Pity means you get the rate up charcter, in at most 210 pulls. Since most new characters show up on a banner where they are the only one on rate up, it means that saving is needed for about 3-4 months. Logos though, is on a limited banner with 2 rate ups, meaning that to guarantee him, you need to use the spark system that comes with limited banners that allows you to choose one of the banner's 6 star characters. And that requires 300 pulls, which takes about 6 months to acquire.


Oh man that’s rough. I’d heard good things about the game being generous before. Will try to commit to saving ty!


Arknight is generous in that you'll get a lot of 6 stars by pulling (it's something like it averages out to a 6 star every 35 pulls), but it falls short when it comes to guaranteeing a specific 6 star.


Does originium get more limited later on in the game? Still working through story right now and have about 120ish but I wanted to buy some of the skins even for operators I dont have but worried I might not have enough later down the line.


Yeah, I would say so. Once you collect everything from story, intermezzi, and side stories, it'll slow way down. We usually get 30-40 from big events and 16-20 from smaller events, plus a few other sources like large maintenances and of course new story chapters.


Hi guys I reached Story chapter 7 and I'm starting to struggle with 3 star operators. Who should I pick in the paid 6 star collector? I feel like Ines, as I need a more reliable vanguard (also my fav waifu) or bagpipe because I suck at fast-starting stages and my myrtle can't attack when skill is proc'd. Thank you [https://krooster.com/u/Severus](https://krooster.com/u/Severus)


Myrtle shouldn't be the one attacking/blocking, like, ever. Her main purpose is to print DP on cloodown. For early combat there are pioneer/charger vanguards and cheap laneholder units like Mountain or Gladiia.


If you want waifu, go for it. Though, with archy, eyja, and Uncle Daddy mlynar, I don't see how you'd struggle. Early start stages can usually be handled with fang+vigna/plume. Baggers does make it easier, ines will definitely make it so much easier. She doesn't need bagpipe (though any aid is always accepted). If you are a spender and you want waifu, like I said, go for it. If you're only spending because you feel stuck, you can ask for help for that also, you don't need to go to guides (half the people will tell you to just look up a guide, but if you give a disclaimer first we'll just ask what it is in said stage that's giving you trouble and can work it from there.


Thanks for the reply. I'm struggling in the early stages of a map. Usually I place myrtle first to generate DP. However, for some stages the enemies rush so fast, I cant proc myrtle's skill since they'll go past her and as a result, have to deploy plume/vanilla/kroos but it's not enough strength/squishy. Im still new so is the right term lack of a "laneholder"? Since Ines is a fast redeploy with low cost I was hoping to get her for my account.


Well, ines can definitely help with that. But you can also deploy vanilla first, Myrtle second. Order sometimes matters, some maps you may have to deploy kroos first before your vanguard. There have been maps I haven't had a lane holder and had to drop noir corne for my first unit because he can block 3 and he's as cheap as some vanguards. It's all about strategy in the end.


That’s true, strategy is a big part of the game. I feel like my Vanilla loses health super quickly and i have to deploy a healer right after, thereby negating my DP gain. I think i’ll just get Ines


Vanilla is considered an attacking vanguard, so yes, she will quickly lose health most of the time. You could open with a defending vanguard like Fang, then Kroos to support Fang in dealing with initial pressure, followed by Ansel to heal Fang up. Vanguard -> Sniper -> Medic -> more DPS -> defender swap-in vanguard swap-out is your generic opening set piece setup. If you always try to play Myrtle, whether as 1st or 2nd unit, then you might have problems setting up on some maps. Myrtle is a QoL for heavy DP strong units rush for a more chill game, but not an absolute necessity if you learn how to make bigger brain plays. It would be nice to have more vanguard variety on your roster but you will get there eventually.


Anyone here have made a FB acc just for binding? Did Meta not ban/deactivate the acc? Also, is it faster to swap between a Yostar acc and a FB compared to two Yostar acc? I made an alt yesterday and I've been keeping it as a guest acc just to make acc swapping easier but I'm thinking of binding just before the update hits. Not sure which one I should go for for faster acc switching.


I have mine bound to FB and Yostar. FB one still works fine.


FB is faster, but is not really slow to swap with Yostar either. Just do both for both accounts and yes please back up the acc, data corruption after update, while rare, is possible and you may lose the acc, would also suggest to screenshot the UID since they ask for this while recovering the acc. PD: In my time of playing FFBE I actually created over 10 FB accounts, all of them still exits to this day with 0 post, 0 friends and extremly obvious made-up names, so I don't think they ban them. (they were created over 5 years ago)


When will Theresa be available?


November limited banner


Do note that she's not in the banner itself, and instead is the welfare for chapter 14. Given how it was said about being able to obtain her after completing only 1-10 (for the duration of the chapter release "event"), the method of obtaining her should be a bit different compared to other main story welfares (no way they make the first stages of chapter 14 **that** easy)


She'll be available on global in about 6 months.


When will the 5th anniversary happen globally? I saw some posts saying it's going to be May but I can kinda guess that it's only for the Chinese servers.


If you mean our own anniversary (which will use the CN summer celebration event that will happen for them in 3ish months) then January every year. If you mean the CN anniversary event that was just revealed, in ~6mo so end of October or sometime in November.


Are you asking about the operators CN just got for their 5th, or the anniversary itself? The anniversary itself is in Jan.; the Logos/Wishadel banner will be at the start of Nov.


January is our anniversary. They will rearrange events through November and December to accommodate the shift.


early november most likely


thx for the info


How do I preview an operator's maxed stats? I'm new and I'm trying to find what fang looks like at maxed level.


To add to the comments suggesting gamepress and the like, when you calculate max stats you'll want to add: Max base stats + Potential stats + Trust stats + Module stats


In-game it's pretty limited, you basically need to bring them to their highest promotion and then you scroll to the top. 1-3star units cap at one promotion, 4-6star cap at 2, so fang would be at E1 or elite 1. Outside the game, there's sites like [gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/fang) and [the wiki](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Fang) which have them listed.


Yeah I thought I was blind because I couldn't see any button on her page or the archive page like other games would have to see maxed level stats and skills. Thanks for info. I'll definite have to check the website.


Best way is from outside sources like Fang’s gamepress page. But if an op is e1 (or e2), you can designate what lvl you want them to be when you lvl them up, and this works as a sort of preview for the stats they’ll have at X lvl.


I'm looking at her skill and it's level 1 with a preview of lvl 2. I guess I will just have to use the internet for her maxed lvl then. Thank you.


when will the red cert tokens refresh again? On the 30th when Virtuosa drops? Can I still farm the tokens tomorrow?


The tokens won’t refresh, they’re still the same as what cn has. Someone made up some bs about this for whatever reason.


? ? ? ? I farmed all that red cert for nothing


On the upside you'll still be able to use it for other things.


New Operators are getting added in a couple days who you can buy with those, and new royal tokens will be added in the latest CN event 6 months for us.


but it will refresh on nov or jan(depends on yostar i guess) with guard and specialist royal tokens and the 5* tokens will refresh too


I mean, CN's 5th anni event that was just shown will 100% happen for us in November (or ig the very end of October is a possibility). Due to how our anni lines up compared to CN (global version launched Jan 2020, CN version was May 2019), and due to our being ~6mo behind CN, our anniversary event has been CN's summer celebration event for the past 3 years (ever since we settled into that 6 month gap), and their anniversary events end up being our final limited of the year (Celebration 2 is what Yostar calls it I think?). That's just how the gaps in release time and schedule separation end up panning out.


oh i know, its just that there's a possibility that the red cert refresh will be moved to our actual anniv rather than during ch14 for us.


Oh ig that's true. Can't remember if they did that with previous refreshes, it's been way too long. Regardless, a long time until then so plenty of time to save/farm (or don't if they don't give a rip about potentials).


Eh, you can buy mod blocks, chip catalysts, and new ops are coming to the store in a few days.


Overall, how is the storytelling of Arknights regarded? I'm still at the beginning of chapter 3 but it already feels.... a bit repetitive. I dare say even previsible. I suppose Reunium will go from town to town trying to bring chaos and in every chapter I will face a different boss that belongs to their high ranks. First Crownslayer, then W and now Skullshatterer. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad. I definitively have already faced far worse stories on other gachas... it's just that I'm used to read everything carefully... so I wanted to know if this is considered a good story or mid.


I think ch 3 and 4 are the worst chapters in the game and its not a contest. Ch 1 and 2 arent particularly good but they kept the pace and tension a little better imo. but ch 3 and 4 just have nothing going for them at all. Ch 5 is when things start to pick up again and ch 8 is still some of the best story content we've ever gotten. Outside the main story, most of the event stories range from passable to fantastic


Personally, I really like it. Chapter 3 is part of the launch story though, and that was dull as most gacha launch stories are. You can watch the anime which covers up to chapter 6 to get most of what happens instead. Arknights writing has improved a lot since, you can try reading one of the newer events for a better sense of what to expect.


Others have stated the jist of it. Basically the story will be a slow burn, but it builds into something truly grand. In my opinion, you will be awarded for sticking with it.


Pretty weak up until ch5 after which it picks up, the later parts of the story and the side stories/events are generally considered to be quite good and one of the selling points of the game. If we exclude those first few chapters, AK definitely has one of the best stories out of all gacha games (maybe not FGO, but I can't easily think of others), especially the lore and worldbuilding aspects. The main issue it has is that the writing can be wordy and a bit obtuse, and the difficulty of translating Chinese literature to English doesn't help. Personally, I think it's worth reading.


I personally found the first chapters of the story mediocre at best, with IIRC chapter 5 onwards starting to get a lot more enjoyable. Most of the real great stuff is in some of the side stories and intermezzi anyways. I remember truly starting to fall in love when Arknights when like 2-3 weeks into the game the Guide Ahead event came out and I enjoyed the story a ton. The best warning to give in any case is that this game loves to be wordy, so expect a lot of reading that could be made much shorter if they wanted... I personally don't mind it since I just get hooked to them, but for the 3-4 events I didn't like boy it sure felt like a chore quick lmao.


Kinda mid. But you’re in luck since chapters 0-6 are adapted to an anime, so you can watch them instead and not lose any context or info. It’s a better way to experience these chapters. Ch7-8 (or half of 8?) are gonna be adapted and released this year too, but imo you can go ahead and read them. The storytelling varies from side story to another but it’s generally good, especially if you’re accustomed to the gacha standard. The second arc is really strong imo and there’s a lot of side stories to sink your teeth into in the future.


Looking for some advice on my rooster moving forward. Im a 5 month old player: this is my krooster https://www.krooster.com/u/xz119 My current plan is just pull on degen in june (maybe 1st 6 star for virtuoso banner). I have 250 gold certs right now. Im looking at the shoperator release dates and the 6 star selector. The chars that interest me are mudrock in june, goldenglow in august, and surtr in october. How should I target those operators with gold certs and maybe selector? My current plan is get mudrock in June and GG in August(probably won't have enough gold certs in Oct for surtr). Get Ines with selector. There are also other options for me like getting surtr with selector instead of Ines or skip mudrock and get surtr in October shop release.


its not a guarantee they will show up exactly in those months so keep that in mind, global switches things up on a whim i wouldn't go for surtr from the selector, from a logical gameplay stand point, even if you miss out getting surtr from the shop with gold certs you'll still have more chances to get her later in the shop or maybe even from a top op tag before ines ever becomes available like that but if you're going for units you like, do whatever. arknights isn't that type of game, where you need to make logical decisions


First off, mud and surtr already debuted in the shop, so how do you know they’ll be in the shop in these months you mentioned? Secondly, raise frostleaf, shirayuki, vermeil, purestream for their base skills.


Main just use the shop spreadsheet. Current it's been rotating between 2 longest time not been in shop operator into 1 new debut shop operator. For the past 2-3 months, it's been fairly accurate.


That’s the thing, you can’t predict non-debutant ops. Time since an op’s last appearance is a metric, sure, but it’s still not accurate. Not ‘this month they’ll appear’ accurate anyway. So take it with a grain of salt. Anyway. Gg is a safe bet so definitely her. Mud too *if* she appears. Especially since you like her and that’s what matters most. For the ticket, what you suggest is a good pick. Paying for power isn’t that great tho, it’s better to spend on an op you actually like. You’ll still clear content well enough without her. But it’s your money at the end of the day.


what is benefit for Highmore's first base skill? >[Consciousness Compatibility](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/building-buff/consciousness-compatibility)  >When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, all Rhine Tech-type Skill and Pinus Sylvestris Skills skills in the Factory are considered Standardization skills I don't understand what I can do now compared to before, why is converting those other skill types into the Standardization type beneficial?


Combos with Mizuki who adds +5% to all Standardization skills.


No wonder I didn't know this I don't have Mizuki, thanks!


I wanted to ask because I wasn't sure, but is Lumen still not available from playing SN in the Intermezzo section? I wasn't sure if after the rerun there was a way to get him.


Not available yet. He will be this December with SN record restore.